Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs Volume 13 A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Part 2: Taxonomic Article 13 Index 1-1-1992 Supplement to the 1987 Bibliography Stephen L. Wood Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum and Department of Zoology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 Donald E. Bright Jr. Biosystematics Research Centre, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 51A 0C6 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/gbnm Part of the Anatomy Commons, Botany Commons, Physiology Commons, and the Zoology Commons Recommended Citation Wood, Stephen L. and Bright, Donald E. Jr. (1992) "Supplement to the 1987 Bibliography," Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs: Vol. 13 , Article 13. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/gbnm/vol13/iss1/13 This Chapter is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. 1992 WOOD, BRIGHT: BIBLIOGRAPHY SUPPLEMENT L349 Bibliography Supplement The following bihliographv is a supplement to Wood & Bright (1987: 1-685) and lists only that literature missed by the original volume or published since 1987. W'hile the original intent was to cite the names of all species of Scolvtidae and Platvpodidae mentioned in this literature, copies of man\" items could not be found (these are marked by an asterisk [ "] ) and several others were unintentionallv o\erlooked by indexers for reasons unknown to us. schaft fur Allgemeine und Angewandte Ento- mologie, Mitteilungen 5: 77-81. (hb). Franfois. 1986. Utilisation de plieromones Abgrall, Jean Albuquerque Lead, Mo.a,cir de. 1941. O expurgo pelas artificielles centre Ips ti/pographus [Utilization of ondas-curtas. Sociedade Brasiliera de Agronomia, artificial pheromones against Ips tiipooniplins]. Rio de Janeiro, Revista 4: 319-328. (en). Bulletin English and Russian summaries. Eppo "Alden 1930. [Scolyttis nigidosus]. Georgia State Board of 16(4): 633-6.37. (bv en). Entomologv; Atltinta, Bulletin 71: 31. (). Fiunfois, Daniel P. Scirs'ESTER 1987. Abgrall, Je,\n and "Alderman, Gibbings. .a.nd Ru.msev 1913. [Phlocosinus Obser\'ations sur le piegeage de Ips typniiraphtis L. liminaris, Scolyttis nigidosus]. West Virginia Circu- apres chablis [Obser\'ations on the trapping of Ips ku- 7: 30, 35. (). typographus L.]. English summarv'. Revaie "Alekseev, a. v. 1957. K nachozdeniu korojeda roda Forestiere Francaise 39: 359—377. (en). Thamnurgus Eichh. v Kurskoj oblasti. Ucenve Abr.'UUO, .AND O. Wegmuller 1974. Criacao do insecto J., zapisid Orechovo-Zujevsldj pedagogiceskij institut5: cultures puras de Hypocnjphahis mangiferae em 159-163. (). Ceratocystisfrimhriata . Revita Sociedade Br;isileira .\lex.\nder, K. N. a. 1988. Some records of Xylotems de Fitopatologia 3: 31-.32. (ec). signatus (L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Ento- Gunther. P. Sciiicke, O'Sv-kth. 1986. Adlung, Karl and J. mologist's Gazette 39: 326. (ds). Analysis of an investigation on the control of the All\rd. G. B., and D. Moore 1989. Hetewrhabditis sp. spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) by means of nematodes as control agents for coffee berr\' borer pheromones: 1. Planning and evaluation of the indi- Hypothcnemus hainpci Scolvtidae. Journal of Inver- vidual trial [In German, English summary]. Zeit- tebrate Pathologx- 54: 45^8. (ec en). schrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz Allen, ANTHom- A. 1952. Coleoptera at Khole Park, 93:462-478. (bvcn). Sevenoaks, Kent. Entomologists Record 64: 224- Ahern, F. 1988. The effects of bark beetle stress on the J. 228. (ds). foliar spectral reflectance of lodgepole pine. Inter- . 1985a. Platypus pa rallelus (F.) Col, Scolvtidae) again national Journal of Remote Sensing 9: 14.51-1468. captured at light in S.E. London. Entomologists (en). Monthly Magazine 121: 141. (ds). AlSAGBONHl, C. I. 1988. Pest incidence in marketed date . 1985b. The earliest British capture oiScolytus laevis palm fruits in Dutse, Kano State, Nigeria. Date Palm Chapuis (Col., Scolvtidae). Entomologist's MonthK Journal 6: 287-298. (en). Magiizine 121: 198.'(ds). AlTKEN-Soux P. 1985. Quelques mdadies et pestes cou- . 1989. [Note to D. Nash]. Entomologist's Record and rantes du cafeier Feuille d'Extension 59. 5 p. (en). Journal of Variation 101: 1.52. (ds). Akers, R. P.fl"RiCK 1989. Countertums initiated by decrease Allsopp. p. G. 1987. Hypothcnemus californicus Hopkins in rate of increase of concentration. Possible mech- (Coleoptera: Scolvtidae) recorded from Australia. anism of chemotaxis h\ walking female Ips para- Australian Entomological Societs; Journal 26: 322. confiisiis bark beetles. Journal of Chemiciil Ecolog)' (ds). 15: 183-208. (bv). A.M\UN. Gene Doyle. 