Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00108-4 - The Politics of National Celebrations in the Arab Middle East Elie Podeh Index More information Index ‘Abbas Hilmi II Khediv, 57, 81 ‘Abd al-Rahman Sa‘ud, 264 ‘Abbas Khediv, 56 ‘Abd al-Wahhab Muhammad Shaykh, 66, ‘Abbasid Dynasty, 36, 40, 125, 135 76, 255, 257, 279 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bin Sa‘ud, 255–259, 262, ‘Abdallah, King of Saudi Arabia, 264–265, 271–275, 294, 298 269–270 (as) Bismarck, 272 (n75) ‘Abdallah I, King of Jordan, 114 Center, 269, 279 Assassination, 172, 175, 178 Conquest of Hijaz, 50, 264 Bay‘a, 168–170 Conquest of Riad, 255, 264, 271, Crowning, 170–171 273–276, 279 Funeral, 175–176, 190–192 Cult, 272, 276–282, 294, 298 Holidays, 168–175, 183–184, 188, 196, Funeral, 265 (n50) 200–201 Heritage, 260, 281–282 Legitimacy, 174 Image, 278–280 Memory, 190, 196 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Sultan, 44 Palestine, 188 ‘Abd al-Baqi Sami, 228 ‘Abdallah II, King of Jordan, 290–291, 294 ‘Abd al-Hamid II Sultan, 41, 44, 58 Accession Day, 192–193, 203, 205 Silver Jubilee, 44 Bay‘a, 193, 198 ‘Abd al-Ilah, Regent of Iraq, 114–115 Birthday, 193 ‘Abd al-Nasser, Gamal, 71–86, 90, 93, 98, Calendar Reform, 192–193 103, 118–119, 123, 128, 134, 183, Conscription Law, 199 203, 286, 293, 298, 302 Coronation, 193–195 Charisma, 290 Heir to the Throne, 192 (n84) Commemoration, 90, 93, 98, 100 Holidays, 191–200, 203–205 Death, 84, 86 Image, 205 Father Figure, 103 Jordan First Policy, 193–195, 204 Image, 81, 85–86, 96, 293–294 Abraham (Ibrahim), 35, 95, 297 Legacy, 104, 293–294, 298 Abu Shahla Habib, 212, 217, 220 Legitimacy, 79, 103–104, 299 ‘Aflaq Michel, 149–150 Nasser 56 (movie), 96 Ajami Fouad, 91, 96, 104, 239, 248 National Holidays, 71–84, 103–104 ‘Ali Caliph, 36 (n8), 109, 120, 154, 156 Nationalization of the Suez Canal, 96 ‘Ali King of Hijaz, 114 Symbolism, 71–84, 103–104 ‘Aliyya Queen, 114–115, 195 327 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00108-4 - The Politics of National Celebrations in the Arab Middle East Elie Podeh Index More information 328 Index Amal Movement, 233, 239–241, 243–244, Bay‘a (Oath of Allegiance) 248 (see also ‘Abdallah I, King of ‘Amer ‘Abd al-Hakim, 80 Jordon; Egypt; Faruq, King of And Metin, 45 Egypt; Faysal I, King of Iraq; Anderson Benedict, 10, 13 Husayn, King of Jordon; Husayn Anthem (see also under Egypt; Iraq; bin ‘Ali, King of Hijaz; Husayn Jordan; Lebanon; Saudi Arabia), 11, Saddam; Iraq; Saudi Arabia, 37–40, 16, 24, 27, 29–30, 45 47–48, 109 (n4), 116, 287, 298–299 Antoon Sinan, 139–140 Bayezid II Sultan, 41 ‘Aoun Michel, 222 Behar Moshe, 31 al-‘Aqqad Mahmud ‘Abbas, 288 Bell David, 17 al-Aqsa Mosque, 95, 175–176, 184, Berri Nabih, 224, 239–240, 243–244, 246 188–189, 190 (n76), 199, 205 Bilig Michael, 30 Burning, 199 (n105) Bodnar John, 13 Arab Celebrations, 30–33 Bourguiba Habib, 292 Arab League, 216 Boustani Emile, 236 Arab Legion (see under Jordan) Britain Arab Media, 8 Anthem, 110 Arab Press Day, 230 Coronation, 110, 115 Arab Revolt (see also under Iraq; Jordan), Model, 12, 33–34, 44–46, 61, 64, 49–50, 110–111 102–103, 109–110, 116, 160, 287 Day (Hijaz), 48–49 Royal Celebrations, 17–18, 20 Flag, 111, 198, 201 