The Selected Papers of John Jay, 1760-1779 Volume 1 Index References to earlier volumes are indicated by the volume number followed by a colon and page number (for example, 1:753). Achilles: references to, 323 Active (ship): case of, 297 Act of 18 April 1780: impact of, 70, 70n5 Act of 18 March 1780: defense of, by John Adams, 420; failure of, 494–95; impact of, 70, 70n5, 254, 256, 273n10, 293, 298n2, 328, 420; passage of, 59, 60n2, 96, 178, 179n1 Adams, John, 16, 223; attitude toward France, 255; and bills of exchange, 204n1, 273– 74n10, 369, 488n3, 666; and British peace overtures, 133, 778; charges against Gillon, 749; codes and ciphers used by, 7, 9, 11–12; and commercial regulations, 393; and commercial treaties, 645, 778; commissions to, 291n7, 466–67, 467–69, 502, 538, 641, 643, 645; consultation with, 681; correspondence of, 133, 176, 204, 393, 396, 458, 502, 660, 667, 668, 786n11; criticism of, 315, 612, 724; defends act of 18 March 1780, 420; documents sent to, 609, 610n2; and Dutch loans, 198, 291n7, 311, 382, 397, 425, 439, 677, 728n6; and enlargement of peace commission, 545n2; expenses of, 667, 687; French opposition to, 427n6; health of, 545; identified, 801; instructions to, 152, 469–71, 470–71n2, 502, 538, 641, 643, 657; letters from, 115–16, 117–18, 410–11, 640–41, 643–44, 695–96; letters to, 87–89, 141–43, 209–10, 397, 640, 657, 705–6; and marine prisoners, 536; and mediation proposals, 545, 545n2; as minister to England, 11; as minister to United Provinces, 169, 425; mission to Holland, 222, 290, 291n7, 300, 383, 439, 677, 725; newspaper attacks on, 242n1; as peace commissioner, 432n11, 502, 502n1, 572, 645, 655, 656n7; and peace negotiations, 545; and plan of treaties, 571n2; received in his public character, 778, 779n2, 779n4; recommendations on receiving and sending dispatches, 88n5; relationship with Franklin, 211; and secret article in French-American treaty, 706; secretary of, 803; and separate peace, 778; settlement of accounts of, 255, 313, 315n2, 346; supporters of, 724; travels of, 34–35, 35n7, 88n1; and victory at Yorktown, 613; voyage to Europe, 88n1 Adams, John Quincy, 725n5; identified, 725n5 Adams, Samuel, 31n5, 343n39, 452n1; identified, 1:119 Adams, Thomas, 471; identified, 473n3 Adams-Lee faction, 56n1 “Address of Congress to their Constituents,” 91, 92n1 Admiralty courts, 624, 750 Aesop’s Fables: reference to, 540 Agriculture: importance of, 70n3; as source of wealth for poor, 81 Aitkin, James (John the Painter), 242n3 Albany, N.Y., 722, 784 Albemarle Court House, Va., 512 Alcide (ship), 162 Aldgate: pump at, 488 Alexander, William (Lord Stirling), 43, 45n5; identified, 1:213n5 Alexandria, Va., 325, 511 Aliens: rules regarding, 455 Alliance (frigate), 57, 61, 405 Alliances: commercial, 342n17; opposition to, 333, 342n17 Alva, duke of, 87 Álvarez de Sotomayor, Martín, 797 America (frigate), 271, 275n24, 440, 452n1 American Philosophical Society: membership in, 69, 70n1, 70n3, 216n3, 251 Ammunition: supply of, 85, 89–90, 294, 496 Amsterdam, 205, 641, 643; John Adams in, 273–74n10; John Adams’s journey to, 34–35; and bills of exchange, 35n8, 96, 188; merchants and bankers in, 59n2, 410; military supplies purchased in, 607n1; reaction