1985a. A test of lodgepole pine hiLzard Akers. R. P.wrick. wd D.wid Lee Wood 1989a. Olfacton- rating methods for mountain pine beetle infestation orientation responses by walking female Ips pam- in southeastern Idaho. Pages 186-200 in L. coiifusus biirk beetles 1. Chemotaxis assav. Journal of Safranvik, The role of the host in the population Chemical Ecologv' 15: .3-24. (b\). dynamics of forest insects. lUFRO conference pro- . 1989b. Olfactorv' orientation responses by wdking ceedings, Canada Department of the Environment, female Ips paraconfusus bark beetles II. In ;in Forestrv Service luid United States Department of anemotaxis assay. Journal of Chemical Ecolog\' 15: Agriculture, Forest Service, Btmff Alberta, Canada, 1147-1159. (bv)'. September 1983. 240 p. (ec hb). Aksentev. S. I., AND L. N. Ucil.\STNO\A. 1986. Problem of life cvcle. 1985b. The beetle: behavior, biologv, and the svmbiosis of xvlophagous beetles and ambrosia Pages 2-7 in M. D. McGregor iuid D. M. Cole, fungi [In Russian, English summarv]. Nauchnve Integrating management strategies for the mountain Doklady V'ysshei Shkolv, Biologicheskie nauki, pine beetle with multiple-resource management of Moscow 8: .5-22. (ay ec). lodgepole pine. United States Department of Agri- Albert, A. M., and Her.m,\nn Bogenschult/. 1987. Die culture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Bedeutimg nicht aquiJer Arthropoden-N'erteilung Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah. General bei Untersuchungen zur Belastbarkeit von Technical Report INT-174. (bv- hb). Okosystemen [The importance of unequal arthro- . 1988a. Lodgepole pine selection bv mounttiin pine pod distribution in in\estigations of the tolerance of beetle in relation to growth and vigor following thin- ecosystems]. English summan'. Deutschen Gesell- ning. Pages 197-213ni T. L. Payne and H. Saarenmaa, ' 1350 (;reat basin naturalist memoirs No. 13 liitct^rated control of scolvtid l)ark beetles. N'irginia ington State Uuixersitv, {'of)p("rative Extension Ser- PoKteehnic and State Univeisit\, Black.shunj;, Vir- vice, (en). ginia. 355 p. (hvcn). .Amman Gene Doyle, .\nd Richard Fiunklin Sciimit/. 1988b. Monntain pine beetle (Dcndroctoniis poii- 1988. Mountain pine beetle-lodgepole pine interac- derosae Hopkins) infestations in relation to growtli tions and strategies tor reducing tree los.ses. Ambio andxigorof lodgepolepine (Piiiiiscontoiid Douglas) 17: 62-68. (en). following tliinning. International (Congress of Ento- Amm.\n, Gene Doyle. Ralph \V. Thier, Mark D. niologv'. Proceedings 18: 414. (en). McGregor, and Richard Fiunklin Sciimit/. 1989. 1989a. Proceedings: SNinposinni on the lUiUiagement Efficacv of verbenone in reducing lodgepole pine of lodgepole pine to minimize losses to the mountain infestation bv mountain pine beetles in Idaho. Cana- pine beetle. United States Department of Agricul- dian Jonnid of Forest Research 19: 60-64. (en). ture, Forest Service, Intermountain Researcli Sta- Anderbhant, Olle. 19S5. Di.spersa] of reemerged spruce tion, Ogden, Utah, General Technical Report bark beetles, Ips tt/po^raplius (Coleoptera, INT-262. 119p. (bvcnechb). Scolytidae): a mark-recaptnre experiment. Journal . 19891). Why paitial cutting in lodgepole pine stiuuls of Applied Entomologv 99: 21-25. (bv hb). reduces losses to mountiun pine beetle. Pages 48-.59 . 1986. A model for the temperature and density in G. D. Annnan, Symposium proceedings: Manage- dependent reemergence of die hiwk beetle Ips ment of lodgepole pine to minimize losses to the typofiiriplms. Entomologia Experimentalis et Appli- mountain pine beetle. United States Department ot cata 40: 81-<S8. (ec hb). Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain . 198Sa. Reproductive strategies in Ips tijpographus. Research Station, Ogden, Utah, General Teclmical International Congress of Entomologv, Proceedings Report I NT-262. 119 p. (en). 18:409. (hb). AiVi\L\N. Ge.nf. Dovle. .;\nd John A. Amiold 1989. Prelimi- . 198Sb. Survival of parent and brood adult bark nar\' evaluation of hazard ;uid risk rating vaiiables for beetles, Ips ti/po^raphus, in relation to size, lipid mounttiin pine beetle infestations in lodgepole pine content and reemergence or emergence day. Physi- stands. Pages 22-27 ;;! G. D. Amman, Svinposiuni ological Entomologv 13: 121-129. (ay hb). proceedings: Management of lodgepole pine to min- . 1988c. Reproduction and competition in the spruce imize losses to the mountain pine beetle. United bark beetle Ips tijpogmphiis. Dissertation (pub- States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, lished). Department of Ecologv; Lund University, Intermountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah, SvN'eden. 106 p. (ec hb). General Technical Report
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