!. - u», \ www.talonmarks.com ONLY ONLINE -11 •/MOVIE S Cerritos College held a Steve Martin stars University Mini-Fair in "Bringing Down Tuesday. For details, visit the House." Read the review on TALON J www.talonmarks.com PAGE 4. MARKS *• Wednesday, March 12,2003 Cerritos College • Norwalk, California Volume 48, No. 20 Run for 2003-04 ASCC President $: No W'cW Applications now available for candidates. *• *f L \\\\\\\\\\A' %c Alicia Warner ballot. READY TO editor in chief The Presidential RUN? candidate needs to The Associated know who their run­ Students of Cerritos • 2.25 GPA ning mate is when College is beginning • Enrolled in coming to pick up the the applications five units • Cannot application. iliililfll! process for the 2003 have a One of the last presidential elec­ failing things the candidates tions. grade in need to do is have The application class the semester 100 people (students) became available to before sign a petition so that the student body on term. the candidates can be Monday. • Sophomore placed on the ballot. Students can go standing "The 100 stu­ pick up the applica­ dents that sign the tion in the Office of Student petition have to be valid stu­ Activities, located near the dents. So there mom and dad bookstore. can't sign the petition so they "So far we have only had can run for office," Monge two students pick up applica­ said. tions for the elections," said When an applicant is Liz Monge, program assistant done filling the requirements in student activities. for the ballot, the ballot can t g tit t 'f' There are requirements ».it. J be turned into student activi­ that the candidates have to ties. ^ h\rd% kn jaw** meet before being placed on t The numbers that will be the 2003 ballot. ii _ given for the official ballot Students must have a 2.25 for elections will be a reflec­ GPA from previous semester tion of which candidate turns 1 before term and during office rrr»7 it\H^w'l.1,r• tea**" - the application in first. term. The deadline for submis­ They must have five units 1 sion of applications is March S'v during the term in office. MA m- 28 by 4 p.mrrs They cannot have a fail­ The presidential elections ing grade in class the semes­ i will be held on April 23 and ter before term. 24. Candidates Must be in For more information on Sophomore standing. the presidential elections call There are a couple of Student activities at (562) other requirements the can­ 860-2451 ext. 2475. didates need to meet before Contact Writer at: they are officially on the ffl editor@talonmarks. com Scholars' Honors CHAD UYENO / TM including some Cerritos students, gather in Hollywood on Feb. 15. conference held s from all over California gather in Hollywood to Rebecca DeLaney hile a single voice protests alone at Cerritos College. features editor £ 6 It's great opportuni­ The Scholar Honors ty to show their LAUREN RODRIGUEZ Lopez begins his reason Program went to the third annu­ research and ideas NEWS EDITOR ; for protesting by clarifying al research conference held at in front of an audi-* UCIonMar. 1. ence. Students can veryday after work I what he believes to be The Honors Transfer get great feedback." ; essential to understanding Council of California presented pick an intersection the conference. TTie purpose of —KIMBERLY DUFF ,\ and stand on it and his cause. the conference was for other professor of psychology E try to get the message of "There is a major miscon­ students to showcase their ception about this war. As a research to students from two or were in the Scholars' Honors peace out,"Cerritos College four-year college's all over Program and were completing graduate, Hueteo Lopez nation, we are still licking our southern California and receive their Honors project. says. wounds from 9/11. While feedback from the audience. Some of the topics covered we're healing, the George The cost to go was $25. Last week, thousands of included child abuse, relation­ Bush administration is telling Two groups of students ships with self-esteem and students assembled all over from Cerritos College went to aggression, genetics of fruit California to protest the us that Iraq had something the conference to present their flies and self-esteem stereo­ to do with that. But major research on psychology, sociol­ war on Iraq. types of obese women to name ogy, economics, and intelligence agencies have a few. The sessions were orga­ On the corner of health/physical education. til nized under subjects. Stiidebaker and Alondra, proved that Iraq had nothing Students who wanted to UYENO / TM Speeches were about 15 to do with 9/11." attend had to write a proposal Cerritos had its own small minutes each and had to be statement on what they wanted to demon­ rally. See Protest Page 2 