Figure C1.1: GB Power Flow Diagram Gone Green 2014/15 400kV Substations 275 kV Substations 132kV Substations Offshore AC Platform Offshore DC Platform 400kV Circuits 275kV Circuits 132kV Circuits Offshore AC Cable Offshore DC Cable Interconnectors Dounreay Thurso Major Generating Sites Including Pumped Storage 220 Mybster Connected at 400kV Cassley Beatrice Stornoway Dunbeath Connected at 275 kV Hydro Generation Lairg Moray Firth Brora Shin 1234 Power Flow MW 66 Flow Direction Grudie Bridge Mossford Alness Conon Fraserburgh Offshore Wind Projects (as of 2014) Luichart Orrin Elgin Macduff Ardmore St. Fergus Deanie 112 Keith Round 1 (in construction or operation) Culligran Dingwall Strichen Nairn Blackhillock Aigas Kilmorack Inverness Dunvegan Peterhead Beauly 775 504 40 Round 2 (in construction or operation) Fasnakyle Knocknagael Dyce Kintore Persley Glen Braodford 26 Morrison Woodhill Willowdale Round 1 / Round 2 (under development) Caennacroc Foyers Boat of Clayhills Fort Augustus Garten Quoich Tarland Glendoe Craigiebuckler Redmoss Scottish Territorial Waters Sites Invergarry 25 Round 3 (under development) Kinlochleven Fiddes Fort William Errochty Power Station 225 Errochty 275 Rannoch Clunie Tummel Bridge 140 Tealing Cashlie Dudhope Arbroath Lochay Lyndhurst Milton of Graigie Argyll Array Taynuilt Killin Charleston Dalmally Finlarig Inch Cape Cruachan Glenagnes Dudhope Burghmuir 100 St. Fillans Nant Inverarnan Clachan Neart na Gaolthe SCOTTISH HYDRO-ELECTRIC270 Cupar Inveraray Sloy TRANSMISSION Glenrothes Firth of Forth 311 Leven 210 Devonside Westfield Redhouse Whistlefield Kincardine Stirling Dunfemline Glenniston Helensburgh Mossmorran Port Ann Longannet Inverkeithing Bonnybridge Denny Grangemouth Cockenzie Dunbar Dunoon Spango Telford Rd.Shrubhill Broxburn Gorgie Portobelllo Valley Strathleven Windyhill Bathgate Fallago Torness Erskine Lambhill Cumbernauld Whitehouse Crystal Rig Devol Easterhouse Smeaton Moor Coatbridge Livingston Islay Newarthill Currie Kaimes Clydes Mill 1348 Neilston 75 Berwick Hunterston Strathaven Black Law Dunlaw Extension Marshall Meadows Busby East 234 Kilwinning Whitelee Wishaw Kilmorack Kilbride Saltcoats Town Whitelee ExtnSouth Linmill Eccles Meadowhead SP TRANSMISSION LTD Carradale Galashiels Kilmarnock Coalburn 42 South Ayr 960 Clyde (North) Coylton Clyde (South) 1592 Elvanfoot Hawick Maybole Moffat Kendoon Dogger Bank 1122 Carsfad Markhill Glenlee Gretna Blyth Arecleoch Earlstoun Dumfries Ecclefechan Auchencrosh Fourstones Newton Stewart Tynemouth Chapelcross1332 Harker South Shields 71 337 Stella West Tongland West Boldon Glenluce Offerton Hawthorne Pit Hartmoor Spennymoor Hartlepool Saltholme Tod Point Wigtown Bay Teeside Norton Robin Rigg Greystones Grangetown 1032 Lackenby 476 Hutton 770 Ormonde Walney I & II Quernmore Osbaldwick Heysham Knaresborough West of Duddon Sands Barrow Bradford Thornton Hornsea West Kirkstall Skelton Poppleton Creyke Beck Westermost Rough Stanah Padiham Grange Monk 98 Fryston1080 Saltend North Hedon Celtic Array Penwortham Drax Humber Gateway 228 Elland Saltend South Eggborough 571 Rochdale Ferrybridge Washway Keadby Humber Refinery Burbo Bank Farm Kearsley Templeborough Thorpe Whitegate