m alert and vigorous ngwspaper Before you shop, it will be wise to evoted to the activities and inter- Q4WNSHIR study carefully the values and ser- sts of the residents of this area. vices offered by our advertisers. Each ;ead it regularly each week to be edition carries merchandise news of Lilly informed of every newsworthy utmost imoortance to the thrifty vent in your home town.' buyer. You can tiust our advertisers I OL. XII—NO. 6 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS ltions Reduction in Debt Service? Capital Cost Accounts Seek Reelection s Saves B, ofE. Increase; Most Other Items Show Boost 3' Incumbents WOODBRIDGE—Public hearing on the proposed which included land, land improvement, land- Polk Tuesday Board of Education budget, introduced last week, scaping- and furniture and equipment for new will be held January 37, 8 P. M., in the board room buildings in Colonia and Avenel. This year there i " in Woodbridgc High School. is an appropriation of S20.000 for land improve-L* tc 1,442 lo 193 in i';: i',: i: ;;: merit and $3,625 for furniture and equipment or 1§- avor of Bond Issue Although the actual amount to toe raised by tax- a total of S2S.625. - F *" ,^_ , ation for school purposes has increased approsi- Debt service has dropped from* $111,716.40 to mounting to ',l/O( matety $2,500 over Zast year, current expenses £87,211. This is a mandatory account over which have increased §109,635. Of that amount> 586,610 the Board has no control. 4RITAN TOWNSHIP — With will so for increments to be paid to teachers, su- i'As Candidate approximately 20 per cent of pervisors, janitors and clerks as provided for in registered voters turning out the salary guide. Other increases are in the trans- In repairs and replacements account last year .ast ballots, the special refer-! portation, telephone, light, water, power, fuel, and there were appropriations of $71,000 for buildings 5 xm on the proposed $850.000' supplies appropriations, accounting- for the rc- and grounds, $350 for janitor equipment and .gan, Quadi, :1 issue for the construction of i maining 523,025. Total current expenses for .1.950- •SHM40 for educational and other equipment. In Plans for Multi-Family Colonia w c i the new budget the buildinsrs and grounds account Itions to the Oak Tree and I -^51 '" ^ 51,183,430 as compared with Sl,073,'!95 I is «v,t to $40,000 and the educational equipment irews File; totn Schools was approved by for 1949-19J50. | to S,S,8OI). )te of 1,442 for to 103 against, 1 Apartment to be Aired Jan. Decreases arc shown in the-repairs and replace- State aid will amount to S322.400 and the amount gone over the matter thoroughly sday. ments, debt service and capital outlay. j anticipated from district taxes is $1,050,076 or an i WOODBRIDGE—Keprcsenta- Mrs. Ryan Quits total of 1.559 voters went to j i increase of S2.464.60 of the amount to be raised i tives of the Terminal Junior enough to give "a fair answer to polls. There are 7.326 registered j Last year the capital outlay account was Sfi7,.')00. ! ever iast year, when the figure was $1,047,611.40. < *I Corporation of New York, whose all concerned." [ WOODBRIDGE —With the srs. In the general election last recent application for the con- Speaking to a failly large rep- deadline of filing petitions for the ember 5,299 voted. Fourteen struction of a multi-family resentation from Colonia in the ots were voided In Tuesday's M. P. DXJNIGAN Board of Educy"on election leas apartment house in Colonia was audience, Mr. Mroz said: "This than a week a.vay—next Wednes- tion. Colonia Taxpayer*® Unit Hails j Scouts to Observe approved by the Zoning: Board, project, is a very important one. layor Julius Engcl and John day at 5 P. M-., to be exact—only will meet Sunday afternoon, It is not the policy of this com- petitions of those running for re- Stevens, Jr., president of the January 29, with the Township mittee to make hasty decisions. ird of Education, expressed Committee to go over the entire election have been filed with the 'Forum ' Discussion of Fire Woe 40th Anniversary We want to weigh the advan- District. Clerk. Mrs. Roy E. Ander- asure at the result of the elec- plan. tages and disadvantages of the i. The conference was requested son.. They arc Maurice P. Dtinigan, Adversary's Insistence on This Form of Public Annual Seoul Week to be proposition and we ask the in- Woodbridge; Joseph MeAndrews, layor Engel said lie "was very by the committee at its meeting' dulgence of the people inter- d the. voters gave such over- Observed Feb. 6-121, Tuesday before giving a final Colonia. and Adclph Quadt, Fords. Discussion, Instead of 'Debate,' is Reason ested." It was bruited