Influence ofApplication Rate andTimingofDiclosulam on WeedControlin Peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.) T. L. Crey?", D. C. Bridges', and E. F. Eastin- ABSTRACT 1998). Without controlling these and other weeds, pea­ Field studies were conducted from 1996 to1998 in nutyield can be reduced considerably (Royal et al., 1989; Georgiato determine peanut (Arachishypogaea L.) and Bridges et al., 1992; Wilcut et al., 1995b). weed response to ethalfluralin (0.8 kg ai/ha) plus The residual herbicides alachlor [2-chloro-N-(2,6­ diclosulamapplied preplant incorporated (PPI) at 9, 18, diethylphenyl)-N-(methoxymethyl) acetamide] (Johnson 26, 35 and 52 g ailha. Other treatments included et al., 1993), imazethapyr {2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl­ ethalfluralin PPI followed by paraquat plus bentazon methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-emidazol-2-yl]-5­ (140and 280 g ailha, respectively) early postemergence ethyl-3pyridinecarboxylic acid} (Wilcut et al., 1994, (EPOST) applied alone or followins; ethalfluralin plus diclosulam (18 and 26 g ailha) PPI, ethalfluralin PPI 1995b; Greyet al.,l995; Richburget al., 1995b,c; Grichar followed byimazapic(71gailha)postemergence (POST), and Nester, 1997), imazapic {(±)-2-[4,5-dihydro-4-me­ and ethalfluralin PPJ. Ethalfluralinwasapplied PPI in all thyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-lH-imidazol-2-yl]-5-me­ herbicide programs. Diclosulamcontrolled Florida beg­ thyl-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid} (Richburget al., 1995a,c; garweed[Desrrwdium tortuosum (Sweet)D.C.],sicklepod Wilcut et al., 1995b; Grichar and Nester, 1997; Webster [Sennaobtusifolia (L.) Irwin and Bameby], and yellow et al., 1997), metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6­ nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) inconsistently, and methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)acetiamide] POSTapplicationofparaquat plus bentazon wasneeded (Richburgetal., 1995b; Gricharetal., 1996), ethalfluralin for acceptable control. However, diclosulamcontrolled [N -ethyl-N-( 2-methyl-2-propenly)-2,6-dintro-4­ common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), tropic (trifluoromethylrbenzenamine] and pendimethalin [N­ croton (Croton glandulosus Muell-Arg.),wildpoinsettia (1-ethylpropyl)-3,4-dimethyl-2,6-dinitrobenzenamine] (Euphorbia heterophylla L.), and prickly sida (Sida (Johnson and Mullinix, 1999) often are applied to control spinosaL.) withoutthe need forPOSTherbicides.Higher or suppress grass and broadleaf weeds and nutsedges. yieldswere recorded with diclosulam PPI followedby a Peanut development and maturity require a relatively sequential application of paraquat plus bentazon than long growing season (140-160 d) (Wilcut et al., 1995b), herbicide programs not containing diclosulam or and residual activity of herbicides applied at planting diclosulamalone. Diclosulam PPI followedby sequen­ may not control weeds throughout the entire season. tialapplications ofparaquatplusbentazonprovidedgreater Paraquat [1,l'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride] plus control of sicklepod and prickly sida that resulted in bentazon [3-( 1-methylethyl)-(1H)-2,1,3-benzothia­ greater yields. Yields from dicosulam PPI followed by diazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide] applied in combination paraquat plusbentazon EPOSTwereequivalenttoyields POST are used to control many broadleafweeds. How­ withparaquatplusbentazonEPOST followed byimazapic ever, lack of residual activity, narrow window of appli­ POST or imazapic EPOST. cation, and antagonism ofthis combination for sicklepod and Florida beggarweed control often limit long-term Key Words: Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Croton effectiveness. Additional herbicides or tillage may be glandulosus, Cyperus esculentus, DE-564, Desmodium needed in addition to these herbicides (Wehtje et al., tortuosum, Euphorbia heterophylla, Senna obtusifolia, 1992; Greyet al., 1995; Wilcut et al., 1995b). Residual Sida spinosa. herbicides thatprovide season-long, broad-spectrum con­ trol ofbroadleafweeds and nutsedge would benefit pro­ ducers. Diclosulam {N-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-5-ethoxy-7­ Developmentofnewherbicides is necessarybecause of fl u 0 ro [ 1 ,2,4] t ri az 0 I 0 - [ 1 ,5 - c] p yri midi n e - 2­ herbicide registration cancellations and changes in weed sulfonamide}controls broadleafweeds andnutsedgeweed spectrum and pressure. Although weed populations vary species in soybean [Glycine max, (L.) Merr.] (Kleschick across the U.S. peanut production regions, many of the et al., 1992; Barnes et al., 1998; Brewer et al., 1998; same herbicides are used. In the southeastern states of Smith et al., 1998; Reddy, 2000) and peanut (Prostko et Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, sicklepod, yellow and al., 1997, 1999; Bailey et al., 1998, 1999; Grichar et al., purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.), and Floridabeg­ 1998), and has potential forestry uses (Muir and Glover, garweed, are some ofthe most troublesomeweeds (Dowler, 1998). Diclosulam can be applied preemergence (PRE) but will not be effective until rainfall or irrigation has moved it into the soil where weed germination occurs (Anon., 2000). Therefore, preplant incorporation (PPI) IRes. Scien. and Prof., Dept. Crop and Soil Sciences, Univ. of Georgia, applications offer less risk and more consistent weed Georgia Exp. Sta., 1109 Experiment St., Griffin, GA 30223. control. Research is neededto further define appropriate 2prof., Dept. CropandSoil Sciences, Univ. ofGeorgia, CoastalPlain Sta., use patterns for diclosulam in peanut. Thus, the objec­ WeedScience Bldg., P.O. Box 748, 111 EngineeringDr.,Tifton, GA 31793. *Correspondingauthor(email: [email protected]). tives of this research were to evaluate weed efficacy of PeanutScience(2001) 28:13-19 13 14 PEANUT SCIENCE weed management programs including diclosulam ap­ of0 (no control) to 100 % (complete control) relative to the plied PPI and in comparison to herbicide programs that ethalfluralin alone control. Visual estimates of percentage are considered commercial standards. peanut foliar injury were recorded 1 wk after the EPOST and/or POST treatments and again 2 wk prior to harvest Materials and Methods using the scale previously described. Peanut was harvested Experiments were conducted in Georgia at the Bledsoe in September or October depending upon pod maturity Research Farm nearWilliamson, at the Attapulgus Research using conventional harvesting equipment. Farm in Attapulgus, at the Coastal Plain Exp. Sta. near The experimental design was a randomized complete Tifton, and at the Southwest Georgia Branch Exp. Sta. block with four replications. Data were subjected to analy­ located near Plains. The experimentwas conductedtwice in sis of variance and tested for year-by-treatment interac­ 1998 at Plains and will thus be designated Plains A 1998 and tions. Treatments means were separated by Fisher's Pro­ Plains B 1998. The field characteristics, soil series, soil tected LSD Test at P = 0.05. All percentage weed control organic matter, soil pH, peanut cultivar, planting and emer­ ratings were from midseason except for Florida beggar­ gence date, rainfall, irrigation, and harvest date are presented weed, which were from the late season ratings. Significant in Table 1. year-by-treatment interactions were noted for percentage Ethalfluralin (0.8 kg/ha) was incorporated to a depth of5 weed control, peanutinjury, and podyield. Therefore, data to 7 ern over the entire test area. Peanutwas planted-Ito S em are presented for individual experiments. deep and spaced 5 to 6 em apart. Individual plots consisted of two 91-cm wide by 7.6-m long rows. Irrigation was Results and Discussion applied as needed in all studies (Table 1). Peanutinjuryrecorded 1wk afterthe POSTtreatment Herbicide systems evaluatedwere diclosulam PPI at 9, 18, was 13% or less and did not differ among treatments at 26, 35, or 52 g/ha or diclosulam PPI (18 or 26 g ai/ha) Attapulgus, Plains A and B 1998, or Tifton in 1997 and followed by an early post-emergence (EPOST) application 1998 (datanotpresented). Peanutinjuryfrom diclosulam of paraquat plus bentazon at 140 plus 280 g ai/ha, respec­ PPI applied was 9% or less in otherenvironments (Table tively. Standard treatments included imazapic at 71 g ai/ha 2). Peanut injury from diclosulam PPI was transient and EPOST, paraquat plus bentazon at 140 plus 280 g ai/ha not observed later in the season. Minor and transient EPOST, and paraquat plus bentazon at 140 plus 280 g ai/ha, peanut injury with diclosulam PPI and PRE has been EPOST fb imazapic at 71 g ai/ha POST. An ethalfluralin previously reported (Wilcut, 1997; Bailey et ai., 1998, alone treatment also was included. EPOST and POST her­ 1999; Prostko et al., 1998). In other research, excellent bicides were applied with a nonionic surfactant at 0.25% vi tolerance was reported for runner, spanish, andvirginia­ vat 2 and 5 wk after peanut emergence, respectively. Her­ type peanut throughout the peanut belt (Braxton et al., bicides were appliedwith a CO2-pres<;urizedbackpack sprayer calibrated to deliver 187 Llha at 210 kPa. 1997). Broadleafweed stage ranged from cotyledon to four leaves, Peanut injuryincreasedwhen diclosulam at 18 and 26 yellow nutsedge was in the spike to three-leaf stage, and g ailha was followed by paraquat plus bentazon EPOST peanut had approximately three to five true leaves at the compared with diclosulam alone at these same rates EPOST application timing. POST treatments were applied (Table 2). However, this injury was attributable to to broadleafweeds ranging in size from cotyledon to seven paraquat plus bentazon (Wilcut et al., 1995b). Imazapic leaves. Yellow nutsedge was three to six-leafand peanut had appliedEPOSTorPOSTfollowing
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