WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ABBONA 0 T I C S Part 55 - Engines" - Volume II Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York City This Index has been prepared for publication by workers under the supervision of the FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION For the City of Nev; York O.P. 65-1-97-21-W.P. 14 March 1940 FOREWORD This bibliography is one of a series pertaining to aero­ nautics and is published by the Work Projects Adminis­ tration with funds allotted to 0. P. 65-1-97-21 - W.P. 14 for that purpose. They may not be sold. The project, sponsored by the Mayor of the City of New York, receives the cooperation of the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences which directs the research and publish­ ing staff workers. Request for Additional References The Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences invites cor­ rections and criticism of the bibliographies and requests that additional references be forwarded to the Institute for inclusion in the final publications. Distribution Requests Persons and organisations desiring copies may apply for them by letter, stating the use for which they are required. These requests will be considered in the order received. Should the supply be exhausted, such requests will receive first consideration v/hen additional copies are published. Robert R. Dexter Aeronautical Engineer Address all correspondence to: John R. Palmer Work Projects Administration 1505 R.C.A- Building West New York City k ABBREVIATIONS A.R.C. R. & M, - Great Britain. Aeronautical research committee. Reporus and Memoranda. A.S.M.E- - American society of mechanical engineers, New York. Atti Assoc. ital. aerotecn, - Atti dell'Associazione italiana di aerotécnica. Roma. CA.H.I. - Central aero-hydrodynamical institute, Moscow. G.LN.A. - Commission internationale de navigation aérienne, Genève, C. R. Acad, sei. - Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, Paris, D.V.L. - Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für luftfahrt, Berlin. F.A.I. - Fédération aéronautique internationale, Paris. H.M. Stat. off» - His Majesty's Stationery office, London. N.A.A. - National aeronautic association, Washington. N.A.C.A. - National advisory committee for aeronautics, Washington. N.F.L. - National physical laboratory, Teddington, England. pub. scient, tech. Min. de l'air. - Publications scienti­ fiques et techniques du Ministère de l'air. Service des recherches de l'aéronautique, Paris. R.A.F. - Royal air force (Great Britain) R.A.S. - Royal aeronautical society (Great Britain) Rend. Instituto sper. aer. - Rendiconto dell'Istituto, sperimentale aeronáutico, Roma, S.A.E. - Society of automotive engineers, New York. U.S. Govt, print, off. - U.S. Government printing office, Washington, V.D.I. - Verein deutscher ingénieurs, Berlin. W.G.L. - Wissenschaftliche gesellschaft für luftfahrt, Berlin. Z.A.M.M, - Zeitschrift für angewandte matheraatik und mechanik, Berlin. 2.F.M, - Zeitschrift für flugtechnik und motorluftschlffahrt, München. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 33 - ENGINES-VOL. II ARTICLES, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS - CLASSIFIED Ignition 1 Installation and Mounting 15 Lubrication 22 Maintenance and Repair 31 Manufacture and Production 45 Materials 62 Perfornance and Operation 75 Research and Theory 93 Rotary 106 Silencing. Ill Specifications 114 Starting 124 Steam and Turbine 133 Supercharging 141 Testing 158 Thermodynamics, .180 Two-Stroke Cycle 187 Vibration 192 General £05 AUTHOR INDEX 217 ENGINES - VOLUME XT ARTICLESj BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS - CLASSIFIED IGNITION Eiseraann magneto for light engines. Aero digest, New York, July 1339, v. 35, no. 1, p. 122. illus. British plugs for 0. S. machines. Flight, London, June 1, 1939, v. 35, no. 1588, p. 576. Benton aircraft spark plug. Aviation, New York, May 1939, v. 38, no. 5, p. 48. illus. B.G. aviation spark plugs. Aero digest, New York, Mar. 1939, v. 34, no. 3, p. 191-92. illus. Aircraft spark plugs by Bendix. Aviation, New York, Feb. 1939, v. 38, no. 2, p. 60. illus. Champion spark plugs, aviation, New York, Feb. 1959, v. 38, no. 2, p. 60. illus. New cable gives hotter, fatter spark. Aero digest, New York, Feb. 1939, v. 34, no. 2, p. 81. illus. Sparking plug maintenance machines. Aircraft production, London, Jan. 1939, v. 1, no. 3, p. 103. illus. Die Zündfolge der vielzylindrigen Verbrennungsmaschinen, insbeson­ dere der fahr - und flugraotoren, von Hans Schrön. Berlin, R. Oldenbourg, 1939. 