I n dex Abbott, Greg, 459 AFL, 244 family life, 354–55 Abernathy, Francis, 369 AFL-CIO, 2 1 7 , 346 as farm laborers, 1 6 1 , 251 A bilene, Kansas, 171 African Americans fi ght for integration of A bilene, Texas, 1 2 1 , 183, 364, accommodation and schools, 3 5 7 392 resistance of, 2 5 0 , 251, Freedmen ’ s Bureau ’ s aid to, Abilene Christian University, 252–53 149–50, 155–56, 162–63 4 21 in agriculture, 247 d uring Great Depression, ab initio , 1 5 4 , 155, 156 in antebellum era, 1 1 2 , 116, 30 4–6 a bolitionists, 8 5 , 104, 124, 118–19 income, 3 4 9 125–30 banks of, 2 5 1 , 252, 350 J im Crow laws, 218, 233 a bortion, 2 8 2 , 390, 412–13, 450, bl ack codes, 1 4 8 Ku Klux Klan ’ s oppression of, 451, 464 b usinesses of, 2 5 2 , 350 281 –84 acequias, 34 i n cities, 251–52 in labor force, 148–49, 150, activism, 256–57 . See also civil rights movement, 161 League of United Latin 358–61, 376, 385–87 in labor unions, 1 9 6 , 252 American Citizens civil rights of, 142, 144, 145, in late 1800s, 199 (LULAC); NAACP; 146, 148, 151–52, 155, 213, l eisure activities, 2 1 8 , 306–8 women ’ s club movement 306, 332, 383–84 in lumber industry, 216, 217 Adams, Andy, 320 in Civil War, 1 3 7 , 138 mental institution for, 2 6 7 Adams, K. S. “Bud,” 396, 418 as delegates to constitutional i n Mexican Texas, 69 A dams, Todd, 3 4 4 conventions, 1 7 5 migration North, 251, 315, A delsverein Society, 90, 91, 112 d emographics of, 118 329, 385 Adobe Walls, Battle of, 1 6 6 , disfranchisement of, 2 3 3 , migration to cities, 251–52, 168–69 237, 249–50, 260 306 Adventures of Big FootCOPYRIGHTED Wallace in early 1900s, 249–54 MATERIAL in military, 161–62, 167, 273, (Crittenden), 320 economic status, 4 0 7 330 Adventures with a Texas education of, 1 4 2 , 150, 155, music of, 3 0 7 , 322, 367 Naturalistt (Bedicheck), 321 157, 163, 176, 202, 203, New Deal programs, 301, A dvisory Committee on 205, 231, 253–54, 356, 302, 303–6, 315 Segregation and the Public 358–61, 430 p er capita income, 350 Schools, 3 4 4 effects of Great Depression, political strength of, 426 aerospace industry, 348, 375 291 in politics, 153–54, 157–58, a ffi rmative action, 389–90, 430 emancipation of, 142 160, 163, 207, 231, 252, A fghanistan war, 441, 452 equal pay for teachers, 356 382, 385, 424, 427 The History of Texas, Fifth Edition. Robert A. Calvert, Arnoldo De León, and Gregg Cantrell. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Index 475 population of, 116, 118, 142, A gua Dulce, Texas, 78 All the Pretty Horses 143, 148, 251, 306, 328, Aguayo, Marqués de, 23, 31 (McCarthy), 415 329, 407 Aid to Families and Dependent all-white primaries, 233, as president of the United Children (AFDC), 387, 249–50, 306, 334, 335, 359 States, 4 5 2 461 A lpine Riot, 185 professionals, 252 Aikin, A.M., 355 a lternative energy sources, in ranching, 161, 162, 172 air conditioning, 354 461 during Reconstruction, Air Control Board, 435 Amarillo, Texas, 183, 243, 366 1 48–49, 157–58 aircraft industry, 331 Amarillo College, 359 religion of, 163, 218, 252, 363 air passenger traffi c, 348 amendments to Texas in Republic of Texas, 94 air pollution, 435 . See also constitution segregation of, 161, 176, 203, environmental protection a pproval of, 177–78 218, 249, 250, 301, 312, airports, 348, 385, 447, 449, ban on same-sex marriage, 332, 350, 358–59, 365, 396 453, 461 4 51 self-help organizations, 153, air quality, 459 for chartering state banks, 163, 251, 252 A labama, 1 7 7 , 181 2 60 social organizations, 252–53 A labama-Coushattas, 72 equal rights, 390 in sports, 396 Alabama Indians, 123 establishing Railroad state institutions for, 202 A lamo, 77–79, 83, 95, 98, 133 Commission, 2 2 9 suffrage for, 231 Alamo, Thee (fi lm), 364 on land grants, 160 Sweatt’ s court case, 335 A lamodome, 4 1 8 mandating centennial as tenant farmers/ A larcón, Martín de, 23 celebration, 3 1 5 sharecroppers, 161, 201, A lbee, Edward, 399 on penal restructuring, 214, 248, 251, 304–5 alcaldee, 33, 86 266 unions of, 196 alcohol prohibition, 210, 277, 281 violence against, 119, 148, consumption by Indians, 46, on regulation of railroads, 149, 154, 164, 181, 184–85, 71, 96, 169, 170 259, 262 218, 237, 250, 251, 332, 427 consumption by Texians, 95 f or relief funds, 2 9 7 voter drives, 3 3 5 correlation with crime, 457 repeal of poll tax, 339 voter turnout, 4 2 6 ethnic groups identifi ed with, on schools, 2 0 3 , 264, 431 women ’ s club movement, 2 7 6 2 77–78 tax on gas/motor vehicles, in workforce, 1 6 1 , 252 legalization of liquor by the 3 48 during World War II, 330, drink, 3 9 1 on Texas Water Plan, 