to British atrocity in, 538; regency of, 695; ships from, 538, 602n32, 608n1; and Spanish loans, 99 Andalusia, Spain, 120, 744 Anderson, George, 199; identified, 199n3 André, John, 297, 373, 374n2, 786n4 Anglican Church, 75 Animals: JJ’s views on, 120–22. See also Horses; Mules Annapolis, Md., 511 Anne (ship), 477 Apalachiola River, 285n4 Appleton, Nathaniel, 6n1, 204n6 Arabet, Gautier & Manning (merchants, Barcelona), 49n1 Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, conde de: identified, 1:710, 801; information from, 187; instructions to, 793; lett of introduction to, 595; negotiations kept secret from, 88n4; negotiations with, 1, 3; as negotiator with JJ, 726n2; and Spanish aid, 138n13; and Spanish loan guarantee, 261n2, 339 Aranjuez, convention of, 109n5 Aranjuez (Aranjues), Spain, 46, 63, 66, 67, 91, 93, 110, 111, 116, 119, 127, 139, 141, 143, 144, 147, 158, 164, 179, 180, 181, 448, 449, 453, 457, 474, 475, 774, 795; armory at, 540; Carmichael at, 155, 170, 173n11, 798; conferences at, 104, 132, 139–41, 229, 267, 543, 597; court at, 125, 126n3, 131, 134, 155, 170, 591, 753, 771; dispatches to and from, 155, 177n2; Floridablanca at, 85; French minister at, 133; and invitations to JJ, 713, 773; JJ’s visits to, 87, 89, 125, 155, 729; journeys to and from, 61n6, 62, 68n3, 87, 89, 155, 159; letters written at, 524, 783; negotiations at, 782; passport obtained at, 630; praise of, 448, 729 Arbuthnot, Marriot: identified, 1:635n2; naval operations of, 47, 128n2, 216n2, 254, 289 Arms: supply of, 83, 465, 496 Army, British: arrival in America, 550; capture of, 578, 639, 650, 652; cavalry of, 513; contractors for, 427n14; defeat at Yorktown, 563, 564, 564n3, 640, 643, 644; defeats of, 214, 429, 529n1; depredations of, 465, 473n4, 496, 510, 512, 570; deserters from, 514; expense of, 627, 678; hatred of, 676; and Huddy-Asgill affair, 788; Livingston family home visited by, 193, 194n6; Loyalist support for, 627, 654; and Meschianza, 298n15; military operations of, 27, 28n3, 29, 43, 47, 127, 193, 216n2, 227, 228, 257–58, 353, 362, 365n5, 376, 412–13, 473n4, 496, 507–14, 518, 519n3, 634, 635n2, 654, 656n3; names for, 195; officers of, 66n6; as prisoners, 444, 529n1; recruits of, 78, 627; size of, 465, 496, 497, 578; slaves with, 578, 627; strength of, 76; transport of, 103n12, 496 Army, Continental: augmented by French troops, 780; and banks, 185; and bills of exchange, 549n4; casualties of, 413–14; clothing for, 83, 94, 100, 247, 257, 263, 264, 421, 450, 514, 538; condition of, 82, 676–77, 679n3, 719, 780, 781n2; congressional committee to camp of, 353; desertions in, 293; discipline of, 496; expense of, 149; foreign officers in, 229n4, 701, 702n1; and French aid, 263; hardships of, 293, 295; leave of absence from, 358, 362; location of, 13, 28, 780; military operations of, 26–27, 43, 45n5, 47, 86n4, 216n2, 223, 227, 228, 265, 295–96, 343n31, 353, 378, 412–14, 429, 446, 465, 507–14, 518, 519n4, 529n1, 578, 594, 634, 635n2, 635n3; movement of, 578, 579n3; mutiny in, 514; officers of, 460, 460n1; pay of, 421, 677; quotas for, 30, 31n7, 413; reduction of, 355n4; relations with French forces, 281, 289, 592, 653; riflemen of, 513; and siege of New York, 577–78; size