special convention issue $2. 50 The Muslim Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam Sunrise Musl-m Sunrise - 2 Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad The Promised Messiah Mirza Hafiz Nasir Ahmad Khalifatul Masih III Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam 3 - Muslim Sunrise Introduction ... the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, as a By M. S. Shahid, Missionary-in-Charge heavenly Warner and a beacon of light in this age of darkness. The voice raised from a small town called Qadian in India in the '80s Islam is a missionary religion. The ex­ of the last century, spread far and wide not ample of the Holy Prophet (may peace and only in India but also in the four corners of blessings of Allah be upon him) and his com­ the entire world. panions serves as a standard of conduct in By the grace of Allah the Missions of the this respect for the believers. Hence all the Ahmadiyya Movement, 60 countries of the believers in Islam have been enjoined by world. The United States of America is also Allah to convey Allah's message to all non-be­ one of those countries which were blessed lievers and strive hard for the uplift and prog­ with the message of Islam through the follow­ ress of their faith with all the possible means ers of Hazrat Ahmad. Hazrat Ahmad, the at their disposal. The Holy Quran says: Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in "You are the best people raised for the Islam, first conveyed the message of Islam to good of mankind. You enjoin what is good the people of America through a pamphlet, in and forbid evil and believe in Allah." ( 4: 11) 1885. As long as Muslims followed this golden principle and dedicate themselves to the preaching of Islam, with missionary zeal and spirit, they continued marching ahead until It was however in 1920 that a regular Mis­ the message of Islam had reached to the cor­ s ion of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam ners of the then known world. In course of was established in the United States by an time, however, as they became careless and eminent companion of the Promised Mes­ negligent of their duty of preaching, their siah, Hazrat Dr. Mufti MuhammfiY Sadiq. power declined and their status began to fall. In the subsequent pages of the.MUslim Sun- 11- ~· And they lost thier power and influence. rise efforts have been made to ·present to ~e It was at such at time that the Almighty readers a brief history of the Ahmadiyya Allah sent a reformer for Muslims in the per­ Movement in Islam in the United States both M. S. Shahid son of Hazrat Ahmad, the Holy Founder of in pictorical and narrative form. ... Editor notes Proclaimed the Promised Messiah, Hazrat History of the jamaats with mosques and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908): mission houses made available to him along "There shall be only one religion (Islam) with pictures, are included in our narration, and only one Guide (Muhammad) on the sur­ as also the biographical notes on some of the face of the earth. I have only come to sow the oldest members of our Movement in Amer­ seed and I have done it. It shall now grown ica. and bear fruit and there shall be none to A revelation the Promised Messiah as­ check its growth." (Tazkiratush-Shahadatin, serts: "I shall cause thy message to reach all pp. 64-65) the corners of the world." And regarding the 'Promised Son' God has revealed that he shall be known around the world. North The seed referred to was sown in America America is a witness to the truthfulness of in the Promised Messiah's lifetime which these prophecies. Establishment of active Ah­ grew and bore fruit under the auspices of the madiyya J amaats in Boston, Mass.; Balti­ second successor and is now developing into more, Md.; New York, N.Y.; Washington, a full-grown tree during the regime of his D.C.; Dover, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Detroit, third (present) successor, as the study of the Mich.; Teaneck, NJ.