i>UMHI i t-iitt PUB L SUMMI1 ERALT NJ 0/ Serving Summit Since 1889 VOL.92 HO.6 $10. A YEAR PRICE SUNDAY, JUNE 14,1981 273-4000 25c Three School Principals Are Reassigned In Shift Of Top Brass By Anne Cooper further stated that, as administrative assis- Franklin and has been well received there." Arts Task Force for T&E. William Paterson College. He is also a doctoral ultimately appointed adminslrative assistant to a tant, Mr. Davidson would not have the respon- Mr. Titus, who was principal of the Merritt student at Teachers College-Columbia Univer- the superintendent. The new Lincoln principal A three-way switch of Summit school prin- sibility of evaluating other principals (as Mr. Davidson Hers 30 Years Memorial School in Cresskill before coming to sity working toward his EfJ.D. in Educational is 38 and he and his wife Marianne, a former cipals was announced by the Board of Educa- Ryan did) although he will be in charge of con- Mr. Davidson, who will assume his ad- Summit in 1976 to head Franklin, holds a B.S. Administration. Mr. Titus began his teaching teacher, have five children between the ages tion at a special meeting Tuesday night. vening their meetings. New tasks added to the ministrative assistant post on September 1, degree from Rutpers and an M.A. from career in 1965 in Ridgewood where he was of 6 and 14. In a surprise move, trie Board approved the former job will include evaluating non- has been a member of the Summit schools' appointment ot Lincoln School principal David professional personnel such as custodians professional staff for 30 years, joining it first Davidson to the job of administrative assistant and supervising energy conservaton. Dr. as a teacher at Lincoln School A graduate of to Superintendent of Schools Dr. Richard L. Fiander said. Jersey City State College, he earned an Ed.M. Fiander. To take Mr. Davidson's place at Lin- While both Franklin PTA president Margaret from Rutgers and has continued graduate coln, the Board then named Russell Titus, Taylor and Lincoln PTA president Jim Allen ex- work at Columbia and Ohio Universities. Other present principal of Franklin School. pressed general support of the Board's deci- professional duties have been as director and The third participant in the "musical sion, other; members of the audience stated teacher in the Head Start Program and chair- chairs" round ot administrative changes was objections. Wilson parent Ann Bassler said, man of the elementary cultural arts committee Wilson School principal Grace Kingsbury who, "With declining enrollment and general cut- and the elementary volunteers' committee. it was announced, will till Mr. Titus' post at ting back, I'm beginning to consider it very Franklin after Wilson School closes for good difficult to justify continuing the administrative Principal of Wilson School since 1974, this month. duties of Paul Ryan." Dr. Lucia Bogumil, Grace Kingsbury holds B.S. and M.A, degrees The string of transfers was put into motion president of the Summit Taxpayers' Associa- from Jersey City State College and a Specialist by the upcoming retirement of Paul Ryan who tion, charged that the Board was "playing a in Education degree (Ed.S.) from Rutgers. Her has been Summit's Coordinator of Elementary game of chess," adding that "in spite of cut- varied career has included being a Education for the last two years since he backs elsewhere, there is no relief on the ad- demonstration teacher in the Laboratory himself was eliminated from a principal's job ministrative level." School at Jersey City State College, summers when Roosevelt School was closed. Although spent In Siera Leone. West Africa and in the title and job description are somewhat dif- Asked why Mr. Titus' shift had been Ethiopia teaching in-service courses for ferent, Mr. Davidson's new job will be essen- necessary when Miss Kingsbury could simply African teachers, and serving as a curriculum tially replacing Mr. Ryan, Dr. Fiander said. have been moved to fill the Lincoln vacancy, consultant for the Research and Development Staff Position Dr. Fiander answered, "Mr. Titus welcomed Center in Mental Retardation at Yeshiva In answer to. questions from the audience the change to a bigger school with a more University, In Summit,in addition to her duties about differences in the jobs, the superinten- heterogeneous population. He saw it as a per- as principal. Miss Kingsbury has been dent explained that Mr. Davidson would hold sonal opportunity for growth although he feels chairperson of the Reading-Language Arts "more of a'staff position than a line one." He comfortable that he's done a good job at committee and of the Summit K-12 Language David C. Davidson Grace Kingsbury Russell Titus School Board, Teachers Agree On 2-Year Wage Contract; Increase Put At 9.5% In other business, it was announced that other elementary schools at the conclusion of design and put into effect a "Materials By Anna Cooper B. Clarke is a lawyer specializing in labor M.A. Dsgreo, 1982-83 among Wilson teachers being reassigned to the academic year, four will go to Washington.