SEM Newsletter Published by the Society for Ethnomusicology Volume 38 • Number 4 • September 2004 SEM Soundbyte Rayna Green, 2004 By Timothy Rice, SEM President Seeger Lecturer By Tara Browner, University of How is SEM doing on diversity? California, Los Angeles At the annual meeting in Tucson, the President’s Roundtable on Friday after- Rayna Green, curator of the Ameri- noon is entitled “Diverse Voices.” Se- can Indian Program for the National lected panelists and the audience will Museum of American History at the be invited to raise questions about Smithsonian Institution, will present the whether and to what extent diverse Seeger lecture at the 49th annual SEM points of view are being heard at our meeting in Tucson. Dr. Green, a noted annual meetings and in our Journal, and folklorist, writer, and filmmaker, is prob- whether the Society’s membership is as ably most familiar to SEM members as diverse as the cultures, societies, indi- the producer of the groundbreaking viduals, and groups we study. In addi- Smithsonian Folkways recorded collec- tion, I want us to ask such questions as, tions, “Heartbeat: Voices of First Na- what can SEM do, as an institution, to tions Women” (1995), and “Heartbeat make itself more welcoming to diverse II” (1998). But she has also published points of view? What can SEM members widely on aspects of American folklore, do (and what have they been doing) to material culture, foodways, Native develop a diverse pool of applicants for American material culture, performing graduate and undergraduate study and identity, and Native American represen- for jobs in and outside the academy? tations and identity, greatly contribut- Born in Dallas, Texas, on July 18, What can be done to develop hiring ing to our understanding of the history 1942, Green is of Oklahoma Cherokee philosophies and institutional cultures and creative achievements of Native and German Jewish heritage, and while that seek “diverse voices”? What is North Americans. Continued on page 5 being done to develop and encourage local scholars and scholarship and make their achievements known to the mem- bership of SEM? th My sense is that these questions are SEM 50 Anniversary able to present some special panels matters of some urgency for SEM and Meeting: Atlanta 2005 with invited senior speakers. for many, and perhaps most, of our We are also planning some enjoy- members. The Council last year sup- By Bruno Nettl, , 2005 Program able and inspiring entertainment, in- ported devoting significant time at this Committee co-chair cluding a program both humorous and year’s meeting to questions of this sort, sentimental that should consist of songs, and the formation of a standing commit- The Program Committee for the 2005 poems, skits, stories, reminiscences meeting of SEM, in Atlanta (November about the “early days” (broadly de- tee called the “Crossroads Project on th Continued on page 3 17-20), which will celebrate the 50 fined), how they really were, how they anniversary of the founding of SEM, is now seem to us old-timers, and how busily at work planning some special younger colleagues conceive of them. In this issue... events to celebrate and commemorate Everything and anything from the 1 SEM Soundbyte this event and the early years of our Woody Guthrie mode to Blues Broth- 1 Rayna Green, 2004 Seeger Lecturer Society. The formal listing of themes ers, Cheech and Chong, and beyond. 1 2005 SEM 50th Anniversary Meeting will be published in the next Newslet- Let your imaginations run wild, and 4 Call for Proposals ter, but the history of SEM,and of ethno- send your ideas to me. There’s no 5 People & Places in Ethnomusicology musicology, and related subjects will be deadline, but I’d love to hear from you 9 Grants & Fellowships among them, and the committee urges soon. Please contact: Bruno Nettl, School 10SEM 2004 Conference Program members to be prepared to submit of Music, University of Illinois, 1114 23Society for Asian Music interesting abstracts and brilliant panel West Nevada, Urbana, IL 61801 USA; 23SEM Prizes proposals. We hope additionally to be (Email) [email protected]. 24Conferences Calendar 2 SEM Newsletter The Society for Ethnomusicology and SEM Newsletter Guidelines the SEM Newsletter Guidelines for Contributors Editor, SEM Newsletter Lee, Tong Soon Emory University •Send articles to the editor by e-mail or on a 3.5" disk with a paper copy. Department of Music Microsoft Word is preferable, but other Macintosh or IBM-compatible software 1804 North Decatur Road Atlanta, GA 30322, USA is acceptable. (Tel) 404.712.9481 (Fax) 404.727.0074 • Identify the software you use. (Email) [email protected] Please send faxes or paper copies without a disk only as a last resort. (Website) www.emory.edu/Music • The SEM Newsletter Advertising Rates Copy Deadlines The SEM Newsletter is a vehicle for exchange of ideas, news, and information among the Society’s Rates for Camera Ready Copy March issue.................. January 15 members. Readers’ contributions are welcome and Full Page $200 May issue ....................... March 15 should be sent to the editor. See the guidelines for contributions on this page. 2/3 Page $145 September issue ................ July 15 The SEM Newsletter is published four times 1/2 Page $110 January issue .......... November 15 annually, in January, March, May, and September, 1/3 Page $ 6 0 by the Society for Ethnomusicology. Inc., and is distributed free to members of the Society. 1/6 Page $ 4 0 Back issues, 1981-present [Vols. 14-18 (1981- 84), 3 times a year; Vols. 19-32 (1985-1998), 4 times Additional charges apply to non-camera-ready materials. a year] are available and may be ordered at $2 each. Add $2.50/order for postage. Address changes, orders for back issues of the SEM Newsletter, and all other non-editorial inquir- Internet Resources British Library National Sound ies should be sent to the Business Office, Society for Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, Morrison Archive rd The SEM Website Hall 005, 1165 East 3 Street, Bloomington, Indiana International Music Collection: 47405-3700; (Tel) 812.855.6672; (Fax) 812.855.6673; http://www.ethnomusicology.org (Email) sem@ indiana.edu. http://www.bl.uk/collections/sound- SEM Membership The SEM Discussion List: SEM-L The object of the Society for Ethnomusicology archive/imc.html is the advancement of research and study in the To subscribe, address an e-mail mes- Catalog: field of ethnomusicology, for which purpose all sage to: [email protected]. interested persons, regardless of race, ethnicity, http://cadensa.bl.uk religion, gender, sexual orientation, or physical abil- EDU. Leave the subject line blank. Type ity are encouraged to become members. Its aims the following message: SUBSCRIBE SEM- Ethnomusicology OnLine (EOL) include serving the membership and society at large Free, peer-reviewed, multimedia Web through the dissemination of knowledge concern- L yourfirstname yourlastname. ing the music of the world’s peoples. The Society, SEM Chapter Websites journal. For more information, point incorporated in the United States, has an interna- your browser to: tional membership. Mid-Atlantic Chapter Members receive free copies of the journal http://umbc.edu/eol (home site) and the newsletter and have the right to vote and http://www.macsem.org EthnoFORUM, a.k.a. ERD (inactive) participate in the activities of the Society. Life mem- Mid-West Chapter bers receive free copies of all publications of the Archive at: http://www.inform.umd. Society. Institutional members receive the journal and the newsletter. http://www.wku.edu/midwestsem/ edu/EdRes/ReadingRoom/Newsletters/ Student (full-time only) (one year) ............. $30 Northeast Chapter EthnoMusicology/ Individual/Emeritus (one year) income $25,000 or less .............................. $50 http://web.mit.edu/tgriffin/necsem/ International Council for Tradi- income $25,000-$40,000 ............................ $70 Southwest Chapter tional Music income $40,000-$60,000 ............................ $80 income $60,000-$80,000 ............................ $95 http://www.u.arizona.edu/~sturman/ http://www.ethnomusic.ucla.edu/ income $80,000 and above ..................... $100 SEMSW/SEMSWhome.html ICTM Spouse/Partner Individual (one year) ......... $35 Life membership .......................................... $900 Southern California Chapter Iranian Musicology Group Spouse/Partner Life ................................... $1100 http://www.ucr.edu/ethnomus/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ Sponsored* (one year) .................................. $35 Institutional membership (one year) .......... $80 semscc.html iranian_musicology Overseas surface mail (one year) ................ $10 Southeast-Caribbean Chapter Music & Anthropology Overseas airmail (one year) ......................... $25 *Donated membership for individuals and in- http://otto.cmr.fsu.edu/~cma/SEM/ http://www.muspe.unibo.it/period/MA stitutions in soft-currency countries. Send spon- sorship letter with dues ($35) and postage (either SEMSEC02.htm/ http://research.umbc.edu/eol/MA/ $10 Surface rate or $25 airmail) to the SEM Business index.htm Office. Ethnomusicology Sites Society for American Music Ethnomusicology: Back Issues American Folklife Center The Society's journal, Ethnomusicology, is cur- www.American-Music.org rently published three times a year. Back issues http://lcweb.loc.gov/folklife/ are available through the SEM Business Office, UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive Indiana University, Morrison Hall 005, 1165 East 3rd British Forum for Ethnomusicology
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