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[1 SiJllC'-f ~wFl-'> ~ n L­ UN ARCHIVES fJe,,/._ b SERIES PLEASE RETAIN BOX ORiGINAL ORDER FILE ACC. L..._ I ~ ·- ... .... - .................... ~--- 010(11 ./ UNITED NATIONS PROTECTION FORCE UNPROFOR Page 1 of 2_ ROUTINE PR!ORITY IMMEDIATE UNCLASSIFIED UN RESTRICTED UN CONFIDENTIAL UN SECRET OUTGOING FAX NO; DATE: _ 21 DECEMBER 1993 TO: STOLTENBERG FROM :~HORNBERRY /; GENEVA UNPROFOR, ZAGREB · ~ I ~ FAX NO: (41-22) 917-0079 FAX NO: 38-41-170 199 I ATTN: DRAFTER: /ls SUBJECT: EL~CTIQNS IN SEB~IA - LATEST :QNOEFI~IAL RE~UL~S INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: . - AS REQUESTED, ATTACHED PLEASE FIND SELF-EXPLANATORY FAX ON THE ABOVE SUBJECT. DISTRIBUTION: :.w~tr.s ··········-···~- PH .. :: .. £R.... ..... ................ :S,J b. ... .. b_L/.ke... .... _....... .~~ ······ ® . ------· .. ............... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .... .. ····· -························. ..f'.K ... ...-:.. RADIO ~E:LGRADE, 2l DecQlll):ler 1993 , at 9:45 hours A.~ord.ing to the latest unofficial resu.lts a..TLnounced by -the Republic of Serbia Electoral Cor.rra.ittee based. on statistics (2/3 o"f the ·electoral material ha-ve. bee.i.'1 counted) ana if the election results a.re ll!)t 2l.?1nulled iD :SOJlle election uni.ts because o.f irreguJ.a.rities, the OOl!!position of the Serbian P2.rlirona.T1t will be as £ollc:,ws:: S?S Party {Socialist ~arty 0£ Serbia) - 121 seats DEPOS (Damocratic ?!ove:meut of Serbia1 .;4 seats SRS l S~iail . '.Rad.leal Part".f} - 40 seats DS (De:mocntio Party} - JO seats DSS (Uem.o-cra:tic Pa-Tty of Serbia.) ... i seats :OZVM (De!nocratic union o.f Vojvodi.-ria ID:Ul~ariar.s) 5 seats SDP (Social Democratic Party) l seat Coal.ition of the .Movement. for the Activity of Albanians in Kosovo (:from PeY.lujevo} 2 seats 900~ .. ...,_ "'111,1,1 ......... _ o,o/tl ./ .q:o - 1100 OFFICE OF THE SRSG MOST IMMt=nlATE ROUTINE PRIORITY I~'fir (ONCLASS IFIED) UN RESTRICTED UN CONFIDENTIAL ON SECRET ONLY Otl"I'GOING Fil NO.: DAT!l/TIMlr 17 December 1993 TO: SAS Palace Hoeel, Vienna FROM1 OFF.ICE OF THE SRSG ., ZAGREB FAX NO,: 43-1-512-2216 J'AX: ATTN1 Mr . T, Stoltenberg i'IlsB llEll'. NO.a ~JJ~~~ OR.Ai'TlilR l~ 'coL B m0v~srr MA TC THE SRSG INli'O: BTOLTENBtRG, GENEVA STJBJ:5:CT t SI.RB :E!:EHAVIOT.Jll, MlllTING WI'l'K HVO AND :e:CH INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION': SRSG MESSAGE: 1 . ATTACHED PLEASE FIND MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SERB BEHAVIOUR . 2. THE REPORT FROM GEN. BRIQUEMON'l"S MEETING WITH GEN. PETKOVIC ]!.NO GEN. D~LIC IS ALSO ATTACHE~. ·---· ,.. ~ 0 :·:-:; :.~~ :'-f ' .. - ·• DISTRIBUTION: .. N ···- ··~-,"' ! . .. .. ............................. fl\lfu .... ~ - ., . ·• r- ,'.' . ) ............................. .ESP l1<'.S .. -..· -· , .; .:...:.• - ~· .. ,. r... -, ..... ......................... wS..... .. ............................... Jvh .... ............................... AP ....... .,. A .. AU uu111 e, ~ f ,..,. o ' ~ +w ,..Ii LIL 'ii .S ,f ./,. ~;,,,_ 4o w A-AL··· LJ 1.1 'P r ~ 'i\t H f • t.11. ,...,Mi"~ "4c. fM..