Secessionism versus territorial unity: Centre-periphery relations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (1960-2006) by JOHN RENE KAMBA N’KIAMVU submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in the subject POLITICS at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: PROF S BOTHA FEBRUARY 2016 SUMMARY The focus in this dissertation is on the rise of secessionism and its curtailment in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Theories pertaining to centre-periphery relations, as well as right- sizing the state, are used for this purpose. Factors such as the DRC’s vast territory and colonial policies affected the centre-periphery relations after independence. The weak ties between the centre and the peripheries were important factors in the attempts at secession that followed independence. In addition, the political and administrative centre (Kinshasa) was too weak to keep the restive peripheries in check. International military intervention, thus, played an important role in defeating attempts at secession. The strategies of President Mobutu in strengthening the centre, as well as the lack of secessionism in the DRC after the collapse of the centre towards the end of Mobutu’s presidency, receive attention. Key words: secession, territory, centre-periphery relations, right-sizing the state, internal colonialism, size of state, ethnicity, nation-building, foreign military intervention, Democratic Republic of Congo. i DECLARATION Name: JOHN RENE KAMBA N’KIAMVU Student number: 47248521 Degree: MA Exact wording of the title of the dissertation as appearing on the copies submitted for examination: Secessionism versus territorial unity: Centre-periphery relations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (1960-2006) I declare that the above dissertation is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. February 29, 2016 SIGNATURE DATE ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Several people deserve my gratitude, but I could not name them all here. I would like to express my gratitude to the former team of managers of the Scripture Union International - DRC, especially to Prof François Mpona Minga-Mishama, Pastor Emmanuel Mbikayi Mwamba and Pastor Lévy Ilunga Kabumbe. My gratefulness extends also to Pastors of the Praise Church in Kinshasa and Kempton Park in RSA, Dr Robert N’Kwim Bibi-Bikan and Gustave Fundi Mwamba respectively. Their friendship was crucial in the realization of my dream of coming back to scientific activities after an eclipse due to my departure from the University of Kisangani because of the clash between the soldiers from Rwanda and Uganda mentioned in this study. My post-graduate studies would have never been undertaken without the early support from Mr Hans Martin and his wife Mrs Ruth Wolff as well as from Mrs Amanda Kruger. I thank them deeply for their voluntary financial donation that has covered my research fees for three years during which I have written the research proposal. I cannot overlook the selfless assistance received from Mr Solomon Bongani Mabaso, a Telkom technician, in order to get a valuable Internet connection contract for my research at home. I am indebted to Prof Dirk Kotze, the former Chair of the Department of Political Sciences, for giving me the necessary insights in order to lay the bases of this research. It was a great relief for me when my research proposal was formally approved. Certainly, my largest debt of homage is to my supervisor Prof Susan Botha for the decisive contribution she has brought in the final formulation of my research topic. Moreover, the contents of this dissertation would have never been improved without her incisive comments and tireless advice. I have also really appreciated her patience in guiding the French-speaking student that I am. Finally, I thank my father-in-law Christophe Alimasi Okoko for his suggestion so that I pursue my studies in South Africa. I also thank my parents Célestin-Deri Kinkela Malulu and Lucie-Caroline Nzau Kamba who still help me to move forward. Their desire of seeing me to be successful in doing further studies was an important motivational factor for this achievement. I express warm thanks to my wife Brigitte Kabika Katopa and to our children Ruth-Lucie Nzau Kamba N’Kiamvu and Christopher Alimasi Kamba N’Kiamvu for so many sacrifices made together as a family in order to complete this dissertation. iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AAPSO Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organization ABACOST A bas le costume/ down with the suit ABAKO Alliance des Bakongo/Bakongo people Alliance ADF Allied Democratic Forces ADP Alliance Démocratique des Peuples /Democratic Alliance of Peoples AFDL Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo/Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo AIC Association Internationale