Januar/January 1990 CHINA aktuell/Official Activities - 82/8 - MC Modern China (London), quar­ Yu-Hsi Nieh terly NJWNongye Jingji Wenti (Beijing), monthly NX Nankai Xuebao (Beijing), bi­ ARTICLES ON CHINA monthly OR Ostasien Report (Hamburg), bi­ Monthly Bibliography monthly PA Pacific Affairs (Canada), quar­ terly PC Problems of Communism (Wa­ shington, D.C.), bimonthly Abbreviations CT China Today (Beijing), monthly PR Pacific Review (Oxford), quar­ A Asien (Hamburg), quarterly CRe China Report (Delhi), quarterly terly AA Asian Affairs (Washington, DC), CRep China Report (Vienna) PV Pacific Viewpoint (New Zea- quarterly CS China Spring (Woodside, NY), land), twice yearly AAL Asien Afrika Lateinamerika bimonthly RC Republican China (Urbana Ca­ (East Berlin), bimonthly CSA Chinese Sociology and Anthro- lif.), twice yearly AATAsia and Africa Today (Mos­ pology (New York), quarterly RSL Review of Socialist Law (Nether- cow), bimonthly DNCDas Neue China (Frankfurt lands), quarterly ADR Asian Development Review a.M.), bimonthly SCC Studies on Chinese Communism (Manila), twice a year EABR Euro-Asia Business Review (Taipei), monthly AI Asia (New York), bimonthly (Sussex), quarterly SKY Shehui Kexue Yanjiu (Chengdu), AJCA The Australian Journal of Chin­ EACS East Asian Cultural Studies bimonthly ese Affairs (Canberra), twice (Tokyo), annually SKZ Shehui Kexue Zhanxian (Chang­ yearly ER Economic Review (Taipei), bi­ chun), quarterly AP Asian Perspective (Seoul), twice monthly SSC Social Sciences in China (Bei­ yearly FA Foreign Affairs (New York), five jing), quarterly APC Asia Pacific Community (Tokyo), times yearly TY Taiwan Yanjiu (Beijing), quar­ quarterly FEA Far Eastem Äffairs (Moscow), APF Asian Profile (Hong Kong), bi­ terly quarterly VRU Verfassung und Recht in Über­ monthly FY Faxue Yanjiu (Beijing), bimonth­ see (Hamburg), quarterly APS Asian Perspectives (Honolulu) ly ZDYZhonggong Dangshi Yanjiu AS Asian Survey (Berkeley, Calif.), GSK Guizhou Shehui Kexue (Gui- (Beijing), bimonthly monthly yang), bimonthly ZGJY Zhongguo Gongye Jingji Yanjiu ATS Asian Thought and Society (One- GWYGuoji Wenti Yanjiu (Beijing), onta, N.Y.), three times yearly quarterly (Beijing), bimonthly BCAS Bulletin of Concerned Asian HKEP Hong Kong Economic Papers ZJW Zhongguo Jingji Wenti (Fujian), Scholars (San Francisco), quar­ (Hong Kong), annually bimonthly terly IA International Affairs (London), ZSK Zhongguo Shehui Kexue (Bei­ BR Beijing Review (Beijing), weekly quarterly jing), bimonthly C.a. CHINA aktuell (Hamburg), IAF Internationales Asienforum ZY Zhexue Yanjiu (Beijing), month­ monthly (München), quarterly ly CBR The China Business Review IFC Industry of Free China (Taipei), (Washington), bimonthly monthly CE Chinese Education (New York), Any periodical not referred to in this quarterly IS Issues and Studies (Taipei), list will be cited with its full title and CEN China Exchange News (Wa­ monthly Publishing place. shington), quarterly JAA Journal of Asian and African All the English translations of the fol- CES Chinese Economic Studies (New Studies (Leiden), quarterly York), quarterly JAS Journal of Asian Studies (Ann lowing Chinese articles are taken from CGE Chinese Geography and Envi­ Arbor, Mich.), quarterly