Assessment Day

Assessment Day

1 ASSESSMENT DAY College of Arts and Sciences Associate in Arts Degree April 27, 2018 2 Academic Assessment CONDUCTED LEVEL FOCUS FREQUENCY BY Academic Committee of Success Program • Quality of assessment practices Years 1 & 2 peers Committee • Enrollment, retention, completion • Industry certifications and job Instructional Program / placement Committee of Program Year 3 Cluster • Program budget and staffing peers Review • Advisory committees • Curriculum changes • Enrollment by demographics • Graduation and retention Assessment Course/ • Average class size Program Chair Years 1, 2, 3 Day Program • Course success rate and Faculty • Placement rate • SLOs, PLOs and ILOs 3 Program 700000 - Associate of Arts Degree 4 Action Items from Last Assessment Day Assessment Day (04/29/2016) • Research new ways to assess the AA program; • Review courses missing from the program requirements; • Website review For Institutional Effectiveness: • Provide more data elements such as adding dual enrolled students to the demographics, State data vs institutional data (completion rates), Retention data based on demographics • Headcount for 2012-13 adjust for auto grad 5 Headcount AA Degree 12000 10880 10000 9546 9621 9122 -13.1% 8735 19.7% -4.6% -4.4% 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 College Enrollment Decreased: 3%(13/14); 0.73%(14/15); 1.14% (15/16); 5.5%(16/17) Source: IR Program Assessment Data Students are duplicated across programs, unduplicated in the total. 6 Average Age AA Degree 50 40 28.8 27.4 30 27.3 26.2 25.9 20 10 0 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Calculation excludes individuals whose birthdates are not reported. Major 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Daytona State College 26.7 26.6 26.4 26 27 Source: IR Program Assessment Data 7 Gender 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Program Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male 700000 – AA Degree 59.2% 40.7% 58.6% 41.4% 58.9% 41.1% 60.2% 39.8% 61.4% 38.6% Daytona State 60% 40% 59% 41% 60% 40% 60% 40% 60% 40% College Blank cells or missing years indicate no enrollment. Excludes individuals whose gender is not reported. Source: IR Program Assessment Data 8 Race / Ethnicity by Program DSC 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 (2016-17) American Indian / 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.3% 0.2% 0.4% Alaska Native Asian 2.2% 2.4% 2.4% 2.4% 2.2% 2% Black or African 13.6% 14.1% 14.1% 14.3% 15.2% 14% American 700000 – AA Degree Hispanic 12.6% 13.5% 14.2% 15.4% 17% 15% Native Hawaiian / 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% Pacific Islander Two or More Races 1.5% 2% 2.3% 2.7% 3.4% 2% White 68.5% 66.3% 65% 64.6% 61.8% 66% Excludes individuals whose race / ethnicity is not reported. Blank cells or missing years indicate no enrollment. Source: IR Program Assessment Data 9 Number of Graduates AA Degree 1850 1815 1800 1750 1738 1700 1697 1700 1657 1650 1600 1550 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Source: IR Program Assessment Data 10 Graduation Rates 150% 200% Fall Cohort 150% 200% Major # in Cohort Graduation Graduation Year Graduates Graduates Rate Rate 2010 8343 2852 34.2% 3100 37.2% 2011 7657 2870 37.5% 3137 41% 700000 – AA Degree 2012 7112 2634 37% 2752 38.7% 2013 3000 930 31% 1045 34.8% College average (150%- 57.3%, 200%- 63.3%) Fall terms include prior Summer term enrollment in major. 0819 started in FA14. 1203 started in FA12 and has had no enrollment since. 2226 was 3504- AAS degree prior to FA11. Source: IR Program Assessment Data 11 Retention Rates Retained by Retained by DSC Program and Adjusted Registered Exclusions DSC Program Total Fall Cohort Year Cohort N % N % Retained 2011 3,870 688 3,182 266 8.3% 1,490 46.8% 55.1% 2012 3,831 635 3,196 273 8.5% 1,453 45.5% 54% 700000 – AA Degree 2013 3,742 632 3,110 168 5.4% 1,489 47.9% 53.3% 2014 8,003 1,482 6,521 675 10.4% 3,707 56.8% 67.2% 2015 8,081 1,490 6,591 722 11% 3,132 47.5% 58.5% College average 64.4% Registered - Includes all students enrolled in the fall term of the specified year, with the specified program as their primary major. Exclusions - Includes students who are deceased or graduated fall of the specified year or the following spring or summer. Not retained - Students who were not registered the following fall term. Retained by DSC - Students who were still registered at DSC the following fall but with a different primary major. Retained by Program - Students who were registered the following fall with the same primary major. Source: IR Program Assessment Data 12 Fall 15 to Fall 16 Retention Rates By Race/Ethnicity Retained by Retained by DSC Program DSC Adjusted Race/ Ehnicity Registered Exclusions Total Cohort N % N % Retained Am. Ind 14 3 11 0 0% 