du Congo/International Association of Congo AMDC Assistance aux Maternités et Dispensaires du Congo ANC Armée Nationale Congolaise/Congolese national Army AND Agence Nationale de Documentation/National Agency of Documentation APL Armée Populaire de Libération/People’s Liberation Army AU African Union AZAP Agence Zaīre Presse/Zaīrian News Agency BALUBAKAT Association Générale des Baluba du Katanga /General Association of the Baluba People of Katanga BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BCK Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Bas-Congo au Katanga BDK Bundu dia Kongo/ Rally of Kongo people BELTEXCO Société Belge de Textile et de Commerce CAN Coupe d’Afrique des Nations/Africa Cup of Nations CEEAC/ECCAS Communauté Economique des Etats Afrique Centrale/Economic Community of Central African States CEMUBAC Centre Scientifique et Médical de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles en Afrique Centrale CEPGL Communauté Economic des Pays des Grands Lacs/Economic Community of Countries of the Great Lakes CEREA Centre de Regroupement Africain/African Grouping Centre CFB Caminho de Ferro de Benguela/ Benguela railway CFKL Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Bas-Congo CFL Compagnie du Chemin de fer du Congo Supérieur aux Grands Lacs Africains CFS Congo Free State CIA Central Intelligence Agency CNDP Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple/National Congress for the Defence of the People CNL Comité National de Libération/National liberation Committee CNRD Conseil National de la Resistance pour la Démocratie/National Council of Resistance for Democracy CNS Conférence Nationale Souveraine/Sovereign National Conference COAKA Coalition Kasaienne/ Kasaian coalition COLTAN Columbite–Tantalite COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CONACO Convention Nationale Congolaise/Congolese National Convention iv CONAKAT Confédération des Associations Tribales du Katanga/Confederation of Tribal Associations of Katanga CPP Comités du Pouvoir Populaire/ Popular Power Committees CSLC Confédération des Syndicats Libres du Congo DRC Democratic Republic of Congo DSP Division Spéciale Présidentielle/ Special Presidential Division EU European Union FAC Forces Armées Congolaises/Congolese Armed Forces FC Franc Congolais FAR Forces Armées Rwandaises/Rwandan Armed Forces FARDC Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo/Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo FAZ Forces Armées Zaīroises/Zaīrian Armed Forces FDLR Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda/Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda FEC Fédération des Entrepreneurs du Congo Fédékaléo Fédération des Kasaiens de Léopoldville/Federation of Kasaians of Leopoldville FGTC Fédération Générale du Travail du Congo FIFA Fédération Internationale de Football Association/International Federation of Association Football FLNC Front pour la Libération Nationale du Congo/Front for the National Liberation of Congo FNLA Frente Nacional para a Libertaçâo de Angola/National Front for the Liberation of Angola FOMULAC Fondation Médicale de l’Université de Louvain au Congo FOPERDA Fondation Père Damien pour la lutte contre la Lèpre FORMINIERE Société Internationale Forestière et Minière du Congo FPR Front Patriotique Rwandais/Rwandan Patriotic Front GB Groupe Bemba GECAMINES Générale des carrières et des Mines ICD Inter-Congolese Dialogue IMF International Monetary Fund JMPR Jeunesse du Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution/Youth of the Popular Movement of the Revolution M23 Mouvement du 23 Mars/Movement of March 23 MIBA Société Minière de Bakwanga MISTEBEL Mission Technique Belge MLC Mouvement de Libération du Congo/Movement for the Liberation of Congo MNC Mouvement National Congolais/National Congolese Movement MNC-K Mouvement National Congolais – Kalonji/National Congolese Movement - Kalonji MNC-L Mouvement National Congolais – Lumumba/National Congolese Movement - Lumumba MONUC Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo/United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo MONUSCO Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation du Congo/United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo MOPAP Mobilisation, Propagande et Animation politique/Mobilization, Propaganda and political Animation MPLA Movimento Popular de Libertaçâo de Angola/Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola MPR Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution/ Popular Movement of the Revolution v MRLZ Mouvement Révolutionnaire pour la Libération du Zaïre/Revolutionary Movement for the Liberation of Zaīre NALU National Army for Liberation of Uganda NCN New Congo Net NGOs NonGovernmental Organizations OCPT Office Congolais des Postes et des Télécommunications OECD Organization
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