Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-46592-2 - Christianity and Revolutionary Europe, 1750–1830 Nigel Aston Index More information Index Aaron 50 Altenburg abbey 45 Abad y la Sierra, Bishop Agust´ın 207 America, central 13 Aberdeen America, south 13, 128, 307, 309 bishop of, see Skinner America, British north 13, 30, 49, 67, Enlightenment 149 69, 70, 76, 140, 142, 177, 232; universities see also Canada King’s College 64, 107 American War of Independence 150, 151, Marischal College 107 177, 178, 206 Abrams, M. H., 277 Amiens 266 Adelaide, Madame 73 Peace of 226 Admiralty, see Royal Navy Amsterdam 34, 64, 95 Admont abbey 45 Anabaptists 134, 233 adultery 148, 251 Ancona 223 Africa, north 9, 13, 311 Andalusia 287, 290, 328 Agar family 33 Andrewes, Lancelot 30 Agar, Archbishop Charles 138 Anglesey Abbey 45 agricultural societies 43 Anglicanism34, 50, 64, 72, 79, 84, 87, Aguesseau family 71 132–3, 134, 142, 155, 156, 184, 198, Aguillon family 71 199, 219, 250, 308, 311, 327, 330, Agutter, Revd William205–6 332 see also England, Church of Aire, bishop of 186 Anjou 60, 220 Aisne, d´epartement of the 242 Annales de la Religion 237, 238 Alatri 230 annates 157 Albani, Cardinal Alessandro 29 Anne, Queen 150 Albani, Cardinal Giovanni Francesco 307 Antichrist, see millenarianism Albert, Archduke 178 anticlericalism26, 35, 38–9, 54, 72, 77, Albi, archbishop of, see Bernis 82, 110, 113, 119, 122–7, 132, 171, Albiach, Mat´ınez 97 180, 186, 189, 194, 200, 214, 215, Alembert, d’ 34, 58, 98 217, 218, 223, 241, 252, 260, 268, Al`es 195 283, 290, 317, 318, 320, 322, 329, Alexander I, emperor 270–1, 294, 308 330, 333 mystic tendencies 292, 301, 315 Anti-Jacobin 249 Algeria 311 Antwerp 181, 203 Alien Act (1792) 204 anti-Semitism 12, 196–7, 230–1; Allatae sunt 18 see also Judaism Allier brothers 209 apocalypse, see millenarianism almoner, lord high 152, 160 Apostles’ Creed 51 Alps 124, 162, 222, 235, 267, 268 apostolic succession 30 Alsace 12, 80, 147, 201 Apostolicum pascendi 28 anti-Semitism in 196–7 Apt 31–2 Lutheranismin 86 bishop of, see C´ely Marian congregations in 86 Arabs 9 349 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-46592-2 - Christianity and Revolutionary Europe, 1750–1830 Nigel Aston Index More information 350 Index Aranda, Pedro Pablo, conde de 93 Catholic Church in 24, 29, 263, 294, Aranjuez, Tumult of 287 309–10 Arbuckle, James 245 Catholic Enlightenment in 111–12 archdeacons 82, 327 confraternities in 319 archpriests 237 imperial expansion 13 Ard`eche, d´epartement of the 266 Jansenist influences after 1806 282 Ardennes, d´epartement of the 242 military power 323 Arezzo 230 new parishes 147 Arfvidsson, Ulrica 156 religious Orders in 40, 147, 269, 328 Argenson, marquis d’ 72 religious practice in 259 Arianism98, 105, 132, 198 schools 57, 59 Ari`es, Philippe 3 universities 130 Aristotelianism107, 111 Austrian Netherlands 24, 137, 215; Arklow 222 see also Habsburgs; Holy Roman Arles, Archbishop 200 Empire Armagh 31, 271 bishops in 32 Arminianism 17, 64, 120 Catholic Enlightenment in 111–12 Arnauld, Antoine 66 censorship in 97 Ars, cur´e d’ 244 confraternities in 75 Arsemnis, Archbishop 10 emigr´´ es in 201 Artois, comte d’, see Charles X Jansenism40, 75 arts, and religion 44–7, 50, 300 masonry in 106 Arundell of Wardour, 8th Baron 83, 202 nobles of 71 Ascension Day 88 piety in 75 Ashkenazim12, 195–7, see also Jews opposition to Joseph II 142–3, 178–9 Asia 101 opposition to the French Revolution 230 Ascendancy, Protestant 144, religious Orders 137, 179 see also Ireland resistance to Napoleon 293 Assizes 146 tithe in 26 Assumption, Feast of the 90 Autun, bishop of, see Talleyrand Astorga, bishop of, see Jim´enez Auxerre 67 Astruc, Jean 122 Avertissement 147 Asturias 287 Aveyron, d´epartement of the 266 Athanasian Creed 51, 64, 105, 111 Avignonat 158, 252, 267, 306 atheism9, 94, 98, 121, 135, 214, 243, Avrill´e 220 298, 319 Ay´ıa Lavra, monastery of 301 Athos, Holy Mountain of 42, 108 Attila the Hun 240, 288 Babel 122 Auckland Castle 202 Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich 47 Auckland, 1st Lord, see Eden, William Bacon, Sir Francis 93 Auctorem fidei 208, 241, 289 Badajoz 287 Audrein, Bishop Y. M., 237 Baden 57–8, 316 Aufkl¨arung, see Germany, Enlightenment in Baden, near Vienna 154 Augsburg 46 Bagot, Bishop Lewis, of