Proefbuis-tweeling Speed humps cause Eunice girl word ouers op drama in Heuwelsig receives a NY dieselfde dag scholarship BLADSY 3 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 THURSDAY 31 AUGUST 2017 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE Bfn roads appalling - IBL OLEBOGENG MOTSE reduction is carried out “with a painful [email protected] heart”. “However, it has been done with the Interstate Bus Lines (IBL), the largest view of ensuring and avoiding a repeat of transport company in the Mangaung the violent protest of 16 August 2017 as Metro, has expressed grave concern over that has the potential of endangering the the state of the roads in Bloemfontein, lives of loyal commuters. calling it appalling. “IBL wishes to assure its loyal The safety of IBL’s passengers has been commuters that over the years it has placed under spotlight after the bus line been acting in their best interest to was involved in three accidents on the ensure sustainable, safe and quality N8 in the last two months alone, with service delivery in trying economic times. the latest accident occurring this past It will continue to do so in acceptable Monday morning. trading conditions.” According to IBL spokesperson, Thando The fare reduction is one of a few Lepele, “the poor condition of the roads resolutions taken at the meeting between in Mangaung has contributed quite IBL and the Mangaung Forum, facilitated significantly to the breakdown of buses”. by the MEC of Police, Roads and The dilapidated roads in the Free Transport, Sam Mashinini. State province were also noted by Other resolutions arrived at, include: Chairperson of the National Council of On the issue of ticket expiry dates, it Provinces, Thandi Modise, when she was was agreed that the following weekly tag addressing the people of Botshabelo at will be introduced to cater for people the conclusion of the NCOP’s oversight working three days a week, so that visit to the province last week. they can finish their trips in time: 4-day The company also alleges that there is = 8 trips (only 8 trips paid for will be a lack of law enforcement on the N8, loaded), which will be valid for 8 days; specifically around the Botshabelo area 20 trips (only 20 trips paid for will be during weekends, emboldening drivers to loaded), which will be valid for 30 days drive drunk on the road, risking the lives from purchase. of IBL’s drivers and passengers. George Mokgothu, Chief Executive Officer of Thando Lepele, spokesperson of Interstate Bus On monthly tickets: 44 trips will be valid At a meeting held on 25 August an array Interstate Bus Lines Lines for 40 days (only 44 trips paid for will be of passenger concerns were discussed in loaded); 52 trips will be valid for 44 days depth. As a result the company pledged (only 52 trips paid for will be loaded). to also introduce commuter open days, 16 August, where an angry mob allegedly IBL has agreed to the reduction of the The department will engage the services where commuters go to the company’s threw stones targeting Interstate buses, bus fare increase to 6.5% for three of an independent service provider to offices to engage on issues such as sighting increasing bus ticket prices amid months from 1 September 2017. investigate the possible lasting solution passenger safety. safety concerns as the primary cause. George Mokgothu, Chief Executive for the expiry of tags and will report This follows a protest that took place on To avoid a repeat of the violent protest, Officer of IBL, said in a statement the back to the MEC in three months. 2 COMMUNITY NEWS • GEMEENSKAPSNUUS www.bloemfonteincourant.co.za • [email protected] • 31 August 2017 ‘Sudden’ speed humps cause drama SEITHATI SEMENOKANE road, but that they are also too high. I saw these speed humps everywhere. regarding the matter. “The good news is [email protected] “The public wasn’t consulted, even myself Nobody is against the speed humps, that’s that I and three residents from Heuwelsig as a city councillor for Ward 20 was not good, because people drive at very high met with the city manager, the head of The sudden appearance of about twelve consulted, the municipality just had them speed there. My concern is that they have the department of engineering, the head speed humps in Lucas Steyn Street, erected,” said Van der Merwe. not been erected according to the right of department of planning and two other Heuwelsig, has caused residents to be in Van der Merwe, who has been a councillor specifications.” officials. They accept that the speed humps a frenzy. Ward 20 Councillor from the of Heuwelsig for many years, said about 10 Van der Merwe added that people living in are not according to regulations.” Democratic Alliance, Fief van der Merwe, years ago he requested the municipality the streets parallel to Lucas Steyn Street, The municipality agreed to meet with Van says his phone has not stopped ringing to implement speed humps, but was told which are Henry Fagan and William Trollip der Merwe and other residents this week, with residents wanting to know what’s that they were not allowed in