Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00119-0 - Classical Myths in Italian Renaissance Painting Luba Freedman Index More information t INDEX Achilles, shield by Hephaistos, 61, 223n23 two versions, Italian and Latin, 223n15 Achilles Tatius on verisimilitude, 94, 98 on grouping of paintings, 172, 242n53 De re aedificatoria on painting depicting the myth of Philomela, on fabulae, 38 188. See also Europa on historiae, 38 translated by Dolce, 172 on paintings in villas, 38 Acrisius, legendary King of Argos, 151 humanistic painting program of, 38, 59 ad fontes, 101 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, Adhemar,´ Jean, 19, 227n90 All the Ancient Statues ...,12 Adonis on antique statues of Adonis and Venus, 114 Death of Adonis by Piombo, 215n4. See also description of Danae,¨ 127, 128 Venus and Adonis description of Europa, 91 Adriani, Giovanni Battista, 152–153, 169, 170, description of Marsyas, 135–136 174 description of Proserpina, 106 Adrian VI (pope from 9 January 1522 to 14 description of statues compared with Lucius’s, September 1523), 44 114 dispenses with antiquities from Rome, 44 on gardens, 153 tutor of Charles V, 246n6 identification of mythological subjects by, 12 Aesop, 197, 200 Alexander the Great, 42 Agostini, Niccolodegli,` 65 armor of, 138 Alamanni, Luigi, Favola di Narcisso and Favola di and Roxana. See Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Fetonte, 211, 248n48 Bazzi) Alberti, Leon Battista alla franceze. See Warburg, Aby De pictura, 4 all’antica on art practices, 56 accumulated interest in antiquity required for, on brevitas, 190 2, 131 on historia, 58–59 classical education required for, 23–24, 58 on a Meleager relief, 56 comparison of historical and classical on movement, 95 mythology episodes, 132–143 mentions mythological characters, 60 demands attention to artifacts, 6 on purpose of art, 144 differentiation in depictions of secular subjects, on sacred and profane painting, 132 131–132 on Timanthes’ Immolation of Iphigenia, 59–60 dual purpose of, 143 271 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00119-0 - Classical Myths in Italian Renaissance Painting Luba Freedman Index More information INDEX all’antica (cont.) by Tintoretto, 178 imitative of classical style, 1, 3 on sarcophagi, 117–119 imitative of Greco-Roman, 1, 124–125 Apollo and Marsyas with Olympus matching Ovid’s style, 98, 143 on ancient gem, 41 meaning of, 7 by Peruzzi, 42, 120 not always adapted by artists, 2 Apollo and Muses, 30 particular manner of, 4, 86 Apollo Belvedere, 51 relates to painting of myth as objects, 2 in collection of Giuliano della Rovere, 41, relates to style of paintings, 3 233n78 texts as sources for, 89, 92 Apuleius, 114 with use of modern intermediaries, 7, 48. See The Golden Ass, commentary on, 100 also Michiel, Marcantonio Fabula of Cupid and Psyche, 42, 165, 246n16 allegory, mythological, 1, 212, 215n4 Lucius’s description of the statue, 114 Allori, Alessandro, Rape of Proserpina, 164, Arachne, tapestry woven by, 61–62, 69, 74, 86, 240n18 93, 96, 188 allusion, 62, 63 mentioned in Michelangelo’s poetry, 32 altarpieces, 161, 162, 163 Arch of Titus, 178 predelle, 163 Ariadne. See Bacchus and Ariadne Altoviti, Bindo Ariosto, Ludovico collection of antiquities, 127 Orlando furioso, 155, 195, 237n52, 239n90 relief