THE 22nd SOVIET CONGRESS Moscow-Peking Rift Deepens B y M urry Weiss leaders addressed themselves above all to the Soviet referred to Khrushchev as a “revisionist.” Since then working masses and youth. The program they presented Moscow has increasingly withdrawn credit and military OCT. 24 — The long pent-up struggle between Mos­ was studded with promises of greater democracy, higher installations from Albania. Recently Peking announced cow and Peking erupted at the 22nd Congress of the living standards, greater equality and other reforms. Such it was offering that country $123 million — a sum equal Soviet Communist Party when Khrushchev denounced concessions and promises are reflections of the irresist- the Albanian Communist Party, which is closely allied to all the credits from the Soviet bloc during Albania’s able demands of the Soviet masses. previous Five Year Plan. with Peking, as guilty of the Stalinist “cult of person­ The public dispute was of Moscow’s, not Peking’s, a lity .” choosing. The fuse was lit by the Kremlin’s calculated On the Congress’ third day, Chou En-lai, Premier of Simultaneously Khrushchev renewed the campaign exclusion of the Albanian Workers (Communist) Party the People’s Republic of China, rose in public opposition within the Soviet CP against the 1957 “anti-party” group as a fraternal delegation. Then in his opening speech, to the Kremlin’s attack on the Albanians, although he of Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov and Voroshilov. This Oct. 17, Khrushchev accused the Albanian CP of having refrained from mentioning Khrushchev by name “Open was the first time the latter was publicly added to the “ embarked on the road of a sharp worsening of relations condemnation of a fraternal party,” Chou said, “can only list. Speakers then attacked them as “criminal,” “de­ with our party and the Soviet Union.” Moreover, “the grieve our friends and gladden our enemies.” generate” and bearing “personal responsibility” for Stal­ Albanian leaders do not hide the fact that the course The next day, Oct. 20, Anastas Mikoyan, first deputy in’s mass murders and frame-ups. taken by our party towards a decisive overcoming of the premier of the USSR, with arguments obviously aimed In each case of this double barrage, the Khrushchevites harmful consequences of the cult of Stalin’s individuality at China, accused the Albanian CP of “sliding into a repeatedly invoked the revelations about the Stalin cult does not please them .” nationalist position.” Top Soviet and party officials and made at the historic 20th Congress of the Soviet CP. At the conference of the 81 Communist Parties in foreign delegates now joined in a command roll call The open cleavage between Moscow and Peking and Moscow a year ago, Albania openly supported Peking’s of speeches supporting Khrushchev and by condemning the new attack on the “anti-party” group were position on “peaceful coexistence” and related matters. Albania and its “cult of leadership.” dramatic high points in a Congress where the Kremlin Enver Hoxha, head of the Albanian regime, reportedly (Continued on Page 2) Latin Americans THE Put Brake on U.S. Drive Against Cuba By Harry Ring MILITANT The mounting anti-imperialist movement in Latin America is Published in the Interests of the Working People putting new stumbling blocks in the way of the Wall Street-organ­ Vol. 25 - No. 39 Monday, October 30, 1961 Price 10c ized gang-up on Cuba. Coincident with reports of revolutionary demonstrations in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and the Dominican Re­ public, came word from Wash­ Monroe Civil Rights Fighter ington Oct. 24 that the major Latin American countries had forced postponement of a pro­ Released on $15,000 Bail jected meeting of the Organization of American States which was to Richard Crowder, 19, a defend­ full sum in cash were made by have laid the basis for “hemis­ ant in the trumped-up kidnap the Committee to Aid the Monroe pheric action” against Cuba. case against Negroes and Freedom Defendants. Its chairman, Dr. A. The demand for postponement Riders in Monroe, N.C., was re­ E. Perry of Monroe, personally came from the governments of leased on $15,000 b ail Monday, carried out the technicalities of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Uru­ Rock-hurling Dominican students pursue secret police down guay and Ecuador and mocked the Oct. 23. having Crowder released and ac­ the street in Ciudad Trujillo after cops used guns and clubs to Oct. 11 words of Secretary of Arrangements for posting the companied him from the Union smash an ti-T ru jillo demonstrations. County jail to his home. It was State Rusk who said the pending the biggest bail the clerk of the OAS meeting demonstrated that court has received in the 20 years Latin America was becoming in­ High Court Sends he has occupied the