Legends of Sarı Saltık in the Seyahatnâme and the Bektashi

Legends of Sarı Saltık in the Seyahatnâme and the Bektashi

EVLİYÂ ÇELEBİ Studies and Essays Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of his Birth EDITORS Nuran Tezcan · Semih Tezcan Robert Danko" REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM PUBLICATIONS © REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF CULTURE © THE BANKS ASSOCIATION OF TURKEY AND TOURISM GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF LIBRARIES AND PUBLICATIONS Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism 3358 The Banks Association of Turkey Publications General Directorate of Libraries and Publications 290, Series of Culture:5 Series of Biographies and Memoirs 40 )+I$%Q%E($+!1:R=+I2!@W@OO eeeK&:'$:I$:I%URK`0GK$I eeeK$==K0I`K$I +;R(%'2!8(8%R'(If&:'$:I$:I%URK`0GK$I +;R(%'2!$==f$==K0I`K$I c/712!CWO;CWB;@W;6P@W;O c/712!CWO;P>B;B63W;@C;5 ORIGINAL TURKISH EDITION First Edition Evliyâ Çelebi, ©Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism General Directorate of Libraries and Publications, Ankara, 2011. Print Run: 500. Editors Nuran Tezcan, Semih Tezcan ENGLISH EDITION Editor of the English Edition Robert Dankoff PRODUCTION Isbank Culture Publication Address!"#$%&'('!)(**+#%,!-+.+'%&!/0&(&!102!345,!65566!7+809':;"#$(<=:'! Phone!>!?3@3A!3B3!6C!C@ PRINTED BY D0'*+<!-+*8(!-($=((EF'F&!G+!H%E(I+$!JKLK @>>K!MF'!-NK!-(#;/%$!@K!)(*K!102!OO! 7(9EF'(I!"#$(<=:' ?>3@3A!P3C!>>!35 )+I$%Q%E($+!1:R=+I2!@36BO PRINT RUN 2000 copies. PUBLICATION PLACE AND DATE Istanbul, 2012. COVER FIGURE H0S&(SF!/(I(8F!-TU+#%,!V(U%<+!3@5O!?J'=:R,!EK!@W3>;6>A!O( X#R(<'F!Y+#%R!/(<($F!?Z*%$+*!=82!/+IS%'!7(9EF,![%'%U!\(9R(<,!DT<#+'!Y+<*(,!]+I+<!H(<F<*F^! _T'$TI!G+!H:I%UR!7(&(<'F9F!M(8F<'(IF,!"#$(<=:',!3>>PA!Q%`K!@C5K ZG'%8a!\+'+=%!/$:*%+#!(<*!+##(8#!E0RR+R0I($%<`!$N+!5>>$N!(<<%G+I#(I8!0Q!N%#!=%I$N!4!Z*%$0I#!1:I(<!H+UE(<, /+R%N!H+UE(<,!Y0=+I$!b(<&0QQK;!Z<`'%#N!Z*%$%0<K;!c#$(<=:'2!!-%<%#$I8!0Q!!):'$:I+!(<*!!H0:I%#R,! HN+!7(<&!J##0E%($%0<!0Q!!H:I&+8,!3>@3K !!!!!53>!SK2!E0'K!%''K^!3OERK;;!?-%<%#$I8!0Q!!):'$:I+!(<*!H0:I%#R!d:='%E($%0<#^!66BO,!/+I%+#!0Q!7%0`I(SN%+#!(<*!-+R0%I#^ 5>,!HN+!7(<&#!J##0E%($%0<!0Q!H:I&+8!d:='%E($%0<#^!3C>K!/+I%+#!0Q!):'$:I+^!BKA! !!!!!)b!%<E':*%<`K !!!!!XI%`%<('!H%$'+2!ZG'%8a!\+'+=% !!!!!c/712!CWO;CWB;@W;6P@W;O!?Y+S:='%E!0Q!H:I&+8!-%<%#$I8!0Q!):'$:I+!(<*!H0:I%#RA,! !!!!!CWO;P>B;B63W;@C;5!?HN+!7(<&#!J##0E%($%0<!0Q!H:I&+8A! 1. Evliya Çelebi I. Tezcan, Nuran. II. Tezcan, Semih. III. Dankoff, Robert IV. Series C@>KC3 CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY # 1 Introduction 9 Nuran Tezcan and Semih Tezcan Introduction to the English Edition 10 Robert Dankoff # 2 Selection of Images Relating to Evliyâ Çelebi 15 # 3 The Travel Book of a Genius 17-19 Semih Tezcan LIFE AND LEGACY # 4 The Life of Evliyâ Çelebi: A Chronological Inventory 20-29 !"