Rights Reserved Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau Department of Environment and Natural Resources [email protected]%CRJQ GV`V]`QR%HVRQ` `:JI1VR1J:J7`Q`IQ`G7 any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, secondary or any 1J`Q`I:QJ Q`:$V:JR`V `1V0:C7 VI11 .Q% ]V`I11QJ1J1`1J$``QI .V publisher. However, extracts from text may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. Publisher Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau Bibliographic Entry Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau. 2011. :JR1 :QJ Integrated Environment and Natural Resources Research, Development, and Extension Framework 2011-2016. College, Laguna: DENR-ERDB. ISBN 978-971-8831-32-8 Editorial Board Editorial Adviser Marcial C. Amaro, Jr. Editorial Board Members Leuvina M. Tandug Aida B. Lapis Manolito U. Sy Honorato G. Palis Aleli M. Luna Eliseo M. Baltazar QJ `1G%J$`1 V` Leuvina M. Tandug Aida B. Lapis Manolito U. Sy Honorato G. Palis Eliseo M.Baltazar Manuel V. A. Bravo Carmelita I. Villamor 0:J$VC1JV8:CCQ Antonio M. Daño Rhodora M. Rimando Simplicia A. Pasicolan Editha P. Eusebio Juan B. Ebora R1 Q`1:C :c Managing Editor Editha P. Eusebio Editor Eric M. Lopez Layout and Graphics Works Liberato A. Bacod Editorial Assistants Rosemarie P. Lansigan Marie Abbie Gail L. Dela Cueva .`1J:8: V Lolita P. Villanueva 1`H%C:QJ Flora B. Palicpic R%:`RQ8QCVJJQ Renato R. Garcia 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in MANILA, PH 2011 Calibri (Body) Relevant research, development, and extension towards a healthy environment and sustainable natural resources for an improved quality of life. Contents vi Message vii Foreword viii Preface ix 6VH%0V%II:`7 x Acronyms 1 .:] V`J `QR%HQJ 5 Vision 5 Mission 5 G=VH0V 7 Chapter 2 RDE Framework 9 Guiding Principles/Methodology 11 Conceptual Framework 15 Drivers of Change 17 Chapter 3 RDE Sectoral Concerns 19 !Q`V"VQ%`HV:JR: V`.VR 19 State of the Art 2007-2010 22 Issues and Concerns 23 Gaps and Challenges 23 Researchable Areas 42 Protected Areas and Biodiversity 42 State of the Art 2007-2010 46 Issues and Concerns 47 Gaps and Challenges 48 Researchable Areas Integrated ENR RDE Framework 2011-2016 iii Contents Contents 49 Coastal and Marine 79 .:] :QJ `: V$1V 49 State of the Art 2007-2010 51 Issues and Concerns 81 ENR RDE Priority Strategies 52 Researchable Areas 82 I]VIVJ 82 RDE Equipment and Infrastructure Development 53 Environment 83 J.:JHVIVJ`*Q$`5*54Q`1J$:JR0:C%:QJ7 VI 53 State of the art 2007-2010 83 5VCQ]IVJ4 `"5`Q`I:QJ7 VI 55 Air Quality 84 Linkaging and Networking 56 : # 84 Mainstreaming of RDE Outputs 56 : $Q61H.VI1H:C 57 Issues and Concerns 87 68 Research Gaps Chapter 5 A Six-Year RDE Plan 2011-2016 68 Researchable Areas 90 !Q`V"VQ%`HV:JR: V`.VR 94 59 Mines Protected Areas and Biodiversity 97 59 State of the Art 