Оригинален научен труд Original Scientific Article ECOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Mitko KARADELEV1, Katerina RUSEVSKA1 & Sofija STOJANOVSKA2 1Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences an� �athe�atics,��������� P.�. Bo� 1��, ����rhi�e�o�a �, 1��� S�o��e, the �e� �ublic of �ace�onia ��ace�onian �ycological society, �ycological Laboratory, Faculty of Natural Sciences an� �athe�atics, �rhi�e�o�a �, P.�.Bo� 1��, 1��� S�o��e, the �e�ublic of �ace�onia ИЗВОД Караделев М., Русевска К. и Стојановска С. (2008): Дистрибуција и екологија на видови од родот Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) во Република Македонија. Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите на Македонија со меѓународно учество, 06-09.10.2007, Струга. Посебни изданија на Македонското еколошко друштво, Кн. 8, Скопје. Ова се први податоци за систематски истражувања на родот Phellinus во Република Македонија. Регистрирани се следните 16 вида: Phellinus conchatus, Ph. contiguous, Ph. erectus, Ph. ferruginosus, Ph. har- tigii, Ph. igniarius, Ph. laevigatus, Ph. pini, Ph. pomaceus, Ph. pseudopunctatus, Ph. punctatus, Ph. ribis, Ph. rimo- sus, Ph. robustus, Ph. torulosus и Ph. tremulae. Два вида се ставени во Прелиминарната црвена листа на габи во Република Македонија - Phellnus rimosus, во категоријата на посебно ретки или ретки видови габи и Ph. robustus, како вид кој егзистира на загрозени или ретки станишта. Клучни зборови: Phellinus, екологија, распространување, Република Македонија ABSTRACT Karadelev M., �usevs�����������������a K. & Stojanovs��������������a S. (2008): ������������������������������������������������cology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hy- menochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 06-09.10.2007, Struga. Special issues of Macedonian Ecological So- ciety, Vol. 8, S�opje. This is the first paper on systematic research into Phellinus genus in the Republic of Macedonia. The fol- lowing 16 species have been recorded with the research in the Republic of Macedonia: Phellinus conchatus, Ph. contiguous, Ph. erectus, Ph. ferruginosus, Ph. hartigii, Ph. igniarius, Ph. lae�igatus, Ph. �ini, Ph. �o�aceus, Ph. �seu�o�unctatus, Ph. �unctatus, Ph. ribis, Ph. ri�osus, Ph. robustus, Ph. torulosus and Ph. tre�ulae. Two species are put in the Preliminary Red List of the Macromycetes in the Republic of Macedonia - Phell� nus ri�osus, belongs to the category of particularly rare or rare species and Ph. robustus, existing only in endan- gered or rare habitats. Key words: Phellinus, ecology, distribution, Republic of Macedonia Introduction ka & Papazov 1974; Karadelev 1993, 1995c, 1995d; Karadelev & Rusevska 2000, 2004; Karadelev et In Macedonia systematic research on the ge- al. 2002d, 2003b; Karadelev et al. 2003a; Настов nus Phellinus Quel. (1886) has not been conducted и сор. 1996), Ph. igniarius (Серафимовски & up till now, and there are relatively few mycologi- Грујовска 1959; Tortić 1968, 1987, 1988; Tortić & cal papers concerned only with individual species of Karadelev 1986; Karadelev 1986; Karadelev 1993, this genus. Publications making reference to individ- 1994, 1995b; Karadelev & Savova 1995; Karade- ual species of Phellinus genus are as follows: Phel� lev & Rusevska 2000, 2004), Ph. �ini (Томашевиќ linus conchatus (Karadelev 1993), Ph. ferrugino� 1955, Tortić 1955, Grujovs�a 1972; Tortić 1988; sus (Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karadelev et al. 2002c Karadelev 1993), Ph. �o�aceus (Tortić 1968, 1988; ), Ph. hartigii (Tortić 1967, 1968, 1988; Grujovs- Karadelev 1986, 1993, 1994, 1995c; Karadelev et 197 Mitko KARADELEV et al. al. 2002a, b, c, d, 2003a, b; Rusevska & Karade- the fungarium of the Botanical Department, Facul- lev 2004), Ph. �unctatus (Tortić 1968, 1988; Tortić ty of Science in Zagreb, have been mostly collected & Cekova 1975; Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karade- and examined by M. Tortić. All other species with- lev et al. 2002c), Ph. ribis (Tortić 1988; Karade- out any fungaria marks in the text have been collect- lev 1993, 1999c, 2000b), Ph. ri�osus (Karadelev ed and determined by the present authors. 