Women andPolitics Worldwide· EDITED BY BARBARA J. NELSON & NAJMA CHOWDHURY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS ·NEW HAVEN & LONDON Fur J[aimlr Rt.':A c./)(Jlf'dlmr)' Publishcd with J.SSiSt:lOCC from the fOUlldJtion c~tJ.bli~hcd in memory of Philip Hamilton .\k.\liIIJIl ofthe ClJ.ss of 189-1-, and Yale College. Betty-Jalle Janus Bc'rllard J. Ndso~1 Copyright 'C 1994 br Yale l;ni\'ersity. All rights re~rved, alld mId This book mar not be reproduced, in whole or in pact, including iIIustrotions, in any torm (beyond that copying Geor...qe Kllo.'( . Rachel tVa.vlle Nelsoll JX:rmittcd b~' Sections 107 and 108 ofthe LT.5, C()p~'light uw and except by rc\'iewers tor the public prcss), without written permission from the publishers, Designed by :"ancy O\·cdo\itz. Set in Galliard type by The Composing Room ofMichigan, Inc, Primed in the United Statcs ofAmerka by Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor. Michigan. Library ofCongress CaClloging·in-Publicarion Data Womcn and politics wortd\\ide / cdited by Barbaro J. Nelson and ~ajma Chowdhury. p. em. Includes bibliographical rden:ncc:s (I'. ) and index. IS'S 0·300·05407,6 (dmh : alk. p.per).- 'SBS 0·300·05408·4 (p.per: .Ik. p.per) 1. Women in politics-Cross-cultur:l.l studies. 2, Women's rights-Cmss-cultural studies, I. Nelson. Barbara J" 1949- u. C.ludhuri. ~ajami, 1942- . HQ1236.IV6363 1994 320' .082-..t1.":20 93·28668 err A catalogue record tor this book is available from the British Librory. The paper in this book meets the guidelines tor permanence ;lnd dumbili[f ofthe Committee on Production Guidelines tor Book LonSC\·i~· ofthe Coun~il on Lib~' Resources. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Contents Acknowledgments IX PART I 1 .. Redefining Politics: Patterns of Womcn's Political Engagement from a Global Perspective :-';AJ~lA CHOWDHURY .-\:"0:0 BARBARA 1. :s'ELSON' WITH KATHRYN A. CARVER., ~A:-.rCY J. JOH~SOS. AND ("AUlA L. O'LOUGHLIS 3 2 .. Research Design and Practice: Methodological Issues in Feminist Comparative Politics Research ~AJMA CHOWDHURY AND BARBARA J. :"'ELSON WITH ~ANCY 1. JOH~SON A:"lD PAt:'U L. O'LOL'GHLIX 25 3 .. Global Research on Women's Political Engagement: The History ofthe Women and Politics Worldwide Project . SArMA CHOWDHURY, :--:A;SCY 1. tOH:"SO;S, BARBARA J. :SELSO~, A~D rAUL,L. O'LOUGHLI>l 41 4 ... !\IeasuLing \,yornen'5 Status, Porti.lying Women's Lives: Problems in Collecting Data on Women's Experiences BARBARA 1. ~El.SO:-; WITH K.""THRn.< A. CARVER, PAL"L-\ L. 0 'LOUGHLI~, .-\:SO WHIT:'tlEY THOMl'SOS 49 PART II .. Argentina From Family Ties to Political Action: \Vamen'$ Experiences in ArgentinJ. MARlA DEL CARMEN FElIOO 59 .. Australia Locked Out or Locked In? Women and Politics in Australia .\'fARlAN SAWER 73 .. Bangladesh Bangladesh: Gender Issues and Politics in a Patriarchy :"lArMA CHOWDHURY ,92 ... Bolivia ... Ghana Women and Politics: Gender Relations in Women and the Evolution ofa Ghanaian Bolivian Political Organizations and Political Synthesis Labor Unions KAMENE OKONJO 285 GLORIA ARDAYA SAUNAS TRANSUtTED BY SAMUEL M. DUBOIS 114 ... Great Britain The Rules ofthe Political Game: ... Brazil Feminism and Politics in Great Britain Women in the Struggle for Democracy 10NI LOVENDUSKI 298 and Equal Rights in Brazil FANNY TABAK 127 • Greece ... Canada Women Confronting Parry Politics in Greece Building a Political Voice: Women's Participation and Policy Influence A..