Coast Guard, DHS § 110.224 Cargo and supply vessels or barges des- River Deep Water Channel except with tined for San Nicolas Island may an- the written permission of the Captain chor in the area for unloading or load- of the Port. ing. (2) Each person in a restricted an- (3) Each vessel anchoring for safety chorage shall obey the order or direc- reasons in the San Joaquin River Deep tion of the Commanding Officer, Naval Water Channel, the Sacramento River Base Ventura County, Coast Guard Deep Water Ship Channel, or the Eleventh District Commander, or Coast Stockton or West Sacramento Turning Guard Captain of the Port, Los Ange- Basins shall be positioned as near to les-Long Beach, when issued to carry the edge of the channel or turning out this section. basin as possible so as not to interfere (c) Enforcement.The Coast Guard may with navigation, or obstruct the ap- be assisted in enforcing this rule by proach to any pier, wharf, slip, or boat other Federal, state, or local agencies. harbor and shall move as soon as the [USCG–2012–0967, 78 FR 67303, Nov. 12, 2013] reason for anchoring no longer exists or when notified to move by the Cap- § 110.222 Pacific Ocean at Santa Bar- tain of the Port. bara Island, Calif. (4) No vessel may anchor within a (a) The anchorage grounds. Shoreward tunnel, cable, or pipeline area shown of a line beginning at the Santa Bar- on a Government chart. bara Island Light on the northeast end (5) No vessel may moor, anchor, or of the island and bearing 23° true a dis- tie up to any pier, wharf, or other ves- tance of 1.515 nautical miles seaward sel in such a manner as to extend into from the beach; thence 140°30′ true, 2.54 an adjacent channel or fairway. nautical miles; thence 212°30′ true, 2.30 (6) No vessel in such a condition that nautical miles; thence 296°30′ true, 0.96 it is likely to sink or otherwise become nautical mile; and thence 325° true to a menace or obstruction to navigation the beach. or anchorage of other vessels may oc- (b) The regulations. The anchorage cupy an anchorage, except when un- shall be available for anchorage of all foreseen circumstances create condi- types of craft. Temporary floats or tions of imminent peril to personnel buoys for marking anchors in place and then only for such period as may will be permitted in this area. be authorized by the Captain of the Port. § 110.224 San Francisco Bay, San (7) Each vessel carrying explosives Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, Suisun shall only anchor in an explosives an- Bay, Sacramento River, San Joa- chorage except as authorized by para- quin River, and connecting waters, graph (a)(1) or (a)(17) of this section. CA. (8) No vessel other than a vessel (a) General regulations. (1) Within the under Federal supervision may go navigable waters of San Francisco Bay, alongside or in any manner moor to San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, any Government-owned vessel, moor- Suisun Bay, New York Slough, San ing buoy, or pontoon boom, their an- Joaquin River Deep Water Channel, the chor cables, or any of their appendages. Stockton Turning Basin, the Sac- No vessel other than a vessel under ramento River Deep Water Ship Chan- Federal supervision may obstruct or nel between Suisun Bay and the east interfere in any manner with the moor- end of the West Sacramento Turning ing, unmooring, or servicing of vessels Basin, and connecting waters, anchor- owned by the United States. ing is prohibited outside of designated (9) The Captain of the Port may re- anchorages except when required for quire any vessel in a designated an- safety or with the written permission chorage area to moor with two or more of the Captain of the Port. Each vessel anchors. anchoring outside an established an- (10) Each vessel that will not have chorage area shall immediately notify sufficient personnel on board to weigh the Captain of the Port of her position anchor at any time shall anchor with and reason for anchoring. two anchors with mooring swivel, un- (2) No vessel may permanently moor less otherwise authorized by the Cap- in areas adjacent to the San Joaquin tain of the Port. 517 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:33 Sep 02, 2014 Jkt 232135 PO 00000 Frm 00527 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\33\33V1.TXT 31 § 110.224 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition) (11) Deep-draft vessels shall take available for normal operations) at any precedence over vessels of lighter draft anchorage other than in Anchorage 9 in the deeper portions of all anchor- as specified in Table 110.224(D)(1) with- ages. Light-draft barges and vessels out prior approval of the Captain of the shall anchor away from the deeper por- Port. tions of the anchorage so as not to (b) Naval anchorages. In addition to interfere with the anchoring of