T Tabernaemontana coronaria alkaloid tabersonine which is reported (Jacq.) Willd. to show hypotensive effect on anaes- thetized cats. Synonym T. divaricata (L.) R. Br. Coronaridine showed autonomic as Ervatamia coronaria (Jacq.) Staph. well as CNS activity when tested for bi- E. divaricata (L.) Burkill. ological action in animals. It produced Family Apocynaceae. analgesia and was effective in suppress- ing foot-shock-induced rage in mice. Habitat Sub-Himalayan tract. Indole alkaloid (I) inhibited HC- Cultivated in gardens. induced ulcer in mice by .%. English East Indian Rosebay. The crude alkaloid extracts of the Ayurvedic Tagar, Nandivriksha (The leaves, bark and flowers exhibit an- Wealth of India); Nandi Pushpa. tibacterial activity against Staphylococ- (Tagar is equated with Valeriana cus aureus. hardwickii and Nandivrksha with Cedrela toona.) Siddha/Tamil Nandiyavattam. Tabernaemontana dichotoma Roxb. Folk Tengari, Chaandani. Action Leaves—milky juice, anti- Synonym Ervatamia dichotoma inflammatory; applied to wounds. Blatter. Flowers—mixed with oil, used Rejoua dichotoma Gamble. in skin diseases. Root—acrid, Family Apocynaceae. anodyne; relieves toothache, also Habitat Western Ghats at low used as a vermicide. elevations. Various parts of the plant are used English Eve’s Apple, Forbidden in the indigenous system of medicine Fruit. for the treatment of skin diseases and Siddha/Tamil Kandalaippalai, cancer. A decoction of leaves is used as Kattalari-palai. antihypertensive and diuretic. The plant from Sri Lanka (root, Folk Tengari (Var.). leaves and flowers) contain several in- Action Seed, leaves, bark— dole alkaloids including voacristine, purgative. Latex—cathartic. voacangine, coronaridine, vobasine, tabernaemontanine and dregamine. The fruit gave the alkaloid, coro- Isovoacristic hydrochloride, found in naridine. Root bark gave alkaloids— the plant, caused bradycardia in frogs heyneanine and voacristine hydrox- and rabbits. The flowers contain an yindolenine. The petroleum ether-ex- 642 Tacca aspera Roxb. tractable alkaloids of the fruit showed Habitat Entire Deccan Peninsula, CNS depressant and hypotensive ac- extending into Madhya Pradesh and tivities. Bihar. Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall., English Fiji Arrowroot, Tahiti synonym, Ervatamia heyneana Cooke Arrowroot. is also equated with Tengari of Indian medicine. Ayurvedic Suurana. (Instead of The wood and stembark yielded in- wild var., cultivated elephant-foot- dole alkaloids; ursolic acid, beta-amy- yam, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius rin and beta-amyrin acetate. A number var. campanulatus, is used.) of alkaloids showed cytotoxic activity. Siddha/Tamil Karachunai. (Phytochemistry, , .) Action Tuber—acrid, astringent, carminative, anthelmintic. Used in the treatment of piles, haemophilic Tacca aspera Roxb. conditions, internal abscesses, colic, enlargement of spleen, vomiting, Synonym T. integrifolia Ker-Gawl. asthma, bronchitis, elephantiasis Habitat Aka hills in Arunachal and intestinal worms. Pradesh. The tuber, macerated and repeated- Ayurvedic Vaaraahikanda (substi- ly washed with water, yield a starch tute), Vaaraahi. (Dioscorea bulbifera (.%). is equated with Vaaraahikanda.) The presence of beta-sitosterol, ceryl alcohol and taccalin (a bitter principle) Folk Duukarkand (Gujarat). has been reported in the tuber. Action Tuber—nutritive and Taccagenin and leontogenin have digestive; applied to haemorrhagic been isolated froma acid hydrolysate diathesis, cachexia, leprosy and of leaf extract. Diosgenin and its other cutaneous affections. derivatives, isonarthogenin and isonu- T atigenin together with nuatigenin have The tuber contains gamma-amino- also been isolated. butyric acid, glycine, leucine, valine, A bitter extract, prepared by wash- − quercetin--arabinoside, D ( )-ribose, ing the grated tubers in running water, n-triacontanol, betulinic acid, castano- is a rubefacient; and is also given in genin and taccalin. diarrhoea and dysentery. Tacca pinnatifida Forst. f. Tagetes erecta Linn. Synonym T. leontopetaloides (Linn.) Family Compositae; Asteraceae. Kuntze. Habitat Native to Mexico; Family Taccaceae. cultivated in gardens all over India. Tamarindus indica Linn. 643 English Big Marigold, Aztec or Dosage Leaf—– ml juice. African Marigold. (CCRAS.) Ayurvedic Jhandu, Gendaa. Unani Sadbarg, Gul-hazaaraa, Talinum triangulare Willd. Gul-jaafari. Family Portulaceceae. Siddha Thuruksaamanthi. Habitat Native to tropical America; Action Whole plant—infusion growninTamilNadu. useful in cold and bronchitis, English Ceylon Spinach, Surinam also in the treatment of rheuma- Purslane, Flame Flower, Sweet tism. Heart, Water Leaf, Ceylon Spinach. Flowers—alterative; juice used for Folk Pasali, Cylon-keerai (Tamil bleeding piles. Leaves—styptic, app- Nadu) lied externally to