15_598929_bindex.qxd 8/4/06 12:05 PM Page 407 ACCOMMODATIONS INDEX Note: Page numbers of accommodation profiles are in boldface type. A Conrad Hotel, Dublin, 111 Crescent Townhouse, Belfast, 370, 373–74 Abbeyglen Castle Hotel, Clifden, 300, 327–28 Adare Country House, Adare, 269–70 D Adare Manor, Adare, 29, 93, 270–71 Days Inn Talbot Street, Dublin, 111 Ashford Castle, Cong, 93, 300, 332–33 Delphi Mountain Resort and Spa, Westport, Ash-Rowan House, Belfast, 370, 372, 373 300, 333–34 Atlantic Coast Doyle’s Townhouse, Dingle, 237, 256 Doolin, 299, 300 Dromoland Castle, Ennis, 93, 270, 286–87 Westport, 300, 333 Dunraven Arms, Adare, 270, 271–72 Avenue House, Belfast, 370, 372–73 F B The Fitzwilliam, Dublin, 31, 112, 113, 115 Ballymaloe House, Midleton, 29, 186, 216 Foley’s, Kenmare, 236, 237 Ballynahinch Castle, Recess, 30, 300, 328 Foyles Hotel, Clifden, 300, 328–29 Barnabrow Country House, Midleton, 186, Frewin, North Donegal, 30, 342, 362 216–17 Friar’s Lodge, Kinsale, 186, 225–26 Bewleys Hotel, Dublin, 112, 113–14 Brownes Hotel, Dublin, 112, 113, 114 G Bushmills Inn, Antrim Coast, 30, 373, 400–401 Glenlo Abbey, Galway, 300, 312, 317 Butler Court, Kilkenny, 184, 186–87 Glenview House, Midleton, 30, 186, 217–18 Butler House,COPYRIGHTED Kilkenny, 184, 186, 187 Great Southern MATERIAL Hotel, Galway, 300, 312–13, 317 C Greenmount House, Dingle, 30, 237, Captains House, Dingle, 237, 255 256–57 Castle Grove Country House Hotel, North The Gresham, Dublin, 112, 113, 115–16 Donegal, 342, 361–62 Castlewood House, Dingle, 237, 255–56 H Chart House, Kinsale, 186, 225 Hayfield Manor, Cork, 31–32, 186, 203, 204–5 The Clarence, Dublin, 31, 112, 113, 114–15 Heaton’s Guesthouse, Dingle, 237, 257 15_598929_bindex.qxd 8/4/06 12:05 PM Page 408 408 INDEX Hillcrest View Bed and Breakfast, Kilrush, 270, O 293 Old Bank, Kinsale, 186, 226 Hilton Dublin, 111, 113 The Old Ground, Ennis, 270, 287 Hotel Isaacs Cork, 186, 203, 205 Old Pier, Dingle, 237, 258 Hotel Isaacs Dublin, 112, 113, 116 Old Presbytery, Kinsale, 186, 226–27 J p Jurys Inn Christchurch, Dublin, 112, 113, Park House Hotel, Galway, 300, 314, 317 116–17 Jurys Inn Galway, 300, 313, 317 R Jurys Inn Limerick, 270, 281–82, 283 Radisson SAS Sligo, Ballincar, 340, 342, 343 K Rathmullan House, North Donegal, 31, 342, 362–63 Kilkenny Ormonde, 184, 186, 187–88 Killeen House, Galway, 30, 300, 313–14, 317 S 357–58 L St. Ernan’s House, Donegal, 342, Sallyport House, Kenmare, 236, 237 Lancaster Lodge, Cork, 186, 203, 205–6 Sea Shore Farm, Kenmare, 236–37 Longfield’s Hotel, Dublin, 112, 113, 117 Shelburne Lodge, Kenmare, 31, 237, 238 Lotamore House, Cork, 186, 203, 206–7 T M Temple House, Ballymote, 31, 340, 342, Maddybenny Farmhouse, Antrim Coast, 373, 343–44 401 Ten Square, Belfast, 32, 370, 373, 374–75 Malone Lodge, Belfast, 370, 373, 374 Tower Hotel Derry, 373, 390, 392 Markree Castle, Collooney, 30–31, 340, The Townhouse, Dublin, 112, 113, 119–20 341–42 Trident, Kinsale, 186, 227 Merchants House, Derry, 373, 390, 392 Merrion Hotel, Dublin, 32, 112, 113, 118 W Milltown House, Dingle, 237, 257–58 The Westbury, Dublin, 112, 113, 120 Morrison Hotel, Dublin, 112, 113, 118–19 Westin Dublin, 113 N Z Number 31, Dublin, 32, 112, 119 Zuni Townhouse, Kilkenny, 184, 186, 188 15_598929_bindex.qxd 8/4/06 12:05 PM Page 409 RESTAURANT INDEX Note: Page numbers of