i The New Improved Volume VIII, Number 1 P.O. Box 12286 September, 1988 La Jolla,Ca 92037 © CopyrightCalifornia Review 1988 The Jolt Guy On Cola Rory Cheeney on the Media William Bennett Reminisces Welcome Back UCSD Page 2 - September - California Review ._..........,,,, ~oo..,.....------- oooooooooooo~ California Review - So tomber - Pa ¯ 3 ~oeoeoeeeoeeoeeeoooooeooo ooeoeo oeeoooeeoeo ooooe l, ooooeeoooo oeooeooo oooooeeooooeoooeeooeeooeoeooeeeooeeoeeeeeoe CollegiateTimes Presents From the Editor The Time of My Life Herewe areonce again, its Se!~tembcr didn’tknow that sororities were really fra- inI.~ lolla and school is back in session. ternitieswhich are actually nazi pawns You’veheard it a thousandtimes, so once cantrolledby the Regents who do thebid- By William J. Bennett morecan’t hurt -- WelcomeBack to dingof the CIA which is itselfguided by UCSD. thegovernment under the direct supervi- Whenl wasa professorof lawand country,talking to students,teachers, and parents.And everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve Withthat out of theway, welcome to sionof Satanhimself. Besides being philosophy,my area of specialinterest the New, Improved .C.~. interestingandinformative (much like the wasethics and political philosophy, andin foundour people to be thoughtfulabout theirown lives and about national affairs. Forthose of youunfamiliar with us, we TeenageMutant Ninja Turtles series) the particular,American political thought. In representthe conservative sector of the DisorientationManual is an excellent my undergraduatecourse, my studentsand I supposethe thing that I’ve been most recruitingtool for the Review. I alwaysread at leastsome of the surprisedby is howmany politicians con- studentbody. Our objective is to provide a forumfor the viewpoints not expressed Onceagain the Left has accused us of Federalist.Oneof theissues we tinuallyunderestimate theintelligence of beinghomophobic, anti-feminist, racist inevitablydiscussed was the founders’ theAmerican people. They think they by theother UCSD publications. UCSD hastwo publication forliterature -- war-mongers.All unfounded and inflam- viewof theimportance ofcharacter in haveto speakdown to them,to make matorycharges. Imagine that -- theLeft government,what they unembarrassedly politicalissues simple, to puteverything Abbdabbsandl~zdgag.f,.Kf,.W,w, the Koala for humor, and ,~ - a rantingand raving over delusions of per- calledthe need for virtue. We debated in termsof slogans.But you can speak secution--shocking! whethermen of goodcharacter could be directlyto theAmerican people. You can gay/lesbianpaper which may or maynot stillexist. Also produced here is I personallysupport a strong defense activein politics, given the compromises tellthem what is on yourmind. You can butthis is hardly blood-lust History has so oftendemanded of thosein politics. engagein a vigorouspublic debate about Voicepublished by African-American Students and ~ serving mili- shownthat those who unilaterally disarm I’vesince had the unusual oppportunity importantpublic issues. do attainpeace --Rest In Peace--some- tobe a professorofpolitical philosophy PaulBuchan wrote long ago that "poli- tamChicanos and Latinos. Finally we have the ~. Be sure to read thingwhich can be avoidedby thedeter- whohas now lived for a timein thepoliti- ticsis still the greatest and most honorable enceafforded bya slrongmilitary. calworld. And as I prepareto leavemy adventure."Public life affords you the theNI’s disorientation Manual, a lot of govenamentpost, I findmyseff reflecting opportunitytoact on yourconvictions, to workby a lotof dedicatedindicviduals againon the questions ofcharacter and acton your ideals, toact on yourideas. wentinto this. As alwaysthey do an Americanpolitical life that my students Takeit, then, from a productof the excellentjob of pointing out the flaws of -RFT oftenasked - thatI oftenasked -- more academy,don’t pay heed to thecynics, UCSDand American society in general.I thana decadeago. manyof whommake their home within founderswere realistic people. My governmentexperience over the partyor ideologicalmatter. You will find theacademy, who disparage or belittle Theyknew about human frailty, so they lastseveral year convinces methat the characterinindividuals like publicservice and public servants. If gaveus a systemof governmentto protect founders’hope was well placed, their real- RepresentativeWilliam Natcher of you’reinclined to enter public life, my againstthe weakness and "duplicities" of ismwell justified. What one finds in Kentuckyand Senator Bill Bradley of adviceis: do it.Do it withhonor, do it humannature. "Enlightened statesmen Washingtontoday is exactlywhat NewJersey, both Democrats, and you will withpride, and do itwith a highsense of q alifornia willnot always be at thehelm," Madison Madisonfound