#$%&'()*#$+%,-./(0123)*#)*3#425()0&#6"#/(0123)* # 5 When did Evliyâ Çelebi Die? 30-32 Nuran Tezcan # 6 Evliyâ Çelebi the Archer 33-40 Semih Tezcan # 7 7(0#4,%890#2*#:;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#610)@ 41-42 Nuran Tezcan # 8 Documentary Traces of Evliyâ Çelebi 43-55 Nuran Tezcan Evliyâ Çelebi in Vienna The men he met in Vienna A1)BCD2 Patents of Safe Conduct Obtained from the Franks Interest in Drawing E*D010%D#2*#4)F% Evliyâ Çelebi in Books of Archery RESEARCH, MANUSCRIPTS, EDITIONS # 9 History of Research on the Seyahatnâme from 1814 to 2011 56-80 Nuran Tezcan # 10 /D195D910#)*3#G,*D0*D%#,B#D(0#/0-)()D*<@0H#E@F,1D)*D#4)*9%512FD%#)*3#:32D2,*% 81-95 Nuran Tezcan MAPS OF HIS TRAVELS # 11 4)FI#7(0#71);0&%#,B#:;&2-<#=0&0>2 96 425()0&#6"#/(0123)*# # 12 4)F#,B#:;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#71);0&%#2*#$*)D,&2) 97 Jens Peter Laut COUNTRIES, REGIONS, CITIES # 13 J,D0%#,*#:;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#71);0&%#2*#$*)D,&2) 100-107 K01239*#4"#:@050*# # 14 :;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#$*+)1) 108-113 Nuran Tezcan # 15 :;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#L,91*0-#D,#M20**) 114-118 A2%0&)#N1,5(OP+).:2%& # 16 L,91*0-#2*#$P01>)2Q)*#)*3#D(0#7R,#E1)8% 119-134 Christiane Bulut # 17 712F,&2#)*3#2D%#$15(2D05D91)&#4,*9@0*D%#2*#D(0 Seyahatnâme 135-144 Sawsan Agha Kassab and Khaled Tadmori # 18 4055)#2*#D(0#/0-)()D*<@0 145-153 Nurettin Gemici # 19 :S-FD#2*#D(0#/0-)()D*<@0 154-166 4,()@03#T)123- # 20 7(0#J2&0#L,91*0-I#:S-FDU#/93)*U#T)>0%( 167-182 Nuran Tezcan # 21 :;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#N0150FD2,*#,B#D(0#J0R#V,1&3 183-189 Hakan T. Karateke EXCERPTS AND CROSS SECTIONS FROM THE SEYAHATNÂME # 22 The Guild Procession 190-194 WX50&#6)Y&' # 23 7(0#4)1+0DF&)50%#,B#Z91%)U#[)-%012#)*3#\1B) 195-207 ]9&0#NB02BB01.7)^ # 24 7(0#N12*50?%#N)&)50#2*#4)*2%) 208-209 Nuran Tezcan # 25 N&)D,?%#N);2&2,*#_#7,R01#,B#D(0#V2*3% 210-212 Semih Tezcan # 26 The Piraeus Lion 213-215 Semih Tezcan # 27 7(0#4,%D)1#Z123S0#2*#Z,%*2) 216-218 Nuran Tezcan # 28 The Banana Tree 219 Nuran Tezcan # 29 `K)D(01#,B#7011,1aI#7(0#/D,1-#,B#D(0#/F(2*b 220-221 Semih Tezcan # 30 An Enemy of Images 222-223 Semih Tezcan # 31 Kaya Sultan Handkerchiefs Used as Gifts 224-225 Nuran Tezcan TRAVEL WRITING # 32 40@,21%#)*3#71);0&#J,D0%#,B#)#Z,,*#G,@F)*2,* 226-231 T)&2&#c*)&5'+ # 33 What Kind of Traveler was Evliyâ Çelebi? 232-235 Sooyong Kim # 34 71);0&#2*#D(0#42*3#,B#)#71);0&01I#$#K0@2*2%D#N01%F05D2;0#,*#:;&2-<#=0&0>2#2*# 236-241 Vienna Arzu Erekli HISTORY # 35 :;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#M20R%#,*#D(0#dDD,@)*#6-*)%D- 242-262 W)(-)#[0@)&#7)^D)* CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY # 36 !0)32*S#D(0#/0-)()D*<@0#)%#)*#:D(*,S1)F(25#70bD#,1#!0S)132*S#:;&2-<#=0&0>2#)%# 263-271 )*#:)1&-#:D(*,S1)F(01 /9);2#$-3'* # 37 Two Pilgrimage Sites at Ayasofya and their Stories in the Seyahatnâme 272-275 Hasan Özdemir # 38 Notes on Turkish Folk Literature from the Seyahatnâme 276-289 4"#/)>12#[,P # 39 e0S0*3%#)>,9D#M20**)#2*#D(0#/0-)()D*<@0#)*3#D(021#$9%D12)*#G,9*D01F)1D 290-295 Claudia Römer # 40 e0S0*3%#,B#/)1'#/)&D'+#2*#D(0#/0-)()D*<@0#)*3#D(0#Z0+D)%(2#d1)&#71)32D2,* 296-304 Helga Anetshofer # 41 `4)1;0&%#)*3#V,*301%a#2*#D(0#/0-)()D*<@0 305-309 Yeliz Özay ART HISTORY # 42 ED2*01)*D#A)P0I#7(0#!0F10%0*D)D2,*#,B#dDD,@)*#)*3#40320;)&#$*)D,&2)*# 310-326 Architecture in the Seyahatnâme =2Y30@#[)B0%52,Y&9 # 43 