restaurant profiles are in boldface type. A Crown Liquor Saloon, Belfast, 32–33, 388 Cruise’s, Ennis, 291 An Café Liteartha, Dingle, 259 An Driochead Beag, Dingle, 262 D An Leath Phingin, Kenmare, 238–39 David Byrne’s, Dublin, 151–52, 163 Auld Dubliner, Dublin, 162 Davitt’s, Kenmare, 240 B Dick Mack’s, Dingle, 263 Badger’s, Derry, 390, 396 Doheny and Nesbitt, Dublin, 163 Ballymaloe House, Midleton, 32, 197, 221 Doyle’s, Dingle, 239, 260 Beatrice Kennedy, Belfast, 370, 385–86 Dunguaire Castle, Galway, 320 Beshoffs, Dublin, 149, 152, 153 Durty Nellie’s, Ennis, 273, 291 Bewley’s Café, Dublin, 150, 160 E Bistro Bianconi, Sligo, 340, 352, 353 Blue Haven, Kinsale, 197, 229 Eamon Langton’s, Kilkenny, 199 Botanic Inn, Belfast, 388 Eden, Dublin, 149, 153, 154 Brazen Head, Dublin, 162 Eglantine, Belfast, 388 Bridge Café, North Donegal, 353, 366 Elephant and Castle, Dublin, 150 Bulman, Kinsale, 230 Ely, Dublin, 149, 153, 154–55 English Market, Cork, 33 C Enoteca della Langhe, Dublin, 149, 153, Café en Seine, Dublin, 162–63 155 Café Sol, Kilkenny, 184, 196–97 Epicurean Food Hall, Dublin, 150 The Castle Inn, Dublin, 163 Caviston’s, Dublin, 150 F Cayenne, Belfast, 370, 386 Farmgate Café, Cork, 197, 203, 212 Chapter One, Dublin, 149, 153, 154 Farmgate Restaurant and Country Store, Chart House, Dingle, 32, 239, 259 Midleton, 197, 221 Ciaran’s, Ennis, 291 Fenns Quay, Cork, 197, 203, 212 The Cloister, Ennis, 273, 290–91 Fenton’s, Dingle, 239, 260 15_598929_bindex.qxd 8/4/06 12:05 PM Page 410 410 INDEX F (continued) Lord Baker’s, Dingle, 239, 261 The Lord Edward, Dublin, 163 Fishy Fishy Café, Kinsale, 197, 229 Foley’s, Kenmare, 240 M Foxy John’s, Dingle, 263 McCormack’s, Westport, 335 G McDermott’s, Doolin, 300 McDonagh’s, Galway, 301, 317, 319 Global Village, Dingle, 239, 260–61 McGann’s, Doolin, 299–300, 301 Goat Street Café, Dingle, 239, 261 Malt House, Galway, 301, 317, 318–19 Green Onion, Limerick, 273, 283, 285 Mange 2, Derry, 390, 396–97 Green Room, North Donegal, 353, 366 Marconi Restaurant, Clifden, 301, 329 Gruel, Dublin, 150–51 Markree Castle, Sligo, 340, 352, 353 Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, 33 Matt Malloy’s, Westport, 335 H Mermaid Cafe, Dublin, 149, 153, 157 Halo, Dublin, 149, 155–56 Michael Deane, Belfast, 34, 370, 386–87 Harcourt Hotel, Dublin, 163 Miss Sushi, Dublin, 150 Hargadon Brothers, Sligo, 353 Montmartre, Sligo, 340, 353 Mother Hubbard’s, Kinsale, 229 I Inn Between, Adare, 272–73 N Irish Film Centre, Dublin, 151 Nash 19, Cork, 197, 203, 214 Itsabagel, Dublin, 150 National Gallery of Ireland Café, Dublin, 151 Neary’s, Dublin, 163 J Nick’s Warehouse, Belfast, 34, 370, 387 Jacob’s Ladder, Dublin, 33, 149, 153, 156 Nimmo’s, Galway, 34, 301, 317, 319 Jacobs on the Mall, Cork, 33, 197, 203, 212–13 O Jacques, Cork, 197, 203, 213 O’Connor’s, Doolin, 300 James Street South, Belfast, 33, 370, 386 O’Currain’s, Dingle, 263 O’Donoghue’s, Dublin, 163 K O’Donovan’s, Midleton, 197, 221–22 K C Blakes, Galway, 301, 317, 318 O’Flaherty’s, Dingle, 263 Kelly’s, Kilrush, 273, 296 Old Bushmills Distillery, 34 Kitty Kelly’s, Killybegs, 353, 360 Oliver St. John Gogarty, Dublin, 151, 163 Kyteler’s Inn, Kilkenny, 184, 188, 197, 198 101 Talbot, Dublin, 149, 153, 158 L O’Neill’s, Dublin, 152 Out of the Blue, Dingle, 34–35, 239, 261–62 La Mère Zou, Dublin, 149, 153, 156 