Royal Rituals, 17–18, 110 Arab World, 3–4, 13 Burke Peter, 5 ‘Arif ‘Abd al-Rahman, 129 Burton Benedict, 10 ‘Arif ‘Abd al-Sallam, 122, 129–130, 149 Byzantine Empire, 119 Arslan Majid, 212, 217–218 al-Asad Hafiz, 37, 162, 299 Calendar (see National Calendar) As‘ad Kamal, 219 (n42) Caliph, 35–40 ‘Ashura’ (see also under Iraq; Lebanon), 37 Carnival, 4, 25 al-‘Askari, Ja‘far, 118 Catroux Georges General, 250 Ataturk Kemal, 111 (n11) Celebration (see National State Celebration) Ayalon Ami, 46 Ceremonialism, 12, 31, 33, 62, 80, 285–287 Ayyubid Dynasty, 36 Ceremony, 6, 27–28 Azmeh Aziz, 46 Definition, 27–28 al-Chadirji Rifa‘t, 159 al-Badawi Ahmad Shaykh, 95 Chamoun Camille, 217, 228 Baghdad Pact (1955), 80 Chatterjee Partha, 288 al-Bakhit Ma‘ruf, 196 Chehab Fouad, 228, 230, 234–235 al-Bakr Ahmad Hasan, 129–131, 153–154, Chejne Anwar, 39 161 Churchill Winston, 108, 168 Balfour Declaration (1917), 92 Civil Religion, 17, 23, 287 Balfour Declaration Day, 188 Collective Memory, 3, 13–16 Bandung Conference (1955), 80 Colonialism, 12, 31, 33, 62, 80, 285, 288, Baqr Sidqi, 114 292, 297 al-Barudi Fakhri, 53 Commemoration, 13–15, 19, 289 Ba‘th Party (Iraq), 129–130, 133, 135–136, Consensual, 15, 104, 289–290 139, 144–146, 148, 159, 161–163 Fragmented, 15, 102–103, 289–290 Ba‘th Day, 144, 149–150, 152, 158 Imposed, 15, 104, 289 Golden Jubilee, 150 Multivocal, 15, 289–290 Holidays, 129–155, 161–162 Observances, 15–24 Ba‘th Party (Syria), 149–150 Symbolism, 15–16 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00108-4 - The Politics of National Celebrations in the Arab Middle East Elie Podeh Index More information Index 329 Commins David, 271 Martyrs’ Day, 74 Copts (see under Egypt) Mawalid, 55–56, 95 Cox Percy, 108–110 Mawlid al-Nabi, 62, 67–68, 84, 94–95, 102 Crown (as a symbol), 116–117 Memorial (tomb) of the Unknown Czech Arms Deal (1955), 80 Soldier, 88–89, 91, 94, 98, 100 Model of Celebrations, 102–103, 290 Danshwai Incident (1906), 81 Monarchy, 58–71 Davis Eric, 32, 163 Myth of Origin, 295–296 Deringil Selim, 45 Naqib al-Ashraf, 68 Djamal Pasha, 51, 213, 230, 233, 249 National Party, 70 Dunkirk Battle, 191 National Union, 72 Durkheim Emile, 19–20, 29–30 New Year Celebrations, 57 October War Celebrations, 87–93, Eddé Emile, 212, 215 97–100, 104, 294, 297 Egypt (see also ‘Abd al-Nasser, Gamal; Panorama, 98–99 Faruq, King of Egypt; Fu’ad, King Ottoman Rule, 55–58 of Egypt; Mubarak Husni; al-Sadat Palestinians, 84 Anwar) Pan-Arabism, 69, 78, 83, 87, 103, 290 Anthem, 56–57, 75 (n97), 87 Pharaonic Period, 66, 78, 88–89, 92, 96 Arab Socialist Union (ASU), 80, 86 Policy Day, 106 Armed Forces Day, 87–93, 97–100 Republic, 71–102 al-Azhar Shaykh, 63, 65–66, 72, 84, Revolution (1919), 60–61, 72, 81, 85 93–95, 101 Revolution (1952) (see also under Naguib Bay‘a, 80, 94, 99 Muhammad; Nasser), 96, 103 Britain, 57–63, 69–71, 80 Revolution (2011), 106 Treaty (1936), 71 Revolution Day, 71, 75–80, 84, 86–87, Withdrawal (1956), 72, 75, 77, 80–83, 91, 96–97, 103–104 104 Golden Jubilee, 97, 105 Burial of Unknown Soldier, 71, 73–74 Saudi Arabia, 83 Calendar, 57, 62, 75, 81, 104, 107, 197, Shamm al-Nissim, 55–56, 59 (n19), 75 296, 301 (n95) Constitution Day, 70 Sinai Liberation Day, 93, 100–101, 104 