the table of contents of the respective ronment (Armonk, NY), quarter­ JCA Journal of Contemporary Asia periodicals. ly . (Manila), quarterly CI China Information (Leiden) JK Jingji Kexue (Beijing), bimonth­ CJ Caimao Jingji (Beijing), monthly ly CL Chinese Literature (Madison), JLYJG Jingji Lilun Yu Jingji Guanli twice yearly (Beijing), bimonthly GENERAL AFFAIRS CLG Chinese Law and Government JNAS Journal of Northeast Asian Stu­ 1. The 1990s - bridge to the future. Ep­ (New York), quarterly dies (Washington, D.C.), quar­ stein, Israel *CT Jan.1990, pp.13-16 CN China Notes (New York), quar­ terly terly JTG Jingji Tizhi Gaige (Chengdu), CNA China News Analysis (Hong­ bimonthly FOREIGN AFFAIRS kong), fortnightly JWT Jingji Wenti Tansuo (Yunnan), CNL China News Letter (Tokyo), bi­ monthly General Topics monthly JY Jingji Yanjiu (Beijing), monthly 2. Chinese assessments of global trends CP Copenhagen Papers in East and KY Kongzi Yanjiu (Jinan), quarterly and the emerging era in international Southeast Asian Studies (Copen­ LY Lishi Yanjiu (Beijing), bimonthly relations. Garrett, Banning N.; Gla­ hagen) MAS Modern Asian Studies (New ser, Bonnie S. *AS April 1989, CQ China Quarterly (London) York), quarterly pp.347-362 CHINA aktuell/Official Activities -83/9- Januar/January 1990 3. The evolution and development of 14. Adhering to the socialist Orienta­ Law and Justice Chinese communist diplomacy over tion of the reform and opening to the 29. The course of and problems revea- the past 4 decades (part II) (Chin.). outside world (Chin.). Liu Shibai led in the administrative procedure Yu Chih *SCC Jan.1990, pp.83-95 *SKY 1989/No.ö, pp. 12-15, 24 enacted by the Chinese communist 4. Qian Qichen on the world Situation. 15. Combating bourgeois liberalization (Chin.). Hsiao Fan *SCC Jan.1990, *BR 1990/NO.3, pp.10-13 and "Letting a hundred schools of pp.96-105 thought contend" (Chin.). Qi Lin 30. On principle of freedom to willing Western Europe *SKY 1989/No.ö, pp. 16-24 will (Chin.). Liu Chunmao *NX 16. Mao Zedong’s conception of Chi­ 1989/No.6, pp.26-30,37 US SR and Eastern Europe na’s social development and his theo- 31. Focus of procuratorial work in 5. An analysis of Soviet policy toward ry of Chinese revolutionary stages 1990. Zhang Siqing *BR 1990/No.4, Sheng Shicai (Chin.). Zhou Wenqi (Chin.). Sun Gang *ZDY 1989/No.6, pp.23-24 *ZDY 1989/No.6, pp.51-57 pp.76-79 17. Students studying in Japan and the Military Asia and Oceania propagation of marxism in China 32. Teng’s handover of military power 6. China and India: moving beyond (Chin.). Wang Qisheng *ZDY and the new leadership of the confrontation. Mansingh, Surjit; Levi- 1989/NO.6, pp.31-35 CCPCC military commission. Fang ne, Steven I. *PC, March-June 1989, 18. The course of China’s reform and Hsüeh-chun *IS Jan.1990, pp.12-22 pp.30-49 opening. Wu Shuqing *BR 1990/ 33. A discussion on the strategical goal 7. New thinking and northeast Asian No.l, pp.14-16, 21 of the war to resist U.S. and aid Ko­ security. Menon, Raj an *PC, March- 19. The understandings of practical rea (Chin.). Qi Dexue *ZDY 1989/ June 1989, pp.1-29 materialism should be united by the No.6, pp.64-67 8. China’s ocean policy: EEZ and ma­ thought of Marx (Chin.). Xu Chong- 34. The evolution