&.-/i" j ',./ ~ /f,I ill ti E J'UAI r W ,j._./~ ,.,.,;~, ,.J µSU --t tl•I i)IL.lc. 4 c./,,._, :l:o fA.. ""'/ *"I rw. fti,f.;Wfrr /1111,U oc.d f/,,l s, ')'k..O \- 11 ) "' ~ 1 , '4i I& ..... M j ti r/.J. 1,,1/J..,Q,& CA, -/~ W uf' /II ~ """" fL. " ~c. " ;.t a u,,,.f"""'ui.. •fkt,./ #4,., '8"' ,.;,,... S"-'' II 1J _ Y I IJ.li II lk-0 I ~f'M'~~ A ~'"t.L ~~t:!-}'2, f>Mwt J3Q Ll Z'd 17/ 12 '9:l 12:.28 UNPROFOR-ZAGREB ~-noo UNPROFOR INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: /I ( ~ I l.. 'I ; TO: FROM: Col. C. Corberand · J MA TO FC (> SUBJECT: -rl, e. ,e, 11 ~ c:; ..,,,. "r .. £ +$ - ,,,,,_; I. ~ '"::::J ,_..., • ;wJ. /M. ....,/- l \ "~ l/o., IO £ • ; 6 k g..... .,.J ~" i j .. f ;I,... .I,,._,I, .,/~ ~-d,-UA.. "'-r1 ~ J ? ~ 1JN " f• f'•'-j A:/.,(~ -tr- c>'f,,-o, ~ {u- a~ is • fJ.,. .s ,..~ 4 ~ "If"' _/p,. ....,;, #,.I. .,,r,,,J,. l 5 i f-,-( t , 1,/J" ., J.fj ,,,.u: -» ,.. , ,. I-, ,,., "'"" J ";:j t...· i· .. ) -I-• ,.. ~ (, ,)., i '\,t. 0J.. th ► I 0 ~.. t..1J ~;/,.,,.,, <t> f :f W iii "• i "-1 /o · MI> •~ .,_, ..IS ,i.J.._ ~ .. ,,. I /- .,./ _ f{~ ,,,. • , tu. J 4 /,,. ..... ~j~~i $J c µi;Jt, 1" _,ol p - µ .s ~ ~~( ~ ~ S,t.i~ _ f 1 ., •• .:i..u'-1 i;.:.,, µ .,._._ :r.f 0,.,, i,_a,v '- ..,... .::i ........ ,o< C.." T "'" ... , f 8 wi /I A v., ~1~ r. • ~ .t,c, "" ,:; ~ (f'"-"- J:;3a· L1 '·-: · ,.,. ... - ... ,_, ........-.-! . .I. (I .L;,: . 1:1 iJ .Li: ; :.: ei . , , I ••• , r~ -,,~n TRACKED APCS IN PANCEVO i \ I 8TH M'.EC COY ' I 6 PBV APC 20?vf11CANNON . ) 9TH l\.1EC COY 15 PBV APC 20~CANNON HQ/LOG COY 3 PBV APC 2 AMBULANCE, NO WEAPONS 1 N!AINT, 20 ?vfiv1 CMTN'ON TANKCOY 5 PMW APC 2 TACP, 2 MAlNT, l CO:MMAND APC, ALL WITH 12,J MM HMG NORlvlED 7 M 113 APC 6 AMBULANCE, 1 MAINT .. NOV/EAPONS ..·, 1 DANISH N!AINT J:\PC, 1 DANISH C01vfl.t1AND APC AND 1 NOR \VEGIAN ~DICAL APC ARE SUPPOSED TO GO TOGETHER WITH THE TANKS. I~ ~ A I F " -o µ AI J /I S t, ;,; .t. J-. ;~;J. ,o,,,/1A.Jluo/. fl,, to,,,,., u,w.iuuJ ,,! ...,;/1 :,,o• 1,4' t,,,1.,~1.1~.,J. 11 ~ flu ,>1A.G.t, -ol iJ.e.. /l,,i,..,11, .. ~~ 1.ulll ~t '~''II t J..c..~~( wi~ I•/ !ilL/(UIBJ-UA.11" µ,-~ w,nl11.j wt . ~ ~ ~~~ ... .................. ... __ .. .,,.. _, __ UNPROFOR :MILITARY INFORMATION BRANCH INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To : cos •-f Stt4iC- ';: .., From l CMIO ~ Drafter: Maj w. Date : 17 Dec 9:3 Subject: ASSESSMENT ON OBSTRUCTIVE BSA BEHAVIOR 'I'OWARDS UNPROFOR IN BH 1. starting !rom the beginning of October '93 UNPROFOR in BH experianoed continuous and escalating obstruction of operations trom the Bosnian Serb authoriti.:!s. Part of this e~calation seems to be linked with ittc~eased military activity of BSA i n Northern and Eastern BH with the aim of blocking con~oys with humanitarian goods and putting ~ore pressure on the Musl i ~ ~ide. However , the increasing tendency of the obstruction directly against UNPR.0F0R is becoming :more clear. The tacts could be evidencei:3 as: - indiraot mortar , arty an~ tank !ire towards convoys and OPSI - retusal of clearances for logistic supplies and troop : ·-""" rotating convoys; - darn~nds o'L datailed