● ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Luís Carlos Borges Rodrigues SKATEABLE SPACES: FOUND SPACE AND THE PURPOSELY BUILT SKATE SPACE IN PORTUGAL - PERCEPTION, TRENDS, OPPORTUNITIES AND MISTAKES RULARUUM: LEITUD RUUM JA TEADLIKULT LOODUD RULAMAASTIKUD PORTUGALIS – ETTEKUJUTUS, TRENDID, VÕIMALUSED JA VEAD Master’s thesis in Landscape Architecture Supervisor: Professor Simon Bell, Phd Tartu 2020 Dedications to Ruben probably my first skate buddy who left us way too soon! rest in peace to Jorge Rodrigues who despite not understanding skateboarding took me to a skate shop in 2004 located 430km away from my everyday skate spots where I got my first decent skateboard, and who was also the first to recommend me to enrol in Landscape Architecture studies. to Alexandre Cunha who indirectly introduced me to skateboarding by inviting me to play THPS in the early 2000s! to André Lage the jack of all trades who has tried all the extreme sports and my most loyal companion in street skate sessions to Simon Bell and Friedrich Kuhlmann for the opportunity I was given in 2016 to fulfill the old dream of studying Landscape Architecture abroad to Tony Hawk I would not be writing this thesis if it weren’t for the THPS saga. The concept for this work (skateable landscapes) largely comes from the high degree of skateability (far exceeding reality) allowed in the game’s virtual environments (although often based in real locations) THPS was my gateway to skateboarding world and for that, as for the rest you have been doing for skateboarding and skateboarders, thank you. to all the skateboard and extreme sports stakeholders in Portugal Thank you and let’s keep on pushing! 1 Lihtlitsents lõputöö salvestamiseks ja üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks ning juhendaja(te) kinnitus lõputöö kaitsmisele lubamise kohta Mina, Luís Carlos Borges Rodrigues, (sünnipäev 01/06/1989) 1. annan Eesti Maaülikoolile tasuta loa (lihtlitsentsi) enda loodud lõputöö Rularuum: leitud ruum ja teadlikult loodud rulamaastikud Portugalis – ettekujutus, trendid, võimalused ja vead, mille juhendaja on professor Simon Bell, PhD, 1.1. salvestamiseks säilitamise eesmärgil, 1.2. digiarhiivi DSpace lisamiseks ja 1.3. veebikeskkonnas üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni; 2. olen teadlik, et punktis 1 nimetatud õigused jäävad alles ka autorile; 3. kinnitan, et lihtlitsentsi andmisega ei rikuta teiste isikute intellektuaalomandi ega isikuandmete kaitse seadusest tulenevaid õigusi. Lõputöö autor ______________________________ allkiri Tartu, 18.08.2020. Juhendaja(te) kinnitus lõputöö kaitsmisele lubamise kohta Luban lõputöö kaitsmisele. _______________________________________ _____________________ (juhendaja nimi ja allkiri) (kuupäev) _______________________________________ _____________________ (juhendaja nimi ja allkiri) (kuupäev) 2 Eesti Maaülikool Magistritöö lühikokkuvõte Krewtzwaldi 1, Tartu 51014 Autor: Luís Carlos Borges Rodrigues Õppekava: Maastikuarhitektuur Pealkiri: Rularuum: leitud ruum ja teadlikult loodud rulamaastikud Portugalis – ettekujutus, trendid, võimalused ja vead Lehekülgi: 183 Jooniseid: 56 Tabeleid: 1 Lisasid: 6 Osakond: Maastikuarhitektuuri osakond Uurimisvaldkond: Juhendaja: Simon Bell Kaitsmiskoht ja -aasta: Tartu, 2020 Rulatamiseks on vaja sobivat maastiku, milleks võivad olla nii avaliku ruumi paigad tänavatel kui rulapargid. Rulapargi olemasolu avalikus ruumis sõltub tavaliselt kohalikust omavalitsusest ning kui tavalised tänavad on rulatatavad, siis seda tihti ainult tänu juhusele. Sageli aga tänavad rulatamiseks ei sobi, olgu põhjuseks siis jällegi puhas juhus või plaanipärane disain (nt rulatamist takistavad tõkestused). Rulapargi olemasolu linnas ei tähenda alati head rulatamise keskkonda, kuna parkidel on tihti mitmed puudujäägid. Veelgi problemaatilisem on rulapargi täielik puudumine. Selle uurimistöö ulatuspiirkond oli Portugali maismaa kui tervik. Uurimistöö eesmärk oli heita pilk sellele, missugune olukord valitseb Portugalis rulamaastike osas täna ja kuidas need on arenenud. Selleks uuriti rulamaastike järk-järgult satelliidipildi kaudu ja tehti üldist uurimistööd internetis, sh sotsiaalmeedia platvormidel. Kogumaks teavet neilt, kes Portugali rulamaastike ise kogevad, viidi rulatajate hulgas läbi põhjalik küsimustik ning mõned vabas vormis intervjuud. Lisaks koguti vaatlusandmeid sukeldudes sotsiaalmeediasse. Disaini ja planeerimisega on võimalik seada eesmärgiks “rulasõbralik” linn, kus arvestatakse selle konkreetse kasutajarühmaga. Uurimistöös arutletakse selle üle, et rulamaastike disain peaks olema avaliku ruumi disaini lahutamatu osa ning et rulatamine peaks olema osa omavalitsuste kultuuri- ja spordiprogrammist. Märksõnad: rulatamine, õigus kasutada avalikku ruumi, mängulisus, sobimused, rulatamise