I ) ~915. eONGRESSIONAlj RECORD-. HOUSE.~ · RECESS. TEXAS. Mr. STONE. I move that the Senate take a recess until' to­ John E . Astin, Bryan. morrow at 12 o'clock noon. Milton W. Cunningham. Amarillo. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 50 minutes Jack Dies, Beaumont. p. m., Monday, February 15, 1915) the Senate took a recess Mary. K Hartson, Kyle.. until to-morrow, Tuesday, February 16, 1915. at 12 o'clock Daniel F. Largent, Bridgeport. meridian. VF.RMONT. Henry.B. Parkhurst, jr., North Troy.. CONFIR!\fATIONS. WASHINGTON.. E xccutire nominations confirrned- by the Senate Febr·uary15,1915. D-. L. Beeke;,, Lynden. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY. C. E. Hancoek, Selah. John F~ A. Mernll to be United States attorney for the dis­ Elmer McBroom, Chehalis. trict of Maine. WYOMING. POSTMASTERS. Charles T. Sherbno, Sunrise. CALIFORNIA. WEST VIRGINIA. George E. Alexander, Hayward. Frederick H. M-abey, Ra1nelle. Joseph Galewsky, St. Helena. M. T. Morrison, Sutton. · J. I. C. Kennedy, Mountain View. P. E. Nixon, Paw Paw. Owen Kenny, Calistoga. R. G. Oxley, Athens. Evelyn Mitchell, Dos Palos. Turner A. Wamsley, Parsons. Pete!"" D. Mcintyre, Blythe. Henry W. Nash, Stirling City. John R. Snead, Dixon. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. J. V. Swift, Redwood City. · W. W. Ware, Fort Bragg. MoNDAY, February 15, 1915. COLORADO. The Honse met at 11 o'clock a. m. William D Richa1·dson, Oak Creek. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the fol· Q. W. McKinley, Ault. lowing prayer: . CONNECTICQ'l'". We thank Thee, our Father in Heaven, that amid all the _changing scenes of life Thou art permanent. We are the mov* Thomas H. Collins, Farmington. : ing procession. Thou art the same yesterday, to-day, and Alexander Gilman, Putnam. forever. We may pause, even retrograde, but Thy love stands Hugh Hearns, Naugatuck. · waiting with beckoning hand to lure us onward and upward William S. Meany, Greenwich, · to permanency of character in righteousness, truth, justice~ David A. Wilson, Hartford, ~ mercy; purity; for Thou art God- IDAHO. " That God, whiclL ever lives and loves ; Everett Noble, Shoshone. One God, one law, one element, HAWAII. And one far-oil' divine event; Henry A. J-nen, Waipahu. To which the whole creation moves." INDIANA.. So may we trust and advance under the leadership of tha · _Master. Amen. Alvin ID. Hauk:, Morristown. The Journals of the proceedings of Saturday, February 13~ Charles F. Ill, Notre Dame. 1915, and Sunday, February 14, 1915, were read and approved. Frank L. Lashley, Centerville. William Marmaduke, Wingate. BRIDGE .ACROSS SUWANEE RIVER. John W. Wright, Brookston. Mr. MANN. Mr. Speaker~ the RECORD of Saturday in boili KENTUCKY. · the Senate and the House proceedings shows that Senate bill W. L. Hale, Mayfield. 7555, an act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the-Suwanee River in. the State of Florida, was sighed by the LOUISIANA~ Speaker and the Vice President as an en~·olled bill. The Senate F. H. Gosman, Shreveport. bill, with a siniilar House bill, was reported on Saturday. Ii H. J. Nelson, .Vinton. do. not think that the. Journal shows that it passed the- House. MICHIGAN. If it passed the House at any time, it has not been shown by, Mark Boyd, McBain. the proceedings here. John Dunham, Daggett. _ .Mr. AD.Alt!SON. · Mr. Speaker, tlie fact is, if the gentleman Samuel McClellan, Springport. will permit, the House bill was reported by the committee on Merton N. Wolcott, North Adams. Friday,, and after the committee had adjourned the Senate bill MINNESOTA:. came over to the committee too late to report it out at that M. J. O'Laughlln, Lake City. meeting... So the i.act. is ·that the House bill stands on the MISSISSIPPL calendar reported by the committee, and the Senate bill has · been referred to the committee and has been. unacted upon. Thomas A. Chapman, Leakesville. Mr~ MANN. But the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD shows, On page MISSOURI. 3762·in the HouSe proceedings, that' the bill had been signed by William T. Dameron, Huntsville. the Speaker as an enrolled bill. · · - NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1\Ir. ADAM.SOR ·- That ought to be corrected. Ferdinand French, Pittsfield. Mr. MANN. The RECORD also shows in the Sen2.te· proceed· ings on page 3696 that the bill was messaged from the House NEVADA. to the Senate as having been signed by the Speaker and that it J. Lester Denton, Caliente. was thereupon signed by· the Vice President. omo. Mr. ADAMSON. I have no doubt that was some other bill; Levi E. Bierer, McComb. and that a mistake of identity has been made. Joseph E. Blackford, Martins Ferry'~ Mr. MANN. But in each case the title of the bill io gh-en; James W. Stoneburner, Roseville. I. correctly. Mr. ADAMSON. It is not the fact. OKLAHOMA. · Mr. MANN. That is the reason I am calling attention to it. Caesar F. Simmons, Boley. If, as a matter of fact, it was- sent over by inadvertence---:--t OTIEGO_N. · The SPEAKER. It was. Lizzie M. Perkins, Gardiner. Mr. MANN. It ought to be recalled. TENNESSEE;. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman make a motion to that ~ct? . D. M. Brumit., Elizabethton. Mr~ MANN. I ask unanimous consent that the Senate be re~ L. H. Hammond, M01llltpleasa-nt• . quested tO return the. bill to the Ho~se. 3796 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD...:..:: HOUSE. FEBRUARY The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois asks unani­ S. 7213. An act granting pensions and increase· of I)ensions mous consent that the Senate be notified of. the situation and to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certain that they be requested to return the bill to the House: Is there widows and dependent relati'res of such soldiers and sailors; objection? [After a pans~.] The Chair hears none, and it is and so ordered. S. 7402. An act granting pensions and increase of pensions l\Ir. ADAMSON. That bill did not get reported in . time to to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certain be put upon the Calendar for Unanimous Consent, but I hope widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors. that we will be permitted to pass it to-day notwithstanding. SEN ATE BILL REFERRED. CALENDAR FOB UNANIMOUS CONSENT. Under clause 2, Rule XXIV, Senate bill of the following title The SPEAKER. The business in order to-day is the Cal­ was taken from the Speaker's table and referred to its up­ endar for Unanimous Consent, and the. Chair repeats a request propria te committee, as indicated below : he made about this calendar on several occasions. If a gen­ S. 2i89. An act to award the medal of honor to l\Iaj. John 0. tleman has made up his mind resolutely ·to object to a bill, the Skinner, surgeon, United States Army, retired-to the Commit­ Chair requests that he make his objection immediately after tee on Military Affairs. the reading of the title. The Clerk will call the first bill on BRIDGE ACROSS ST. LOUIS RIVER./ the Calendar for Unanimous Consent. The next business on the Calendar for Unanimous Consent BRIDGE ACROSS ST. LOUIS RIVER, BETWEEN WISCONSIN AND MINNE­ was the bill (H. n. 15727) authorizing the county of St. Louis SOTA. to construct a bridge across the St. Louis River between l\Iin:. The first business on the Calendar for Unanimous Consent ne ota and Wisconsin. was the bill H. R. 17762, to amend an act approved February The SPEAKER. Is there objection? 20, 1908, entitled "An act to authorize the Interstate Transfer l\fr. LEl\TROOT. Mr. Speaker, I object. Railway Co. to construct a bridge across the St. Louis River The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Wisc·onsin objects, and between the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota." both of these bills are stricken from the calendar. · Mr. MILLER. Mr. Speaker, this bill has been read at u Mr. ADAMSON. I want to observe, while the gentlemen s2em previous time, and I think it is not necessary to read it again. to be even, this is not getting us anywhere. I ask unanimous consent that present consideration be given Mr. MILLER. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object-­ to H. R. 17762, the bill just reported, and also to H. R. 15727, The SPEAKER. There is nothing before the· House. · authorizing the county of St. Louis to construct a bridge across Mr. MILLER. We can objec~ t~ a great m11ny ·of these bills. the St. Louis River between Minn'esota and Wisconsin, and also CONSTRUCTION OF TWO. JlEVENUE CUTTERS. S. 5325, authorizing the county oi St. Louis to construct a bridge The business on the Calendar for Unanimous Consent was across the St. Louis River between Minnesota and Wisconsin. the bill (H. R. 18876) to provide for the construction of two I ask unanimous consent that all three of these bills be con- revenue cutters. · sidered at this time. · The title was read. .Mr. BORLAND. Mr. Speaker, that is exactly what would Mr. MANN. l\lr. Speaker, I object. happen in the calling of the Calendar in the regular way. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois objects, and Mr. MILLER. I want to know now whether unanimous con­ the bill is ordered stricken from the calendar. sent is to be given to the consideration of each one of the three: Mr. BORLAND. How could the gentleman know ttat? TO AMEND THE ACT · TO REGULATE COMMERCE. Mr. MILLER. We certainly can know it if the House agrees The next business on the Calendar for Unanimous Consent to it at this time. was the bill (H. R. 20496) to amend section 15 of the act to Mr.
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