of, 216n2, 227, 377–78, 420, 496, 578, 579n4, 781n2; staff departments of, 185; subscriptions for, 185, 364, 365n10; supply of, 53–55, 83–84, 86n4, 184–85, 257–58, 292, 294, 368, 378, 421, 425, 492, 496, 514, 677, 783; unpaid, 514; victories of, 214, 640, 643n1; virtue of, 293; western land interests of members of, 233; winter camp of, 644 Army, French: assistance from, 263, 666; complaints of officers of, 258; conference with Washington regarding, 354n2; costs of, in America, 626–27; cultivation of officers of, 353; foreign officers in, 229n4; impact of invasion by, 241; influence of officers of, in France, 353; at Martinique, 465; military operations of, 128n2, 187, 257–58, 259, 289, 296, 349–50, 510–11, 518n4, 519n4, 529n1, 540, 563, 564, 634, 635n3, 719; pay of, in America, 103n14; relations with American forces, 281, 289, 592, 653; and siege of New York, 577– 78; supply of, 257–58, 280, 499, 666; and terms of capitulation at Pensacola, 594–95; winter camps of, 644; and York-town victory, 578, 640, 643n1 Army, Spanish: deserters from, 605, 606; foreign officers in, 160n3; impact of invasion by, 241; Irish regiments of, 606; military operations of, 185, 473n8, 528, 634; supply of, xxiii, 265, 272n1, 499, 626, 776n27; volunteers in, xxii, 471, 621–23 (see also Littlepage, Lewis) Arnold, Benedict: aides to, 519n1, 804; amount of bribe to, 427n14, 441; compared to Silas Deane, 667; connection of James Jay to, 786n4; defection of, xxv, 786n4; depredations of, 510; early history of, 417; family of, 418n1, 418n2; fleet of, 436; guilt by association with, 479n5, 572; identified, 1:162n7; investigation and court martial of, 297; military operations of, 427, 436, 510–12; plot of, 296–97, 298n16, 373, 374n2, 374n3, 374– 75, 375n5, 463, 519n1, 522; relations with British officers, 511 Arnold, Benedict (1615–1678), 417; identified, 418n7 Arnold, Benedict (d. 1761), 417; identified, 418n2 Arnold, Hannah Waterman King, 418n1; identified, 418n2 Arnold, Margaret Mansfield, 418n7; identified, 418n1 Arnold, Margaret (Peggy) Shippen: and Arnold plot, 297, 373, 374, 375n5, 786n4; and Meschianza, 297, 298n15 Articles of Capitulation (Yorktown), 640, 646, 652, 654, 753 Articles of Confederation: ratification of, 74, 86n5, 390n4, 397, 398n1, 435n4, 564, 583; and western land claims, 311n7 Asgill, Charles (captain), 784, 785, 787n14 Asgill, Sarah (mother of Charles), 787n14 Asturias, Carlos Antonio Pascual Francisco Javier Juan Nepomuceno José Januario Serafin Diego, prince of (later Charles IV; son of Charles III), 45, 46 Asturias, Maria Luisa de Parma, princess of, 112, 115n1 Athens: history of, 429–30 Aubere, Monsieur (French consul, Barcelona), 48 Audibert-Caille, Étienne d’, 155, 159; identified, 802; letter from, 66–69; and relations with Morocco, 66–68, 68n2, 68n3, 357–58, 451 Augusta, Ga., 27, 28n2, 446, 509–10 Augusta, Va., 512, 514 Aulem, John, 669n17 Aurora (French frigate), xxi, 15, 18n1, 22, 25, 26, 42 Austin, Jonathan Loring, 260n5 Austria, 221n8, 720n3 Austrian Empire: as model, 1 Azores, 80 Babcock, Adam, 417; identified, 418n5 Bache, Richard, 16 Bache, Sarah Franklin, 16 Bahamas, 3, 497, 608n1 Baltimore, Md.: commerce
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