~N R. CACOULLOS 311 in Canada ... Hong Kong SYLVIA BASHEVKIN 142 The Underdeveloped Political Potential ... China ofWomen in Hong Kong Women's Life in New China FA..'lNY M. CHEUNG, SHIRLEY PO-SA?' YUE DArYUN "''1D LI lIN 161 WA."J, AND OLIVIA. CHI-KJE WA..'l 326 ... Costa Rica ... Hungary With Patience and Without Blood: Hungarian Women's Political The Political Struggles ofCosta Participation in the Transition Rican Women to Democracy MIRTA GONzALEZ-SUAREZ 174 KATALIN' KONCZ 347 ... Cuba ... India Revolutionizing Women, Family, Women's Political Engagement in India: and Power Some Critical Issues lEAN STUBBS 189 HEM LAT.:\ SWARUP, NIROJ SINHA, ... Czechoslovakia (former) CHITRA GHOSH, A.."JD PAM RAJPUT 361 Women's Issues in Czechoslovakia in the: Communist and Postcommunist Periods ... Israel SHARON L. WOLCHIK 208 Women and Politics in Israel DAPHNA SHARFMA..'1 380 ... Egypt The Paradoxes ofState Feminism ... Japan in Egypt The U.N. Convention on Eliminating MERVAT F. HATEM 226 Discrimination Against Women and ... France: the Status ofWomen in Japan The Same or Different? An Unending NUITA YOKO, YAMAGUCHI MITSUKO, Dilemma for French Women AND KURO KlMIKO TRA....'l'SLATED BY ELIZ.....BETH 1. CLA.PJ(E 396 JANE JENSON AND 1Y1ARIElTE SINEAU 243 ... Germany ... Kenya Women and Politics: The New FederaJ Man-Made Political Machinery in Kenya: Republic ofGermany Political Space for Women? CHRISTIANE LEMKE 261 MARIA NZOMO AND K.~THLEEN STAUDT 415 vi Contents • Karel. Republic of(Sourh Korea) • Peru \\omen's Political Engagement and Between Confusion and the Law: hrri,;parion in the Republic ofKorea Women and Politics in Peru IJOSG.sc.;CK SOH~ 436 VIRGINIA VARGAS A..'lD VICTORIA VlLI.A."lUEVA 575 • Mexico • The Philippines The Srruggle for Life, or Pulling Off Philippine Feminism in Historical ~Iask lhe of Infumy Perspective EU B.UTR.;o\ BELINDA A. AQUINO 590 T1\.....SL\TED BY JOHN MRAZ 448 • Poland Polish Women as the Objeer and Subject • ~loroceo Women in Morocco: Gender Issues ofPolitics During and After the and Politics Communist Period AlCH.\ .\FIFt A&-":O RAJAE MSEFER 461 RENATA SIEMIENSKA TRANSLATED BY G. DZIURDZIK· • :-epal KRASNIEWSKA 608 Political Participation ofWomen in Nepal 478 • Puerto Rico ),IEES.\ ;\CHARYA At the Crossroads: Colonialism and Feminism in Puerto Rico • The :-:crherlands YAMILA AZIZE-VARGAS 625 Political Participation ofWomen: The :-erherlands • South Africa Mo~tQCE LEI'ENAAR .Jr,.."lD KEES Women in Politics Under Apartheid: SIE.\tOl.LER 496 A Challenge to the New South Africa BARBARA KLUG~lAS 639 .. ~igeria Re"ersing the Marginalization ofthe • Spain Women's Political Engagement in Spain Im'isible and Silent Majority: Women MARlA TERESA GALLEGO MENDEZ in Politics in Nigeria TRA...."ISu..TED BY ~1ARGARlTA ).:.\.\lE:"£ OKONYO 512 GOMEZ-REINO 660 .. ~orway • Sudan The State and Women: A Troubled The Women's Movement, Displaced Rc13cionship in Norway Women, and Rutal Women in Sudan JA.."';SEKE VA..'1 DER RQS 527 MAGDA M. El.-SAJ.'OOUSI AND NAFISA AHMED EL-A.M:IN 674 • Palesrine • Switzerland \Vomc:n'5 Participation in [he Palestine Direct Democracy and \Vomen's liberation Organization Suffrage: Antagonism in Switzerland AM.o\L KAWAR 544 REGUU. STAMPFU 690 ... Papua New Guinea • Turkey Rhetoric, Reality, and a Dilemma: Turkish Women as Agents ofSocial Women and Politics in Papua Change in a Pluralist Democracy ~ewGuinea NERMIN ABADAN-UNAT EJU£~ WORMALD 560 AND OYA TOKGOZ 705 Contents vii ... Union ofSovier Socialise Republics ... Uruguay (tormer) Uruguay: A Recene History ofa Subject Sovior Women and Politics: On rhe Brink with a History oflts Own ofChonge GRACIE-LA SAPRIZ..