Nematoda Nematoda Cnidaria Porifera Cnidaria Porifera Chordata Chordata Arhropoda Mollusca Annelida Arhropoda Mollusca Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Platyhelminthes Platyhelminthes •Protostome Hollow Dorsal •Mouth forms 1st •Spiral cleavage Nerve Cord •Deuterostome •Mouth forms 2nd •Radial cleavage Coelomate Radial Complete gut Bilateral Symmetry, Organs, triploblastic, cephalized Tissues Multicelled Phylum Chordata Three Subphyla 1. Deuterostomes (like the echinoderms) Two invertebrate subphyla 2. All share four features: 1. Urochordata (tunicates) • Notochord supports body 2. Cephalochordata (lancelets) • Nervous system develops from dorsal nerve cord 3. Subphylum Vertebrata (the vertebrates) • Embryos have pharynx with slits Have backbone of cartilage or bone • Embryos have tail that extends past anus Brain is encased in protective skull Eight Vertebrate Classes Eight Vertebrate Classes 1. Agnatha - jawless fishes 5. Amphibia - Amphibians 2. Placodermi - jawed armored fishes (extinct) 6. Reptilia - Reptiles 3. Chondrichthyes - cartilaginous fishes 7. Aves - Birds 4. Osteichthyes - bony fishes 8. Mammalia - Mammals Recent Findings Suggest: Trends in the Evolution of Vertebrates 1. Shift from notochord to vertebral column Reptiles 2. Nerve cord expanded into brain ? 3. Evolution of jaws 2 problems 4. Paired fins evolved, gave rise to limbs 1.Turtles in separate clade ? 2. Birds in reptile clade 5. Gills evolved, gave rise to lungs Evolutionary Trends in Vertebrates Divergence of Cephalochordates and Vertebrates 7. Diversity of Adaptations for land, air, and water 6. Amniotic Egg AMNIOTES 5. Terrestrial Locomotion TETRAPODS 4. Lungs 3. Jaws 1. CRANIATES: GNATHOSTOMES 2. Gills 2. Head and heart (2 chambers) CRANIATES CRANIATES 1. Paired Fins 3. Free-swimming 4. Molecular evidence suggests divergence 750 my ago 5. Undisputed fossil vertebrates ~500 my old Characteristics of Earliest Vertebrates Earliest Craniates 1. Small jawless fish 2. Bony skeleton, including vertebrae 530 million year old Haikouella: transition between invertebrate and vertebrate? 3. Bodies completely covered with bony armor plates -SCIENCE (2000) VOL. 287 4. Ate sea-floor invertebrates 5. Brain imprints reveal many “modern” brain features: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain CRANIATES Extinct “agnathan” Evolution of Fishes Jawless Vertebrates: Lampreys, Hagfish 488 mya 488 444 mya 444 540 mya 540 416 mya 416 359 mya 359 Subphylum Vertebrata Evolution of Jaws hagfish Cartilaginous Fishes: Jawed Fishes Class Chondrichthyes 1. Most diverse and numerous group of vertebrates 1. Most are marine predators 2. Cartilaginous skeleton 2. Two classes: 3. Main groups: • Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) • Skates and rays • Osteichthyes (bony fishes) • Sharks • Chimaeras (ratfishes) Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Chondrichthyes Cartilaginous fishes Cartilaginous fishes Sharks and Rays Rhinobatos productus Carcharadon carcharias shovelnose guitarfish white shark Subphylum Vertebrata Bony Fishes: Cartilaginous fishes Class Osteichthyes 1. Includes 96 percent of living fish species 2. Three subclasses: • Ray-finned fishes • Lobe-finned fishes MANTA RAY Manta birostris • Lung fishes Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Osteichthyes Bony fishes Ray-finned fishes “Common fishes” Sebastes atrovirens Amphiprion melanopus kelp rockfish red and black anemonefish Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Sebastes chrysomelas Sebastes miniatus black and yellow rockfish vermillion rockfish Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Plectorhynchus goldmani Lutjanid sweet lips snapper Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Epinephelus tukula potato cod Sebastes serranoides olive rockfish Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata flatfish camouflaged flatfish Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata porcupinefish seahorse Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Lophius piscatorius Chauliodus sloani anglerfish viperfish TETRAPODA Invasion of the Land: Amphibians Evolution of Amphibians 1. Lobe-finned fishes arose during the early Devonian 2. Used their fins to travel over land from pool to pool • Body plan and reproductive mode between fishes and reptiles • Eggs need water Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Latimeria menadoensis coelacanth from fish to tetrapod Subphylum Vertebrata Early Amphibians 1. Lungs became more effective 2. Chambers of the heart became partially separated, making circulation more efficient Ichthyostega - early amphibious tetrapod Modern Amphibians Living Amphibian Groups 1. All require water at some stage in the life cycle; 1. Frogs & Toads most lay eggs in water 2. Lungs are less efficient than those of other 2. Salamanders vertebrates 3. Skin serves as respiratory organ 3. Ceacilians Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Ambystoma mexicanum