Lucas Steyn Street, have now also stated they want speed when they will look at the specifications. happening and complaining that there are Street. He then tried to get speed cameras humps as motorists are using these streets The engineers will provide them with the not only too many speed humps in the installed, to which the municipality was to avoid the speed humps in Lucas Steyn correct speed hump specifications, in hopes compliant, as people tend to drive at high Street. “We can’t erect speed humps in every of erecting in the right ones. “I’m very glad speed in that area, however, that never street. That is not a solution, we need more that the officials are willing to listen to us as manifested, with the municipality stating traffic officers to patrol the area.” residents and that they are willing to remedy that there was no money for it. He said the municipality has been helpful the problem as it affects all of us,” Van der “And then suddenly, two three weeks ago and willing to listen to residents’ concerns Merwe concluded. Fiesta del Vino ’n reuse-sukses JERETHA OOSTHUIZEN smul aan die verskeidenheid items en Nederlandse disse ingesluit. To read more [email protected] op die spyskaart. Elke dis was tradisioneel aan ’n about this visit “Vrydagaand het Jacobus Silwer spesifieke taal verbind. Hoe dan www.bloemfontein Vanjaar se Fiesta del Vino was van ons “Fusion Fiesta: Eat to anders as om biersop in Duits te courant.co.za vir seker ’n reuse-sukses en vir the beat”-aand iets nuuts en bedien en ’n trio van melktert, almal wat ’n aandeel daarin gehad opwindends gemaak. Ek dink nie koeksisters en malvapoeding in 0(752081,&,3$/,7< 0(752081,6,3$/,7(,7 /(.*27/$.$0276( het, iets waarop hulle jaarliks wil daar is al so iets in Suid Afrika Afrikaans? verbeter. aangebied nie – ’n kos-en-musiek- Feesgangers was duidelik gaande “Hierdie jaar se Fiesta was baie samevoeging. Die mense was oor die geleentheid. “Ons het suksesvol. Die wynstalletjies was gaande daaroor en kaartjies was vreeslik baie positiewe terugvoer 23(1%$5( weer eens ’n groot sukses en baie heeltemal uitverkoop,” sê Muller. gekry. Vir ons sal daar altyd iets .(11,6*(:,1* wyne kon vir die eerste keer hier Hulle moes mense wegwys omdat wees om op te verbeter, maar geproe word, ” se Grethé Muller, daar net nie meer mense in die mense het dit baie geniet,” sê %HVWXXUYDQVWXGHQWHEHKXLVLQJLQGLH waarnemende departementshoof atrium kon inpas nie. Muller. 0DQJDXQJPXQLVLSDOHJHELHG van die SUT Hotelskool. Die unieke aanbieding is vooraf Daar is reeds planne in die pyplyn ,QZRQHUVZRUGKLHUPHHYHUVRHNRPDOOHVWXGHQWHKXLVHWHZHWWLJYROJHQVGLH0X Die heerlike eetgoed, wat baie saam met Silwer beplan en ’n vir volgende jaar. Volgens Muller QLVLSDOH *URQGJHEUXLNEHSODQQLQJVUHJXODVL$H VRRVYHUYDW LQ GLH JD]HWWHYDQ mense selfs in wegneempakkies spyskaart is uitgewerk wat deur het die organiseerders begin notas -XOLH9LUYHUGHUHLQJOLJWLQJRRUGLHSURVHGXUHZDWJHYROJPRHWZRUGZRUG saamgeneem het huis toe, was die musiek geïinspireer is. maak vir volgende jaar se Fiesta, LQZRQHUVYHUVRHNRPGLHYROJHQGHSHUVRRQHQQRPPHUWHNRQWDN ’n groot aantrekkingskrag. Die Die vyfgangmaal het Sesotho, dinge waarop hulle wil verbeter en %HNLZH&KDNH 'HQ]L/HEXVKR Bistro-restaurant het mense laat Duits, Spaans, Engels, Afrikaans nuwe idees wat hulle wil gebruik. RI %HNLZHFKDNH#PDQJDXQJFR]D 2QZHWWLJHVWXGHQWHZRQLQJVPRHWJHUDSSRUWHHUZRUGDDQ-RKDQQHV6PLWK Dog attack: Employer speaks out 7HO (SRV-RKDQQHVVPLWK#PDQJDXQJFR]D Thabo Masa, the man who was (separate from his normal general police reports, the information Masa $OOHPLVGDDGYHUZDQWHVDNHPRHWJHUDSSRUWHHUZRUGDDQGLH6$3'E\ RI viciously bitten by a dog over working job), when the two dogs provided to Bloemfontein Courant four months ago, and whom attacked him. is therefore not correct, and he 'LHJURQGJHEUXLNEHVWXXUVUHJXODVLHHQVWXGHQWHKXLVEHOHLGLVWHULQVDHRSGLHPX Bloemfontein Courant wrote However, according to Masa’s requests that it be corrected as it QLVLSDOLWHLWVHZHEWXLVWHZZZPDQJDXQJFR]DRQGHUEHOHLG SROLFLHV about last week, was still in his employer this is not true. The could cause issues for Masa. Masa’s $OWHUQDWLHZHNRPPXQLNDVLHNDQJHVWXXUZRUGDDQ'LH+RRIYDQ%HSODQQLQJ%KH boss’ employment when he got employer says Masa was still medical bills, that amounted to NL0WKHPEX attacked by the dogs. working for him, only at another about R230 000, were paid by the This is according to his employer, place, where he and another Department of Labour. 3RVDGUHV 3RVEXV %ORHPIRQWHLQ who prefers not to be named. colleague were meant to lay The employer also says that Masa Masa told Bloemfontein Courant pavements on the premises. confirmed with him that information 67$'%(67885'(5 that he was working with another The employer further says, he gave to Bloemfontein Courant $'97$1.,620($ colleague to lay a pavement, according to statements made by was untrue and that there has been 8LWJHJHHGHXU000&RPPXQLFDWLRQV ZZZPDQJDXQJFR]D_ZZZIDFHERRNFRPPDQJDXQJPHWURP 2SURHSVHQWUXP± working as a casual employee Masa in the official affidavits and a misunderstanding .
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