Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 24, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 34-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield Planner to Begin In Sept.; Consultant to Exit By Year’s End By JAMES DIDDELL time basis, while working with the throughout New Jersey responded, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader zoning department, having oversight with a ninth person from Vermont. WESTFIELD – The town council on building applications, interfacing Town Administrator Jim Gildea, recently introduced Judith Thornton with the planning board and the board Town Engineer Ken Marsh and As- as the first town planner in Westfield’s of adjustment and updating the town’s sistant Town Engineer, Kris McAloon history. The hiring will result in the master plan. interviewed the first round of appli- departure of the town’s consultant, Mayor Andy Skibitsky said at the cants. Afterwards, the field of candi- Blais Brancheau, at year’s end. August 1 council meeting the town dates was narrowed down to five. Of Town officials first considered hir- chose Ms. Thornton after an “exhaus- those, four agreed to interview for a ing a full-time planner in 1999, but tive” search and interview process. second time, but during that process received limited response. Currently, Westfield advertised in the Star one candidate withdrew and the three Mr. Brancheau functions as a part- Ledger, on the website for the Ameri- remaining completed the process. Ac- time consultant, but the council envi- can Association of Planners and with cording to Mr. Gildea, “all of the sioned someone who could assume the New Jersey League of Munici- applicants were of high quality.” the existing responsibilities on a full- palities. Eight candidates from The council’s finance policy and personnel committee, which consist of Councilmen Peter Echausse, Sal Caruana, Mark Ciarrocca and Dave Haas, conducted further interviews. The committee voted unanimously to offer the position to Ms. Thornton because they believed that she was “head and shoulders above the rest,” Mr. Echausse said. Mr. Brancheau’s current tenure will David Corbin for The Westfield Leader SMOKE FROM MILES AWAY…Smoke is visible a couple of thousand feet in the air as it drifts in the distance past the continue until the end of the year. area last Friday morning. The smoke was from a large fire involving a bowling alley in New Brunswick. Then, he will assist in the transition as a consultant, officials said. Ms. Thornton received a bachelor of science degree from Duke Univer- RVSA Appoints East Rutherford sity and a master of science in environ- mental policy from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. She has served Mayor to Newly Created Position Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader ALMOST FINISHED…The new apartments on Prospect Street above the PNC as the township planner of Cedar Grove since 2000, where she reexamined of By KEREN SCHULTZ of Scotch Plains and Clark Landale to $85,000. Mr. Brinker sent Mr. bank building are nearing completion and the construction shroud has been lifted, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader restoring the area to near normal and adding to the charm of downtown. that town’s master plan and helped to of Mountainside requested discus- Cassella a job offer with a $75,000 update their zoning codes. RAHWAY — The Rahway Valley sion prior to voting on the resolution. salary and a September 5 start date. “We are thrilled to introduce Ms. Sewerage Authority (RVSA) voted Mr. Chin agreed to discuss the posi- “It’s my understanding that the WF Looks for Help Initiating Thornton as town planner. I think 5-3-1 on August 10 to appoint Re- tion after a brief recess. gentleman is a career politician who she’s well qualified and will make a publican East Rutherford Mayor “We could hear yelling from inside now will get a big salary and a pen- great addition to a great staff,” Mr. James Cassella to be assistant to the the doors during sion,” said an RVSA Quiet Zone to Stop Whistles Echausse said. executive director, a new position cre- closed session,” said employee who re- By SARA MAGNOLA as NJ Transit and Conrail had the As for Cedar Grove, they will be ated by the RVSA board since last an employee who re- quested anonymity. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader power to regulate their trains’ noise losing a “valuable asset,” according month’s board meeting. quested anonymity. Another employee WESTFIELD — After weeks of output. The FRA created a blanket to the town’s Planning Zone Coordi- The position, according to Com- Ms. Papen, Mr. said he was “shocked” construction, Rahway Avenue has rule after nationwide studies released nator Jackie Maddaloni. missioner Allen Chin, Westfield’s Landale and Thomas by the board’s deci- been re-opened to through traffic, with in 2000 showed that whistle blowing “She put our town on the map,” she RVSA representative, was created to McHale of Kenilworth sion. He added, motorists noticing the new small cen- at street crossings greatly decreased said. “Her leaving is a great loss and provide interim executive director were the only commis- “Brinker is top-notch. ter islands constructed on either side the amount of collisions between I wish we could get her back. Westfield Michael Brinker with the help he needs sioners to vote against Too bad (the board) of the railroad crossing. automotives and on-coming trains. is very lucky to get her.” with administrative work. Mr. Chin, a the resolution. Com- doesn’t give him a These structures, while seemingly The final ruling allows for munici- She is a New Jersey licensed Pro- Republican, served two two-year terms missioner Attilio (permanent) position.” small changes to the geography, were palities to establish quiet zones where fessional Planner. On September 5, as Westfield mayor in the 1980s. Ventura of Roselle Mr. Cassella previ- built with a greater purpose. They are the train whistles would not be blown. the town council will discuss its ex- According to RVSA employees, Park abstained while ously served as chair- the latest and potentially last step to- Towns must follow FRA procedures pectations of Ms. Thornton, her role the August 10 board meeting was Commissioners man of the Triboro Joint ward creating a quiet zone where the for proposing and implementing and salary. At the last public meeting, “unusually heated.” Mr. Chin offered Rosalie Berger of Sewer Authority and road and the railroad tracks intersect. supplementary safety devices at rail the council conducted first reading the resolution to appoint Mr. Cassella Springfield, James Courtesy of Leader Newspapers treasurer of the For more than 10 years, residents in crossings, such as the new median on her salary, which will range be- and said he did not want to open the Kennedy of Rahway, James Cassella Hackensack Meadow- the vicinity of Summit Court have islands on Rahway Avenue. tween $55,973 and $92,633. Mr. resolution for discussion. The vote Charles Lombardo of lands Municipal Com- cited the whistle blowing as a quality- According to Westfield Town Ad- Brancheau earns $105 an hour and came to a halt during the open meet- Garwood, Robert Luban of mittee. He is also a former East Ruther- of-life concern. ministrator Jim Gildea the town sub- between $20,000 and $40,000 a year. ing after Commissioners Joan Papen Woodbridge and Frank Mazzarella ford school board member. One Summit Court resident, who mitted its proposed plan for the nec- of Clark voted to pass the resolution. According to Mr. Chin, the board wished to remain anonymous, told essary physical changes, including James Murphy, RVSA chairman and members voted against naming Mr. The Westfield Leader the whistle, striping the roadway, increasing Town Considers Future Cranford’s representative on the Brinker the permanent executive di- which blows as many as three times signage and the dividing islands, to board, was not present at the meeting. rector two months ago because it with the passing of a single train, has the FRA in 2004. After receiving ap- “There’s a difference of opinion of wanted to wait two or three months to woken his two young children in the proval on the plan, the town imple- For Sycamore Property what kind of help (Mike Brinker) see how he performs as interim ex- middle of night. “It is very disruptive mented the changes, the last of which By KATIE NEWINGHAM chairman said, “We are consulting needed,” Mr. Chin told The Westfield ecutive director. Mr. Chin said he (and) extremely loud. It’s not some- were completed a few weeks ago. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader with our departments to see if there is Leader. “Our opposition thought he hopes the board will vote on a perma- thing we like or want and is definitely The medians are a safety precaution, WESTFIELD— The town is evalu- an interest in the property for a use needed more technical, engineering nent executive director during its next something we would love to go away.” since they “will prevent illegal turn- ating whether purchasing a residential (by the town).” He said the town is help.” meeting in September. He said the In June of 2005, the Federal Rail ing, once the gates at the tracks have property, that borders Sycamore Street not in negotiations with the property During July’s meeting, Mr. Landale board has received four resumes for Administration (FRA) issued a final come down” said Mr. Gildea. between southside fire house and Sy- owner.
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