some two centuries ago: findCharacter in Representative Henry publicduty. I haven’tregretted my public Lettersto theEditor conceded.But clearly he expectedmen of somedegree of depravity, self-interest, Hydeof Illinoisand Senator Alan servicefor a moment.On thecontrary, virtue-- hehad before him, after all the andignorance ofthe public good, but also Simpsonof Wyoming,both Republicans. I’vehad the time of mylife Lettersshould be addressedto the editor,typed double-spaced,and exampleof GeorgeWashington -- to be a fairdegree of honesty,character, and My dealingswith these men have provid- eitherdropped off at our office,Room 212, StudentCenter, or sent Imperiumet Libertas. activein politics. The principle is summa- constancy.In short some vice and some ed encouraginglessons about the very through intra-campus mail: B-023-005. rizedin F~e~ist55: "as there is a virtue. questionsof governance that so worried WilliamJ. Bennettis a Former Magistratus: degreeof depravityin mankindwhich I’veseen public officials ofdiverse my studentsa decade ago. Secretaryof Education. requiresa certain degree of circumspec-politicalstripes with the virtues the Theseindividuals andothers like them RobertF. Triplett.......... ExecutiveEditor tiontaxi distrust, sothere are the other foundersdescribed: reliability, resiliency, --not only in Congress, butalso in the Thisarticle was distributed by the Col- RoryCheeney ........................ PubliusCohortis qualifiesinhaman nature which justify a integrity,a steadiness ofdisposition. executiveand judicial branches --prove legiateNetwork. LeslieCrocker ................... SupremusAuxulium certainportion of esteemand confidence. Theseare individuals whocan’t be daunt- thatwhen you go to Washingtonyou Republicangovernment presupposes the ed or bribedmen and women who express needn’tleave your character behind. They existenceofthese qualities in a higher inanother part of the country, who don’t alsoexplode the myth that you can’t be At theend of last year, hundreds of degreethan any other form." changetheir views for reasons of self- effectiveanddecent and honorable atthe copiesof severalcampus newspapers were Equites: Duringmy academicyears, I rememberinterest,butonly by force of sound argue- sametime. thrownaway by universityemployees. detectingin my colleaguesand students a meritand evidence. My observationstems My timein Washingtonhas reminded We havedecided to protect our fights with DouglassBreckinridge, Devin Laing fairamount of suspicionabout the notfrom partisanship, because I’ve seen me of someof the good sense -- thecom- theservices of Mr CharlesPurdy IV, BrookeCrocker, Stephen Dunham, William Eggers, foundez~hope. Should Madison and com- viceand virtue distributed on both sides of monsense -- of theAmerican people. As esquire.The following is the latest com- panypresupposed even a modestportion theaisle. Secretaryof Education I’ve traveled up municationinour dispute with the univer- ofthe virtue in ourleaders? Characterisan individual matter, not a anddown and back and forth across this sity. exempliusadvisor: FortisPraeses ’88 DearDr. Atkinson: JohnS. Cleaves ......................... Pleasebe advisedthat this office has andcontinue tobe violated. beenretained by severalon-campus stu- Accordingly,andin theinterest of dentpublications, including the Koala, avoidingfederal litigation inthe coming IndependentContributors: ~,~and months,please immediately and thorough- CtgaIdiall,among others, for the purpose lyinvestigate theproblem raised herein Dr.AlfredG. Cuzan of demandingthat the University and its and,in addition ensure that the mainte- PatrickCroft nanceand groundspeople follow written Dr. groundskeepingandmaintenace staffs for- Dr.Gary Jason mulateand follow written policies regard- policiesmandating reasonable guidelines concerningthe on-campus distibution and The opinionsand viewscontained in ! ing(i) the reasonable time, place and man- disposalof studentnewspapers. Finally, CaliforniaReview are the opinions of indi- nerof distributing student publications on ifsuch written policies already exist, Foundersand Membersof the Pantheon: vidualwriters and do not necessarily repre- campusand moreover, (ii) the reasonable pleasemake the same avalliable to my sentthe collective opinions ofthe CR staff, time,place and manner of disposalof such office;if not,please immediately take H.W.Crocker III, Brigadier Editor Emeritus ’83 theASUCSD, the Regents and/or the Uni- newspapers. stepsto formulatesuch policies. And, I Morespecifically, my clients have E. ClasenYoung, President Emeritus ’84 CaliforniaReview (Restitutor Orbis) was foundedon versityofCalifornia. withrespect to saidformulation, please be C. BrandonCrocker, Imperator Emeritus ’85 the sunnyafternoon of seven,January,
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