1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3627 By Mr. GUE~TTHER : Two petitiQns of the citizens of Lower Fox the bill (S. Ko.1465) to pro-ride for the ascertainment of claims of Valley, relative to the unprecedented high stage of water in the American citizens for spoliations committed by the French prior to Lower Fox River-severally to the Committee on Commerce. the 31st day of July, 1801, reported it with amendments, and sub­ By Mr. HASELTINE: The petition of L. B. Perkins and 344 others, mitted a report thereon, which was ordered to be printed. eitizens of Missouri, for the enactment of such la.ws as will prevent Mr. WINDOM, from the Committee on Transportation Routes to. the further importation of Chinese laborers-to the Committee on the Seaboard, to whom was referred the bill (S. No. 337) to author­ Education and Labor. ize a preliminary examination and survey of the passes between the By Mr. A. S. HEWITT: The petition of800 business firms of-the a:flluents of the UppeT Missouri and Columbia Rivers, for the purpose - city of New York, in favor of a revision of the tariff on the basis of of ascertaining the disiances between the navigable waters of said free raw materials-to the Committee on Ways and Means. rivers and the practicability ofunitingsaid rivers by canal or other­ By Mr. HOGE : The petitions of William Gerhardt and others, citi­ wi e, reported it with an amendment. zens of Berkeley County; of Jackson Cooper and others, citizens of Mr. MORRILL. I am directed by the Committee on Finance to Upshur County; and of D. B. Purenton and others, citizens of Mor­ report back ad\ersely the bill (S. No. 1732) to refund excessi\e du­ gantown, West Virginia, asking an appropriation of public money to ties levied by O\ervaluation of Austrian paper florin. I will state t he schools of the States and Territories on the basis of illitcracy­ that the existing law provides that- &everally to the Committee on Education and Labor. The value of foreign coin as expressed in the money of account of the United By Mr. JOYCE: The petition of .Mrs. Hannah T. Avery and others, States shall be that of tho pure metal of such coin of standard value; and the urging the passage of the bill for the relief of Dr. Leonard Thresher­ values of the standard coins in circulation of the various nations of the worl<i. shall be estimated annually by the Director of the Mint, and be proclaimed on the t o the Committee on Claims. 1st day of .January by the Secretary of the Treasury. By Mr. MORSE: The petition of Elizabeth A. Blaney and others, fLlr the passage of the French spoliation claims bill-to the Commit­ By this section of the Revised Statutes, section 2564, it would tee on Foreign Affairs. appear that the Director of the Mint makes the estimate annually, By Mr. MULDROW: The petition of J. M. Jordan and others, for and if there should be a fractional variation or change in the course an appropriation for edncationaJ. purposes-to the Committee on of the year, and Congress were to be called upon to rectify any such Education and Labor. changes or mistakes, it would cause an infinite amount of work and By Mr. ORTH: Paper relating to the claim of Captain Samuel trouble. Therefore the committee are unanimous in reporting the Moore, of Indiana-to the Committee on Military Affairs. bill adversely. I mo\e the indefinite postponement of the bill. By Mr. PETTIBONE: The petition of Andre~ Bowman, for a pen­ The motion was agreed to. sion-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. E:~""ROLLED BILL SIG~"ED. By Mr. SPEER: The petition of W. F. Hill, Jasper Poindexter, A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr.l\IcPHERSON, .and others, of Gilmer County, Georgia, for an appropriation to pro­ its Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the House had signed the mote popular education-to the Committee on Education and Labor. enrolled bill (S. Ko. 328) to provide for the sale of the lands of the By Mr. J. T. UPDEGRAFF: The petition of W. G. },nller and 31 Miami Indians in Kansas; and it was t,hereupon signed by the Presi­ ()thers, citizens of GaJ.lipolis, Ohio, for an appropriation ·to promote dent pro tempore. €ducation in Alaska-to the same committee. BILLS Th"'TRODUGED. By Mr. URNER: The petition of Helen A. Newlin, for relief-to the Committee on War Claims. Mr. JONAS (by request) asked and, by unanimous consent, obtained By Mr. VANCE: The petition of R. T. Barton and 150 others, citi­ leave to introduce a bill (S. No. 1836) for the relief of 1\Irs. Eliza Mor­ zens of Haywood County, and