TYDD ST GILES PARISH COUNCIL Parrock View, 358 High Road, Newton-in-the-Isle, PE13 5HS Tel 01945 870083 - Mobile 07932 191050 - Email [email protected] Clerk D Gibbs 13th January 2018 The next meeting of Tydd St Giles Parish Council will be held in the small room at the Community Centre on Thursday 18th January 2018 at 7.15pm, for the purpose of transacting the following business. Members of the public and press are invited to attend this meeting. A period not exceeding 15 minutes is made available at the beginning of the meeting, where residents so require, to enable a Public Forum to take place. Yours sincerely D Gibbs Clerk/Proper Officer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A G E N D A All members are reminded that they need to declare any personal or prejudicial interest and reason before an item discussed at this meeting, under the Model Code of Conduct Order 2001 No 3576. 1. Apologies for Absence To receive and consider apologies for absence on behalf of those members not present. 2. Urgent Items The Chairman to report upon additional items for consideration which the Chairman deems urgent by virtue of the special circumstances now specified. 3. Confirmation of Minutes To consider and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th October 2017. 4. Matters Arising To receive updates on the following items: a) Old School House - minute 679/17(a) b) Tydd Waterway Route - minute 679/17(b) c) Kirkgate Pavement - minute 679/17(f) d) Street Light, Church Lane Bridge - minute 679/17(l) e) Children’s Play Equipment - minute 679/17(n) f) Defibrillator - minute 684/17 5. Police Matters To receive and consider three reports from PCSO Norton-Smith (see website or contact Clerk). Tydd St Giles Parish Council Page 1 of 3 Agenda 18th January 2018 6. Cambridgeshire County Councillor Report To receive a report from Cllr Simon King. 7. Fenland District Councillor Report To receive reports from Cllrs Chris Seaton and Samantha Clark. 8. Parishioner Issues To discuss matters brought to the attention of the Council by Parishioners. 9. Correspondence To report on correspondence received. 10. Local Highway Improvement bid for 2018/19 To update members on the application to the Local Highway Improvement fund and to consider a further financial contribution from the Council. 11. Planning To report on planning applications received since the last meeting and the outcome of applications previously considered. a) Applications previously considered: F/YR17/0830/F - Erection of a single-storey 2-bed dwelling with integral garage - Land South of Sees Cottage, Sutton Road, Four Gotes Parish Council response - Not supported Decision - Refused F/YR17/0832/O - Erection of 1no dwelling (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) - Land South of Church Lodge, Church Lane, Tydd St Giles Parish Council response - No objection Decision - Granted F/YR17/0835/F - Erection of a 2-storey 3/4-bed dwelling with a detached 2-storey double garage and change of use of agricultural land to extend the residential curtilage involving the partial demolition of existing dwelling - Apple Grange Farm, Grangehill Road, Tydd St Giles Parish Council response - No objection Decision - Granted F/YR17/0886/F - Erection of a 3-storey 5/6 bed dwelling with attached double garage with gym/annexe over and formation of a new vehicular access - Land North of Hollingworth House, Hockland Road, Fronting Cats Lane, Tydd St Giles Parish Council response - No objection Decision - Granted F/YR17/0933/F - Erection of a detached double garage/playroom with storage above to existing dwelling - The Bungalow, Broad Drove East, Tydd St Giles Parish Council response - Not supported Decision - Refused F/YR17/0940/F - Erection of a stable block involving the change of use of land to paddock land - Land North West of Bank House, Hannath Road, Tydd Gote Parish Council response - Supported Decision - Granted F/YR17/0961/AG1and F/YR17/1133/AG1 - Formation of a Lined Earth Bank Lagoon - Pecks Farm Cross Drove Tydd St Giles Parish Council response - Not supported Decision - Prior approval refused Tydd St Giles Parish Council Page 2 of 3 Agenda 18th January 2018 F/YR17/0967/O - Erection of a dwelling (Outline application with all matters reserved), Land North of The Gables, High Broadgate, Tydd St Giles Parish Council response - No objection Decision - Refused F/YR17/1204/F - Erection of single-storey rear and side extensions and detached single garage to front of existing dwelling - Mill Lawns, Church Lane, Tydd St Giles Parish Council response - Pending Decision – Pending b) Applications for consideration: None 12. Finance a) To receive an updated financial statement for the period to the end of December (see website or contact Clerk) b) To discuss future spending proposals c) To approve the draft budget for 2018/19 (see website or contact Clerk) d) To agree the precept for 2018/19 e) To approve the following payments: DA Gibbs (Salary) ................................................................................................. £ 