Approved Possible future atmospheric Earth Explorer missions Jörg Langen, Paul Ingmann, Dulce Lajas, Anne-Grete Straume Mission Science Division, ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 European satellites 2004 Envisat Swarm MetOp + MSG EarthCARE ERS Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 The ESA EO missions: The Living Planet TheThe LivingLiving PlanetPlanet programmeprogramme The ESA Living Planet Programme was created in consultation with the key players: Europe’s scientists, Industry, European Commission, EUMETSAT and many others. The programme has 3 basic elements: EarthEarth ExplorerExplorer To better understand the Earth To initiate long term GMES Earth Watch monitoring systems => and services Sentinels To develop more Technology / exploitation efficient approaches Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 The Earth Explorers CORECORE MISSIONSMISSIONS Granada ‘01 Frascati ‘04 ACECHEM Nov. ‘04 P GOCEGOCE EarthCARE Granada ‘96/99 Call ‘00 h a Explorer-6Explorer-6 SPECTRA s ADM-AeolusADM-Aeolus EarthCARE EarthCAREEarthCARE e WALES A WATS Frascati ‘04 SPECTRA OPPORTUNITYOPPORTUNITY MISSIONSMISSIONS P Explorer-5 h ACE+ SWARM Call ‘98 a CryoSatCryoSat Call ‘01 s EGPM e EGPM SWARM Earth SMOSSMOS A Watch Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 Current Launch Schedule ’06 - ’09 GOCE SMOS ADM-Aeolus CRYOSAT-2 Launch 2007 Launch 2007 Launch 2008 Launch 2009 Core-1 Opportunity-2 Core-2 Opportunity-1 http://www.esa.int/livingplanet Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 ADM-Aeolus Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 ADM-Aeolus: The Mission What are the scientific objectives? Improve understanding of – Atmospheric dynamics and global atmospheric transport – Global cycles of energy, water, aerosols, chemicals How are they achieved? – Better analysis of the atmospheric state to provide a more complete (three-dimensional) picture of the dynamical variables What are the benefits? – Improved parameterisation of atmospheric processes in models – Advanced modelling of climate and atmospheric flow – Better initial conditions for weather forecasting – Demonstration of ADM-Aeolus’ potential for full operational use Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 Existing wind field information Wind field information available to date in the Global Observation System (GOS): – Radiosonde and pilot soundings (NH continents dominate) – Aircraft data (NH densely populated areas dominate) – Atmospheric motion vectors (only in the presence of clouds and tracers) – Satellite soundings of temperature and humidity from Polar orbiting satellites (mass information, indirect measure of large-scale phenomenon wind outside the tropics) ÄNo DIRECT, GLOBAL and UNIQUE measurements of atmospheric wind fields yet Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 ADM-Aeolus: Measurement Concept (Aladin) [H]LOS • Wind measurements are derived from the Doppler shifted signal that is back- scattered by aerosols and molecules along the lidar line-of-sight (LOS) Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 ADM-Aeolus: The Orbit • Altitude: 400 km • Sun-synchronous • Dawn-dusk Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 ADM-Aeolus: Performance ADM-Aeolus Performance Simulation - Reference Atmosphere 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 specification 14 Altitude (km) Altitude 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wind noise error (HLOS - m s-1) Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 Additional Benefits from ADM-Aeolus In addition to the main wind observation product, the following information can be retrieved: • Clouds ¾ Cloud heights ¾ Multi-layer clouds ¾ Optical thickness ¾ Cloud type • Tropospheric aerosol ¾ Optical thickness ¾ Aerosol type (lidar ratio - separating anthropogenic from natural) ¾ Stratification • Wind variability, clear air turbulence • Validation of products from other satellites • Model validation Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 Science Benefits from ADM-Aeolus • More direct observations of winds in the tropics and over mid-latitude oceans • Use of observations in model verification • Better description of transports (ozone, humidity, aerosols,…) • Dynamics in the lower stratosphere Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 EarthCARE: Rationale Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer - a joint ESA/JAXA mission Top Of the Atmosphere (TOA) incoming and outgoing radiances are rather well known from ERB instruments (ERBE,CERES, ScaRaB,…) Why a Mission Like EarthCARE ? Processes within the atmosphere controlling incoming and outgoing TOA radiances, hence the Earth energy budget at TOA are largely unknown. Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 EarthCARE: Mission Summary Scientific objective : Quantification of aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions so they may be included correctly in climate and NWP models, by providing : ÎVertical profiles of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on a global scale, their radiative properties and interaction with clouds. ÎVertical distribution of atmospheric liquid water and ice on a global scale, their transport by clouds and radiative impact. ÎCloud overlap in the vertical, cloud-precipitation interactions and the characteristics of vertical motion within clouds. ÎThe profiles of atmospheric radiative heating and cooling through a combination of retrieved aerosol and cloud properties. Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 EarthCARE: Observation Techniques Atmospheric data Techniques EarthCARE instruments VerticalVertical profilesprofiles ofof HighHigh spectralspectral extinction and ATLID extinction and resolution Lidar ATLID characteristicscharacteristics ofof aerosolsaerosols resolution Lidar VerticalVertical profilesprofiles ofof liquid,liquid, supercooledsupercooled and and iceice water,water, RadarRadar cloudcloud overlap,overlap, particleparticle sizesize andand extinctionextinction CPRCPR ConvectiveConvective updraftupdraft andand iceice fallfall speedspeed DopplerDoppler RadarRadar HorizontalHorizontal structurestructure ofof MultispectralMultispectral MSIMSI cloudsclouds andand aerosolsaerosols ImagerImager ShortwaveShortwave andand LongwaveLongwave BroadbandBroadband BBRBBR fluxesfluxes atat TopTop ofof AtmosphereAtmosphere RadiometerRadiometer Temperature and humidity from operational analysis Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 EarthCARE: Synergy Example Synergy: Lidar and Radar combination (from aircraft) APEX/ECAV 2003, Japan RadarRadar reflectivityreflectivity Radar:Radar: ZZ ~~ DD66 RadarRadar DopplerDoppler Radar:Radar: velocityvelocity LidarLidar backscatterbackscatter Lidar:Lidar: ββ ~~ DD22 EffectiveEffective ParticleParticle sizesize radiusradius fromfrom Z/Z/ββ IceIce waterwater AccurateAccurate DD andand contentcontent ZZ givesgives IWCIWC Reference: Kumagai et al 2004 Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 EarthCARE: Measurement Synergy Sensors Geophysical Process products studies cloudsclouds andand CPRCPR precipitationprecipitation synergy precipitationprecipitation ice and radiative flux ATLIDATLID iceice andand synergy radiative flux synergy waterwater cloudsclouds profilesprofiles synergysynergy aerosolsaerosols andand MSIMSI aerosolsaerosols cloudsclouds synergy BBRBBR TOATOA fluxflux consistencyconsistency checkcheck Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 Call for New Earth Explorer Missions Call for Ideas for Earth Explorer 7 Focus areas of the call: Global water cycle Global carbon cycle Atmospheric chemistry and its interaction with climate The human element ¾ 24 proposals received by deadline mid August 2005 14 proposals address atmosphere, 9 of them composition ¾ Evaluation in 5 scientific and 3 technical panels complete ¾ Earth Science Advisory Committee recommendations April 2006 ¾ Selection of ≤ 6 proposals for pre-phase A by PB-EO: 18/19 May 2006 Atmospheric Science Conference, ESRIN, 8-12 May 2006 Candidate EECM - Atmosphere REF NO MISSION_TITLE TOPIC Geostationary Observatory for Microwave Atmospheric Sounding CCM2-01 Atmos. Dynamics (GOMAS) PRocess Exploration through Measurements of Infrared and CCM2-02 Atmos. Chemistry millimetre-wave Emitted Radiation (PREMIER) CCM2-04 Cloud Ic e Water Submillimeter Imaging Radiometer (CIWSIR) Atmos. Dynamics Measuring Atmosphere Turbulence and Humidity Atmospheric CCM2-05 Atmos. Dynamics Water Content (MATH-AWC) Space-borne Profiling with high Accuracy in clear and Cloudy skies CCM2-06 for the Exploration of WAter Vapour in the Earth System (SPACE Atmos. Dynamics WAVES) Dual-Frequency Doppler Radar for Observing Precipitation Systems CCM2-09 Atmos. Dynamics (Du-DROPS) The Geostationary TROpospheric Pollution Explorer-Regional CCM2-10 Atmos. Chemistry (GeoTROPE-R) Atmospheric Climate and Chemistry in the UTLS Region And c limate Atmos. Dynamics & CCM2-13 Trends Explorer (ACCURATE) Atmos. Chemistry Kyoto protocoL and Informed Management of the Adaptation CCM2-14 Atmos. Chemistry (KLIMA) CCM2-15 Occultation and Limb Viewing of the Atmosphere (OLIVIA) Atmos. Chemistry CCM2-16 Impact of Lightning activity on Atmospheric Chemistry (ILAC) Atmos. Chemistry CCM2-18 Tropospheric Composition and Air Quality (TRAQ) Atmos. Chemistry Measuring Atmosphere Turbulence and Humidity Atmospheric CCM2-22 Atmos. Dynamics Water Content (MATH-AWC) Advanced Space Carbon and Climate Observation of Planet Earth CCM2-23 Atmos. Chemistry (A-SCOPE) ECOsat Three Microsat Constellation for Earth Observation
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