boils and carbun- Action Leaves—used in polyuria. cles; muscle pains. Leaves and florets— Diabetics and invalids use the leaves emengagogue, diuretic, vermifuge. as a substitute for Amaranthus The flowers gave lutein esters of gangeticus Linn. dipalmitate, dimyristate and mono- myristate. Fresh petals gave hydrox- yflavones, quercetagetin and tagetiin. Tamarindus indica Linn. The plant yields an essential oil con- taining limonene, ocimene, linalyl ac- Synonym T. occidentalis Gaertn. etate, linalool, tagetone and n-nonyl T. officinalis HK. aldehyde as major components. Family Caesalpiniaceae. The aqueous extract of flowers Habitat Indigenous to tropical showed activity against Gram-positive Africa; now distributed throughout bacteria. the plains and sub-Himalayan tracts Tagetes minuta Linn., synonym of India. T T. glandulifera Schrank (North-west Himalayas; native to South America), English Tamarind tree. known as Stinking-Roger, gives high- Ayurvedic Amli, Amlikaa, Suktaa, est yield of the essential oil with high Chukraa, Chukrikaa, Chinchaa, carbonyl content, calculated as tage- Chandikaa, Tintidika. tone among the Tagetes sp. grown in Unani Tamar Hindi India. Tagetes patula Linn. (Native to Mex- Siddha/Tamil Puli, Aanvilam. ico; cultivated in Indian gardens) Action Pulp of fruit—cooling, known as French Marigold, is cred- digestive, carminative, laxative, ited with nematocidal properties. The antiscorbutic; infusion prescribed juice of flower heads is used on cuts in febrile diseases and bilious and wounds. disorders; used as a gargle in sore 644 Tamarix aphylla (Linn.) Karst. throat; applied as a poultice on in gargles and mouthwash for apthous inflammatory swellings. sores. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In- Dosage Fruit pulp without seeds— dia recommends the fruit pulp in tired- – g. (API, Vol. IV.) ness without exertion. Leaves—juice, used for bleeding piles, bilious fever and dysuria. Stem- Tamarix aphylla (Linn.) Karst. bark—antipyretic and astringent. Used for diarrhoea. Bark is also Synonym T. articulata Vahl. prescribed in asthma and amenor- T. orientalis Forsk. rhoea. Seed-kernel—stimulant; used Family Tamaricaceae. as a supporting tonic in sexual debility in Unani medicine. Habitat Saline soils of Punjab, Water stored in the tumbler, made Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat. out of the wood, is given for treating English Athel, Tamarisk. splenic enlargement. Ayurvedic Maacheeka, Maachikaa. Ethanolic extract of the seed coat exhibited antioxidant activity. Kernel Unani Maayin Khurd. gave polysaccharides composed of D- Siddha/Tamil Sivappattushavukku. glucose, D-xylose, D-galactose and L- Folk Laal jhaau. Galls—Chhoti- arabinose in a molar ratio of : : : . Polysaccharides showed immunomod- Maayin. ulatory activities such as phagocytic Action Galls—astringent. Contain enhancement, leukocyte migration in- % tannin. Bark—contains % hibition and inhibition of lymphocyte tannin. proliferation. The leaves gave flavone C-glycosi- Galls used as a substitute for oak- des—orientin, vitexin, iso-orientin and galls and sumac. T iso-vitexin. The leaves and fruits gave Galls contain polyphenols—gallic tartaric acid and malic acid. The acid, ellagic acid, dehydrodigallic acid, fruit pulp yielded amino acids—ser- dihydrojuglone--glucoside, isoferulic ine, beta-alanine, proline, pipecolinic acid and juglanin; flavonoids including acid, phenylalanine and leucine. quercetin, its glucoside, isoquercitrin, A bitter principle, tamarindienal, its methyl derivative, tamarixetin and isolated from the fruit pulp, showed tamarixin. fungicidal and bactericidal activity against Aspergillus nigar, Candida al- bicans, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus Tamarix dioica Roxb. aureus, E. coli and Pseudomonas aerug- inosa. Family Tamaricaceae. The ash of the bark is given in colic Habitat Throughout in river beds and indigestion. The ash is also used and near sea-coasts in Tamil Nadu. Tanacetum vulgare Linn. 645 Ayurvedic Maachikaa (related Habitat North Indian saline or species). water-logged soils; on sandy banks Siddha/Tamil Nirumari. in West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and South India. Folk Jhaau. Galls—Maayin. English Takut Galls. Action Twigs and galls—astringent. Tannin content—leaves %, twig- Ayurvedic Jhaavuka, Bahugranthi- bark %, galls %. kaa, Shaavaka. Unani Maayeen Kalaan (large The leaves gave tamarixetin, kaemp- galls), Maayeen Khurd (small galls). feride, quercetiin and D-mannitol. Aerial parts contain trans--hydroxy- Siddha/Tamil Sirusavakku. methoxycinnamic acid and isorham- Folk Jhaau. netin. Hexane extract gave hentriacon- Action Galls—astringent, given in- tan--ol. ternally in dysentery and diarrhoea. The flavones (tamaridone and tama- Infusion used as a
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