500.00 Arb-Core Tree Care Ltd (Foul Anchor) ................................................................. £ 600.00 Pro Storm Solutions Ltd (Community Centre CCTV) .......................................... £ 1,525.20 £ 2,625.20 13. Reports from Members To receive the following updates from members of the Council: a) Highways - Cllr Hale-Smith b) Street Lighting - Cllr Minney c) Churchyard - Cllr Jupp and Clerk d) Trees - Cllr Carter e) Allotments - Cllr Mallett f) Foul Anchor - Cllr Taylor g) Community Centre - Cllr Carter 14. Date of Next Meeting To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council: th Thursday 15 March 2018 at 7.15pm Tydd St Giles Parish Council Page 3 of 3 Agenda 18th January 2018 TYDD ST GILES PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of Tydd St Giles Parish Council held on Thursday 12th October 2017 in the Small Room of the Community Centre, Broad Drove East, Tydd St Giles. Present - Cllr R Mallett (Chairman), Cllr M Taylor (Vice-Chairman), Cllr M Carter, Cllr M Hale- Smith, Cllr G Minney, Cllrs S King (CCC, from item 686/17) and C Seaton (FDC, until item 687/17), D Gibbs (Clerk), PCSO’s Norton-Smith & Russ, N Burton & M Barrington (Circle Housing), Mr & Mrs Maxwell, Mr & Mrs Simpson and Mrs Ross (Parishioners) Apologies for Absence - Cllr M Jupp (family commitment), Cllr V Ware (prior engagement), Cllr S Clark (FDC) Public Forum Mrs Simpson raised issues relating to the current temporary closure of Broad Drove East to traffic in connection with the new housing development. Drivers are ignoring the signs and attempting to pass through the closure, with varying degrees of success. There is no pedestrian access through the closure, isolating a number of properties from the village. She also asked whether the 30mph speed limit would be extended to reduce speeds at the Sapphire Close junction. Mrs Ross asked about the details of the road closure and how it was publicised, as she had received no notification. 675/17 Sapphire Close Affordable Housing Development (discussed during Public Forum) Nina Burton (Housing Services Manager) and Martin Barrington (Allocations Officer) from Circle Housing attended the meeting to provide an update on the Sapphire Close development. The construction is proceeding well, although the completion date has been put back to the end of January. The Local Lettings Plan, which gives priority to people with a connection to Tydd St Giles, was presented for ratification. The optional Under Occupation clause, which allows applicants to bid for a property with one more bedroom than their minimum requirement, was discussed at length. RESOLVED - to ratify the terms of the Local Lettings Plan for Sapphire Close and to allow under occupation on up to 50% of the properties. 676/17 Police Matters (discussed during Public Forum) Monthly updates for July, August and September were discussed. Oil theft and hare coursing still occurring locally. Recent speed enforcement in local villages resulted in a number of tickets being issued, all of which were to residents of the villages. Volunteers are required for a community Speedwatch group to monitor traffic speeds around the village. A new Police Service Volunteer Area Coordinator, Barry Ruggles, has been appointed to provide training and support for Speedwatch in Fenland. The possibility of a joint group with Newton-in-the-Isle was discussed. Mr Maxwell and Cllr Hale-Smith agreed to canvass for volunteers. 677/17 Urgent Items Issues raised by Mrs Simpson and Mrs Ross during Public Forum to be discussed under agenda item 17a) Highways (minute 690/17 below). 678/17 Confirmation of Minutes RESOLVED - that the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 20th July 2017 were agreed and signed as a true and accurate record. Page 1 of 5 679/17 Matters Arising a) Old School House - See item 680/17 below. b) Tydd Waterway Route - Outstanding bills have been paid. Two benches still to be installed. Meeting to take place before Christmas to discuss future plans. c) Church Grounds - Original issue now resolved, but further work will be required. d) Street Lighting - Issue resolved. e) E-mail - S Burgess - Item closed. f) Kirkgate Pavement - Work is under way and should be completed by the end of October. g) Cats Eyes - The Clerk reported that the Highways authority no longer see cats eyes as a priority, with improvements to vehicle headlights and to line marking paints making them unnecessary. h) Overgrown Hedges - Both hedges were cut back by their respective owners following the requests from the Parish Council. i) Website hosting - Resolution actioned and new website under construction. j) Obstructed Footpath - Footpath now cleared, but will require ongoing monitoring. k) Cross Drove Resurfacing - Budget insufficient to complete full length of road. l) Street Light, Church Lane Bridge - Due to be repaired shortly. m) Tree in Churchyard - Work completed.
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