post. creasingly “disturbed” about the Castro regime. Demonstrations by Students Richard Crowder was born and brought up in Monroe, graduating Fresh Jo lt De Gregory to Jail last year from Winchester High, The state or New Hampshire the segregated school there. When Washington suffered another RockDominican Dictatorship was handed another w itch -h u n t the Freedom Riders went to Mon­ jolt with the Oct. 22 press dis­ OCT. 24 — Continuing mass viously refused to consider the victim Oct, 23 when the Supreme roe this past August, local Negro closure that one Col. Mariano demonstrations by students and plea until twelve military men, Court upheld, 5-4, the contempt youth formed the Monroe Non- Faget, a top-ranking Batista conviction of Hugo De Gregory workers are shaking the Trujillo associates or relatives of Trujillo Violent Action Committee to work henchman, was employed by the Sr., had left the country. for refusing to cooperate with with them. Crowder was elected U.S. Immigration Service to inter­ dictatorship in the Dominican Re­ State Attorney General Wyman, Balaguer, him self a close asso­ president of the MNVAC. rogate and screen Cuban refugees public. President Joaquin Bala- a one-man “anti-subversive” in­ ciate of the bloody dictator who In addition to bailing out at the Opa-Locka detention cen­ guer, after seven days of demon­ ruled the island nation for 30 vestigating committee. Crowder, the Committee to Aid ter near Miami. De Gregory now faces a year in strations sparked by students at years until he was assassinated the Monroe Defendants this past prison. Embarrassed State Department the University of Santo Domingo, last May, was obviously attempt­ weekend delivered a station About seven years ago De Gre­ spokesmen said that they hadn’t announced Oct. 23 that “several ing to conciliate some sections of wagon and trailer load of food gory returned voluntarily from known Faget was being used in members” of the Trujillo family the opposition in an effort to keep and clothing to the needy and California to testify on behalf of th a t p a rticu la r capacity and that were leaving the country. Two the Dom inican masses fro m break­ hard-pressed colored community his father-in-law who had been he would be removed from the brothers of the late tyrant Rafael ing out in a social revolution. of Monroe. brought before Wyman. On his re­ job. (They didn’t deny that they Trujillo Sr. were among those Just before Balaguer made his Crowder is the second of four turn he was quickly subpeonaed knew he was employed by the reported leaving, but the tyrant’s offer, government agents closed people arrested in the kidnap as a subject of investigation him­ Immigration Service and they also son, Rafael Jr., who heads the the headquarters of the Dominican frame-up now out on bond. Mrs. self. To force him to name names, didn’t specify that he would be armed forces, remained. Popular Movement, described as Mae Mallory of Brooklyn, who re­ a special “immunity” law was removed from U.S. employ.) Balaguer also renewed his plea pro-Castro. pushed through the state legisla­ cently was arrested in Cleveland The Oct. 22 New York Times for a coalition with the moderate ture stripping him of his rights on the same charge, was released tried to soften the news of Faget’s opposition group, the National University Protest (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) Civic Union. This group had pre- under the Fifth Amendment. The The current series of mass dem­ present high court decision af­ onstrations began Oct. 16 at the firmed the denial of his rights University in protest against the under the First Amendment. In an appointment of a new rector, pro- earlier decision against De Gregory Garza Urges English-Spanish Ballots in New York Trujillo Jose Manuel Machada. it upheld the state “immunity” NEW YORK Oct. 26 — Richard ity here is fully serviced by large This is already the case in the For several days bands of stu­ law which in effect nullifies the Garza, Socialist Workers Party daily newspapers, radio, TV, mo­ state of New Mexico, where Span­ dents, joined by workers, ripped Fifth Amendment. candidate for mayor, today issued vies and by a great variety of ish is an official language. It up parking meters — a source of the following statement on the should also be so in New York graft — destroyed Trujillo pic­ news magazines and other media federal court ruling upholding the City. tures and statues and fought with New York State English literacy — all in the Spanish language. police. test for voters: “The fact is that these people The demonstrations reached “This requirement denies voting know more than most New York­ New York SWP Slate's their height Oct. 20 when youths rights to 200,000 fu lly qualified ers about the problems of the city.
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