Post-transcriptional regulation of α-synuclein and link to Parkinson’s disease Domenica Marchese TESI DOCTORAL UPF / ANY 2016 DIRECTOR DE LA TESI Dr. Gian Gaetano Tartaglia DEPARTAMENT OF BIOINFORMATICS AND GENOMICS AT CENTRE FOR GENOMIC REGULATION (CRG) ii Acknowledgments The people that I met during this journey and that in one way or another have influenced my life, my person, my way of thinking, are many. First of all, my supervisor Gian. Thank you for choosing me as your first experimental PhD student (!). Thank you for giving me this great chance, for trusting me even when things were going into ‘uncertain’ directions, and for making me believe that I was mature enough for facing new challenges and managing difficulties. You also showed me the importance of ‘thinking outside the box’ and keeping an open-minded attitude toward science. I feel that I have grown a lot during the last four years, and this is in great part because of you. Thank you Davide. You know how precious you became for me during these years. You are a great person, a professional colleague and amazing friend. The calmness, the wisdom and the optimism with which you are naturally gifted helped me many many times. I always felt free to express myself when I was with you because I never felt judged, not a single time! This is something that I’ve always appreciated a lot from you. The past and present lab mates who have worked in close contact with me: Silvia, Teresa, Joana and Elias. I don’t need to say the obvious. You know that I have learnt a lot from you at the professional level, but not only. Silvia, you are the first one who pushed me to develop my criticism toward science. Teresa, you and Benni are my model of “multitasking wonder women”. From the very beginning the professional interaction with you, Teresa, was very smooth, as if we already knew each other! Later, I also discovered a great person with an exquisite sense of humour and I started to enjoy working with you, which is something that is not obvious at all. Joana, you are as authentic as the ‘sardinhas assadas no dia de Santo Antonio’, you showed me the importance of being faithful to yourself and to avoid making compromises. From you I learnt that to be a good scientist it is fundamental to keep a balance between the rigor of the intellect and the freedom of imagination. Feeding our creativity and keeping a space where we can escape ‘common rules’ are as important as working with commitment and responsability. Elias, it was a pleasure to share my last steps at CRG with such a good scientist and generous person! You caught me in a moment when I was tired and disoriented but you were anyway able to inject me with your dose of enthusiasm and confidence, thank you! Thank you Benni! You are the one who better know about my journey through the PhD and I really have to thank you for all the precious advices along the years. Your enthusiasm for science is contagious, so thank you for reminding me the “bright side” of being a scientist also in those moments when my motivation was touching the ground J. I am very grateful also to all the other members of the Tartaglia lab for all the hilarious moments. Federico, Nieves, Riccardo, Carmen, Stefanie, Fernando, Alex, Alessandro, Natalia, Iona, Petr, Marta, Laura and Irene, life in the lab was much more enjoyable with all of you (especially with Fernando and his amazing stories)! And then Sergio, you have always been a sweet friend to me. Thank you for sharing “tears and joy” of the PhD. The funny games in the lab and the long ‘confessions’ on the way home after long and tiring working days have warmed my heart and filled it with joy. Thanks also to the “Aire de Barcelona” and future “Camino de Santiago” team, Silvina and Alessandra, for all the good times, the complicity, the nice dinners and chats with a glass of wine (chicas the best is yet to come!). Francis, sono felice di aver trovato una nuova amica arrivando a Barcellona. Dal giorno in cui siamo arrivate in questa favolosa cittá e ci siamo conosciute cercando casa sotto la pioggia battente, ne é passata di acqua sotto i ponti! Non dimenticheró mai tutti i momenti felici, le risate, gli episodi tragicomici, le ansie e gli entusiasmi condivisi! Ti ringrazio per essere stata una parte importante di questa tappa della mia vita e ci auguro di continuare a coltivare questa amicizia (visto che hai finalmente guadagnato la sezione “amicizie” e non sei piú in quella dei “coinquilini”? ahahah). Alessietta! Sei una delle persone con piú risorse ed energie che io conosca. Non sai quanto ammiri il tuo inesauribile entusiasmo e quanto ti sia grata per avermi sempre spronato ad essere coraggiosa e a seguire il mio istinto! Alessandra, in te ho trovato una persona autentica e dall’intelletto raffinato. Ascoltare