7th February 2020 Chairman: Councillor R Carlin Vice-Chairman: Alderman S P Porter Aldermen: A G Ewart MBE, A Grehan and S Martin Councillors: S Carson, A P Ewing, J Gallen, M Guy, S Hughes, J Laverty BEM, U Mackin, John Palmer, A Swan and N Trimble Ex Officio The Right Worshipful The Mayor, Councillor A Givan Deputy Mayor, Councillor J McCarthy The Monthly Meeting of the Corporate Services Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn on Wednesday 12th February 2020 at 6.00 pm for the transaction of business on the undernoted Agenda. Hot food will be available from 5.30 pm in Lighters Restaurant. You are requested to attend. DAVID BURNS Chief Executive Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Agenda 1 APOLOGIES 2 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS: (i) Conflict of Interest on any matter before the meeting (Members to confirm the specific item) (ii) Pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest (Member to complete the Disclosure of Interest form) 3 PRESENTATION BY COMMISSIONER FOR OLDER PEOPLE FOR NORTHERN IRELAND – INVESTIGATION RE DUNMURRY MANOR CARE HOME (6.05 pm) (Item 5.1 refers) 4 REPORT FROM CHIEF EXECUTIVE 4.1 Northern Ireland Local Government Association Annual Investment & Work Plan and Subscription for 2020/2021 4.2 Northern Ireland Local Government Association Strategic Consultations 5 REPORT FROM BUSINESS & DEMOCRATIC SERVICES 5.1 Presentation by Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland – Investigation re Dunmurry Manor Care Home 5.2 Mental Health and Wellbeing 5.3 Suicide Awareness Training 5.4 National Association of Councillors – Meetings 5.5 Knockagh Monument Joint Committee – Maintenance Upkeep Contribution 5.6 Participatory Budgeting – Grand Choice: Report on Event 5.7 Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Policing & Community Safety Partnership Minutes of Meetings 6 REPORT OF HEAD OF FINANCE (ACTING) 6.1 Management Accounts Quarter 3 2019/2020 7 REPORT OF HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 7.1 Local Government Training Group - Continued Delivery of Shared Service 7.2 Elected Member Development Steering Group 8 CONFIDENTIAL REPORT FROM CHIEF EXECUTIVE Members are requested to go to the Confidential Section of the Corporate Services Committee folder on SharePoint to access information 8.1 Mobile Phone/Broadband Sim Card Contract (Confidential for reason of Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person including the Council holding that information.) 8.2 Update regarding Belfast City Council Framework for the Supply of Stationery, IT Consumables and Paper – Inclusion in NI Wide Framework managed by Belfast City Council (Confidential for reason of Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person including the Council holding that information.) 8.3 Procurement of an Integrated HR & Payroll System (Confidential for reason of Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person including the Council holding that information.) 8.4 Recruitment of Post: Project Support Officer, Waste Management and Operations (Confidential for reason of information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the Council or a Government Department and employees of, or office holders under, the Council.) 9 ANY OTHER BUSINESS --ooOOoo-- To: Members of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Corporate Services Committee 12th February 2020 Report from: Chief Executive Item for Decision TITLE: ITEM 4.1 Northern Ireland Local Government Association Annual Investment & Work Plan and Subscription for 2020/2021 Background and Key Issues: The Council has received a letter dated the 13th January 2020 and attendant documentation from the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) regarding its Annual Investment & Work Plan for 2020/2021. Notification of the Council’s calculated subscription for 2020/2021 is also detailed. The Investment & Work Plan is the first phase of NILGA’s Corporate Plan 2019-2023. Agreement on the Investment & Work Plan is sought. The Council’s subscription for 2020/2021 has been calculated at £44,809.00. This represents an increase of £1,199.00 on the 2019/2020 subscription. An invoice is expected on or after the 1st April 2020. NILGA would be happy to meet with the Council to discuss the Annual Investment & Work Plan. Recommendation: It is recommended that:- the Annual Investment & Work Plan of the Northern Ireland Local Government Association for 2020/2021 be approved and that NILGA be so advised after Council’s ratification or otherwise on the 25th February 2020; the Council’s subscription to the Northern Ireland Local Government Association for 2020/2021 be noted as £44,809.00 (excluding VAT) and be paid on receipt of an invoice