— 1 1 L II mENI KO ..- DIE PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL - \\ - . 0 fJ) fb ‘,&tgity././. itiuitefigehione 1 ff trial a3ette N..s..c... - \\litim. ) Cxtraorbinarp .‘s.o,,,k., 1// IJko -". ffisiele Retrofit (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) naz:. (As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) PRICE: S.A. 40c Plus 5c G.S.T. FOREIGN: 50c PRYS: S.A. 4(k Plus 5c A.V.F.BUITELANDS: 50c 17 AUGUST 1988 4578 Vol. 231 PRETORIA 17 AUGUSTUS 1 GENERAL NOTICE ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING TRANSVAAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TRANSVAALSE ONDERWYSDEPARTEMENT GENERAL NOTICE 1253 OF 1988 ALGEMENE ICENNISGEWING 1253 VAN 1988 ADVERTISING OF VACANT TEACHING POSTS :. Date of commencement of duty: ADVERTERING VAN VAKANTE ONDERWYSPOSTE • 1. Datum van diensaanvaarding: — 1989 Schools —beginning- 2nd term — Colleges of Educadon— beginning 2nd term 1989 ' — — Skole — begin 2e temsyn 1989 Ancillary Education Services 1 January 1989 except where else — indicated Onderwyskolleges— begin 2e termyn 1989 — Onderwyshulpdienste 1 Januarie 1989 behalwe waar anders vermeld t N.B. The required qualifications must be obtained prior to date of com- mencement of duty. L.W.: Vereiste Invalifikasies moat basal word voor datum van diens- . aanvaanling. , 2. Closing Date for Applications 2. Sluilingsdatum van Aansoeke . ,Application close on 7 September 1988 and must please reach the per- 'Die aansoeke sluit op 7 September 1988 en most asseblief die betrokke son concerned, as 7, not later than 16h00 on that , indicated in paragraph iietsoon, coos in paragraaf 7 genoem, nic later rue as 16h00 op hierdie date. datum bereik. 3. Closing Date for Recommendations by Management Councils 3. Sluilingsdatum van Aenbevelings deur Bestuursrade - Recommendations made by Management Councils in respect of pro Aanbevelings van Bestuursrade Los. bevorderingsposte bereik die motion posts should reach the Department not later than 23 November nit later nie as 23 November 1988. 1988. Departement [ 4.1nligtingInformation Supplied deur by Prospective Voornemende Applicants for Promotion Applikante Posts em Bevorderingsposte 4. (a) Appal:ante VERBONDE AAN TOD- INRIGTINGS wat om (a) Applicants ATTACHED TO TED INSTITUTIONS who intend to poste van rektor en vise -rektor b onderwyskolleges, poste by ludp. apply for posts of rector and vice-rector of colleges of education, posts fit - ' dienste en poste van hoot, senior a 'unk- adjunk en departementshoof ancillary services and posts of principal, senior deputy principal, deputy by skate aansoek does, vul TOD IN EN 'N DATASTROKIE en • principal sad head of department at schools should complete TED 486 stunt alit in 'n spade koevert arm die Voorsitter, Keurraad, Privaatsak a — AND A DATA SLIP and despatch these in separate envelope to X76, Pretoria 0001, om hamvoor of op 2.6 Augustus 1988 te battik. the Chairman, Selection Board, Private Bag X76, Pretoria 0001, to 10 reach him before or on 26 August 1988. (b) ANDER applikante viii vorm TOD 486 in (inligting our applikante (b) OTHER applicants should complete form TED 486 (information om bevorderingsposte) en scour dit in 'n a • arte koevert ann die Voorsit- about applicants for promotion posts) and send it in a separate envelope ter Kerinaad, Privaatsak X76, Pretoria i i 11, om hom voor of op 26 to the Chairman, Selection Board, Private Bag X76, Pretoria 0001, to Augustus 1988 te bereik. reach him before or on 26 August 1988. (c) Applikante wat am poste verhonde aim ondentyskolleges aansoek (c) Applicants for posts at colleges of education (excluding posts or rec- does (poste van rektor/vise-rektor uitgesluit) viii die vorm waarop inlig- tor/vice-rector) should complete the form on which information is requir- dug vesting word van applikante om poste van dosentisenior ed from applicants for posts of lecturer/senior lecturer/head of dosenUdepartementshootmede-departementshoof by ondenvyskolleges department/associate head of department at colleges of education, ob- in wat by die Registrateurs van die onderwyskolleges verkrygbaar is, en tamable from the Registrars of the colleges of education, and despatch it stout dit aan die betrokke rektor. to the rector concerned. 5. Procedure for applying 5. Wyse waarop aansoek gedoen word (a) Separate applications are to be submitted for each vacancy on form (a) Afsonderlilce aansoeke word vir elke vakature op vorm TOD 487 TED 487, which is provided specially for this purpose and is obtain- ingedien wat spesiaal vir die doel beskikbaar is en by able from school board offices, schools and colleges of education. A skoolraadskantore, skole en onderwyskotleges verkrygbaar is. 