DtifribuHMf > Today 17,300 mmtt* THMHMnm**-m. m VOL. 83, NO. 108 '"I"*Da "'- Monday throuih Friday, entertd at Second Clast M.tte, """ Port <M1c» at Red Bjnk, N. J., under U» Act ol March i. 187J. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1960 7C PER COPY PAGE ONE Duinont States Bold Operation Saves Sight Keuper To Meyner: He's Going For Of Schoolboy's Chiseled Eye LONG BRANCH - Fate, faith and a surgeon's skill appear sure to have left Dick Bastedo, 14, Withdraw My Name continued use of his sliced left Top GOP Spoteye. Fortune was less kind to Dick's father, Joseph A., Bastedo, 419 TRENTON (AP) — State Sen. Bath Ave. Buf this former Mar- As Judge Nominee Wayne Dumont, Jr., of Warren ine who was left half-blinded in County promises a hard fought combat is a dad who has prayed campaign for the 1961 Republican hard for his son's full vision. nomination for governor of New Dick, by accident, was hit in Governor Called Jersey. the eye by a classmate's chisel Faulty Space Rocket Dumont became the first for- during a carpentry class session mally announced candidate for in Long Branch High School Nov. Non-Committal' the GOP nomination yesterday. 9. It was the explosion of a He told a news conference, "I'm Japanese hand grenade late in Falls on Cuban City in this all the way—I don't care World War II that robbed Mr. On Mayor Gray how many run or who they are." Bastedo of one eye. Both wounds HAVANA (AP) — Military au- were ugly. "I will ask for no quarter and thorities at Holguin, in eastern ASBURY PARK — Mon- I won't give any," Dumont add- His 'Very Best' mouth County Prosecutor ed. "Dr. N. Craig Roberts, 1 Roseld Cuba, said early today parts of Concern Of How to Pay Ave., Deal, last night termed U. S. space roqket fell near Vincent P. Keuper said to- He indicated his campaign the operation he performed in the city yesterday afternoon United States day he has advised Gov. would center on the problem of Monmouth Medical Center on without causing any damage. Robert B. Meyner he is no how to pay for added services and Dick's injured eye "my very A military headquarters onger available for ap- new facilities in the fields of edu- best." He also told The Register Is Expressed pointment as a Monmouth cation, institutions, highways and spokesman reached by tele- of his gratitude at its "appar- phone from Havana said rocket County judge. Sen. W»ne Dumnnt, Jr. water supply. WASHINGTON (AP)-Th De- ently complete success." The fragments, some weighing as e In a tersely-worded night letter "It's a hard issue," he said, boy, he said, "should reenter ense Department said today it "but we have to face it." much as 40 pounds, fell on a o the Democratic chief execu- school Monday." hillside about 10 miles from ivas possible that pieces of 'Dumont said the major alter- The operation is believed to ive, Ihe prosecutor, also a natives are to let local property the center of the city, Cuba's U.S. rocket have fallen on Cuba. Democrat, said he had been em- have been the first of its type third largest, at about 3 p. m. Soviets taxes bear an added load of $65 ever tried in this area. National A spokesman for the Defense barrassed by the delay of an of- million dollars each year, allow Farmers at the scene re- records say little about the over- Department said he could not ex Icial statement at Trenton since municipalities to levy new taxes, ported the Incident to authori- elude the possibility that rem all results of such work. But Dr. READING WITH JOY —Dick Bastedo, 14, hat reason ties. They said no one was hurt Nov. 11 when he said the gov- finance construction programs Roberts said that with "some- nantst of the rocket might have Put Ship through costly bond issues, add to radiate happiness at he reads aloud to his nurse, Mrs. by the fragments, which they "alien as the Cubans reported. rnor first telephoned and said what less immediate success" he said looked like pieces of a to the state's patchwork of sales Beth Jewett, in Monmouth Medical Center. A sharp "We certainly are concerned he planned to nominate him. had handled two similar cases falling airplane as they came taxes on certain products, or about it," he said, "and we are Mr. Keuper said he hoped his move into the area of a new while working as a specialist at carpenter's chisel penetrated five layers and the con- down. In Orbit the Kresge Research Center in investigating it further." withdrawal would be "helpful broad-base tax. trol muscle of his left eye in a school accident Nov. 9. Holguin lies near the north to you in making a prompt se- Income Or Sales Tax Detroit. At Cape Canaveral, Fla., au MOSCOW (AP)—A third Sovie The situation involving Dick Quick and accurate treatment by Dr. N. Craig Roberts shore of easternmost Ori'ente thorities declined comment. lection of judges who are urg- •pace ship carrying animal pass- He said he is personally con- Province, roughly 500 miles from ently needed and will remove vinced the best method of fi Bastedo was unique. But it could of Deal has restored its tight. The 80-foot Thor-Able-Star roc- engers was launched into orbit have happened to anybody. Havana. 