No.1No.1 June June 26 26 1989 1989 SMO$'1050 ten eaat east eight street street new yort< york city. city, 1 10003 0003 (212)(212) 25+1699 254-1699 CONTENTS NEV'(S .... .» State Axes City rest PI~n> ddd/?i.6 Gay Gt'Oup In Pu~rt()RicanPatadeH ·······6 CitYUnveilsCohdorriCampaig~t> ..•...•...·····7 ~S8~~~7~~'·\iik..l! PWAs Stopped At Border}> .....J 0 . Salk ReportSVacdneProgt~s> .. ·····15 . ..~~f~g~k~~tl~tti~is~~~H.3..·i~ .•......... Duberffutri Addresses StoriewallRalfy20 GOP Memo Baits Foley .......•.... Cops Maintain .Giy Surveiliance HEALTH FEATURES AIDS Treatment News (james) 30 .Political Sdence(Rarrlngton} 33··· Positive Alternatives (Lederer) 34 It·s A Wonderful Strife THE ARTS Waller waxes historic about a big night in FILMThe New Festival 49 the "annals of anals" page 38 THEATERdiy Pride Roundup 50 POPPhranc&Two Nice Girls 51 OPEAAPower Failure" 52 CABARET Pride Week picks 53 Wall Of Stone . .... .DEPARTMENTS Maggenti muses on the lesbian landmark Outspoken (editorial) ..... 4 page 40 DykesTo watch Out For (Bechdel) 5 Out of COntrol (Day) 26 Inside Out (Navarro) 28 Rebellion Over The Look Out! 46 Out Of My Hands (Ball) 48 Rainbow Gossip Watch (SignOrlle) 48 Russo on the Judy and Punch Connection Going Out Calendar (X) 54 page 42 Bar Rounds 78 Sports 82 Present At The Creation Fouratt recalls the night they raided hairpinski's page 44 OUTSP'OKEN OUT~WEEK Publisher Kendall Morrison Editorial Editor In Chief Gabri el Rotello From the mome,nt we' announced our intention to Art Director Mark Finlay-Arthur publish a new lesbian and gay news magazine in New York, News Editor we've been overwhelmed with good wishes and barraged Andrew Miller with advice. If the reaction has been awesome, so has the Features Editor sense of responsibility it engenders. Michelangelo Signorile Reasons for this reaction are not hard to find. Many EDITORIAL American cities have several gay and lesbian newspapers. Contributing Editors Strangely, New York, with the largest lesbian/gay population Kim Christensen, Rick X in the country, has had only one. Contributing Reporters For several years, the long-distinguished history of our Chris Bull, Mark Chesnut. Suzanne Hall, Rachel Lurie, Donna Minkowitz, Jon David Nalley, chief competition has been marked by an. editorial bias Cliff 0' Neill, Sarah Schulman, concerning the cause of AIDS. Their unwillingness to print Jim Whelan, Rex Wockner, Phil Zwickler health news which conflicts with that bias has often resulted Contributing Writers • in slanted, inaccurate articles presented as inve~tigative Tim Allis, Bradley Ball, Marion Banzhaf, Charles Barber, Alison Bechdl1l, Jill Benderley, Susie Day, Risa Denenbl1rg, Ann journalism. Giudici Feltner, Gary Glickman, Mark Harrington, Craig G. Women have regularly been neglected in New York's Harris, Terry Helbing,George Heymont. Sandor Katz, Bob gay press, both in coverage of pertinent issues and in Lederer, Jennie Livingston, Maria Maggentti,Ray Navarro, Sarah Pettit. Veneita Porter, Patrick Rogers, Vito Russo, Karl represeritation among writers and reporters. People of color Soehnlein, Daniel Sotomayor, James Waller, John Wasser have been rendered virtually invisible. ART OutWeek is committed to accurate and inclusive news Contributing Photographers reporting. Our AIDS coverage will reflect the widest, not just n. Litt, Tom McKitterick, Scott Morgan, Ellen B. Neipris, Ben Thornberry the wildest, range of facts, sources, information and PRODUCTION opinions. We will report responsibly on AIDS treatment and Jon Cooper services issues, and doggedly investigate the politics behind ADVERTISING them. Hopefully, our reporting will enable the women and Director of Sales men in our community to make their own decisions about Kit Winter health, politics and other issues that affect us. Account Executive We hope to extend this ideal of inclusiveness throughout Sidney Briscese our features, arts and entertainment sections as well. Rather BUSINESS Vice President than being one person's newsletter, we hope to be a true Peter Housos forum for our community. Treasurer This will be a difficult task. The complexities and Lawrence Basile diversities of the lesbian and gay world are daunting. Without the input and support of the community, our vision OUTWEEK is published weekly by OUTWEEK PUBLISHING has little chance of success. We will need your criticisms and CORPORATION, 77 Lexington Avenue Suite 200, New York, New Yolk 100tO. The entire contents 01 OUTWEEK are copyright e 1989 by suggestions, your understanding and perhaps most OUTWEEK PUBLISHING CORPORATION, and may not be reproduood in any manner, either in wHole or in part. without written permission from importantly your patience. We hope to reward that patience the publisher. All rights reserved. Publication of the name or photograph 01 any person, group or with a newsweekly of lasting value to our embattled organization appearing or advertising in OUTWEEK may not be taken as an indication of the sexual orientation of such person, group or community. organization unless specifically stated. The opinions 01 OUTWEEK are expressed only in our editorials. Other opinions are those of the writers and artists and do not necessarily represent the opinions of OUTWEEK. 