deep- the general regulations in paragraph draft vessels. Should circumstances (a) of this section, the following regula- warrant, the Captain of the Port may tions apply to each naval anchorage de- require lighter draft vessels to move to scribed in this section. provide safe anchorage, particularly in (1) Naval anchorages are intended for Anchorages 7 and 9, for deep-draft ves- public vessels of the United States, but sels. may be used by other vessels when not (12) Barges towed in tandem to any required for use by public vessels. anchorage shall nest together when an- (2) Other vessels using a naval an- choring. (13) Each vessel that is notified by chorage shall promptly notify the Cap- the Captain of the Port or his author- tain of the Port upon anchoring and ized representative to shift her position upon departure and shall be prepared shall promptly shift her position. to move within one hour upon notice (14) No person may use these anchor- should the anchorage be required for ages for any purpose other than the public vessels. purpose stated in these anchorage reg- (c) Explosive anchorages. In addition ulations. to the general regulations in paragraph (15) Where these regulations require (a) of this section, the following regula- that a vessel notify the Captain of the tions apply to each explosives anchor- Port, the operator of the vessel shall age described in this section. transmit such report to the San Fran- (1) Explosives anchorages and, where cisco Vessel Traffic Service. established, surrounding forbidden an- chorage zones, are temporarily acti- NOTE: Vessel Traffic Service guards VHF- FM Channel 13 (156.65 MHz) and Channel 14 vated as needed by the Captain of the (156.70 MHz). Port. When not activated, explosives anchorages and surrounding forbidden (16) Nothing in this section may be anchorage zones become part of the construed as relieving any vessel or the general anchorage which encompasses owner or person in charge of any vessel them or, if not located within the from the penalties of law for obstruct- boundaries of a general anchorage, be- ing or interfering with range lights or come available for general navigation. for not complying with the laws relat- (2) Notice of activation and deactiva- ing to lights, day signals, and fog sig- tion of explosives anchorages will be nals and other navigation laws and reg- disseminated by Coast Guard Broad- ulations. cast Notice to Mariners. (17) The District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, may issue written permis- (3) Each vessel which anchors in an sion for anchoring a single barge car- explosives anchorage or surrounding rying explosives in quantities consid- forbidden anchorage zone while such ered by the District Engineer as safe anchorage is not activated shall be pre- and necessary in the vicinity of work pared to move within one hour if the being done directly under the District anchorage is activated. Engineer supervision or under a De- (4) Unless otherwise authorized by partment of the Army permit. When the Captain of the Port: issuing such a permit, the District En- (i) No vessel may anchor in an acti- gineer shall prescribe the conditions vated explosives anchorage except ves- under which the explosives must be sels loaded with, loading, or unloading stored and handled and shall furnish a explosives. copy of the permit and a copy of the (ii) No vessel may enter or remain in rules and regulations for storing and an activated explosives anchorage ex- handling to the Captain of the Port. cept (A) vessels loaded with, loading or (18) No vessel may anchor in a ‘‘dead unloading explosives, (B) lighters or ship’’ status (propulsion or control un- barges delivering cargo to or from such 518 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:33 Sep 02, 2014 Jkt 232135 PO 00000 Frm 00528 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\33\33V1.TXT 31 Coast Guard, DHS § 110.224 vessels, or (C) a tug authorized by para- TABLE 110.224(d)(1) graph (c)(7)(iii) of this section. Anchor- Specific (iii) No vessel carrying explosives or age No. General location Purpose regulations on which explosives are to be loaded 4 .......... San Francisco Bay General ...... Notes a, b. may enter or remain in an activated 5 .......... ......do ................... ......do ........ Do. explosives anchorage without written 6 .......... ......do ................... ......do ........ Note a. permission from the Captain of the 7 .......... ......do ................... ......do ........ Notes a, b, c, d, e. Port. Such a permit must be obtained 8 .......... ......do ................... ......do ........ Notes a, b, c. before entering the anchorage and may 8A ....... ......do ................... ......do ........ Notes a, b, c, be revoked at any time. d, e, j, n.
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