375 p, diagrs., illus. Champion M 31 S Corona-proof shielded spark plug. Aviation, New York, Dec. 1958, v. 37, no. 12, p. 49. illus. Circuit d'allumage complet-magnétos, rampe et bougies blindées. L'Aéronautique, Paris, Dec. 1938, v. £0, no. 235, p. 65. Magnéto d'aviation type P. L'Aéronautique, Paris, Dec. 1938, v. 20, no. 235, p. 78. illus. Analysis of improvements in aviation spark plugs, by T. Tognola, and A. W. DeChard. S.A.E. journal, New York, Oct. 1938, v. 43, no. 4, p. 18. illus. Theoretische Untersuchungen und versuche Uber zündverzug und klopf¬ vorgang, von F- A. F. Schmidt. V.D.I. Forschungsheft, Berlin, Sep., Oct. 1938, v. 9, no. £92, p. 1-14. illus. A New way of reducing point-burning of sparking plugs, by F. R. F. Ramsay. Aeroplane, London, Aug. 3, 1938, v. 55, no. 1419, p. 145-46. illus. Sparking plugs in aero engines, by F. R. F. Ramsay. Flight, London, June 2, 1938, v. 33, no. 1536, p. 557-58. diagrs. LfAllumagne moderne des moteurs d'aviation. Plein ciel, Paris, Mar., Apr. 1938, v, 11, no. 59, p. 13-17. illus. Quelques phénomèmes thermiques dans les moteurs (balayage, retard ! a l'inflammation), par P. Vernotte. La Science aérienne, Paris, Jan., Feb. 1938, v. 7, no. 1, p. 1-10. diagrs. i Spark plug endurance tests with special reference to the new Scintilla aircraft plug. Automotive industries, Philadelphia, Jan. 15, 1938, v. 78, no. 3, p. 87-88. diagrs. Effect of spark-timing regularity on the knock limitations "of en­ gine perforoance, by A. E. BierEiann. Washington, 1958, 5 p. diagrs., illus. (N.A.C.A. Technical notes no. 651) Experimental study of ignition by hot spot in internal combustion engines, by Max Serruys. Washington, 1938. 38 p. (N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. 873) (From Pub. scient, tech. Min. de 1'air, no. 115, Paris, 1937, 38"p, ) (Abstract Aircraft engineering, London, May 1938, v. 10, no. Ill, p. 159) Elektrische flugzeugausrüstung, von B. Klinker, Berlin, M. Matthiesen uno co., 1938- 147 p, diagrs., illus., tables. (Luftfahrtlehrbücherei v. 5) Ignition, by A. Swan. (in his Aero engines, design and practice. London; New York, Isaac Pitman and sons, 1938, p. 325-66. diagrs., Illus., tables) Magneto manual; a practical and general reference v;ork, by H. E. Langman. London, The Technical press, 1958. 252 p. illus. The Performance of coil ignition systems v;ith particular reference to double contact-breakers and the effects of variation of the period of open circuit, by W. R- Bebenham. London, H. M. Le Stat, off., 1938. p. 16-17, diagrs., tables. (A.R-C R. & M. no. 1828) (Also Journal of the Institute of elec­ trical engineers, London, Mar. 1937., v« 80, no. 483, p. 329-41) L*Allumage. Les magnetos, par L. Delorme. Plein ciel, Paris, Sep., Oct. 1937, v. 10, no. 56, p. 22-26, illus. Electrical character of the spark discharge of automotive ignition systems, by M- f. Peters, G. F. Blackburn and P. T. Hannen. Journal of research, Bureau of standards; Washington, [J, S* Govt, print, off., Oct. 1937, v. 19, no. 4, p. 401-21. illus. Sr (Abstracts Journal of the R.A.S., London, Nov. 1937, Jan. 1938, v." 41, 4g, no. 3Ê3, 325, 1084-94 and S.A-E. journal, New York, Sep. 1937, v. 41, no. p. 29) Spark advance indicator, by J. E. MacGregor and K. Elcredge. S.A.E. journal, New York, Sep. 1937, v. 41, no. 3, p. 38. (Abstract Journal of the E.A.S*, London, Nov. 1937, v. 41, no.'323, p. 1075) Aircraft radio shielding judged too elaborate. S.A.E. journal, New York, June 1937, v. 40, no. 6, p. 18-20- illus. Solved. Flight, London, June 10, 19S7, v. 31, no. 1485, p. 588. illus. Modern ignition equipment. A fully screened system of high ef­ ficiency and reliability. The Bristol revieT,1, Bristol, England, June 1937, no. 12, p. 33-35. diagrs., illus. Pierre Clercet étudie le délai d'allumage. Les Ailes, Paris, Apr. 15, 1937, v. 17, no » 826, p. 7. diagrs. Something new in plugs. Flight, London, Mar. 4, 1937, v. 31, no. 1471, p. 212. illus. Generator regulating systems; the principles of operation of various control systems of aeroplane electrical generation, by B• Stykes. Aircraft engineering, London. Feb. 1937, v. 9 no. 96, p, 37-40. diagrs,, illus. Battery book; a practical manual on the construction, charging, care and repair of automobile, motor cycle, radio, aviation, •electric vehicles, medical and other similar batteries; dry, lead, zinc, naiogeri and alkaline types, by Harold H. V. Cross. London, The Technical press, 193?. 196 p. diagrs., illus. Determination des loi? d'avance à l'allumage, par P. Prévost. Journal de la société des ingénieurs de l'automobile, Paris, Dec. 1936, v, 10, no. 9, p. 589-99- ilius. Le Réglage de 1Tallumage et son influence sur la consommation et la détonation. Les Ailes, Paris, Nov. 11, 1S36, v. 16, no. 804, p. 6. diagrs. L'Allumage par circuits blindés dans les moteurs d'aviation, par J. Malczewski. L1Aerophile, Paris, Nov. 1936, v. 44, no. 11 p. 259-60. illus- Ignition screening. Flight, London, Oct. 8, 1336, v. 30, no. 1450, p. 362. diagrs., illus. Spark plugs - simolicated screening. Aeroolane, London, June 10, 1936, v. 50,"no. 1307, p. 752. illus. L'Impiego delle candele d'accensione, di Giorgio Baseggio.
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