2007-2010 Coastal and Marine 99 62 Issues and Concerns Environment 102 62 Gaps and Challenges Mines 103 63 Researchable Areas Lands 104 : "VQ%`!V.1: V` 106 64 Lands $$`:J`V`:JRQIIV`<:QJ 64 State of the Art 2007-2010 64 Issues and Concerns 109 64 Gaps and Challenges References 64 Researchable Areas 65 : "VQ%`!V.1: V` 9`$:GCV 65 State of the Art 2007-2010 24 :GCV8`1H:C1: V`.VR:VVR 68 Issues and Concerns 27 :GCV8VVRQ%`HV11 .V61J$:JRJV1C71RVJVR :JRLVVR `VV 69 Researchable Areas 30 :GCV8RVJVR]VH1VJ:QJ11RV 32 :GCV8:I1C1VQ`:CC1RVJVR]VH1VJ:QJ11RV 71 $$`:J`V`:JRQIIV`<:QJ 33 :GCV 8RVJVR]VH1VG7`V$1QJ:JR]VH1HVVRQ%`HVCQH:QJ 71 State of the Art 2007-2010 73 Issues and Concerns 75 Researchable Areas List of Figures 11 Figure 1. A conceptual framework of research, development, and extension and its HQJ `1G%QJ Q .V$Q:CQ` .V:JRQ` .VQH1V 78 13 1$%`V8 ]V`:QJ:C``:IV1Q`@1J1I]CVIVJJ$ .V$VJR:8 iv Integrated ENR RDE Framework 2011-2016 Integrated ENR RDE Framework 2011-2016 v Message Foreword ince 2009, I have kept a keen interest on how the 2011-2016 Environment anaging development to V H1VJ C7:H.1V0V1 $Q:C`V QJ.Q1H1VJH and Natural Resources (ENR) Research and Development and Extension this is being implemented. Managing development to VcVH0VC7 achieve (RDE) Framework1:GV1J$H`: VR8.:0VJQ VR .: 1JHQI1J$%]11 . .1 its goal rests on how extension work makes full use of the results derived document, one thing stands out: the partnership that the DENR Research Sector, ``QI H1VJH 1Q`@8 V0VCQ]IVJ 1Q`@ .: 1JH`V:1J$C7 GVHQIV : R1H1]C1JV through the leadership of Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB), of science out of necessity to ensure that resources for research are properly sought to establish with the various stakeholders to engage them in coming up I:J:$VR :JR Q]I1<VR Q :1R 1J ]`Q$`:II1J$ `V]QJ10V :HQJ Q `VQC0V with this framework. ]`QGCVI:cVHJ$ .VVJ01`QJIVJ :JR .VHQII%J1VRV]VJR1J$QJ1 8.1 JVHV1 71:VJR:J %]QJ .VC1I1J$VcVH Q`1J:RV_%: V`VQ%`HV`Q``VV:`H.5 On this note, I would like to commend ERDB and the Ecosystems Research and Development Service (ERDS) for making partnership an approach to planning and development, and extension (RDE) work and the adverse impacts of a degraded V0VJ %:CC7 1J 1I]CVIVJJ$ .V 0:`1Q% :H01V 1J .V VJ01`QJIVJ :JR VJ01`QJIVJ 8V]1 V .VVQG :1J1J$HQJR1QJ5 .V`VQC%QJQ`VJ01`QJIVJ :C natural resources (ENR) sector. RV$`:R:QJHQIV::J%`$VJ H:%V`Q`]%J$1J]C:HV :GCVHQJR1QJ1J 1.1H. Q J%` %`V ]`QR%H01 7 :JR % :1J:G1C1 7 Q` : `QG% VJ01`QJIVJ :JR .V ``:IV1Q`@ VIG`:HV : 16R7V:` ]V`1QR Q` 1I]CVIVJJ$ :H01V natural resources (ENR). 