5 45.5% 45.5% Asian 151 32 119 2 1.7% 76 63.9% 65.6% Black 1,024 140 884 26 2.9% 391 44.2% 47.1% Hawaii/Pac 16 4 12 0 0% 8 66.7% 66.7% Hispanic 1,219 226 993 36 3.6% 502 50.6% 54.2% Two or More 252 41 211 8 3.8% 102 48.3% 52.1% Races White 4,346 873 3,473 157 4.5% 1,859 53.5% 58% College average (African American: 48.1%, Hispanic: 62.1%) Registered - Includes all students enrolled in the fall term of the specified year, with the specified program as their primary major. Exclusions - Includes students who are deceased or graduated fall of the specified year or the following spring or summer. Not retained - Students who were not registered the following fall term. Source: IR Program Assessment Data Retained by DSC - Students who were still registered at DSC the following fall but with a different primary major. Retained by Program - Students who were registered the following fall with the same primary major. 13 Course Success Rates (1 of 5) 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Courses Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful ENC1101 4,476 68% 4,611 68% 4,424 71% 4,305 74% ENC1102 3,251 75% 3,231 77% 3,414 77% 3,493 77% SPC2608 2,098 82% 2,499 86% 2,775 84% 2,798 84% MAC1105 3,566 59% 2,957 60% 2,782 68% 2,461 69% MAC2311 258 52% 252 63% 257 69% 316 67% MGF2106 473 60% 2,086 65% 2,401 77% 2,164 76% MGF2107 406 69% 497 72% 496 76% 602 65% STA2023 1,839 71% 1,786 75% 2,104 77% 2,113 75% AST1002 632 71% 551 87% 717 81% 685 86% BSC1005 764 81% 747 82% 904 82% 1,241 77% BSC1010 577 72% 523 70% 612 73% 673 68% BSC1020 763 73% 630 71% BSC1085C 1,316 62% 1,366 62% 1,534 63% 1,514 63% CHM1045 329 67% 353 78% 373 77% 450 73% CHM2210 49 96% Indicates a success rate of 90% or higher Indicates a success rate between 70% and 89% Indicates a success rate below 70% Source: IR Program Assessment Data 14 Course Success Rates (2 of 5) 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Courses Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful EVR2001 6 67% 7 100% 35 69% 165 69% PHY1020 25 68% 25 72% 48 73% 93 75% PHY1053 49 90% 83 84% 79 84% PHY2048 38 82% 65 94% 107 93% BOT1010 58 84% 38 92% 37 81% 40 90% BSC1020 619 77% 664 76% 630 71% CHM1025 766 89% 772 85% 811 86% 644 84% GLY2010 14 93% 16 100% 14 93% 5 100% HUN1201 2,039 80% 2,138 79% 2,075 81% 2,035 84% MET2010 324 79% 390 73% 293 73% 251 79% OCB2000 72 74% 59 78% 48 77% 35 83% OCE1001 116 85% 143 78% 120 87% 172 82% PSC1121 744 84% 792 90% 655 91% 422 92% ARH1000 1,292 86% 1,329 86% 1,410 84% 1,455 82% Indicates a success rate of 90% or higher Indicates a success rate between 70% and 89% Indicates a success rate below 70% Source: IR Program Assessment Data 15 Course Success Rates (3 of 5) 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2016 Courses Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful HUM2020 265 72% 292 75% LIT2000 444 76% 1676 80% MUL1010 481 70% 452 61% 476 63% 492 62% PHI2010 340 81% 292 78% 225 84% 327 76% THE1000 272 79% 285 77% 307 75% 411 67% AML2050 135 68% 115 80% 81 79% 28 89% AML2060 141 73% 266 83% 183 74% 170 85% AML2600 137 77% 126 70% 159 76% 160 81% ARH2050 192 65% 189 66% 226 75% 225 70% ARH2051 1 100% 30 97% 32 78% DAN1100 91 58% 168 56% 129 82% 137 72% HUM2210 429 69% 316 73% 30 77% 30 57% HUM2230 108 64% 54 65% 29 38% Indicates a success rate of 90% or higher Indicates a success rate between 70% and 89% Indicates a success rate below 70% Source: IR Program Assessment Data 16 Course Success Rates (4 of 5) 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Courses Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful LIT2040 11 100% 7 100% 22 77% 34 85% LIT2110 90 84% 73 82% 125 87% 286 78% LIT2120 49 71% 21 67% MUH2110 13 92% 14 71% 14 79% MUL2380 314 74% 320 82% 338 82% 223 78% REL2300 165 77% 154 81% 166 75% 146 71% AMH2020 759 71% 760 75% 928 75% 881 74% ANT2000 No students enrolled ECO2013 940 79% 901 77% 903 77% 922 76% POS2041 758 78% 797 76% 906 78% 830 82% PSY1012 3,184 73% 3,359 74% 3,393 75% 3,509 75% SYG2000 632 66% 603 72% 744 69% 741 71% AMH2010 519 69% 496 68% 588 71% 610 69% Indicates a success rate of 90% or higher Indicates a success rate between 70% and 89% Indicates a success rate below 70% Source: IR Program Assessment Data 17 Course Success Rates (5 of 5) 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Courses Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful Attempted % Successful DEP2001 35 80% DEP2004 1,285 83% 1,286 81% 1,364 81% 1,477 82% ECO2023 722 80% 703 83% 683 84% 712 77% GEB2430 663 79% 784 80% 715 82% 540 73% GEO2000 913 85% 918 80% 874 77% 987 79% INR2002 326 85% 242 85% 203 86% 249 83% CPO2001 172 65% 272 72% 170 71% 248 76% EDF2085 213 76% 251 85% 277 83% 269 80% EUH2000 46 63% 40 65% 47 60% 71 63% GEB2351 12 100% 127

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