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FIG. 6D U.S. Patent Feb. 5, 2008 Sheet 9 0f 32 US 7,326,969 B1 K- 600 683 679 ) \f K ’ Q1 677 2__1_ 221 FIG. 6E K- 600 683 K g 231 FIG. 6F U.S. Patent Feb. 5, 2008 Sheet 10 0f 32 US 7,326,969 B1 r 600 691 693 A A f \ f “ 683) r~J233 ( @ 2_3_1 221 FIG. 66 f 700 673“ 677/“ Q Q FIG. 7A U.S. Patent Feb. 5, 2008 Sheet 11 0f 32 US 7,326,969 B1 s79\g _/679 677/ m _ "\677 Lil ‘ 7 u .221 FIG. 7B 679 \ ) N w INN ._L FIG. 7C U.S. Patent Feb. 5, 2008 Sheet 13 0f 32 US 7,326,969 B1 —l_ 231 m izl @ FIG. 7F '/ 700 233 I1 |._ 231 E 6A A FIG. 76 U.S. Patent Feb. 5, 2008 Sheet 14 0f 32 US 7,326,969 B1 F 800 683 3 .621 a 7 A FIG. 8A F 800 $3 2 1' i 721A FIG. 8B U.S. Patent Feb. 5, 2008 Sheet 16 6f 32 US 7,326,969 B1 ‘ 683A f 800E 683B _31 Q1 } 886 22; 885 721 B FIG. 8E K- 800F 893 \‘ K- 891 233 I/ 6838 531 B 621 B } 886 a 885 721 B FIG. 8F U.S. Patent Feb. 5, 2008 Sheet 18 0f 32 US 7,326,969 B1 mam ll-Il' \ 8w 9E / cow 9%gm \v\l|| / 6w RNSNFL < {My?/j.@?m/<;\\§A“ININ. NJ\W/A \f>0% mlw. nowEN /,JH. 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