1.1H. :`V ]`Q$`:IIVR Q `VQC0V ]`QGCVI QJ VJ01`QJIVJ :C RV$`:R:QJ8 .1VJ01`QJIVJ :CRV$`:R:QJ.:]:1JVR:R0V`V1I]:H QJ]`QR%H01 75]%GC1H.V:C .5VHQJQI1H:JR C10VC1.QQR:H01V5G1QVH%`1 75:JR% :1J:G1C1 7Q` .VVJ01`QJIVJ Q%]]Q` C1`V::1.QCV8 The 2011-2016 Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Research, Development, and Extension (RDE)Framework 1:]:H@:$VQ`H1VJH:H01V:]]C1VR Q`VQC0VRV$`:R:QJ8.V``:IV1Q`@HQIV::J1J V`0VJQJ .V``:IV1Q`@1:C101J$RQH%IVJ Q`HQII1VR:JR%J1VR:HQJQ`0:`1Q% :@V.QCRV` Q.VC]QC0V .V .: G%1CRQJ`VV:`H.5IQRVCRV0VCQ]IVJ 5:JR]%`%VV6 VJ1QJ11 . :@V.QCRV`::H%CI1J:J$:HQJ Q ]`QGCVI HQJ``QJJ$ Q%` VJ01`QJIVJ :JR H.:CCVJ$1J$ 1 % :1J:G1C1 78 1 G7 : `%CC IV:%`V5 : 7 VI:H HQJHC%RVRV$`:R:QJ:JRGV$1J .V :@Q``V.:G1C1 :J$:JR`V Q`1J$1J Q]`QR%H01 7:JR% :1J:G1C1 78 %JRV` :@1J$8 17 VI:HGVH:%V51 1G7]`1JH1]CV:JR]`Q QHQCVH1VJH:CC7Q`$:J1<VR:JRH.VR%CVR Q VJ%`V]`Q]V`1I]CVIVJ :QJ:JR:H.1V0VIVJ Q``V%C 8 .V``:IV1Q`@CQQ@1J Q`VQ%`HVRG:VR:JRVHQ7 VIR]VH1H]`QGCVI::]`1J$GQ:`RQ`:HQJ8.%5 1 R`:11J]V`JVJ G:VC1JV::IV:%`V QH`: .VJVHV:`71J V`0VJQJ8 :CQ :@VQJ$CQG:C1%V Therefore, this framework rests squarely on valid premises as it draws upon the policy resources over which the on climate change, renewable sources of energy, biosecurity, biotechnology, and disaster risk management. :JR .V:`VI:JR: VR QH:``7Q% VH.1V75::]`1JH1]:C`VV:`H.:JRRV0VCQ]IVJ :`IQ`8 Q1V0V`5 .VQH1:C:JRVHQJQI1HR7J:I1H1J V`:HJ$QJ:JR11 . .V%VQ``:1V:$`V: V`H.:CCVJ$V Q `V.:G1C1 : V:JR`V Q`V .V]`QR%H0VG:C:JHV:JR% :1J:G1C1 7Q` .VVJ01`QJIVJ 86]:JR1J$1JR% `1V:JR 1.1$.C7JQ :GCV .: .1``:IV1Q`@@VV] .VV6 VJ1QJHQI]QJVJ :V:`C1V`1J1: VR1J .V]`V01Q% $`Q11J$]Q]%C:QJCV:R QHQJ0V`J$`VQ%`HVRG:V1J QQ .V`%V`:```QI .V1`J: %`:CH:]:H1V .: `V%C ``:IV1Q`@8.VH`1H:C1I]Q` :JHVQ` .1 .1`RHQI]QJVJ HQIV::H%CI1J:QJQ`RV0VCQ]IVJ 1Q`@1.V`V 1J1C :QJ5RVV`H:QJ5%``:HV`%JQc5CQQ`.:G1 : 5G`V:H.Q`G1QVH%`1 75`VHVR1J$$VJV]QQC5 :@V.QCRV`JR%V1J .V]1VHVQ`H1VJH1J`Q`I:QJ:JR VH.JQCQ$1V$VJV`: VR``QI]`VHVR1J$:JR inter alia. ` 1JR% `1:C1<:QJ :JR ]Q]%C:QJ $`Q1 . `VI:1J %J% :1J:GC7 I:J:$VR5 RV]CVQJ V :J QHH:1QJ Q` work. `VQ%`HVR%VHQJ1H GVHQI1J$IQ`V]`QJQ%JHVR:JR1J V`I1VJ 8 The magnitude of environmental problems has generally become globalized. Concerns on climate change, 1: V I:J:$VIVJ 5 :JR 1JV H1VJ VJV`$7 `VQ%`HV :`V HQI]Q%JRVR 11 . ]`V%`V Q` ]Q]%C:QJ $`Q1 .5 V: `I1J$V6 VJ1QJ1Q`@1J .1R ``:IV1Q`@.QCR .: .V]`VHVR1J$`VV:`H.:JRRV0VCQ]IVJ 1Q`@ 1JR% `1:C1<:QJ5%`G:J1<:QJ5I:J:$VIVJ ]QC1H7HQJ1H 5:JRCQ1H:]:H1 7QJVJ01`QJIVJ :C$Q0V`J:JHV :@V1J Q:HHQ%J .VQH1:C:JRVHQJQI1HR1IVJ1QJ .: :`VGQ`JV%]QJ .V:HQJQ` .V :@V.QCRV`8 1J V`I1VJ C7H:%1J$V`1Q%R`:1RQ1JQJ .VRV0VCQ]IVJ H:]1 :CQ`GQ .RV0VCQ]1J$:JRRV0VCQ]VRJ:QJ8 .V``:IV1Q`@ .V`V`Q`V5HQIV:]:H@:$V`Q`]`QGCVIRQC01J$11 . .V :@V.QCRV`::H0V]:`H1]:J 1J In this case, the Philippines acutely faces a graver challenge to install stable measures to establish ENR sustainability ]C:JJ1J$51I]CVIVJJ$5:JRI:J:$1J$:H01V8 :1 Q]I1<VCQ1RV0VCQ]IVJ H:]1 :C Q%]]Q` :C:`$V]Q]%C:QJG:V8 .V1J1:0VQ` .VHQ7 VIVV:`H.:JRV0VCQ]IVJ %`V:%:JRHQ7 VIVV:`H.:JRV0VCQ]IVJ .V``:IV1Q`@5 .V`V`Q`V51G%1C 11 .:I16Q``VQ%`HV .: R`:1%]QJHQQ]V`:QJ:JRHQCC:GQ`:QJ11 .
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