4 our~WEEK June 26, 1989 ON THE COVER: COMEour! was the first lesbian/gay newspaper to appear in New York after the Stonewall reb~lIion. This photograph was the poster advertising their first edition. and celebrating the Gay Liberation Front. with which they were associated. Among those we've been able to identify are Earl Galvin. Judy Greenspan. Fran Winant. John Erdman. Dan,Smith. Carl Miller and Bob Bland. We'd be interested in hearing from anyone who knows others in the picture (Ed.)~ (Photo courtesy: Jim Fouratt) Dykes to Watch Out For fV"\ I W,! I <I\N·TwA'TOl> CCtiJ\P~ I N FRoNTof .'I,v' WfTJ1 ... HV""- Of' R~'n; p WA6/'1'-.' ~"'$h) ~ June 26. 1989 OUTTWEEK 5 NEWS released a joint statement at a June 14th Axelrod Vetoes Jo~ephls Test Plan press conference, condemning Joseph's proposal. The statement declared, "We AIDS Groups United in Opposition should not forget the most basic public health lesson learned over the years of the AIDS epidemic: measures of by Chris Bull compulsion or coercion directed at NEW YORK-- ~rsons who are HIV infected drive Health Commis- these people away from medical care sioner Stephen continued on pagl 14 Joseph's much maligned proposal to curtail anony- mous HIV antibody First Gay Group testing, and im- plement mandatory in Puerto Rican name reporting and aggressive contact Day Parade tracing for those who are infected with HIV, was by Mark Chesnut abruptly vetoed by NEW YORK - For the first time in its State Health 31-year history, an officially-recognized Commissioner lesbian and gay contingent, made up of David Axelrod one an estimated 100 participants, marched week after it was in the New York Puerto Rican Parade unveiled. on Sunday, June 11th. The march began Joseph's plans, at Fifth Avenue and 44th Street and presented in a June Act Up Zap. Joaeph No till ,. tNt pilln. finished at 86th Street and Third Avenue 5th address at the Fifth International infection will usher in a new era in in Manhattan. Conference on AIDS in Montreal, were which policies will shift toward a "This is our Stonewall," claimed decried by AIDS activists and service disease-control approach to HIV- Pedro Velazquez, a member of the proViders, who quickly organized infection, along the lines of diseases Boricua Gay and Lesbian Forum, and protests, both in Montreal and New such as tuberculosis and syphilis,' one of the organizers of the contingent. York, to blast the recommendations. Joseph said at the conference. 'We're coming out to the Puerto Rican Under the proposal, physicians He went on to predict that the community to let them know we're would, be required to report to the policy, if adopted, would set a here." Health Department the names of all nationwide trend toward routine contact Although this is the first official people who test positive for HIV, the tracing. "Follow-up to assure adequate lesbian and gay presence in the Puerto virus thought by many to cause AIDS. treatment and more aggressive contact Rican Parade, a smaller group called the Health Department employees would tracing will become standard public- Comite Homosexual Latinoamericano then ask those who test positive to health applications for controlling HIV (CHOLA) marched in 1979, voluntarily disclose sexual and needle- infection and illness,' he said. "We are unrecognized by the parade committee, sharing partners, who in turn would be fast approaching a time when we will as part of the "Pe9ple's Contingent," contacted by the Department of Health. have to rethink the wisdom and which included groups like the Puerto Joseph told the Montreal audience effectiveness of many of our present Rican Socialist Party. "We had to that because new AIDS treatments are public-policy issues,' Joseph added. struggle with homophobia from increasingly successful, new testing and bystanders and also within our own tracing measures are necessary in order I New YorkersBlast Proposal contingent,' said Francisco Dominguez, to proVide medical care earlier in the who marched ten years ago and was progression of the disease. "Changes in I A group of 46 AIDS service- present for this year's march as well. "I our capacity to prevent and treat prOViders, physicians and activists found that [this year] the people's 6 our"'WEEK June 26, 1989 ..: ! reaction was much more positive. It was a powerful group. It ended up with City Unveils Condom Campaign a real good feeling." This year's arrangements were not Targets liMen Who Have Sex With Men" without complications, according to Velazquez, who submitted the by Andrew Miller and radio .announcements, subway application to the parade committee. NEW YORK -- Declaring the end of "the posters for platforms and trains, and "They gave us a hard time.
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