* A new wage contract for Summit teachers negotiations, however, Mr. Schober stated Center" at Lincoln for special learning Minimum: $16,000 curriculum projects of their own design School, three to Franklin and one each to materials such as kits, educational games and covering the next two years was successfully that the Board owes him "a special vote of Maximum: $28,700 related to teaching, the Board approved a Brayton and Jefferson. maps, providing communication among negotiated and approved by both the Summit thanks." $500 grant for Lincoln Scrrol teacher Under a program established several years teachers on their use for particular kinds ot Education Association (the teachers' bargain- M.A. 30 (credits), 1981-82 The minimum and maximum range in Margaret Bain. Miss Bain will research, ago giving mini-grants to staff members for learners. ing unit) and the Board of Education last Minimum: $16,000 week. The increases come to 9.5%. salaries set forth in the new contract was an- Maximum: $28,600 In announcing the new contract at the nounced as: Board's special meeting on Tuesday, M.A. 30 (credits), 1982-83 School Coaches Claim They're Shortchanged told the Herald that the coaches, without ex- Business Administrator Rudolph A. Schober 8.A. Degree, 1981-82 Minimum: $17,500 ._,, Coaches in the Summit school system ex- scales tor their coaching stait.." After a year pointed out that although there is very little .,_,, Minlnium, $13,400 : pressed 'displeasure this week •with the new ' ception, were .''nighty upset" about' the like we've had athletically," Coach Anderson language change from "the'teacHiraHearfor ' ' Maximum: $23,600 salary negotiations just concluded between allocation of the $15,000 slncetfiey believe said, pointing to successes in football, soccer, contract, the new agreement does delete the Ph.D. » Summit teachers and the Board of Education. that' 'an Inordinate amount of money wen! in- lacrosse and track, "you'd think This would merit pay plan. Merit awards given in previous , $1,000 more on each level above M.A. + 30 to the music area." be trre year to reward the coaches years will be "grartdlathered" with the reci- 8,A Degree, 198Z-83 In a separate agreement on co-cum'cular There are already 16 coaching vacancies, pients retaining them until they retire from the Minimum: $14,500 salaries for 107 assignments which include Mr. Anderson noted, adding, "How can I en- The Summit coaches have formally asked In concluding remarks about the new con- Summit school system. Maximum: $25,400 coaching, music instruction, class advisors tice people to coach when they're not being the Board,,it was learned, for a meeting and tract, Business Administrator Schober said, Mr. Schober also called attention to another and drama, the Board designated $15,000 to paid on a competitive scale?" Summit does an opportunity to express their concern with "This puts our teachers in a good position In innovation this year. Both sides agreed to do cover increases which varied according to the not rank with the other Suburban Conference the pay scale, "We hope the Board will see M.A. Degree, 1981-82 relation to other schools in the area - not at the without the services of their attorneys at the particular assignment. schools, he said. Millburn, New Providence our plight and reconsider," Mr. Anderson Minimum: $14,700 top but in a good position and that's what we bargaining table. Since Board member James Summit Athletic Director Howie Anderson and Madison, for example, all have higher pay stated. Maximum: $26,600 want." Savin Controversy Nearly Gets Resident Booted From Council The Sevin controversy remained alive last sprayed in "error." included Mrs. Starun, who complained of city's railroad crossing bridges on Morris Tuesday night when Common Council was Resolutions proposed by Starun included rashes and vomiting; Dr. Abraham Zimmer- avenue and Springfield avenue. Mr. Blum was again at the receiving end of more brickbats one for re-forestation of gypsy moth-devoured .man of Stockton road, who claimed reports on assurred by Chief Formichella that he would and scoldings from area residents. In fact, trees with costs equal to those used for spray- Sevin contained "statistical errors", and look into the matter since the bus companies one opponent of the Sevin spraying, Alex ing. He also proposed the purchase of traps to Mrs. Margaret Raab of Laurel avenue, who were advised to use Summit avenue and no Starun of Mountain avenue, was nearly expell- eliminate the use of "toxins", close supervi- wanted to .institute a "neighbor to neighbor" other routes until the crossings were repaired.
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