A A COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Fig. A1 A is for aardvark ( Orycteropus afer ). Dictionary of Zoo Biology and Animal Management: A guide to terminology used in zoo biology, animal welfare, wildlife conservation and livestock production, First Edition. Paul A. Rees. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 2 A A See ADENINE (A) Causes loss of appetite, poor growth and, in extreme A aardvark ( Orycteropus afer ) Traditionally the animal cases, death from bleeding. that represents the letter A in the alphabet. It is the abomasum In RUMINANTS , the fourth (and last) only extant member of the mammalian family stomach. It is a ‘ secretory stomach ’ the lining of Orycteropodidae. Adults are the size of a small pig, which produces hydrochloric acid and PROTEO- with little body hair (Fig. A1 ). The aardvark is NOC- LYTIC ENZYMES , and is therefore equivalent to the TURNAL and lives in underground burrows. It pos- stomach of other mammals. sesses large ears, a long snout and a long thin tongue aboral Located on the side of the body opposite which it uses for collecting insects. Its limbs are the mouth, especially in relation to ECHINODERM specialised for digging ( see also FOSSORIAL ). Aard- anatomy. Compare ORAL varks occur in Africa south of the Sahara. abortion, miscarriage The natural or intentional ter- AAZK See A MERICAN A SSOCIATION OF Z OO K EEP- mination of a pregnancy by the removal or expul- ERS (AAZK) . See also KEEPER ASSOCIATION sion of the EMBRYO or FOETUS . Spontaneous AAZPA American Association of Zoological Parks abortion (miscarriage) may result from a problem and Aquariums, now the A SSOCIATION OF that arises during the development of the embryo Z OOS AND A QUARIUMS (AZA) . See also ZOO or foetus (e.g. infection, UMBILICAL CORD ORGANISATION TORSION , congenital defects) or abortion may be Abandonment of Animals Act 1960 An Act in Britain induced by a veterinary surgeon, e.g. to preserve the that made it a criminal offence to abandon an health of the pregnant female. animal, or permit it to be abandoned, in circum- abrasion stances likely to cause the animal any unnecessary 1. A scraped area of the skin or a MUCOUS MEM- SUFFERING . The Act was repealed and effectively BRANE which has been caused by an injury or replaced in England and Wales by the ANIMAL irritation. W ELFARE A CT 2006 and in Scotland by the Animal 2. Pathological wearing away of the teeth by Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006. grinding. ABC species The species that visitors expect to see in abscess A swollen, infl amed area of the body contain- a traditional zoo that are often used to illustrate ing a collection of PUS formed by the disintegration letters of the alphabet, e.g. AARDVARK , bear, of tissue. May be caused by the presence of disease camel, deer, elephant, ZEBRA etc. See also AMBAS- (e.g. bacteria, parasites) or a foreign object (e.g. a SADOR SPECIES bullet wound, wood splinter). Depending upon the abdomen cause and condition, may be treated with antibiotics 1. The part of the body between the thorax and the and may need to be surgically drained. pelvis in vertebrates, bounded by the diaphragm absorption in mammals but not other classes. It contains the 1. The uptake by cells of water by ( OSMOSIS ) and/or viscera (e.g. most of the organs of the digestive solutes (e.g. by DIFFUSION or ACTIVE TRANSPORT ). system, kidneys etc.). 2. In the digestive system, the passage of water and 2. The part of the trunk of the body which is pos- solutes through the gut wall into the blood system. terior to the thorax in arthropods. ABWAK See A SSOCIATION OF BRITISH AND abdominal skinfold A method of measuring OBESITY I RISH W ILD A NIMAL K EEPERS (ABWAK). See by assessing the amount of excess fat under the also KEEPER ASSOCIATION skin around the ABDOMEN (1) . The method has abyssal Relating to the depths of the oceans. The been used in chimpanzees. See also BODY CONDI- abyssal zone is located between approximately 2000 TION SCORE, BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) and 6000 m below the surface of the sea, and is in abductor muscle A muscle that moves a limb or other perpetual darkness, cold and nutrient poor. structure away from the centre line (midline) of the academic journal A periodical publication in which body . Compare ADDUCTOR MUSCLE (1) original scientifi c and other academic work is pub- abiotic Without life. lished after a process of PEER REVIEW (Table A1 ). abiotic environment See PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT See also ACADEMIC PAPER abiotic stress Stress caused by non - biological factors academic paper A paper (article) published in an in the environment, e.g. heat and cold. ACADEMIC JOURNAL , which describes the results abnormal behaviour A general term for behaviour of an original scientifi c study, discusses a scientifi c which is not part of the usual (normal) repertoire of problem, reviews research