NATIONAL REFORM PROGRAMME 2020 BUCHAREST APRIL 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATION INDEX .................................................................................. 3 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 7 2. MACROECONOMIC CONTEXT AND SCENARIO ................................................... 9 3. POLICY RESPONSE TO ECONOMIC CHALLENGES .................................. 13 3.1. Fiscal and budgetary policy ................................................... 13 3.2. Business environment and competitiveness ............................ 29 3.3. Strenghtening administrative capacity and other governmental measures ................................................................................. 53 4. NATIONAL EUROPE 2020 OBJECTIVES ......................................................... 73 4.1. Employment ........................................................................... 73 4.2. Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) ......................... 82 4.3. Environment and climate change ............................................ 90 4.4. Renewable energy sources ..................................................... 98 4.5. Energy efficiency .................................................................. 101 4.6. Early school leaving ............................................................. 106 4.7. Tertiary education ............................................................... 116 4.8. Social inclusion and combating poverty ................................ 121 5. INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES AND STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT ................. 138 ANNEX I: NATIONAL EUROPE 2020 TARGETS ................................................... 140 ROMANIA – 2020 NRP 2 ABBREVIATION INDEX ABA Water Basin Administration ACOP Administrative Capacity Operational Programme 2014-2020 ADR Authority for Digitization of Romania AFM Environment Fund Administration AJPIS County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection ANAF National Agency for Fiscal Administration ANANP National Agency for Natural Protected Areas ANAP National Agency for Public Procurement ANAR “Romanian Waters” National Administration ANC National Authority for Qualifications ANCPI National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising ANFP National Agency of Civil Servants ANI National Integrity Agency ANIF National Agency for Land Improvement ANL National Housing Agency ANMCS National Authority for Quality Management in Health ANOFM National Employment Agency ANPC National Authority for Consumer Protection ANDPDCA National Authority for the Rights of Disabled Persons, Children and Adoptions ANPM National Agency for Environmental Protection ANPIS National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection ANRE National Energy Regulatory Authority ARF Railway Reform Authority ARB Romanian Association of Banks ATU Administrative Territorial Unit BAS Unemployment Insurance Budget BNR National Bank of Romania BS State Budget CCR Constitutional Court of Romania CEF Connecting Europe Facility CESEC The Central and South Eastern Europe energy connectivity CF Cohesion Fund CFR Romanian National Railways Company CJEU Court of Justice of the European Union CNAIR National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration CNAS National Health Insurance House CNCAN National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control CNDIPT National Center for the Development of Vocational and Technical Education CNG Compressed Natural Gas CNPP National House of Public Pensions CNSC National Council for Solving Complaints CNTDS Tripartite National Council for Social Dialogue COP Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020 CSAT Supreme Council of National Defence ROMANIA – 2020 NRP 3 CSM Superior Council of Magistracy CSRs Country Specific Recommendations CTE Thermoelectric plant DDD Department of Sustainable Development DGAF General Anti-Fraud Directorate DGASPC General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection DLAF Anti-Fraud Department DLRC Community-led local development DSU Department for Emergency Situations (within MAI) EAFRD European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Commission EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIB European Investment Bank EIF European Investment Fund ERDF European Regional Development Fund E-RES Electric energy from Renewable energy sources ERTMS European Railway Traffic Management System ESA European System of Accounts ESD Effort Sharing Decision (Decision No 406/2009/EC) ESF European Social Fund ESIF European Structural and Investment Funds EUSDR EU Strategy for the Danube Region FDI Institutional Development Fund for state universities FEAD Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived GC Green Certificates GD Government Decision GDP Gross Domestic Product GEO Government Emergency Ordinance GHG Greenhouse gas HCOP Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020 IB Intermediate Body IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IFI International Financial Institution IM Labour Inspectorate INA National Institute of Administration INHGA National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management INS National Institute of Statistics IP Investment Priority ITI Integrated Territorial Investment ITM Territorial Labour Inspectorate LEA Overhead power line LIOP Large Infrastructure Operational Programme 2014-2020 LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry MA Managing Authority MADR Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development MAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs MAI Ministry of Internal Affairs MApN Ministry of National Defence ROMANIA – 2020 NRP 4 MAP Ministry of Waters and Forests MC Ministry of Culture MEEMA Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment MEC Ministry of Education and Research MFE Ministry of European Funds MFP Ministry of Public Finance MJ Ministry of Justice MLPDA Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration MMAP Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests MMPS Ministry of Labour and Social Protection MO Ministerial Order MS Ministry of Health MTIC Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications MTS Ministry of Youth and Sport NRDP National Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OIT Directorate-General for Transport Intermediate Body OJ Official Journal of Romania OMDRAP Order of the minister of regional development and public administration OMFP Order of the minister of public finance ONAC National Office for Centralized Procurement ONRC National Trade Register Office OP Operational Programme PA Priority Axis PCI Projects of Common Interest PE Public Enterprise PES Public Employment Service PMUD Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans PNCDI III National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2015-2020 POAD Aid to the Most Deprived Operational Programme 2014-2020 REI Integrated Educational Register RES Renewable energy sources RNC National Register of Qualifications RMU Unique Matriculation Register ROP Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 SB State Budget SDG Sustainable Development Goal SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SEAP Electronic System for Public Procurement SGG Secretariat-General of the Government SICAP Environmental Information System for performing collaborative development of public procurement SIIIR The Integrated Information System of Education in Romania SIPOCA Information system of ACOP SMEIOP SME Initiative Operational Programme 2014-2020 SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises SMG Natural gas metering station SNDDR National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania 2030 SNT National Transport System ROMANIA – 2020 NRP 5 SO Specific Objective SOP Sectoral Operational Programme SPAS Public Service Social Services SUMS Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan TA Technical Assistance TAD Territorial and administrative division TAOP Technical Assistance Operational Programme 2014-2020 TEN-T Trans-European Networks – Transport UEFISCDI Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation UEIP Public Investment Evaluation Unit UIPFFS Implementation Unit of Projects Funded from Structural Funds ROMANIA – 2020 NRP 6 1. INTRODUCTION The National Reform Programme (NRP) is a framework for defining reform measures that meet the priorities set at EU level, the CSRs and certain challenges pointed out by the EC in its annual analyses, named Country Reports. The NRP 2020 was drafted in accordance with EC guidelines1 and the priorities established by the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020 (ASGS)2, considering both the 2019 CSRs3 and the Country Report Romania 20204. However, it should be emphasized that the situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic requires a set of exceptional measures to mitigate the negative economic and social effects. In this context, the current edition of the European Semester should be dealt with considering the unfeasibility of assessing, at this time, the overall and actual effects the COVID-19 pandemic is having at EU level and for each and every one of its Member States. As such, it is necessary to take into account the need to adjust the commitments provided for in the current edition of the NRP, as well as the benchmarks for the implementation of proposed measures, in the light of ongoing developments. From Romania's perspective, it is necessary to continue the dialogue with the EC and to carry out a comprehensive post- COVID-19 evaluation, at a later time, so that all the aforementioned issues be taken into account in the European Semester 2020-2021.
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