kaasamine avaliku ruumi disainis, rulasõbralikud linnad 3 Estonian University of Life Sciences Abstract of Master’s Thesis Krewtzwaldi 1, 51014 Author: Luís Carlos Borges Rodrigues Curriculum: Landscape Architecture Title: Skateable spaces: found space and the purposely built skate space in Portugal - perception, trends, opportunities and mistakes Pages:183 Figures: 56 Tables:1 Appendixes: 6 Department: Landscape Architecture Field of Research: Supervisor: Simon Bell Place and date: Tartu, 2020 Skateboarding action requires a suitable space. Such space spans from everyday places to skateboard parks. Skatepark provision typically relies on local authorities, whereas the general streets are often skateable by pure chance and conversely, are at times, adverse to skateboarders whether equally by chance or by design (defensive architecture). Existing skateparks in a city do not always guarantee a skate-friendly environment, as they often have several limitations. The absence of a skatepark though is even more problematic. The research scope of this research was Portugal mainland as a whole. This research aimed to take a look at contemporary skate space in Portugal and analyse its evolution. The spatial research was piecemeal undertaken via satellite and overall internet research, including through social media platforms. To gain insight from those who experience the skateable space in Portugal, an in-depth questionnaire was laid out and a few informal interviews were conducted. Furthermore, observations were carried out through extensive social media ‘dive’. Through design and planning, we can aim for skate-friendly cities that are inclusive, not exclusive, of this particular user group. Thus, the design of skate space as an integral part of public space design is discussed, as well as including skateboarding in the cultural and sports programming of a city. Keywords: skateboarding, right to use public spaces, playfulness, affordances, designing for inclusion of skateboarding in public spaces, skate-friendly cities 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables 8 List of Figures 8 1. Introduction 12 1.2. Research Questions 13 1.3. Skateboarding terrains overview: Essential History highlighting major changes and novelties in technology, practices and skate spaces 13 1.3.1. Forerunners 13 1.3.2. Surf Era 14 1.3.3. The technologies of 1970s that set the ground for the modern skateboard and skateboarding 18 1.3.4. Riding walls - The 1970s skateboarding 21 1.3.5. Vertical skating and the birth of modern street-skating 28 2. Literature review 32 2.1. Skateboardable space 32 2.1.1. The world of possibilities - Affordances 32 2.1.2. Skateboard-able by chance 40 2.1.3. Skateboardable by design 44 Skateboard facilities 45 Community Skateparks 50 DIY - Do-it-Yourself skate space 52 Public space designed to integrate skateboarding 54 Skate friendly cities 57 3. Methods used for this research 58 3.1. Introduction to methods 58 3.2. Data collection 59 3.2.1. Mapping the facilities and urban skate spots 60 3.2.2. Demand, petitions, campaigns 62 3.2.3. Set the Population to observe and ask input from 65 3.2.4. Self-completion questionnaire with national scope 66 4. Findings 67 4.1. Provided skate terrains - municipal skateparks in Portugal mainland 67 Who builds and who designs? 69 4.2. DIY skate space 73 4.3. Demand 78 4.4. Results and analysis of in-depth questionnaire 81 Where does this qualitative data come from? 82 The profile of the respondent 82 Where do they skate? 83 5 What elements can they find? 84 Their local skatepark 85 Their personal struggles as skateboarders 87 The nearest skatepark 88 Wishes for change 90 5. Discussion and conclusion 92 Reference List 98 Bibliography and other references 99 Papers 99 Podcasts 101 Websites 101 News (in Portuguese) 103 Videos observed 104 Appendix [1] - Glossary 105 Appendix [2] - In-depth questionnaire 110 SECTION 1: LOCAL EXPERIENCE AND LOCAL SPOTS 110 SECTION 2: MY SKATEPARK 112 SECTION 3: COMMUNITY AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT 116 SECTION 4: ABOUT YOU 117 Appendix [3] - A birds eye tour - OVERVIEW BY DISTRICT - skate facilities and skate spots 121 Aveiro District (north) (01) 126 Beja District (south) 132 Distrito de Braga (north) 137 Bragança District (north) 141 Castelo Branco District (centre) 143 Coimbra District (centre) 145 Évora District (south) 146 Faro District (south) (Algarve Region) 147 Guarda District (north) 147 Leiria District (centre) 148 Lisboa District (centre) 149 Portalegre District (centre) 153 Porto District (north) 154 Santarém District (centre) 155 Setúbal District (south) 156 Viana do Castelo District (north) 158 Vila Real District (north) 163 Viseu District (north) 168 Appendix [4] - coordinates
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