4)D1)+f'#J)%9(#)*3#:;&2-<#=0&0>2I#N01%F05D2;0%#,*#dDD,@)*#A)130*%#ghijk_ 327-344 1682) Nurhan Atasoy # 44 :;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#$*520*D#V,1&3 345-351 7)*%9#$f'+ LINGUISTICS # 45 Languages of the World in the Seyahatnâme 352-364 Robert Dankoff LITERATURE # 46 The Seyahatnâme in World Travel Writing 365-368 Sooyong Kim # 47 The Literary Value of the Seyahatnâme and its Place in Ottoman Turkish 369-382 Literature Nuran Tezcan # 48 :;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#V12DD0*#/,9150% 383-387 Hatice Aynur MAP OF THE NILE # 49 :;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#4)F#,B#D(0#J2&0 388-393 Robert Dankoff and Nuran Tezcan APPRECIATIONS # 50 :;&2-<#=0&0>2#)*3#:@F210 394-396 $(@0D#T)@32#7)*F'*)1 # 51 7(0#T,%F2D)&#,B#/9&D)*#Z)-0P23 397-399 Z0(f0D#J05)D2S2& # 52 :;&2-<#=0&0>2?%#Z,,+#,B#=)@&'>0& 400-401 c&()*#Z01+ # 53 The Seyahatnâme and History 402 ]01)B0DD2*#791)* # 54 Evliyâ Çelebi of the Future 403-404 Talât S. Halman # 55 :;&2-<?%#4)*9%512FD 405-407 N20110#$"#4)5[)- # 56 On Evliyâ Çelebi and the Seyahatnâme 408 Klaus Kreiser # 57 7(0#\*2890U#E@)S2*2D2;0U#G,*S0*2)&U#E*D0&&05D9)&#71);0&01#,B#D(0#dDD,@)*#V,1&3 409-410 $(@0D#W)^)1#d5)+ # 58 Evliyâ Çelebi and his World Peers 411 Enis Batur Z2>&2,S1)F(- 412-459 Robert Dankoff and Semih Tezcan Authors 460 Translators 461 CD BIBLIOGRAPHY # 40 e0S0*3%#,B#/)1'#/)&D'+#2*#D(0#/0-)()D*<@0#)*3# the Bektashi Oral Tradition Helga Anetshofer !"#$%!"&'$()*%+,-.'/'0%".,%12&/03% vast body of oral and written narratives — on his 4-&-5/)*%+6"7-%89%!"#$%!"&'$( legendary life, his endless wars, his fantastic ad- ventures and miracles — began to emerge from the !"#$%!"&'$()%'*+%,-.'%/012+0'/"&%3+#4/.*56*"7/% Hc'*%M+0'2#>%-0@"#3.A%X*+%,-.'%/,<-#'"0'%"03%4-- /0%'*+%8.&",/7"'/-0%-9%'*+%:"&("0.)%;62#+.%<#-,/- luminous of these is the Saltuknâme, a large com- nently in various passages of the Seyahatnâme. pilation that is the third in a cycle of epic romances Especially during his three visits to the Dobruja, on the Islamic conquest of Anatolia and the Bal- =4&/>?%.*-@.%"%(++0%/0'+#+.'%/0%!"#$%!"&'$(%&+6+03.A% ("0.% "9'+#% '*+% Battalnâme and 345067"585+7". B+% #+9+#.% '-% !"#$% !"&'$(% ".% C-0+% @*-% .'#266&+.% /0% the path of God” (mücâhidün fî sebîlillâhD%88AEFG")% The Saltuknâme was compiled between 1473 and 888AHEI"J%K%/A+A%-0+%@*-%+06"6+.%/0%L/*"3A%=4/3+0'- HaIZ%N>%=N2]&5B">#%h2,/%9-#%T+,%!2&'"0%"03%/.% &>% *+% @".% 9".M/0"'+3% N>% '*+% &+6+03.% "#-203% !"#$% extant in a (nearly complete) copy of more than !"&'$(%"03%N+&/+4+3%3++<&>%/0%*/.%."/0'*--3A% FZZ%9-&/-.%9#-,%'*+%+03%-9%'*+%HF'*%M+0'2#>A%X*+% evidence from the Seyahatnâme%,"(+.%/'%M&+"#%'*"'% O+#>% 9+@% .-2#M+.% #+9+#% '-% '*+% */.'-#/M"&% !"#$% =4&/>?%i+&+N/%3/3%0-'%(0-@%'*/.%@-#(AE%X*+%:+(- !"&'$()%@*-%/.%6+0+#"&&>%N+&/+4+3%'-%*"4+%N++0%"M- tashi hagiographies (90#4:";5+7"/0( <4=>( ?"&;46@( '/4+% /0% '*+% P-N#2L"% "03% '*+% Q/<M*"(% !'+<<+% R'*+% +'MAJ)%@*/M*%@+#+%"&.-%@#/''+0%3-@0%/0%'*+%Hc'*% Western Steppe of the Golden Horde region) dur- century, include a few chapters with short versions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tashi tradition.

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