Killingholme Triton Knoll Kirkby 963 West Marsh South Stalybridge Melton Humber Grimsby West Gwynt y Mor Carrington Pitsmoor West Wylfa Rainhill Stocksbridge Aldwarke Bank Birkenhead Winco Bank Burton Bredbury Neepsend Thurcroft Rhyl Flats Fiddlers North Hoyle Daines Sheffield City Ferry Cottam Race Bank Jordanthorpe Brinsworth Inner Dowsing Dudgeon Capenhurst Frodsham Bodelwyddan Norton Lees Pentir Macclesfield Chesterfield Lincs Deeside High Dinorwig South Manchester 1381 Marnham Sherringham Shoal Lynn East Anglia 2280 Staythorpe Docking Shoal Legacy Ffestiniog Cellarhead Stoke Bardolph 2070 Bicker Fenn 606 Ratcliffe 1807 Willington on Soar Trawsfynydd 1872 2044 Drakelow Walpole Rugeley Spalding2528 North Ironbridge Norwich Main Bushbury Scoby sands Willenhall Bustleholm Shrewsbury Penn Enderby Nechells Hams Hall Ocker Hill 2220 Coventry 2326 Oldbury 1999 Kitwell Berkswell 752 Burwell Main Sizewell Feckenham Grendon Bishops Wood Eaton 1384 Socon 1941 Patford Bramford Bridge 1900 Greater Gabbard 500MW 1012 Sundon 252 East Claydon Pelham Braintree Wymondley Leighton Buzzard Greater Gabbard 2nd part Rassau 658 Walham Waltham Rye House Cross Imperial 1080 Brimsdown Park Gunfleet Sands I&II Cowley 1517 Swansea North 357 Watford Elstree Hackney Pembroke Amersham Main London Array Cilfynydd Culham Tottenham Redbridge Rayleigh Main Baglan Bay Mill Hill Warley Upper Boat Uskmouth Minety Didcot Margam Iron Acton Willesden Barking Coryton Alpha Steel Whitson Iver Ealing Pyle West Ham City Rd West Thurrock Tilbury Grain Hurst Seabank St Johns Kentish Flats 2007 Wood New Northfleet Thanet Tremorfa Laleham Kingsnorth 1446 East Singlewell Kemsley Cleve Hill Atlantic Array Aberthaw Cardiff Melksham Chessington Cross East Bramley West Weybridge Rowdown Littlebrook 175 Beddington Canterbury 878 Fleet Wimbledon 552 North 119 Hinkley Point Sellindge Bridgwater Alverdiscott 313 668 Bolney 42 Taunton Nursling 9 958 Dungeness Mannington Marchwood Lovedean Ninfield 767 Axminster 588 138 Fawley Botley Wood Exeter 282 67 Chickerell Rampion Langage Abham Indian Queens Landulph Navitus Bay Figure C1.2: GB Power Flow Diagram Gone Green 2016/17 400kV Substations 275 kV Substations 132kV Substations Offshore AC Platform Offshore DC Platform 400kV Circuits 275kV Circuits 132kV Circuits Offshore AC Cable Offshore DC Cable Interconnectors Dounreay Thurso Major Generating Sites Including Pumped Storage 266 Mybster Connected at 400kV Cassley Beatrice Stornoway Dunbeath Connected at 275 kV Hydro Generation Lairg Moray Firth Brora Shin Circuit reconductor 60 Grudie Bridge Mossford Alness New circuit Conon Fraserburgh Luichart Orrin Elgin Macduff Ardmore St. Fergus 96 Keith Deanie Strichen Culligran Dingwall 1234 Nairn Blackhillock 432 Power Flow MW Aigas Kilmorack Inverness Dunvegan Peterhead Flow Direction Beauly 652 543 195 Fasnakyle Knocknagael Dyce Kintore Persley Glen Braodford 37 Morrison Woodhill Willowdale Caennacroc Foyers Boat of Clayhills Fort Augustus Garten Quoich Tarland Offshore Wind Projects (as of 2014) Glendoe Craigiebuckler Redmoss Invergarry 946 Round 1 (in construction or operation) Kinlochleven Fiddes Tummel Round 2 (in construction or operation) Fort William Errochty Power