Mexican axolotl salamander Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata frog frogs Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata frog tadpoles Bufo marinus cane toad Subphylum Vertebrata Evolution of Reptiles 1. Reptiles arose from amphibians in the O2 CO2 Carboniferous 2. Adaptations to life on land • Tough, scaly skin • Internal fertilization • Amniote eggs • Water-conserving kidneys amniotic egg Reptilian Radiation Therapsids 1. Adaptive radiation produced numerous lineages Posess many characteristics of both reptiles and mammals 2. Extinct groups include: • Therapsids (ancestors of mammals) • Marine plesiosaurs & ichthyosaurs • Dinosaurs and pterosaurs Plesiosaurs Ichthyosaurs Up to 40 feet long Fish-like reptiles 250 – 90 million years ago Living Reptiles Crocodile Four orders made it to the present day Crocodilians Turtles Tuataras Snakes and lizards Turtles and Tortises Lizards and Snakes 1. Armorlike shell 1. Largest order (95 percent of venom gland 2. Horny plates instead of teeth living reptiles) 3. Lay eggs on land 2. Most lizards are insectivores with small peglike teeth hollow fang 3. All snakes are carnivores with highly movable jaws Tuataras Tuatara 1. Only two living species 2. Live on islands off the coast of New Zealand 3. Look like lizards, but resemble amphibians in some aspects of their brain and in their way of walking Sphenodon guentheri Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Varanus Varanus goanna goanna Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata blood python with amniotic eggs Aipysurus laevis Python curtus brongersmai olive sea snake Subphylum Vertebrata Birds: Phylum Aves 1. Only birds have feathers 2. Arose from reptilian ancestors • Feathers are highly modified reptilian scales Alligator mississippiensis American alligator Amniote Eggs Adapted for Flight 1. Like reptiles, birds produce amniote eggs 1. Four-chambered heart 2. Inside the egg, the embryo is enclosed in a 2. Highly efficient membrane called the amnion respiratory system 3. Lightweight bones with 3. Amnion protects the embryo from drying out air spaces 4. Powerful muscles attach to the keel From Dinosaurs to Birds From Dinosaurs to Birds adult Opisthocomus hoazin hoatzin flying dinosaur flying reptiles flying bird juvenile From Dinosaurs to Birds Evidence that Birds are Dinosaurs scales • Birds and Reptiles have scales • Birds and Reptiles lay eggs • Birds and Reptiles have many similar bones feathers including hips, feet and toes Scales and Feathers are Similar scales Bird and Reptile Scales Bird and Reptile Feet Bird leg Snake skin Owl talons Deinonychus Dinosaurs are NOT extinct! Subphylum Vertebrata Alisterus scapularis Australian King Parrot They are birds! Archaeopteryx Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Casuarius casuarius Aptenodytes patagonicus cassowary King Penguin Subphylum Vertebrata Mammals: Phylum Mammalia 1. Hair Ninox boobook 2. Mammary glands Southern Boobook 3. Distinctive teeth (Australian owl) 4. Highly developed brain 5. Extended care for the young The first Mammal! Mammalian Origins 1. 200 million years ago, during the Triassic, synapsids gave rise to therapsids 2. Therapsids were the reptilian ancestors of mammals 3. The first mammals had evolved by the Jurassic Scratchus mammalus Three Mammalian Lineages Living Monotremes 1. Monotremes 1. Three species • Egg-laying mammals 2. Marsupials • Duck-billed platypus • Pouched mammals • Two kinds of spiny anteater 3. Eutherians 2. All lay eggs • Placental mammals Living Marsupials Living Placental Mammals 1. Most of the 260 species are native to Australia 1. Most diverse mammalian group and nearby islands 2. Young develop in mother’s uterus 2. Only the opossums are found in North America 3. Placenta composed of maternal and fetal tissues; nourishes 3. Young are born in an undeveloped state and fetus, delivers oxygen, and removes wastes complete development in a permanent pouch on 4. Placental mammals develop more quickly than marsupials mother Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Monotremes Marsupials Placentals mammal Three groupings of mammals Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Dasypus novemcinctus armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus armadillo Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Manis sp. Loxodonta africana pangolin African elephant Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Giraffa camelopardalis giraffe Trichechus manatus latirostris manatee Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Zalophus californianus Ailuropoda melanoleuca California sea lion Giant Panda Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Ursus arctos Ursus arctos brown bear grizzly bear Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata jaguar ocelot Subphylum Vertebrata Subphylum Vertebrata Kangaroo and joey Trichosurus vulpecula common brushtail possum
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