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Day­ following pages will show. ton, Ohio; Athen, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Chi­ The idea of having the historty of the Move­ cago, II.; Waukegan, II.; Streamwood, II.; ment in North America compiled originated Kenosha, Wis.; St. Louis, Mo.; Jackson, with Imam Shahid, our Missionary-in­ Miss.; Homestead, Fl.; Portland, Org.; San Charge, at the 1974 convention. In con­ Francisco, Cal.; Los Angeles, Cal.; and indi­ sultation with Amirs in attendance he as­ viduals scattered throughout the United signed this task to the Editor. And this he has States, eloquently testify to the fulfillment of tried to do with the commendable coopera­ the divine revelations. tion of his learned colleagues. Almost the en­ tire membership expressed interest in the publication, but Dr. Khalil Ahmad Nasir and Besides, there are devout followers of this Br. Hasan Hakeem of Waukegan, deserve missionary movement all across Canada, all special recognition. anxious to practice and preach Islam, as the The Editor, however, regrets it has not been article by Mr. Zakria M. Virk of Canada will possible for him to publish all the material show. Alhamdulillah1 •' • Miao Muhammad Ibrahim and pictures he received, owing to limitation of space. --Mian Muhammad Ibrahim, Editor Muslim Sunrise - 4 John A. Dowie - a false prophet contest. I am about 'ii) years of age while Dr. By Dr. Qazi Muhammad Barakatullah An account of the challenge, appearing in Dowie is about 55, and therefore, compared an American newspaper is given here: with me he is a young man still. But since the John A. Dowle was born in Edingburg matter is not to be settled by age, I don't care (Scotland). He developed a religious taste It was in these words that Dowie was re­ for this great disparity in years. The whole and worked as a Catholic minister in New quested to strip for the fray. matter rests in the hands of Him who is the Zealand, Australia. He migrated to America "I am the true Messiah who was to come in Lord of Heaven and Earth and judge over all in 1888. the last ages, thus has Almighty God spoken judges, and He will decide it in favor of the Dowie laid the foundation of a city called to me. I don't claim to be the Promised Mes­ true claimant." Zion situated at a distance of about 40 miles siah simply by my own assertion, but Al­ "But if Dr. Dowie cannot even now gather from Chicago, Ill. Dowie procalimed himself mighty God who made the earth and heaven courage to appear in the contest against me to be the Prophet Elijah, the forerunner of has borne witness to the truth of my claim." let both continents bear witness that I shall Jesus in his second Advent. He attracted The evidence of God has been manifested in be entitled to claim the same victory as in the quite a number of people . In the hope that hundreds of heavenly signs shown in my sup­ case of his death in my life time if he accepts they would witness the descent of Jesus from port. I say it truly that Almighty God has the challenge. The pretentions of Dr. Dowie Heaven, people came to settle in his city, poured His grace upon me in far greater will thus be falsified and he proved to be an Zion. abundance than the Messiah who has gone be­ impostor. Though he may try as hard as he Zion city had its farms, factories, grocery fore me. In the looking glass of my person, can to fly from death which awaits him, yet stores, publishing house, etc. People contrib­ the face of God is revealed to a far greater ex­ his flight from such a contest will be nothing uted 10 per cent of their earnings to Dowie's tent than in that of Jesus's person. If these less than death to him and calamity will cer­ fund. All the property was owned by Dowie are simply my own assertions, and there is tainly overtake his Zion, for he must take the himself. Because he was in his words, ap­ no other authority for them, I am a liar; but if consequences of either the acceptance of the pointed by God as a prophet to the world. Mil­ challenge or refusal." lions of dollars were, thus, at his disposal. "I close these brief remarks with the fol­ Dowie, therefore, lived the life of an aristo­ lowing prayer: crat with wordly pomp and show. "O Powerful and Pe.rfect God, who hast ever been revealing and will continue to re­ veal thyself to Thy Prophets, do thou give Dowie was against the Muslims and their Thy judgement and show to Thy people the religion, Islam. He abused and called names imposture and falsehood of Dowie for Thy to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on weak creatures, having fallen away from Thy him. In his publication, " News of Healing" path and are wandering in error far from dated Dec. 19, 1903 and repeating it in the Thee." issue of Feb. 14, 1907, Dowie wrote: "I pray to God that the day of destruction of "People sometimes say to me, "Why do Islam approach nearer. 0 God! Do like that, you not reply to this, that and the other O God bring destruction to Islam." thing?" Reply! Do you think that I shall He claimed if he was not God's proph­ reply to the gnats and flies? If I put my foot et then there was none else in the whole world on them, I would crush out their lives.
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