of Chinese commu­ rine fisheries. Song, Yann-Huei Billy wen *ZY 1989/No.l2, pp.11-19 nist military organizations and System *AS Oct. 1989, pp.983-998 20. On strengthening ideological and over the past 4 decades (Chin.). Wang political work (Chin.). *SKY 1989/ Shu *SCC Jan.1990, pp.126-140 North America No.6, pp.31-36, 24 35. On the strategy of the cross deve­ lopment of the national defence eco- Latin America Party nomy in the new period (Chin.). Xu 21. The Chinese Communist Party af- Youke *JY 1989/No.ll, pp.76-80 Africa fairs in 1989 (Chin.). Chuan Ku *SCC 36. An inquiry into several questions of Jan.1990, pp.13-27 Liu-Deng army’s fighting successively Overseas Chinese 22. "Trotskyist traiters" reexamined in Dabieshan mountain (Chin.). Yi 9. The sojourners: returned overseas (Chin.). Deng Pei *ZDY 1989/No.6, Shixian *ZDY 1989/No.6, pp.58-63 Chinese in the People’s Republic of pp.47-50 37. The Chinese communist military China. Godley, Michael R. *PA, Fall 23. On the CCP-KMT relationship be- affairs in 1989 (Chin.). Yueh Ying 1989, pp.330-352 fore CCP’s 2nd congress (Chin.). *SCC Jan.1990, pp.43-56 10. Politische Kultur und strategisches Tang Chunliang *ZDY 1989/No.6, Handeln der Chinesen in Malaysia - pp.36-41 Mass Organizations Die Malaysian Chinese Association 24. On the construction of democratic im politischen Prozeß Malaysias. System within the party from Zunyi Political Movements Vennewald, Werner *A, Jan.1990, Conference to the party5 s 8th congress 38. Could the third generation of pp.37-54 (Chin.). Xiao Yiping; Shi Yousong Chinese communist leaders resist the *ZDY 1989/No.ö, pp.67-71 powerful current of "peaceful evolu­ International Organizations & tion"? (Chin.). Lung Fei *SCC Law Government Jan.1990, pp.72-82 25. An open System: ensuring honest INTERNAL AFFAIRS government. Wu Naitao *BR 1990/ Personalities No.4, pp.24-27 39. A biographical sketch of Chiang General Topics 26. The building of honest government Tse-Min (Chin.). Ai Ling *SCC 11. An important sign of China’s stabi- in central Soviet base area (Chin.). Jan.1990, pp.141-150 lity (end of martial law). *BR 1990/ Xiong Changgeng *ZDY 1989/No.6, 40. Zhang Qian: Pioneer of the silk ro- No.4, pp.13-14 ad. Chai Di *CT Jan.1990, pp.27-28 pp.42-46 41. Rocket expert Huang Weilu. Guo Meini; Wang Daitong *CT Jan.1990, Ideology Parliament 12. Persisting in the socialism with the pp.17-18 Chinese characteristics and the ideo- 42. Yuan Wencai and the establish- logical line of "Seeking truth from Opposition and Democracy ment of Jinggangsh an revolutionary facts" - an understanding of Jiang 27. The System of multi-party co-ope- base area (Chin.). Liu Xiaonong Zemin’s speech (Chin.). Feng Ju ration. Lu Jiaxi *BR 1990/No.3, *ZDY 1989/No.ö, pp.80-85 *SKY 1989/No.ö, pp.3-11, 79 pp.20-21 43. A few issues in Li Dazhao research 13. Experts look at the 1990s: socialist 28. Democratic party leader on multi- - answer to questions on the occasion culture with Chinese characteristics. party co-operation. Lu Yim *BR of his lOOth birthday (Chin.). Peng He Jingzhi *BR 1990/No.4, pp.14-15 1990/No.2, pp.20-24 Ming *ZDY 1989/NO.6, pp.11-17 Januar/January 1990 CHINA aktuell/Official Activities - 84/10 - 74.
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