Owenmore Restaurant, Recess, 35, 301, Lacken House, Kilkenny, 33–34, 184, 197, 329–30 198 L’Ecrivain, Dublin, 34, 149, 153, 156–57 P Leo Burdock’s, Dublin, 151 Packie’s, Kenmare, 239, 239–40 Les Frères Jacques, Dublin, 149, 153, 157 Paddy Quinn’s, Ennis, 291 Les Gourmandises, Cork, 197, 203, 213–14 Pearl Brasserie, Dublin, 149, 158 Lime Tree, Kenmare, 239, 239–40 Peploe’s, Dublin, 149, 153, 158–59 Little Skillet, Kinsale, 197, 229–30 Pordylos, Kilkenny, 184, 197, 198–99 The Long Hall, Dublin, 163 The Purple Heather, Kenmare, 239, 240 15_598929_bindex.qxd 8/4/06 12:05 PM Page 411 RESTAURANT INDEX 411 Q The Spaniard, Belfast, 388 The Stag’s Head, Dublin, 152, 163 Quay Cottage, Westport, 301, 335 The Quays, Galway, 301, 317, 319 T Queen of Tarts, Dublin, 152 The Tea Room, Dublin, 149, 153, 159–60 R V Rain City Café Grill, Belfast, 370, 387 The Vintage, Kinsale, 197, 230 Ramore Wine Bar, Antrim Coast, 404–5 Restaurant Patrick Guilbaud, Dublin, 35, 149, W 153, 159 Wagamama, Dublin, 152 The Weaver’s Loft, Donegal, 353, 359 S Weeping Elm, North Donegal, 353, 366 Shanakee, Kinsale, 230 White’s Tavern, Belfast, 388 Spaniard, Kinsale, 230 Wild Geese, Adare, 273–74 15_598929_bindex.qxd 8/4/06 12:05 PM Page 412 15_598929_bindex.qxd 8/4/06 12:05 PM Page 413 SUBJECT INDEX A Abbey(s), 17–18 information, 94 Abbey of St. Mary, 398 Kenmare, 36–238, 237 Black Abbey, 189 Kilkenny, 184, 186–88 Glendalough, 18, 174, 178–79 Kilrush, 270, 293 Jerpoint Abbey, 18, 189–91 Kinsale, 186, 225–27 Kylemore, 18, 303, 309, 325–26 Limerick, 270, 281–82 Old Abbey, 358–59 Midleton, 186, 225–27 Ross Errilly, 307 North Donegal, 342, 361–63 Sherkin, 249 ratings of, 96–97 Sligo, 340, 345–47 reservations for, 95–96 Trinitarian, 272 for seniors, 49 Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 127, 134–35, 160 Sligo Town, 341–44 Accommodations, 93–97 South of Ireland, 186 Adare, 269–72, 270 types of, 93–94 Antrim Coast, 373, 400–401 Westport, 300, 333–34 Belfast, 370, 372–75 Achill Island, 74, 336 best of, 29–32 Adare, 267–75 Clifden, 300, 327–29 accommodations, 269–72 Cong, 300, 330–31 arrival at, 269 Cork, 186, 204–7 attractions, 275–77, 279 costs, 38–39, 93, 95 exploring, 272 Derry, 373, 390, 392 information, 269 Dingle, 237, 255–58 recreation, 274 for disabled visitors, 48 restaurants, 272–74, 273 Donegal Town, 342, 357–58 transportation, 269 Doolin, 299, 300 Adare Manor, 272 Dublin, 95, 110–20 Admission pass, Dublin, 107 East Cork, 186, 216–18 Air travel Ennis, 270, 286–87 airports for, 59–61 Galway, 300, 312–14, 317 Connemara, 322 15_598929_bindex.qxd 8/4/06 12:05 PM Page 414 414 INDEX A (continued) National Museum of Ireland—Decorative Arts and History at Collins Barracks, Air travel (continued) 130, 132, 136 deals in, 39–42 Niland Gallery, 352 Galway, 311 Royal Hospital Kilmainham—Irish Museum within Ireland, 68 of Modern Art, 130, 132, 134–35, 145 Shannon, 269 Ulster Museum, 23, 370, 383, 385 Albert Memorial Clock Tower, Belfast, 377–78 Arthur’s Quay, Limerick, 282 Aliwee Caves, The Burren, 302, 306 Arts festivals, 53–57 Angela’s Ashes, 281–82 Atlantic Drive Animals Cliffs of Moher, 20, 297–98 Achill Island, 336 Connemara National Park, 324 Rosguill Peninsula, 347 Dolphinwatch Carrigaholt, 275, 295 ATMs, 51 Dublin Zoo, 28, 134–35, 147–48 Attractions.
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