47 THE 'ACTUAL FILM AND VOICES OF : PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY, LEE HARVEY OSWALD FIDEL CASTRO, DR. ALTON OCHSNER NARRATED BY ED BUTLER OF INCA Doc ti rTi e n"" ' ry TV s Triggered, by New Leff Ines 0sw , Revolution .,••••••••"`" S Red °Mt • ;con . a L. ,c■ 4'''',:aTcatro•r.. a 7." 'A Q. Z "4 '1. ...7.% '4,ak., - ^,' A.,. Mal ...• A„ 4.ar .... At 4'44'4,v' 4434. A,. ;; ' irZ 44::::t7:4*Dtaa.,...... 4an '4: ThZar4 :44 41'Ata$;:ii:t,,; ',:.7.44. •Aa 4. AA47.,";.`ffa ' 'e'l, tt2,, A a '4 tot? •';', 4.47, AA, `4,,,„ '4',.' ‘4, Za* 48A"af.',..., 4. '._ bl a,„7.7a.4., the y4,, a ;NJ. ,t, t o 't,1 4tA ;74, ,..„,,4 As ., 4' acra.4;' tt:%a...As 44,,At , \xo v ',,,, • '44 4‘; 4-tA r°‘••.; A '4 1A,'4At Aat .."4 ka7..t-'`.0kA, tA.,' 4•• .*.2 •A, ,..„,..• . kr .,,,, r••••*......•••—4 4 A „ A • ... •AA, 4, , a• .4 s c,vokIv &V` at,' ..7. 44, ..0.,..,.....7,:tm 0„.4., ,,,a ,.„, -**—Z.44'. "'"*•:'•'." af'`'''' vet `''''' '4..0"d '',.. ''' ....4.4' ,rt .t . 'wee ..* <,.., '''./ .....: • NAT/ ' ...1...;•-ipe 4 4 't--4 ;,4••••; '110 ,, o„„_, --.4,,,,,, ,,Evi, • 4., 75. CA, 4 rinTT F ne-USI SEE ON TV... OSWALD - Self Portrait PRODUCED BY THE INFORMATION COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAS OSWALD'S EXPOSER R. ALTON OCHSNER INCA PRESIDENT ED BUTLER 7. INCA VICE PRESIDENT FOR MORE INFORMATION, WRITE INCA P. 0. BOX 53371 DICK WARREN NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70150 DIRECTOR "YES. I AM A ?1A,'. 41.(-1-!" LEE HARVEY AL.) An INCA GOLDEN MIKE AWARD Production WAT C H "OSWALD-SELF PORTRAIT" From the amazing record album now on sin before the crime. Featuring actual sale at selected university bookstores. voices and documentary scenes of Narrated by Ed Butler, editor of Square President John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Magazine MI, who confronted the assas- Oswald and Fidel Castro! YOU'VE HEARD ALLTHE QUESTIONS... NOW THE ASSASSIN ANSWERS! The actual voices of Lee Harvey w and President Oswald John F. Kennedy! Rare pre-crime footage! U For free reprints of in-depth articles write: THE GREAT ASSASSINATION PUZZLE, P.O. Box 24904, Los Angeles, Produced by the Information Council California 90024. of the Americas 1r © 1968 Sponsored by Schick Safety Razor Co.; Schick Electric ACTION December 26, 1967 From: ED BUTLER To: MARK LANE A CHALLENGE TO DEBATE Mark Lane, the so-called "critic" of public confidence in the FBI, the When I challenged Lane's attempt 2. That Oswald had written six the Warren Commission, is actually CIA, and the office of the Presidency. to ramrod a dangerous resolution letters to, and received two replies only critical of part of the evidence through, by amending it so that it from, the Communist Party USA —the vast majority to be sure—whichl This is not funny, although Lane would require full disclosure of his shortly before the crime? Not to would indicate that Lee Harvey Os- , gets laughs from the unthinking and own background, he balked. Later he mention detailed instructions for or- wald was a Communist, and killed ! gullible. Without the FBI, our do- began to accuse me, at first by impli- ganizing a Chapter, in a letter from President Kennedy to advance revo- mestic eyes and ears, riots and sabo- cation and then directly, on WDSU- the Fair Play for Cuba Committee? lution in America. tage would rage continually in Amer- TV of "Right Wing Extremism", just ica. as Lee Harvey Oswald did when I 3. That Oswald was known as The 26 volumes of the Hearings Without the CIA, our eyes and debated him on WDSU radio. violently pro-Communist from his and the Report of the Warren Com- early teens by schoolmates, who testi- mission contain 3,154 exhibits and ears abroad, millions of Americans could be vaporized in a sneak attack. This charge is as ludicrous as the fied about it under oath, thus smash- the testimony of 552 witnesses culled American Nazi Party's accusation that ing ideas of a double agent? (Unless from 26,550 FBI and Secret Service And we know where hatred of the I was "pro-Communist", for produc- the CIA is recruiting operatives from interviews . a total of 101/2 Presidenc y can lead. ing the film "Hitler In Havana!" for Junior High School). lion words altogether. No one can INCA. Despite the fact that this anti- "agree" or "disagree" with that vast Because he is probably the best Nazi/Communist film was broadcast 4. That during the hearings, when bulk of material, much of it conflict- detective fiction writer since Arthur throughout the nation on TV by the FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover was ques- ing. Conan Doyle, a glib speaker, and Schick Safety Razor Company, Lane tioned by Congressman Hale