expected on or after the 1st April 2020; Members consider if they would wish for NILGA to attend a future meeting of the Council or Committee in order to present on the Annual Investment & Work Plan. It is to be noted that the Committee is committed to presentations in March and April 2020. Finance and Resource Implications: From within agreed budget. Screening: Equality and Environmental Rural Impact Good No Impact No Assessment No Relations Assessment SUBJECT TO PLANNING APPROVAL: No If Yes, “This is a decision of this Committee only. Members of the Planning Committee are not bound by the decision of this Committee. Members of the Planning Committee shall consider any related planning application in accordance with the applicable legislation and with an open mind, taking into account all relevant matters and leaving out irrelevant consideration”. APPENDICES: Appendix 1 CE Letter from NILGA dated the 13th January 2020 Appendix 2 CE Annual Investment & Work Plan; Priorities for Policy & Learning Networks; and Subscription details Appendix 3 CE NILGA benefits’ guide Appendix 4 CE NILGA benefits’ guide summary HAS IT BEEN SUBJECT TO CALL IN TO DATE? No If Yes, please insert date: Corporate Services Committee 12th February 2020 Report from: Chief Executive Item for Noting TITLE: ITEM 4.2 Northern Ireland Local Government Association Strategic Consultations Background and Key Issues: Members are advised that in a letter dated the 23rd January 2020, the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) has advised that it shall be consulting on the following strategic consultations in the near future:- Council led reform £3.5 billion Shared Prosperity Fund for Northern Ireland Shared Services The letter - which is by way of prior notification in regard to the above - advises that a Council response shall be sought in respect of each of the consultations. NILGA will then co-ordinate and apply the findings of the consultations with each council and with Solace, and finally will put policy and practice in place during 2020/2021. Recommendation: It is recommended that the content of the letter dated the 23rd January 2020 from the Northern Ireland Local Government Association in respect of forthcoming consultations be noted. Finance and Resource Implications: None. Screening: Equality and Environmental Rural Impact Good No Impact No Assessment No Relations Assessment SUBJECT TO PLANNING APPROVAL: No If Yes, “This is a decision of this Committee only. Members of the Planning Committee are not bound by the decision of this Committee. Members of the Planning Committee shall consider any related planning application in accordance with the applicable legislation and with an open mind, taking into account all relevant matters and leaving out irrelevant consideration”. APPENDICES: Appendix 5 CE Letter dated the 23rd January 2020 from NILGA HAS IT BEEN SUBJECT TO CALL IN TO DATE? No If Yes, please insert date: Appendix 1 CE David Burns Chief Executive Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Lagan Valley Island, The Island Lisburn BT27 4RL 13th January 2020 Dear David I have pleasure in enclosing NILGA’s Annual Investment & Work Plan for 2020/21, as part of NILGA’s all council approved Corporate Plan 2020‐ 2023 for the present electoral term. This year’s work has been designed by your council members, officers and finalised by NILGA’s all council Executive and cross Party appointed officer bearers. We are fully integrated into the work requirements of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council and must recognise the work of your members and officers – this past twelve months, now and into the challenging year ahead, with a productive agenda in terms of our all Council, Member & Officer, Policy & Learning Networks, new to this Corporate Plan and part of the sector’s transformation agenda. The Assembly has returned, and we will be an “ever present” at it, working with and for your council and your 10 counterparts. This is a year of major challenge for local government – financially, legislatively, policy and performance wise. Despite such challenges your team in Lisburn & Castlereagh will have dynamic support from NILGA every day, including lobbying to gain new resources, protect grants, secure a fair and affordable pay deal for council’s 12000 staff, strengthen the NI Local Government Act, get new money rather than increased rates cash into your investment & growth plans, and champion what you do by celebrating and communicating your successes and seeking solutions to service and governance difficulties you encounter with other institutions. The Work Plan regionally (all councils) and specifically for Lisburn & Castlereagh fulfils the
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