Trump: ‘We will GOP senators think Trump administration build a human wall Trump would win vote on suspends the nuclear if necessary’ emergency declaration treaty with Russia PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Volume 20, Issue 50 February 6-12–, 2019 lasvegastribune.com “I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” — Voltaire Trump states in State of the Union: “America will never be a socialist country” By Jordan Fabian retribution,” even as he demanded The Hill they approve a border wall they President Trump on Tuesday have long opposed. used his first State of the Union ad- Trump peppered his speech dress under divided government to with appeals for bipartisan unity, challenge Democrats to “reject the saying Americans want to see both politics of revenge, resistance and sides “govern not as two parties but as one nation.” But his message, which also included numerous My Point barbs at Democrats, reflected the deep partisan divisions in Wash- of View ington he has helped fuel during his By Rolando Larraz two years in the Oval Office. The president called out newly I have always been a very in- emboldened House Democrats who dependent, self-sufficient, human plan to probe his administration and being; and now, in my old age, I find businesses, blasting them as “ridic- myself being a part-time newspaper ulous partisan investigations” that operator, which is very difficult for would erase the “economic mira- me to accept. cle” he said he created in the U.S. The only thing that has not “If there is going to be peace and changed is that I want to be on top legislation, there cannot be war and of everything; I have to know every investigation,” Trump said. “It just move that takes place in my place doesn’t work that way.” of business. The president also announced Once I was called “a control plans for a second summit with freak,” but that is not true. I just North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, want to be informed of everything (See SOTU Speech, Page 4) that takes place in my office, on my property and in my domain, because I earned the right to know. Why did I earn the right to know everything that happens in State public employee my domain? Because I have to take responsibility for everything that happens under my roof, good or bad. I am the captain of the ship unions will bust budget and the line ends with me. By Thomas Mitchell ernment employees. I used to drive some people While Gov. Steve Sisolak has Sisolak doubled down during crazy when I used to tell them that promised no new taxes in his pro- an interview at the Smith Center I want to know if someone sneezes, posed budget for the next two years, in Las Vegas with the editor of the if someone coughs, or if someone he also plans to light the fuse on a news and commentary website The walking by was asking for direc- huge tax bomb in the future. Nevada Independent, saying, state tions. I want to know everything In his State of the State speech public workers generally are paid because I don’t like surprises and in Carson City before lawmakers less than local government work- because I am ultimately the person he casually tossed out that state ers and discussion of collective responsible, so I have to know. public employees “should be em- bargaining rights for state workers Unfortunately nowadays, I am powered to bargain collectively in is long overdue. not at my post at six in the morn- the years ahead.” Since 1969 local Sisolak said, “Our state employ- ing as I used to be, but I am on the government workers in Nevada ees should be treated in a fair and telephone with my inquiring mind have been allowed to form unions respectful manner. The fact that asking questions and expecting the and collectively bargain for pay they haven’t had a raise in 10 years right answer; the truth, only the and benefits, but not so state gov- (See Public Unions, Page 5) truth, and nothing but the truth. Last week, Tuesday night, the Wednesday edition of the Las Vegas Tribune was almost finished when there was a call notifying us that Guzman trial comes to an end my dear friend Gordon Martines By Alexandra Cohen on Thursday, Assistant U.S. Attor- was found dead at his home. Im- Las Vegas Tribune ney Amanda Liskamm tried to cov- mediately, Don Snook, Maramis, Last week the defense team for er-up for Assistant U.S. Attorney Sunny Day and Perly Viasmensky, Joaquin Guzman, who is on trial for Andrea Goldbarg, who had the task knowing how close I was to Gor- several charges including drug and of discrediting Joaquin Guzman in don, went to work, striping some murder conspiracy charges even if open court in her closing argument articles or perhaps some paid space murder was not mentioned during on Wednesday. of advertising to include the tragic the several weeks trial in a Brook- One of Guzmán’s defense team news of my friend’s death. And for lyn, New York Federal courtroom, of attorneys, William Purpura, on that, I am grateful to all of them; came to an end. cross-examination, had pushed for that is what I call “teamwork.” The expert lawyering voice of the possibility that Zambada Garcia Even if now I do not believe attorney Jeffrey Lichtman started could be the real head of the cartel that Gordon Martines’ death was his team’s closing argument, say- rather than his client, who could be natural, at the time they considered ing, “A house that’s built on a rotten the cartel scapegoat. the source credible and went with foundation won’t stand for long.” All testimonies from drug traf- what they did have, knowing that As always the government has ficking to bribing government offi- Gordon has been in my office a two shots at brainwashing the jury; (See Guzman Trial, Page 3) million times with the lady who was nice enough to call us with the sad news; she knew what Gordon Investigation called for in the meant to me and was kind enough to think of me and immediately call my office. Guinasso/McNeil Brothel Scandal Honestly, at this point I don’t give a flying fig what anyone thinks By Chuck Muth tigation of Mr. Guinasso and his or says; we did our job notifying all I recently discovered that a Reno End Trafficking and Prostitution those friends out there who needed lawyer and the former Lyon County (ETAP) PAC with the Nevada to know what happened to Gordon; (NV) sheriff secretly conspired to Secretary of State over suspected they did not go into any of the pass a 2018 ballot question to shut election law violations. personal information they may or down the four legal brothels in In short, Nevada law requires may not have known; they did not Lyon County and hid the fact that that the identify of donors to PACs go into the reason for his death; it the sheriff had helped bankroll the who contribute $1,000 or more — was just information that needed to initiative. either one time or cumulatively — be disseminated as soon as possible. The effort failed spectacularly be disclosed on official campaign Those who took the liberty of — with voters crushing Lyon Coun- finance reports. Mr. Guinasso and notifying other newspapers about ty Question 1 by a margin of 80-20 ETAP PAC failed to do so on Report Gordon’s death thinking that they percent. But that’s not the point… Lyon County Sheriff Al McNeil and ETAP PAC’s Jason Guinasso #3 and Report #4 which were filed were bypassing me were doing the The point is that Jason Guinasso, Al McNeil’s financial support on a on this particular issue which could just prior to Election Day. right thing because the more of the who spearheaded the effort using pair of required campaign finance have changed the outcome. Had this information been dis- news was put out there the more a state political action committee reports leading up to Election Day As such, I filed a formal com- closed, it would have been a major (See My Point of View, Page 2) (PAC), failed to disclose Sheriff — critical information for voters plaint and request for an inves- (See Brothel Scandal, Page 6) Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / February 6-12, 2019 Trump: ‘We will build a human wall if necessary’ By Justin Wise the southern border to assist Cus- olution to temporarily reopen the The Hill toms and Border Protection. government last month. The deal President Trump on Tuesday The Defense Department said did not include the funding he seeks continued to push for a wall along in a statement that 3,750 troops for a wall but allowed for a biparti- the U.S.-Mexico border, saying his would assist immigration officers san group of lawmakers to negotiate administration is prepared to “build for 90 days, doing things such as over border security funding. a Human Wall if necessary.” placing razor wire along the border. Trump told The Wall Street Jour- “Tremendous numbers of people The deployment pushes the amount nal that he was skeptical the group are coming up through Mexico in of troops in the region to roughly could reach a deal that includes the hopes of flooding our Southern 4,350. funding for a wall, raising the pros- Border,” Trump tweeted.
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