strate. All members that attend­ written out first before it was ed were undergraduate students. shared with the audience. Most students who went See CONFERENCE Page 2 > DOMESTIC- Campus seminar addresses domestic violence ilVIOLENCE Four guest speakers, share their experiences of domestic violence to Cerritos College students Denise Gonzalez Angeles police officer. reflects on his past. He is now a domestic fit staff writer David Garcia, the survivor, grew up violence educator and State Certified in a home with an abusive father. "As Counselor for the youth. He demonstrates The Punjabi Students Association a kid, I thought it was nonrial for me dramatic presentations with the use of skits presented a Domestic Violence and my family to have violence in our to bring a better understanding for kids. Seminar on Monday, hosted by Diane home," said Garcia. He believed that Derek Moore is a Graduated Pirtle, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology at humiliation on a daily basis was "nor­ Reformed Batterer who works with Cerritos College. mal," until his mother finally left to ANDREA RODRIGUEZ / TM Batterers to break though the denial The seminar introduced four guest seek help in a women's shelter. From left, David Garcia State Certified Domestic Violence Counselor, Derek Moore Reformed Batterer, process. speakers: a domestic violence survivor, Meldie Malone WSU Prosecutor, Curry Jamison IAPD Officer, Elia Renteria State of California Legal Years later and all grown up, Garcia Advocate and Marie Brand Cerritos College student. batterer, district attorney and a Los has made his career a positive one that See Violenca Page 2 Talon Marks * March 12,2003 PAGE 2 Money Talks JESSICA SICKLES vote and only Gutierrez opposed; the A&E EDITOR new deal. In a presentation that lasted more Student input on this issue was than an hour in the discussion phase, asked for by Epple, but rto statistics the Board has approved a plan to on student banks were presented at the change our campus ATM service. meeting and the vote passed without On the plus side for students, we them. are looking at two ATMs to start, with Cerritos stands to gain an added a third to be added shortly after. $500 a month in rental for the change The locations include the existing over, plus an added $ 1,000 bonus if kiosk and a new machine by the stu­ transaction activity exceeds $10,000. dent activities center. The third may And in other money issues, the be placed somewhere near the new Board, with some dissent and warn­ nursing building, on the south side of ing, granted the hiring of Luis campus. Rodriguez as a full time The new ATMs will be maintenance mechanic for Anti-War serviced by Financial the woodworking depart­ ment. Protest Partners Credit Union, which may inconvenience The job will pay Info some students. $3,002.00 a month in All credit union mem­ salary for the certified bers will be able to withdraw machinist who will be on California money service free of charge. sight to make repairs and do and the Members of any other banking safety inspections on the South­ institution, however, will be charged machines that run in the area of 16 western US: Pushing in the final nail hours a day, seven days a week. one dollar. The fee amount is based Anywhere: on a verbal commitment by Financial The long-term cost of hiring con­ the class with inspiration and motiva­ Every month, the Cerritos Student Protest Music for REBECCA DELANEY Partners' representatives. tract repair men will be greatly your Event FEATURES EDITOR tion. We are very impressed with her Woodworking Association selects an That does not include the fees you reduced with this added position to the Woodworking student Nicole natural talent." outstanding woodworking student to may inquire from your bank. woodworking faculty. California Lopez, recently named student of the After the award was presented, name student of the month. Washington Mutual, for example, has Board member Epple and others and the month, was awarded with a framed Colgan showed the Board the wonder­ This month that student was Nicole been known to charged as much as were not easily convinced that the Southwestern certificate and the recently printed arti­ ful nightstand and toolbox Lopez cre­ Lopez. $2.50 for alternative ATM transac­ expenditure was necessary, warning US:World cle in the Wood Digest magazine of her ated. "When I work tions. that when the crunching begins, the wide: WORLD achievements during the Board of Both projects were made with vi.ri- with wood, I get lost Concerns about these fees, and part time workers in the woodshops PEACE PUZZLE Trustees meeting last Wednesday. ous hardware and mahogany.
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