Station 395 Errochty 431 Rannoch Clunie Tummel Bridge 15 Round 1 / Round 2 (under development) Tealing Cashlie Dudhope Arbroath Lochay Lyndhurst Milton of Graigie Scottish Territorial Waters Sites Finlarig Argyll Array Taynuilt Braco Charleston Dalmally Killin Inch Cape Cruachan Glenagnes Dudhope Burghmuir 297 St. Fillans Round 3 (under development) Nant Inverarnan Clachan Neart na Gaolthe SCOTTISH HYDRO-ELECTRIC337 Cupar Inveraray Sloy TRANSMISSION Glenrothes Firth of Forth 297 Leven 195 Devonside Westfield Redhouse Whistlefield Kincardine Stirling Dunfemline Glenniston Helensburgh Mossmorran Port Ann Longannet Inverkeithing Bonnybridge Denny Grangemouth Cockenzie Dunbar Dunoon Spango Telford Rd.Shrubhill Broxburn Gorgie Portobelllo Valley Strathleven Windyhill Bathgate Fallago Torness Erskine Lambhill Cumbernauld Whitehouse Crystal Rig Devol Easterhouse Smeaton Moor Coatbridge Livingston Islay Newarthill Currie Kaimes Clydes Mill 984 Neilston 75 Berwick Hunterston Strathaven Black Law Dunlaw Extension Marshall Meadows Busby East 11 Kilwinning Whitelee Wishaw Kilmorack Kilbride Saltcoats Town Whitelee ExtnSouth Linmill Eccles Meadowhead SP TRANSMISSION LTD Carradale Galashiels Kilmarnock Coalburn 35 South Ayr 123 Clyde (North) Coylton Clyde (South) 984 Elvanfoot Hawick Maybole Moffat Kendoon Dogger Bank 121 Carsfad Markhill To Northern Ireland Glenlee Gretna Blyth Arecleoch Earlstoun Dumfries Ecclefechan Auchencrosh Fourstones Newton Stewart Tynemouth Chapelcross404 Harker South Shields 35 311 Stella West Tongland West Boldon Glenluce Offerton Hawthorne Pit Hartmoor Spennymoor Hartlepool Saltholme Tod Point Wigtown Bay Teeside Norton Robin Rigg Greystones Grangetown 2215 190 Lackenby 363 Hutton 532 Ormonde Walney I & II Quernmore Osbaldwick Heysham Knaresborough West of Duddon Sands Barrow Bradford Thornton Hornsea West Kirkstall Skelton Poppleton Creyke Beck Westermost Rough Stanah Padiham Grange Monk 439 Fryston1044 Saltend North Hedon Celtic Array Penwortham Drax Humber Gateway 518 Elland Saltend South Eggborough Rochdale Ferrybridge To Ireland 186 Washway Keadby Humber Refinery Burbo Bank Farm Kearsley Templeborough Thorpe Whitegate Killingholme Triton Knoll Kirkby 507 West Marsh South Stalybridge Melton Humber Grimsby West Gwynt y Mor Carrington Pitsmoor West Wylfa Rainhill Stocksbridge Aldwarke Bank Birkenhead Winco Bank Burton Bredbury Neepsend Thurcroft Rhyl Flats Fiddlers North Hoyle Daines Sheffield City Ferry Cottam Race Bank Jordanthorpe Brinsworth Inner Dowsing Dudgeon Capenhurst Frodsham Bodelwyddan Norton Lees Pentir Macclesfield Chesterfield Lincs Deeside High Dinorwig South Manchester 2098 Marnham Sherringham Shoal Lynn East Anglia 2910 Staythorpe Docking Shoal Legacy Ffestiniog Cellarhead Stoke Bardolph 1745 Bicker Fenn 526 Ratcliffe 1823 Willington on Soar Trawsfynydd 1572 2697 Drakelow Walpole Rugeley Spalding2200 North Ironbridge Norwich Main Bushbury Scoby sands Willenhall Bustleholm Shrewsbury Penn Enderby Nechells Hams Hall Ocker Hill 2087 Coventry 2123 Oldbury 1809 Kitwell Berkswell 716 Burwell Main Sizewell Feckenham Grendon Bishops Wood Eaton 1467 Socon 1843 Patford Bramford Bridge
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