le tue storie e parlare con te é sempre stato molto piacevole e stimolante. Grazie anche per le sbronze improvvisate al mercoledí sera nella Barceloneta! Vale, mi conosci da piú di metá della mia vita, sono felice che il destino ci abbia fatto rincontrare qui e ti sono grata per la voglia di fare, viaggiare ed esplorare che mi trasmetti ogni volta che mi parli. A lo largo de mi vida en Barcelona, he tenido también la suerte de compartir mi tiempo y espacio con maravillosos compañeros de piso: Azahara, Davide, Paolo, Michele, Paola y Hans. Cada uno con iv sus peculiaridades, sus pequeñas obsesiones, su lado divertido. Aquel día que me vaya de Barcelona me llevare’ recuerdos muy lindos de cada uno de vosotros. Azahara y Davide, sois una bomba de energía y entusiasmo, gracias por transmitírmelo! Paolo, eres una persona muy buena y generosa. Michele y Paola, gracias por darme la bienvenida en casa y por haber sido tan amables durante estos últimos meses de escritura loca ofreciéndome comida y suporte moral! Hans, has sido el vecino de habitación mas guay que podría haber esperado tener. Sentirse libre de hablar sola o de cantar porque tu inquilino al lado también lo hace, no es algo muy común! Y gracias por las risas, los frutos secos, el rocódromo, y todos los pequeños gestos de generosidad. Gracias Barcelona, gracias por tu lado mas espectacular hecho de luces, colores, maravillosos edificios, parques, fiestas y gente de todas partes. Y gracias también por tu lado mas oscuro y enigmático que siempre me ha llamado la atención. Es curioso cómo sentí estar como en casa tras solo un mes viviendo aquí. Eres una cuidad hermosa y encantadora donde parece que siempre puede pasar cualquier cosa! Ed eccoci qui, famiglia! So che in questi anni avete un pó sofferto le mie lunghissime assenze e improvvise sparizioni. Nonostante ció, avete sempre pazientemente atteso che io riapparissi e non mi avete mai negato la vostra comprensione e generositá. Potrei scrivere qui per ore di quanto siete speciali per me e di quanto senza il vostro supporto e i vostri insegnamenti non avrei mai potuto raggiungere questo traguardo, ma qualsiasi parola non sará mai sufficiente ad esprimere tutta la mia gratitudine. Grazie per avermi donato le ali ed un nido a cui fare ritorno. v Domenica Marchese received a FPI doctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance (MINECO), BES-2012- 052457 during the period 2012-2016. The work was also funded by European Research Council (RIBOMYLOME_309545) and Center for Genomic Regulation Severo Ochoa excellence grant SEV-2012- 0208. vii viii Abstract The role of RNA processing in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases is still poorly understood. α-synuclein (SNCA) is a presynaptic neuronal protein known as the major component of Lewy bodies, the pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Recent evidence suggests a link between the pathogenesis of PD and the expression of SNCA mRNA isoforms with 3’ untranslated region (3’UTR) of different lengths. The purpose of my doctoral studies was the discovery of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) regulating SNCA at the post-transcriptional level by binding its 3’UTR. Using computational and experimental approaches, I identified a number of trans-acting elements that physically interact with SNCA and potentially control its metabolism. I especially focused on the characterization of two RBPs, ELAVL1 and TIAR, and showed their implication in SNCA mRNA stability and translation efficiency. These two factors might play important roles in the maintenance of α- synuclein level and functionality in physiological and pathological conditions. ix x Resum Se sap ben poc sobre el paper del processament del RNA en la patogènesi de les malalties neurodegeneratives. L’α-sinucleïna (SNCA) és una proteïna neuronal presinàptica i el principal component dels cossos de Lewy, que al seu torn són la troballa patològica característica en la malaltia de Parkinson (MP). Recentment s’ha suggerit un lligam entre la patogènesi de la MP i l’expressió d’isoformes del mRNA de SNCA amb diferents longituds de les regions de 3’ no traduïdes (en anglès conegudes com a untranslated regions UTRs). El propòsit dels meus estudis de doctorat és descobrir les proteïnes que uneixen el RNA de SNCA i el regulen a nivell posttranscripcional. Gràcies a una combinació d’estratègies computacionals i experimentals he identificat elements que interaccionen físicament amb SNCA i potencialment en regulen el metabolisme actuant en trans. M’he centrat en la caracterització de dues proteïnes que uneixen RNA, ELAVL1 i TIAR, i mostro la seva implicació en la regulació de l’estabilitat del mRNA i l’eficiència en la seva traducció.
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