with Danae,¨ 127–129 on a statue by Phidias, 144 ambience trip to Rome, 144 framed by antiquities, 37 Aristides, 227n87 imagined, 12, 125, 217n34 Liber Pater, 170 impact on mythological subject matter, 37–38, Aristotle, 133, 245n113 66 Armenini, Giovanni Battista, 38 Ames-Lewis, Francis, 30 on frescoed fac¸ades, 173–174 Andromeda, 133, 144, 169, 171 on frescoed fac¸ades in Venice, 176 Antico, L’ (Pier Jacopo Alari-Bonacolsi) on friezes, 176 and Federico Gonzaga, 51 on knowledge of mythology, 41 and Isabella d’ Este, 44 on paintings of myths as appropriate for Antipater of Sidon, on Venus Anadyomene by loggias, 41 Apelles, 210 on sacred and profane painting, 132 antiquities, trade in, 41, 51 on storie and poesie, 176 Apelles, 14, 167, 210–211 Armstrong, Lilian, 91, 228n5 The Calumny, recommended by Alberti, 4 artists, education of, 30–31, 34, 35 painting of Venus, 30, 44 Asclepius, as iconic model of mature Christ, 8 and Silvae of Statius, 43 Augustus (Emperor), era of, 38, 42, 130, 137, Venus Anadyomene, 44, 165, 210 142, 153 Vulcan discovering Venus and Mars, 33. See also Boccaccio bacchic sarcophagi. See sarcophagi Apollo, 1 Bacchus (Dionysus), 204–205 myth of, in Giovio’s museum, 29–30 Diodorus Siculus on. See Diodorus Apollo and Marsyas leaping posture by ancient painter, 42 described by Catullus, 82 described by Philostratus the Younger, described by Ovid, 84 117–120 Liber, 170–171 described painting of, 117, 122 Bacchus and Ariadne, 62 illuminations and woodcut illustrations of, 117 in Palazzo del Te, 51 in Ovid, 119 sources of, 81–82, 86–87, 227n80. See also by Raphael. See Raphael (Raffaello Santi) Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) 272 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00119-0 - Classical Myths in Italian Renaissance Painting Luba Freedman Index More information INDEX Ballarin, Alessandro, 200, 221n45 Beroaldo, Filippo, the Younger Bandello, Matteo, on Leonardo’s paintings in a epigram on the Rape of Proserpina, dedicated fine bedroom, 225n44 to Urceo, 211 banquets. See feasts; Vasari, Giorgo Bersuire, Pierre, 235n22 Barasch, Moshe, 222n7 Betussi, Giuseppe, 12 Barbari, Jacopo de’ Bibbiena, Bernardo Dovizi (Cardinal), stufetta, De la ecelentia de pitura, 110, 232n56 180–181 Barkan, Leonard, 16–17, 234n9, 241n40 choice of subjects to be drawn by Raphael, Barolsky, Paul, 219n27, 240n16, 243n85 180, 243n80 Bartolomeo di Giovanni, master of spalliere, 136, Biondo, Flavio, 100, 126, 136 164, 236n37 Bober, Phylis Pray, 16, 17, 42, 90, 167 baths, thermal, 180–182 Boccaccio, Giovanni in ancient Rome (laconicum), 180, De mulieribus claris 243–244n86 on Io, 149 Stufetta of Cardinal Bibbiena, 158 Genealogie deorum gentilium libri, 12, 41 Baths of Titus, 242n76 on myths as poetic creations, 194, 226n77 Baxandall, Michael, 232n58 on the subject of “Venus in the embrace of Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio. See Sodoma Mars” as painted by Apelles, 248n56 Beatrizet,´ Nicolas imitation of prose style by Lorenzo de’ print of Michelangelo‘s Leda, 184 Medici, 41 Becchi, Gentile (tutor of Lorenzo de’ Medici), Little Treatise in Praise of Dante, 194 26 Ninfale in workshop of Lippi, 31 beds Bodard, Diane H., 186 importance in Renaissance domestic Bonsignori, Giovanni environment, 238n69 on Europa, 95 nuptial, 42, 149–151 