of C. B. Justiceand200others, citizens ris ; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accomvanying of Rutherford County, North Carolina, praying Congress to appro­ papers, referred to the Committee on Claims. priate and distribute moneys for the benefit of common schools­ Mr. COKE asked and, by nna.nimous consent, obtained leave to severally to the Committee on Education and Labor. introduce a bill (S. No. 1837) forthe relief of Clark Hayner and his By Mr. YOUNG: The petition of Thomas M. Hunter ::md21 others, sureties ; which was read twice by its tHle, and referred to the Com­ citizens and business firms of Adrian, Michigan ; of Bray & Hayes mittee on Finance. and 40 other business firms in theNew England States Land of Henry 1\Ir. l\IITCHELL asked and, by unanimous consent, obtained leave Interman and 18 others, citizens of New York City, ~ew York, for to introduce a bill (S. No. 1838) granting a pension to Ellen Gilles­ the passage of the bill pending to tax the adulterant known as glu­ pie; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accompanying cose five cents per pound-to the Committee on Ways and lieans. papers, referred to the Committee on Pensions. He also asked and, by unanimous consent, obtained leave to intro­ duce a bill (S. No. 1839) to amend an act relating to the bonds of offi­ cers of the Pay Department of the United States Army, and for the settlement of their accounts; which was read twice by its title, and, SENATE. with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on Militar:£: Affairs. - FRIDAY, May 5, 1882. Mr. :MORGAN asked and, by unanimous consent, obta.ined leave to introduce a bill (S. Ko. 1840) for the relief of Benjamin T. Reilly; Prayer by the Cliaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on The J Olll'nal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Public Lands. PETITIO.XS A1-."'D MEMORIALS. Mr. GEORGE asked and, by unanimous consent, obtained leave Mr. SAUNDERS. Mr. President, I present a petition of the Board to introduce a bill ( S. No. 1841) supplemental to an act entitled "An ()f Trade of Omaha, Nebraska, in favor of an appropriation of a suf­ act granting public lands in alternate sections to the State of Mis­ ficient sum of money t() protect and improve the navigation of the sissippi to aid in the construction of railroads in said State, and Missouri River, and at the same time protect a large amount of prop­ forother purposes," appro\edAugustll, 1856; which was read twice ~rty now liable to loss on account of a change of the channel ofthe by its title, and referred to the Committee on Railroads. river oppo~ite to the city of Omaha. In 1877theriver broke throucrh ~"DMENT TO A BILL. a narrow neck of land at that point and a great bend of about fi~e 1\Ir. 1\IILLER, of California, submitted an amendment intended miles in length was cut off by this break. Congress at the next to be proposed by him to the bill (S. No. 172) to authorize the audit­ session made a small appropriation fortheimprovementofthe 1·iver ing of certain unpaid accounts of the Indian Bureau by the account­ at this point, but the work done was temporary in its character, and ing officer of the Treasury; which was ordared to be printed. the great flood of 1881 carried the most of it out. I move the refer­ ence of the petition and the maps and plans which accompany it to TAX 0~ DISTILLED SPIRIT • the Committee on Commerce, and will ask of that committee a care­ Mr. WINDO::\L In accordance with my notice of yesterday, I sub­ ful consideration of the subject, and the recommendation of such sum mit the following resolution and ask for its present consideration : as may be necessary to do the proper work. Resolved, That a committee of five Senator be appointed b> the Chair, whose The motion was agreed to. duty it shall be to inquire whether any money has been raiseii, by contributions Mr. PLUMB presented two petitions of citizens of Kansa , pray­ or otherwise, from parties in interest, for the p~o e of promoting the passage or defeat of House bill .,. o. 5656, now pending before the Senate Committee on ing for an appropriation for the extension of education to the native Finance, being a bill to amend certain laws on the subject of distilled spirits in people of Alaska; which were referred to the Committee on Educa­ special bonded warehouses, and, ifso , for what use said money has been expended; tion and Labor. and said committee shall have power to send for persons and papers and to em­ Mr.
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