'n curriculum vitae may be included. Kurrilculum vitae kan ingesluit word. (b) The post number of the vacancy for which application is made is to (b) Die posnommer van die vakature waarom aansoek gedoen word, be inserted in the appropriate space. The reference number appears word in die toepaslike mimic ingevul. Die verwysnommer opposite the requirements for each post. In view of the increasing verskyn teenoor die vereistes vir elke pos. Die toenemende gebruik use of the computer, it is essential that this number be furnished van die rekenoutomaat mark dit noodsaakiik dat hierdie nonuner fully and accurately. volledig en akkurnat aangedui word. (c) Copies of testimonials are to be attached to each separate applica- (c) Afskrifte van getuigskrifte word by elke afsonderlike aansoek aan- k tion. (Originals of testimonials will not be returned.) geheg. (Oorspronklike getuigskrifte sal nie terugbesorg word nie.) W (d) Applicants are to furnish their private addresses and telephone (d) Applikante verstrek hul private adresse en tetefoonnommers (in - numbers (if any) on form TED 487. dien enige) op vorm TOD 487. 1. _ '2 PROVINCIAL GAZETI'E EXTRAORDINARY, 17 AUGUST 1988 (e) The envelope in which applications are forwarded is to be marked (e) Die woord "Aansoeke" word op die koevert waarin aansoeke aan- "Applications". gestuur word, aangebring. A III (f) Applications must bear the necessary postage. (It is suggested that (f) Aansoeke moet van die vereiste posseels voorsien wees. (Daar applications be forwarded by registered post:) . word aan die hand gedoen dat aansoeke per geregistreerde pos ver- send word.) (g) Applicants may include a franked, addressed envelope with each application so that unsuccessful candidates may be notified of the (g) Applikante mag 'n - geadresseerde, efrankeerde koevert by elke outcome by the rector/principal as soon is he has been informed by aansoek insluit sodat die rektor/hoof onsuksesvolle applikante van the Department. die uitslag kan verwittig sodra hy deur die Departement daarvan in kennisgestel word. 6. The following documents must be dispatched to the Director of Edu- cation: 6. Die volgende dokumente moet aan die Direkteur van Ondenvys ge- stmwsvord: (a) Applicants temporarily in the service of the Department and appli- cams applying for posts within the TED for the first time (a) Applikante tydelik in diens van die Departement asook applikante wat vir die eerste keer ma poste by die TOD aansoek doen (i) Form TED 133 (Health Questionnaire) (i) Vorm TOD 133 (Gesondheidsvraelys). (ii) In the case of a married woman, a statement by her husband (ii) In die geval van 'n getroude vrou, 'n verklaring van haar eg- in which he declares that he has no objection to his spouse's genoot dat hy teen beswaar daartoe het dat sy eggenote in 'n being employed by the TED in a permanent capacity. permanente hoedanigheid deur die TOD in diens geneem word nie. (b) Applicants applying for posts within the TED for the first time (Prospective applicants must be registered as teachers with the (b) Applikante wat vir die eerste keer om poste by die TOD aansoek TED.) doen (Voomemende applikante word as onderwyser by die TOD geregistreer). Form TED I (Teachers' Registration Form), obtainable Vorm TOD I (Onderwysersregistrasievorm), verkrygbaar from the Director of Education, Private Bag X76, Pretoria van die Direkteur van Ondenvys, Privaatsak X76, Pretoria, 0001 or at telephone (012) 201-3162 or at Regional Offices. 0001, of by telefoon (012) 201-3162 of by Streekkantore. (c) Registration with the Teachers' Federal Council for Whites (Certi- (c) Registrasie by die Federale Onderwysersraad vir Blankes (Gewaar- a requirement for appointment for all applicants. fled copy) is merkte Matra) is 'a vereiste vir aanstelling vir alle applikante. a (d) Applicants must be citizens of the Republic of South Africa. (This (d) Applikante moet burgers van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika wets. requirement is not applicable to teachers who are already employed (fherdie vereiste is me van toepassing op onderwysers wat alreeds in a permanent capacity in the service of the Department). in 'n permanente hoedanigheid in diens van die Departement is nie). 7. To whom Applications should be directed 7. Aanwie Aansoeke prig meet word The applications (as the case may be) are to be directed to one of the Die aansoeke word (na gelang van die geval) aan een van die volgende following: gerig: (i) In the case of posts attached to Ancillary Education Services (i) In die geval van poste verbonde aan die Onderwyshulp- and Regional Offices to the Director of Education, Private dienste en Streekkantore, aan die Direkteur van Onderwys, Bag X76, Pretoria 0001. Privaatsak X76, Pretoria, 0001. (ii) In the case of posts of rector, vice-rector, principal, senior (ii) In die geval van poste van rektor, vise-rektor, hoof, senior deputy principal, deputy principal and head of department adjunk-hoof, ad)unk-hoof en departementshoof
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