on Leda, 74 placement of painting on, 68, 76, 82 Ovidio metamorphoseos vulgare, 10, 95 bedsteads in library of Leonardo, 74 of Federico da Montelfetro, 150 books, collecting of, 28, 31 in Rucellai’s Oreste, 68, 76 Borghini, Raffaello, 164 in Sodoma’s fresco, 150 Borgia, Girolamo, encomium on Villa Farnesina, bella maniera, 5–6, 44, 129 43 study of antiquities as the source of, 48 Boschloo, A. W. A., 216n27, 242n63 study of Michelangelo and Raphael as the Botticelli, Sandro (Alessandro Filipepi), 1–2 source of, 48 Bacchus, 39 Bellincioni, Bernardo, reads Ovid for pleasure, Birth of Venus, 11–12, 30, 40, 44 215n7 compared with Apelles’ Venus Anadyomene, Bellini, Giovanni, 199 164, 165, 210 The Feast of the Gods, reworked by Dossi and influence of, 233n71 Titian, 47, 221n51 influence on, 210, 229n24 Belluzzi, Amedeo, 51, 182 location of, 40, 220n13 Belvedere statue court, 44, 113, 144, 232nn60, movement in, 99 61 recreates intaglio of Vulcan, 11–12 Bembo, Pietro size of, 164–165 codices of Virgil and Terence, 6 Calumny, 224n41 library with ancient codices of Virgil and commissioned by Lorenzo de’ Medici, 41 Te re n c e, 6 compared with Apelles, 30, 247n41 sought to obtain statue of Venus, 180 drawings to Dante’s Comedy, 30 statuette collection, 6 education of, 30–31 Berenson, Bernard, 56–57 familiarity with antique statue of Venus, 31 Beroaldo, Filippo, the Elder, 100 frescoes for hunting lodge at Spedaletto, 41 273 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00119-0 - Classical Myths in Italian Renaissance Painting Luba Freedman Index More information INDEX Botticelli, Sandro (Alessandro Filipepi) (cont.) Greek studies, 115, 128, 232n63 modeling of Venus on Mary Magdalene, 31 on Raphael’s Galatea, 115 nude figure in works of, 39 Catullus, 82, 84, 86 Primavera as mythological allegory, 1, 164, on bedcover with Bacchus and Ariadne, 82, 186 240n14. See also Burckhardt commentary to, by Antonio Partenio, 82, 86 Bredekamp, Horst, 154 compares Ariadne to a maenad in a statue, 144 brevitas centaurs, and Battle of Lapiths, 166 in painting, 190–191 ceremonial objects, veracity of, 138 in rhetoric, 190 Ceres, in a print by Cristofano Robetta, 72 Brilliant, Richard, 215n5, 231n52 Cesariano, Cesare di Lorenzo, 112 Bronzino, Agnolo chariot Allegory of Love, 1 of Apollo, 102 as painter-poet, mention of Paris and of of Bacchus, 148–149 Orpheus, 32 of Ceres, 108 Brown, Clifford M., 28, 34 of Pluto, 108, 109 Brown Fortini, Patricia, 216–217n27, 230n29, Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) 238n69 association with Jove, 49, 244n95 Brusantino, Vincenzo, Angelica inamorata, 93 education of, 195, 246n6 Bull, Malcolm, 17, 18, 216n26 and Federico Gonzaga, 30, 185–186 Bulst, Wolger A., 126 praise of rooms in Palazzo del Te, 50–51 Buonarroti, Michelangelo. See Michelangelo recipient of Correggio’s mythologies, 30 Burckhardt, Jacob, 15 and Sack of Rome, 33 on Botticelli’s Primavera, 164 visits to Villa of Fassolo and Palazzo del Te, 49, on paucity of paintings of myths in 178 15th-century Italy, 166, 241n30 chiaroscuro monocromato, 174 Burke, Peter, 230n29, 241n43 Chigi, Agostino, 4–5, 35 Byzantine art, mythological imagery in, 20 antiquities collection of, 42 Byzantine scholars hunting expedition and banquet of, 26.
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