published on a particular a species, especially that which is exhibited in the subject, or is an account of some other academic wild. May occur as a result of a pathological condi- endeavour. tion, including ANXIETY and STRESS , and is some- acariasis A skin condition caused by mites and ticks. times observed in captive animals. See also APATHY , acaricide, acaridicide A substance which kills mites STEREOTYPIC BEHAVIOUR and ticks. abomasal ulcer An ulcer in the ABOMASUM . A accelerometer An electronic device that detects common disease in cattle, especially milk- fed calves. movements by measuring acceleration. A tri - axial Table A1 Selected academic journals which publish original scientifi c studies of interest in zoo biology and animal management. Acta Primatologica Journal of Environmental Education Acta Zoologica Journal of Equine Veterinary Science A African Journal of Ecology Journal of Experimental Psychology American Journal of Primatology Journal of Experimental Zoology American Naturalist Journal of Field Ornithology Animal Journal of Herpetology Animal Behaviour Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy Animal Conservation Journal of Mammalogy Animal Genetics Journal of Medical Primatology Animal Production Science Journal of Parasitology Animal Welfare Journal of Reproduction and Fertility Anthrozo ö s Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society Applied Animal Behaviour Science Journal of Theoretical Biology Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Journal of Tourism Studies Auk Journal of Veterinary Behavior Avian Diseases Journal of Veterinary Epidemiology Behaviour Journal of Veterinary Science Biodiversity and Conservation Journal of Wildlife Diseases Biological Conservation Journal of Wildlife Management BioScience Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation Bird Study Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research British Poultry Science Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Canadian Journal of Animal Science Journal of Zoology Canadian Journal of Zoology Laboratory Animal Science Companion Animal Laboratory Primate Newsletter Consciousness and Cognition Leisure Studies Conservation Mammal Review Conservation Biology Molecular Ecology Conservation Genetics Museum Studies Conservation Letters Nature Copeia Oryx – The International Journal of Conservation Current Trends in Audience Research Parks and Recreation Ecology and Evolution PLOS Biology Environment and Behavior Primate Report Equine Veterinary Journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Ethology Restoration Ecology Fisheries Research Science Folia Primatologica Scientifi c American Folia Zoologica Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause Frontiers in Zoology Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Herpetological Journal Society and Animals Journal Human Dimensions of Wildlife South African Journal of Wildlife Research Ibis The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature Insect Conservation and Diversity The Veterinary Journal International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Trends in Ecology and Evolution International Journal of Livestock Production Trends in Neurosciences International Journal of Primatology Tropical Animal Health and Production International Journal of Zoonoses Veterinary Ophthalmology International Zoo Educators Journal Veterinary Pathology International Zoo Yearbook Veterinary Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Science Veterinary Record Journal of Animal Ecology Visitor Behavior Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition Visitor Studies Journal of Animal Production Wildlife Society Bulletin Journal of Animal Science Zoo Biology Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science Zoologica Journal of Aquatic Animal Health Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society Journal of Biological Macromolecules Zoonoses and Public Health Journal of Comparative Psychology Zoos ’ Print Journal Journal of Dairy Science 4 acceptable daily intake accelerometer can detect movement in three dimen- acoustic tag A small electronic device that emits radio A sions. May be used to detect movements of animals signals whose presence is detected by listening sta- and sometimes built into a collar incorporating a tions. These tags may be attached to aquatic animals DATA LOGGER or wireless transmitter. Accelerom- (e.g. manta rays, sharks) and used to record their eters have been used to study swimming behaviour movements. in sharks, walking in zoo elephants, ‘ fl ying ’ behav- acoustic - lateralis system, lateral line system A iour in colugos ( D ERMOPTERA : fl ying lemurs), system for sensing the external environment in fi sh and movements of cattle on farms. and some amphibians which consists of the INNER acceptable daily intake The daily amount of a sub- EAR region
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