inspections of Qupplies beyond established procedures; - attempts to search of personal belongings and equipment of soldiers in TJNPROFOR escorts; - limits on number of convoys per day on particular routes, etc. Most of the events were reported in the a:r:-ea ZVORNIK-'I'UZLA­ SARA..1~VO-GORAZDZE-SR~BRENICA-ZEPA. 2 . The abo~e mean a noteciable change of attitude to~ards UNPROFOR, In the last three month period ot low military activity the BSA behaved more or less properly, demonstrating readiness to cooperate in securing hUlllanitarian aid convoys. In the period of BiH-HVO !ighting in Central Bosnia and intensified. convoy blocking the BSA was trying to show itself, in ternia ot power ana territory, as able to ensure free flow of reliet convoys. This behavior, aimed at changing the attitude of international community towards the Serbs as a first step towards lifting the sanctions, was unsuccessful, 3, The changing ot attitude t~wards UNFROFOR can be related t o gen. R, Mladic abeenae in Geneva peace talks and signing on s ·d E210L16 22 1v ~A3N3~ ~ONn Sv :E1 ES, J 3Q L1 ., _. - - . 29 of November and the joint declaration about unimpeded movement of humanitarian aid in his behalr by Mr. R. Karad~ic. : 4. The decision to putt pressure on UNPROFOR was made tor internal as well as external political reasons. Internally it is a part ot propaganda campaign aimed to lower the confidence towards international community and consolidate the nation living in still worsening aconomicai conditions. Externally it demonstl'."ates, that no peace !Solution 1n BH can be reached without close cooperation with the Serb side as being the most powerful faction. Thia policy compared to the one presented in para 2. didn 1 t change its goals, hut the method is diffsirant and more dasperate. ·· 5. Increased pressure on UNPROFOR seems to be a centrally prepared and coptrolled action. Having nothing to lose it is highly ii~ely that the Serbs could act similarly for a long time. I f they want to win the international community coope.r~tion, they probably do not intend to go too far in threatening 'UNfROFOR. However such a behavior raises the potential risk of unintended tragedy significantly. S210l 16 22 1v ~A3N3~ ~ONn 9v :S1 S6, J 3Q l 1 9 'd .. I . ' I 1~•1~~,. •· I ~t; , J. Of 6 / i ro: 1. MQ t.rn?Roro ' 2. · BH COP.0 M.>. 3. S!CTOR SfJ 4, COMS'R!TFOR 5. BR:tT!>.T v · £.i. S?AB~T 'i _ii~--'-·_c_A.S_F:..h_T_~_i..•~------,-----------------41 A!TN: l. FO~CD CO. N0£R ·rILJ RiJ'.NO I BHCS/ . ( Gi!?n:iU..!J COT) ONLY PRAti!R : .L'l"C MOtJG~D\I 2. cos+ CI !t ATFAl~S '1"I'l'LE : HA 'l'O COMO ~!L~SINCJ OFF,: t'l' EN :n.Hlll7!'... ~,ro 'r ~ . ' , l . Lt Gen S~lQUEI NT, ~ssisf;d by M~ de MELLO, chaired a ~,,ting .i ~twe~n Gen D~L:re, iH, ~nd Gen Roso, M\10 1 in V!so;,,;o, on l 6 Dec' ~9'j', , 2. ·The ~a.in iss\.l ccncern•4 th• LIT~ t:Nz route, bQth p~rtie~ '. decid~d to crd~r a local ceasa fire ~nd a;resd to tae~lit~te the •. ~s;:i;.ac;e cf tH.l.I!lerni a~ian· con,r,,roys bat.ween Hostar and Jablanica, 'accordi~q with ths aeneva aq~e-tna~t.
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