4 3 3 332, 334 l egalization of 3.2 percent on water transfer, 4 3 3 writers, 3 6 9 , 370 beer, 2 9 7 f or woman ’ s suffrage, 275 See also enslaved people; free production of, 214, 277 American Airlines Center, blacks; slavery Progressives ’ view of, 277 419 a grarian organizations, 224–34 . state laws regulating, 209, American Athletic Conference, See also Farmers ’ A lliance; 258, 260, 274, 277, 278, 4 21 Grange 281, 314 American Basketball a grarian reform, 206 . See also tax on, 2 6 2 , 314, 315, 346, Association, 3 9 7 Grange; Greenback Party; 436 American Football League, 396 Populist Party See also prohibition American Idoll , 4 1 4 Ág reda, Madre María de (“Lady A l ger, Bruce, 342 American Liberty League, 316 in Blue”), 19 A lice, Texas, 3 9 4 American party, 381 a gribusiness, 265–66, 352–53 . Alien Contract Labor Law, 1 9 7 American Revolution, 5 8 See also farming; ranching A lien Land Law, 229 American Socialist Party, 279 A gricultural Adjustment Act A llen, Augustus C., 91 Ames, Jessie Daniel, 275 (AAA), 303–4, 332 Allen, John K., 91 amnesty (after Civil War), 144, A gricultural and Mechanical A llen, Richard, 1 5 8 , 163 145 College of Texas. Seee Texas Alley Theater, 365, 398–99 Anahuac, Texas, 6 2 , 63–64 A&M University A lliance Exchange, 227 . See also Anahuac incident, 72–73 A gricultural Experiment Station, Farmers ’ A lliance Anderson, Dillon, 3 4 2 2 04 All My Friends Are Going to Be Anderson, Gary Clayton, 417 A gricultural Marketing Act, 295 Strangers (McMurtry), 404 And the Earth Did Not Devour a griculture. See farming; A llred, James V., 299, 313–15, Him (Rivera), 403 ranching 320, 339 Angelo State University, 421 476 Index Anglo settlers Battle of Rattlesnake Springs, colony of, 67, 68, 71 in antebellum era, 117 161 as commander of Texas dominance of, 210 evangelization of, 24 volunteers, 73–74, 77 in Mexican Texas, 55–69, l ife style of, 71 as commissioner to U.S., 74 75–76 l iving space of, 39 cotton industry, 62 in Republic of Texas, 98–99 migration of, 7–8, 9–10 election of 1836 and, 8 4 See also specifi c empresario or Spanish policy toward, 44, mission to Mexico City, 64, 65 settler 45, 46 peace party petition, 63–64 Anheuser-Busch, 277 survival techniques, 41–42 as secretary of state, 84, 85 animism, 4 U.S. Army offensive, 167–68 suppression of Fredonian annexation, 8 4 , 85, 100, 103–4, App omattox, 139 Rebellion, 6 1 111, 127 a quifers, 432–35, 458 Austin, Texas antebellum Texas Arab oil embargo, 375 air base in, 331 agriculture in, 112–13 A ragón, 11 air pollution in, 435 boundaries of, 1 2 1 , 127 Aransas National Wildlife in antebellum era, 114 cities in, 113–14 Refuge, 460 as capital, 88, 91, 92 economy of, 112–15 Archer, Branch T., 74 capitol building, 183, 197, education in, 124–25 Architecture in Motion 206, 417 ethnic settlements, 111–12, (Coleman), 401 cattle drives through, 170 116, 117 Arkansas, 1 7 7 , 181 civil rights demonstrations in, land forms, 115 Arkansas Wheel, 227 386 land policy, 112–13 Arlington, Texas, 265, 418, 419 constitutional conventions in, origin of name, 20 Armadillo World Headquarters, 145–46, 154, 155, 175–76 population of, 123 399 cultural life in, 3 6 6 secession, 1 0 9 Armey, Dick, 426 dispute with Robertson, 66 slavery in, 116 A rmstrong, Lance, 420 education in, 1 2 6 , 204, 336, society of, 116–26 Armstrong, Louis, 307 421 Spanish legacy, 50–52 Arnspiger, Herman, 323 endangered species near, 461 transportation in, 114–15 Arredondo, José Joaquín, 49–50 founding of, 92 anticommunism, 2 7 9 , 335, 342, arrieros, 114–15, 120 Germans in, 2 5 7 343, 361–62, 380 Arthur Andersen (accounting growth of, 447–48 Antietam, Battle of, 1 3 6 fi rm), 441 Know-Nothing party in, 128 anti-evolution crusaders, 2 8 0 , a rts Ku Klux Klan in, 282 284, 412, 451 in 1960–1986, 398–402 mass transit defeated, 448 anti-groping bill, 453 o f African Americans, 307–8, museums in, 322, 417 anti-labor laws, 336, 341, 351 311 music in, 399–400, 415 anti-lynching laws, 218–19, 316, o f Indians, 3 , 8 newspapers/magazines in, 337, 339 portrayal of cowboys, 183 100, 370, 389, 416 antimiscegenation laws, 123, p rior to World War II, population of, 114 148, 344 322–24 publishing in, 416 anti-nepotism law, 262 in Republic of Texas, 99 racial violence in, 250 anti-New Deal Democrats, 316 state aid to, 450 slavery issue, 61–62 anti-railroad amendments, 262 o f Tejanos, 311 state institutions in, 2 6 6 , 267 Anti-Saloon League, 277 a fter World War II, 365–71 suburbs of, 447–48 anti-subversion laws, 3 4 3 Ashby, H.S.P.
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