about this vesk aiming approval to the bond Drive lo be Conducted decision on the Zoning: .Board's le. it shows the people of Rari- COLONIA—The proposed debate—or maybe it. was a recommendation. Commiitci'inan WilUam Fitz- that Stephen Kaecr, Strawberry Last month, the board an- patricfc then suggested that a Hill Avenue-, would b-° a candidiM ' ' Armand Van der Linden, past president WOODBRIDGE — Boy S c o u t nounced that it would render its conference be arranged with the for the board. Questioned by the TD^ "education to" our I of the Colonia Taxpayers Association, and" William Bar-j Week. February 6 to 12, markin, decision Tuesday night. How- j builder so that the committee Independent-Leader yesterday, Mr: g^Piov!" education loi om, ^ president of %hl Board of Fire Commissioners of «th«e 4ot40thh anniv,,anniversar^y aotf Hthe. in,,,incor- - ever, both Committeemen Peter could be correctly advised as to Kager Eiiid be "had beefct ap- poration of the Boy Scouts of Schmidt and George Mroz ex- his'plans. The January 29 date pfoached by several interested &v. Stevens said that he was District 12 and candidate for re-election, is definitely off. America, -will find the Raritan i :aking for the board in thank-1 The Taxpayers' Association disagreed with Mr. Harbour's Council at its'all-time high in ac- plaine' d the committee had not ' was set. groups to ran for the board." : the voters. j thods of running the Board of | "I would lik,-> to do something for me tive membership and conducting 1 i•We takJ e this vote to mean.' he i pire commissioners and said so. the annual finance campaign. my community, ' he continued, "—- "that the people of the Residents of the area WCre bom- Rudolph G. Drinkuth, Colonia, Likely Choice 52-UnIt Apartment •'and that. wouH br> on,; way of wnship are behind us in this barded with leaflets from both Lea business servins, but I have not made- up Dgram. We will proceed as rapid - will serve as district chairman of my mind yet.'* as possible to carry it out." sides. Finally the Taxpayers group the- North District, which embraces The passage oi the bond issue offered to debate with Mr. Bar- most of the Township. He will be As Housing Lawyer ing is Mr. Kauer has been active in ;ans that eight rooms will be bour who publicly accepted. Mr. assisted by local chairmen as fol- fraternal and organization circles, ded to both the Oak Tree and Van der Linden was named to lows: Woodbridge, Mayor August Decision to Create Stick Project is Silualcd at particularly in the Knights of Co- elton Schools. represent the association. Sunny side Inn, Route P. Greiner; Iselin, Edward John- lnmbus. He just completed a term The next step, undoubtedly will I But then Mr. Barbour took 25, Bought hy Langer vson; Colonia, Dr. Frank Parker; Post is Not Yet Final; Corner of Rahway Aye, as Grand Knight of Middlesex Avenel, George Kayser; Sewaren, ADQLPH QTJADT Council and was recently honored to call for bids for considera- matters in his own hands, an- Leibowitz Architect And Freeman Si. Here at a council dinner. m as plans and specifications nounced to the press that .a date Transport Company John Dowling; Port Reading, Leon had been set and that, a forum Cuiffreda. In the Central District, Mrs, Ryan Out ive alrady besn approved by tb.3 RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Real WOODBRIDGE — Nathan Duff. WOODBRIDGE — Work was ate Board of Education. would be held as part of the de- which includes Fords, Hopelawn started Monday morning or. the Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, Sewaren. Estate Activities in Raritan Town- and Keasbey. Joseph Dambach will Claire Avenue, is expected to bs who was named as a possible The vote by districts was as bate. This the association objected ship during the past week were construction of an apartment serve as chairman. Other members ., . ., TT, . construct -^ - candidate, rrmouncec! yesterday Hows: to because it felt that nothing brisk. holI52 ftt coraev of Rahu ajr District 1, in Piscata way town: would be accomplished- "if every- of the committee are: Robert Wil- lameiridged Housingattorne-y Authoritfor thye Woodm tha-} holI5Avenu2 eftt and Freeman Street by that she has decided not to run r Reyndal Realty Company Inc. kerson, industrial; John Powers for the office. :s, 174, no, 14, void, 3; total vote. one in the audience popped up.' representing Langer Transport 3vent the postals createdh , it waths} j Wocdbridge Apartments, Inc. H. commercial, and Mike Parnza. If tliere are any others who in- A conference, held at The Inde- Company of Jersey City has pur-clubs and organizations.
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