Coptic Holidays, 55, 106 Sufi Orders, 55, 68 Copts, 60–61, 69, 72 Syria, 75, 78 Coup, 71, 75 Taba Liberation Day, 97, 106 Disengagement Agreements, 92 Union Day, 75, 78 Evacuation Day, 73, 80, 83, 101 United Arab Republic (UAR), 75, 78, 81, Flag, 56, 61, 70–71, 75 (n97), 79–81, 85, 103, 290 87–88, 90, 100, 288 Victory Day, 80–83, 98 Holiday of the National Struggle, 60–61, War 1967, 79–80, 84, 88, 91–93, 99, 68–70, 79, 290–291 101, 103 ‘Id al-Adkha, 65, 67, 76, 83–84, 94–95, Yemen War, 79, 84 101 Eickelman Dale, 287 ‘Id al-Fitr, 67, 76, 83–84, 90, Elgenius Gabriella, 3 94, 96, 101 Elizabeth Queen Independence Day, 59–60, 68, 70–71 Coronation, 20, 115, 201 Islamic Holidays, 55, 66, 83–84, 93–95, Emblem, 16, 24, 29 101–102, 105, 298 Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty, 91 Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 256, 259, Liberal Constitutionalist Party, 60–61 263–264, 267–269, 272–273, 275, Liberation Rally, 71–72 278–280, 282 Mamluk Period, 66, 78 Farid Muhammad, 68, 73, 81 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00108-4 - The Politics of National Celebrations in the Arab Middle East Elie Podeh Index More information 330 Index Farida Queen, 67 Evacuation from Lebanon, 215, 224 Faruq, King of Egypt, 62–71 (n63), 225, 249 Abdication, 71, 75, 78 Joan D‘Arc Holiday, 211, 233 Accession Day, 62–67 Mandate (see Lebanon) Bay‘a, 63 Model of Celebrations, 17–18, 33–34, Birthday, 62, 65, 73 54, 211, 250, 287 Coronation, 62–65 Revolution, 2, 5, 17–18 Girding Ceremony, 63 Franjieh Hamid, 217 Image, 81 Franjieh Suleiman, 246 Islamic coronation, 64 Freud Sigmund, 23 National Holidays, 68–71 Friday Prayer, 43 (n39) Religious Holidays, 67–68 Fromm Erich, 24 Royal Holidays, 62–67 Fu’ad, King of Egypt, 58–62 Fatah Organization, 190 Accession Day, 59, 61 Fatimid Dynasty, 35–38 Birthday, 59 Faysal, King of Saudi Arabia, Funeral, 62 259–260, 262–263, 266–267, Image, 81 272, 282 Legitimacy, 59 Assassination, 267 Cult, 263, 266 Geertz Clifford, 20 Faysal, King of Syria, 50–54, 168 Gelvin James, 51 Faysal I, King of Iraq, 58, 118, Gemayel Amin, 221–222, 226, 231 120, 160 Gemayel Bashir, 217 (n38), 221 Accession Day, 111–113, 160 Gemayel Pierre, 217, 220, 226 Bay‘a, 109–110, 287 George V King, 110 Birthday, 113, 160 George VI King, 64 Commemoration, 115, 117, 175 Gerber Haim, 30 Crowning, 108–112, 137, 169 Germany, Funeral, 113, 115, 117, 175 Model of Celebrations, 12, 287 Holidays, 108–113, 120–121 Gershoni Israel, 32, 76, 79 Legitimacy, 160 Ghazi, King of Iraq, 113–114 Statue, 125 Gillis John, 15 Faysal II, King of Iraq, 160 Glubb John, 170 Accession Day, 116–117 Ouster and Celebration, 185, 196 Bay‘a, 116 Gouraud Henri General, 207, 209, 224 (n63) Birthday, 116–117 Gross David, 241 Coronation, 115–117 Death, 117 Hafiz ‘Abd al-Halim, 97 Holidays, 114–118 al-Hakim ‘Adnan, 217 Federation of Arab Republics (FAR), Halbwachs Maurice, 13 86–87 Haldane Aylmer Sir, 109–110 Festival, 5, 25 (n77), 251 Hall Stuart, 10 Islamic (see ‘Id al-Adkha; ‘Id al-Fitr, Halliday Fred, 31 Mawlid al-Nabi) Hamadeh Sabri, 212, 217 Flag (see also under Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Hamurabi King, 148
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