\ OLGA A. VORO~[:-':A TRAXSLATED RY IXEs TRAllAL 758 TRA.'1Sl--\TED BY ANATOLU SMIR..'lOFF 721 Appendix: Selected Information from the ... United Stares Counery Charts 773 Many Voices Bur Few Vehicles: The Consequences tor Women ofWeak List ofContributors 787 Political Infrastructure in the United Index 797 States BARBARA J. ~ELSON A:-;D KATHRYN A. CARVER 737 viii Contents ~ The Philippines POLITICS People's Refunn Party (PRP): Alliance Typ. ofPolitieRJ System: democracy organized by Miriam Defensor Santiago to Sovereignty: republic support her presidential candidacy in 1992. Executive-Legislative System: presidential Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (ICBL, or New Typ. ofStlUe: unitary Society Movement): Party created by Typ. ofParl'y Syttem: multiparty President Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 while Maj.,. PolitiCilI Parties< the Philippines was under martial law. Marcos Communist Partyofthe Philippines-New used this party to run in the 1986 snap People's Army (CPP-NPA): Radical presidential election against Corazon Aquino. underground movement; not a political party Tar Womm Granud Right to VOte: 1937 in the usual sense, Tear W.."m G,.,.nt.d Right to StandfOr Eketi.,,: 1937 MolO National Liberation Front (MNLF): Penmtll!J. ofW.."." in the Legisi4tu~ . Radical underground Muslim movement in Lower House: 8.9% Mindanao; founded in 1972. Upper House: 8.6% Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP, or Pll'UtItag. ofEleeto,.,.te VOtingfOr Highest Struggle ofDemocratic Filipinos): Won a EJ.cted Offie. i" MIJJt R.centEketion majority in the Senate and House of (1992): not available Representatives in the May 1992 elections. DEMO GRAPHICS Supported Corazon Aquino during her Popui4ti.,,: 60,480,000< presidency (1987-92). Percentllg. ofPopulation i" Urban Arellfl Partido Demokratikong Pilipino (PDP, or Overall: 42.0% Filipino Democratic Party): Founded by Sen. Female: not available Aquilino Pimentel. Fonned a coalition with Male: not available some Laban elements to establish PDP-Laban, Pen''''ag. ofPop..u.tion B.1mP 4!r' 15: which fielded Senate candidates in the 1992 39.0%· elections. Birthrtlu (per 1,000 population): 35' Maternal Morrniity Rate (per 100,000 live Liberal Party (LP): Founded at births): 80 independence in 1946. Fonned a coalition I"fant Mortalil'y Rat. (per 1,000 live births): with the PDP in 1992 to support the presidential candidacy ofSen. Jovito Salonga. 46 MortIIlil'y RatefOr Chilil,.", Under Pi...(per Lakas ng Baran [People's Powed-National 1,000 live births): 75 Union ofChristian Democrats (Lakas-NUCD): A.......g. Hous.hold Si",: 5.68 Alliance formed by President Fidel Ramos M.a" 4!r' at Pint Marriag. dwmg~1992presidentialcandida~ Female: 22.4 Nacionalista Party (NP, or Nationalist Male: 25.3 Party): Oldest major party in the Philippines; Lift Exp.ctancy fonned in 1907 during the U.S. colonial Female: 63.7 period. Male: 60.2 Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC): EDUCATION Alliance Qrganized by Eduardo Cojuangco to Ratio ofFmuiJ.
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