1 my name from daily public today. The Russians said the ve- nancing the state's needs would The descent of the rocket frag- ket was destroyed by the range guessing games." be either a personal income tax Learning carpentry, he was busy one major problem," the doctor he said. "It was the day before safety officer yesterday when a hicle was shot aloft for research, ments first had been reported by The prosecutor acted, It was levied on most taxpayers or a in a school shop. said. "Because it was in the the Americans finally secured the malfunction developed in flight. Two dogs were aboard the a spokesman for the semi-official learned, within hours after general sales^x with necessities The Accident lower half of the eye, about a island. We Marines were charg- The rocket was to boost two five-ton orbiting vehicle, Tass newspaper Revolucion. Mayor Paul Kternan of Long of life exempted. He stepped back from his third; of the vitreous humor ing up a hill to clear out last- satellite into orbitit—th- e 203- laid. There was no word on flowed out before .treatment ditch resistance. From a cave, The rocket was launched Branch and Mrs. Katharine whether Soviet scientists will A broad-base tax, he said, bench, got behind another boy pound Transit III, a navigation could start." the grenade came. It burst and I from Cape Canaveral, Fla., satellite and a 40-pound radiation- Elkus White of Red Bank, state try to bring either the dogs or would be the only way to pay and bent over to pick up some- yesterday in an effort to put thing. His classmate' raised a Vitreous humor is the trans- fell. Later, I got up. I was able study sphere carried as a hitch Democratic committee mem- the ship back lo earth. Two ca- for a substantial increase in state destroyed in flight because of bers in Monmouth, conferred school aid. Dumont said this sharp wood chisel behind him. It parent jelly which fills the pos- to walk a few miles back to an hiker. nine passengers were returned terior chamber of the eyeball. a malfunction. with the governor over appoint- would be one way of holding bit directly into Dick's left eye- aid station, all right. But my eye The Thor-Able-Star was blown from orbit in August. Laika, the Father's Experience The Cuban news agency said ments of judges and, if Mr. first Soviet space dog sent up local property taxes down. ball, low and deep. was gone." 1 ip less than three minutes after Without its pressure, the round Time Important rocket debris "rained ' on sev- Keuper was named, • new two years ago, perished in But he said, "I don't want "The position of the cut caused eral settlements around Hoi- launch, out of range of ground prosecutor. •pace. people to feel this guy's trying curve of the eye tends to col- With son Dick, the wound was observers. But the Defense De- lapse.. One job facing Dr. Rob- quin, causing "loud explosions Asked by reporters if he might to force something on us. If sustained minutes away from a partment delayed 40 minutes be- The announced aims of to- erts was its replacement. Anoth- modern hospital. And there, and great alarm." reverse himself later should the somebody can come up with a Landmark The incident seemed likely to fore reporting that the satellites day's vehicle, its equipment better solution, I'll be glad to er w»s finding a substance ac- trained and ready, Dr. Roberts governor ask him to, Mr. Keu- and even Its weight was ceptable to the human body. provide ammunition for fresh at- failed to achieve orbit. It was per said his withdrawal was "ir- know about it." was ready. So were his aides. another hour and 20 minutes be matched closely by the August Burns In Conditions were in absolute As a substitute for the vitreous tacks on the United States by revocable." space flight.
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