Boggs . totally unimpressed by truth, Lane did not hesitate to hurl the terms about Oswald's motive for killing Oswald succeeded remarkably has raised his tiny fraction of con- "fascism" and "extremism" at me. Kennedy, Hoover said: his aim of fomenting revolution, as jecture into public prominence. Far But judging by Lane's own back- the rise in riots and confusion in more significant and substantial ma- "My speculation Mr. Boggs, is America since 1963 indicates. By ground, furnished to us by Congress- terial lies buried in the Warren Re- man F. Edw. Hebert and other re- that this man was no doubt a dedi- smashing the highest symbol of na- port and Hearings, unknown to the cated Communist. He prefers to call tional authority — the Presidency - liable sources, anyone to the right of public. Gus Hall might seem extremist and himself a Marxist, but there you get Oswald encouraged a whole legion fascist to Lane. into the field of semantics. He was of Communists, and criminals to sur- In short, there is another side to a Communist, he sympathized thor- face and seize the spoils through vio- the story. Lane also has characterized me as oughly with the Communist cause."t lence. There are abundant proofs to show that revolution was Oswald's The YMBC has heard Lane's side "the only person known to have lost a public debate with Lee Harvey The real "assassination plot" is the dream. twice, for a total of nearly three hours. His words have reached hun- Oswald". A recording of that debate frantic effort by Lane and others to Actually, Mark Lane (no doubt un- dreds of thousands of people on is available, entitled "Oswald: Self- obscure from the American people wittingly) is helping to make that campuses and through news-media, Portrait In Red". Some say Lane's the simple fact that Oswald was a dedicated Communist. dream come true, with his innuendoes cloaked in the prestige of Our po- opinion of that record is the best and concoctions which undermine dium. indication of where his sympathy lies. You can purchase the recording, hear Since the confrontation, we have Clip and Mail Oswald, and judge for yourself, by been trying to coax Lane to debate simply sending in the coupon below. all pertinent matters, including his TO: ED BUTLER All funds go to INCA, a non-profit, qualifications and my own. No luck o INCA. P. 0. BOX 53371 private organization, comprised of yet. However, these facts can be brought out in other ways, and this New 0 over 300 civic leaders, liberal, mod- ,;eans. Louisiana 70150 erate and conservative, headed by Dr. advertisement is one of them. Pease rush me the following: Alton Ochsner. Unlike others, we prefer not to profit by our President's I invite you to write to INCA for Oswald: Self-Portrait In Red" record albums @ $10. death. "The Invisible Invasion", an analysis of Oswald and revolution from the The invisible Invasion" @ $1 Meanwhile, as an example of the Congressional RECORD, using the kind of thing that Lane would rather coupon below. Your name will be Check enclosed for $ not discuss, did you know: placed on the list for other material as it becomes available. ^t8 ME 1. That Mark Lane's article, "A Lawyer's Brief for Lee Harvey Os- I appreciate the support of many A:DQESS wald", was first published in the good friends in the YMBC who are NATIONAL GUARDIAN, an offi- anxious to get both sides of the story i told. C— cially-cited Communist front publica- STATE ZIP tion, less than one month (December 19, 1963) after the assassination? t Hearings before the President's Comm,'- (How's that for rushing to judg- sion on the Assassination of President Ken. ment?) nedy, Volume V, page 104. (This is a paid advertisement, approved by INCA Executive Committee 12/20,6-1 THE NEW YORK TIMES. Sunday, December 24, 1967 1 New Orleans, and we cannot, afford it." GARRISON A THORN "People are getting sick of Garrison," a cab driver said. "They were willing to listen at TO NEW ORLEANS first, but I think if he really had something it would have Many Found Upset by His come out by now." Earlier this week a meeting Assasination Charges of the Young Men's Business Club of Greater New Orleans awoke to The New York Than broke up when Mark Lane, au- thor of "Rush to Judgment."' NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 23— finished a speech attacking the Local residents are increasingly Warren Commission Report. upset by the activities of their Mr. Garrison also criticizes District Attorney, Jim Garrison, the report, which concluded who this week charged that a that Lee Harvey Oswald had second man had conspired to acted alone in murdering Presi- dent Kennedy.
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