1999b, 2000a, 2002), Ph. robustus (Pilàt & Lindt- The identification of the species of Phellinus ner 1938; Tortić 1968; Kotlaba 1975; Tortić & Ka- has been done according to Jülich (1984), Breiten- radelev 1986; Karadelev 1993; Karadelev 1995d), bach & Kränzlin (1986), Bernicchia (1990), Lars- Ph. torulosus (Tortić 1968, 1988; Tortić & Karade- en & Cobb-Poulle (1990), Jahn (1990), �yvard- lev 1986; Karadelev 1988, 1993, 1994; Rusevska & en (1991), �yvarden, Gilbertson (1994), Hansen & Karadelev 2004), Ph. tre�ulae (Томашевиќ 1955; Knudsen (eds.) (1997) and Krieglsteiner (2000). In a Koleva-Se�ut�ovs�a 1959; Tortić 1988; Karadelev few cases, the names of the species have been mod- 1993; Karadelev et al. 2002b, c). ified according to Index Fungorum 2005. The spe- Ryvarden in his investigations have shown cies are reported alphabetically. Under each fungal that species of Phyllo�oria (Phyllo�oria ribis (Schu- species data of geographical distribution (distribu- mach.) Ryvarden (syn. Phellinus ribis (Schumach.) tion maps), altitude, forest association, substrate, da- Quél.)) are monomitic and, therefore, excluded these ta source and previous publications are provided. species from Pellinus. Species of the genus Phellinus were creat- Results ed by Quélet. There are lignicolous Hymenomycet- es in order Aphyllophorales (fam. Hymenochaetace- 1. Phellinus conchatus (Pers.) Quél. – Fig. 1 ae). Almost all species of Phellinus cause a decay Collections: MAK, ZA. of white rot type. Many of the species cause decay Ref.: Karadelev 1993. heartwood in living trees. The important characteris- Belasica Mt: Volovarnik, 1250 m, Fagus, tics of this large and cosmopolitan genus are the fol- 27.02.1995, exs. MAK 95/5631; Galichica Mt: lowing: basidiocarps perennial, resupinate to pileate, Gradishte, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis mace- single or imbricate, sessile with decurrent pore sur- donicum, stump of Car�inus orientalis, 14.10.1988, face; pore surface ferruginous brown to dull brown; notes Karadelev; Kozhuf Mt: Chvrstec, 1400 m, pores 2-11 per mm; pores isodiametric more rare- beech forest, stump of Sali� ca�rea, 13.07.2005, ly irregular and angular and slightly split; upper sur- exs. MAK 05/5031; Pelister Mt: r. Magareshka Re- face pubescent to tomentose or becoming glabrous, ka, 1500 m, Prunus cerasifera, 14.07.1989, notes often with a thin black cuticle, ferruginous to black- Karadelev; Skopje: Aerodrom municipality, 250 m, ish brown; margin rounded and obtuse to acute, ster- park, Sali� sp., 06.04.2007, notes Karadelev. ile below; hiphal system dimitic; generative hyphae 2. Phellinus contiguous (Fr.) Pat. - Fig. 2 hyaline to pale yellow, normally septate and thin- Collections: MAK. walled; skeletal hyphae yellowish to rusty brown, Bogdanci: Bolovan, 200 m, Coccife- thik-walled with septa absent and wider than the ro-Carpinetum orientalis, Car�inus orientalis, generative hyphae; hymenal setae and tramal set- 24.11.2007, exs. MAK 07/8368. ae absent or present; basidiospores globose to cy- 3. Phellinus erectus A. David - Fig. 2 lindrical, smooth, hyaline to rusty brown, thin thick Collections: MAK. walled, dextrinoid to negative Melzer’s reagent; ba- Skopje: Gazi Baba, above Faculty of Natural sidia hyaline, globose to clavate, 2-4 sterigmate; all Science and Mathematics, 250 m, �obinia �seu�o� structures dar�ening in 2% KOH. There are parasit- acacia and Quercus plantings, deciduous wood, ic or saprobic species, some of them can be found in 24.10.2007, exs. MAK 07/8311. the boreal-temperature zone and most of them lives 4. Phellinus ferruginosus (Schrad.) Pat. - on hardwoods. Fig. 2 Collections: MAK. Materials and methods Ref.: Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karadelev et al. 2002c. The sources of this list have been papers pub- Bistra Mt.: along r. Tresonechka Reka, 900- lished, exsiccates deposited in different collections, 1100 m, azonal vegetation, unknown substrate, and research notes of the present authors. Some of 06.03.1999, notes M. Karadelev; Galichica Mt: the specimens, as mentioned above, have been pre- Pljus�a, 1000 m, Quercetum frainetto�cerris mace- served at the Botanical Department, Faculty of Sci- donicum, dry branches of deciduous tree, 30.04.2007, ence in Zagreb, and in the National Collection of exs. MAK 07/6881; Kozhuf Mt: between Mihajlo- Fungi (FUNGI MAC�DONICI) at the Institute of vo summer resort and Vasov Grad, mixed forest Biology, Faculty of Natural Science, Ss Cyril and (Fagus, Quercus, Pinus), Fagus, 12.07.2005, notes Methodius University in S�opje. The collections in BSRS; Smrdliva Voda, 750 m, Fagus, 16.05.1994, 198 Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите од Македонија Ecology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia notes Karadelev; vicinity of mine Alshar, ? Cornus Tortić 1968, 1987, 1988; Tortić, Karadelev 1986; �as, 07.2005, exs. MAK 05/8424; Osogovski Plani- Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karadelev 1995b; Karade- ni Mt: St. Joa�im Osogovs�i Monastery, Fagus and lev, Savova 1995; Karadelev, Rusevska 2000; Kara- Quercus forest, rotten wood of Fagus, 12.06.1993, delev, Rusevska 2004. exs. MAK 93/5359; Prespa Lake: rotten wood of Belasica Mt: Tri Vodi vill., Sali� sp. Juni�erus e�celsa, 09.10.2000, exs. MAK 00/2735. 25.02.1989, notes Karadelev; Bistra Mt: Mavro- 5. Phellinus hartigii (Allesch. & Schnabl) vo, Bunec, (experimantal plot),
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