Norwich, then see of 136, 264 St Asaph 48 treaty of 19, 141, 145, 263 Bahrdt, Karl 115 Augustinianism66 Balguy, Revd Thomas 94–5 Augustinians, see religious Orders Balkans 9, 17, 33, 109 Austen, Jane 43 Balle, Bishop Nicolaj 205 Austerlitz, battle of 264, 267 Baltic 16, 111 Austria 11, 45, 93, 128, 129, 161, Balzac 63 165, 189, 308, 320, 332; Bamberg 264 see also Habsburgs; Holy Roman Bangor 78–9 Empire Bank of England 219 bishoprics of 136–7 Banks, Joseph 93 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-46592-2 - Christianity and Revolutionary Europe, 1750–1830 Nigel Aston Index More information Index 351 Bantry Bay 221n. Benedict XIV 18, 61, 86, 110, 158, 159, baptism51, 84, 237, 258 167 Baptists 16, 64, 76, 85, 250, 271, 273, 304 Benedictines, see religious Orders Barat, Fr Louis 266 benevolence, religious 64–6 Barat, Sophie 284, 301 Bentham, Edward 43, 115, 330 Barbastro, bishop of, see Abad y la Sierra Beresford family 33 Barbary corsairs 13 Berg 264 Barcelona 87, 165, 333 Bergier, abb´e Nicolas-Sylvain 123–4 Bar`ere, Bertrand de 207 Bergisel, battle of 290 Bari Berkeley, George, the younger 17 shrine of St Nicholas 81 Berlin 106, 159, 258, 294, 302, 316 Barnave, Antone-Pierre 194 Bernier, abb´e 209, 220 Baroque style 45, 46, 128, 142 Bernis, Cardinal de 138, 160 Barra, Fran¸cois-Joseph 213 Berr, Berr Isaac 197 Barrington, Bishop Shute 202, 251 Berry, duc de 311 Barrow, Fr John 51 Berthier, General 252 Barruel, abb´e Augustin de 132, 208 Bertr´an, Bishop Felip 166 Basel 34, 252 Besan¸con, Coll`ege de 123 Basilians, see religious Orders Bible 43, 54, 60, 61, 70, 77, 78, 82, 100, Basle, Treaty of 264 103, 115–16, 117–18, 229, 231, 272, Basque country 216, 321 273, 276, 288, 303, 333 bastardy 148 biblical scholarship 119–22, 278–80 Bastille 188 bible societies 332 Batavian Republic, see United Provinces Catholic familiarity with 61, 87, 244 Bath abbey 45, 88 and obedience to established powers Bath and Wells, diocese of 250 149, 175 Batthy´any, Archbishop J´ozsef 11, 142 in Russia 292 Bavaria 15, 24, 46, 77, 165, 179, 254, 309 Bible Institute 71 abbeys 45 Biergans, Brother 214 Church land ownership in 24, 269 Bill of Rights (England) 155 Jews tolerated 302 billet de confession 84, 167 kingdomof 263, 294; Bingen 318 see also Max-Joseph Birmingham 20 popular religion in 80, 86 bishops 21–2, 23, 30–4, 49, 127, 146, 158, religious practice in 259 181–2, 256, 269, 270 ‘War of the Witches’ 78 and dissolution of the Jesuits 130–1 Bayeux, bishopric of 42 and politics 137–9, 286, 323, 325–7 Bayle, Pierre 18, 94, 107, 120 visitations 81–2, 102, 237–8 Bayonne 216 Blagdon tracts 90, 249 see also More, Constitution of 287 Hannah b´eates 58 Blair, Hugh 55–6 Beattie, James 107 Blake, William63, 233 Beauharnais, Eug`ene de 269 Blarney 80 Beaumont, Archbishop Christophe de 84, blasphemy 111, 322 167 Blayney, Benjamin 121 Beauvais, abb´ede32 Blesle 244 Beauvais, bishop of 200 Bloom, Harold 277 Bebenhausen, bishop of, see Stockmayer, Blumauer, Aloys 124 Christoph Friedrich Bˆo, Jean-Baptiste 243 Beckett, Archbishop Thomasa ` 134 Bodney 203 Begona 321 Boerenkrijg 242 Belfast 234 Boerhaave, Hermann 65 Belgium179, 242, 244, 283, 310, 322; Bohemia 40, 48, 59, 142, 154, 301 see also Austrian Netherlands Boisgelin, Archbishop 184, 186 Belgrade 13 Bolingbroke, 1st viscount 113 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-46592-2 - Christianity and Revolutionary Europe, 1750–1830 Nigel Aston Index More information 352 Index Bol´ıvar, Simon 309 divine right theories 150 Bologna 157, 239, 252, 284 emigr´´ esin201–3 Bologna, Concordat of 27, 158 Hanoverian royal family 29, 35, 124, Bolton, 3rd duke of 43 138, 198 Bonaparte, Jerome 267 kings of, see George III; George IV; Bonaparte, Joseph 270, 287, 289 WilliamIV Bonaparte, Lucien 255, 267 loyalismin 198–9, 274 Bonnet, Charles 116 religious renewal in 15 Book of Common Prayer, see liturgy ReformAct 1832 323 books, religious 71, 73, 74 Revolution settlement 1688 150, 170, Boolavogue 222 184 Borb´on, Archbishop Luis de 290 Roman Catholic integration in 307 Bordeaux 195, 197, 266 British Museum121 archbishop of, see Champion de Cic´e Brittany 22, 31, 71, 74, 138, 147, 181, Jews resident in, see Sephardim 182n., 201, 265 Bordelais 12, 196; see also Bordeaux Brixen 139 Boridge 68 Broers, Michael 283 Born, Ignaz von 124 Broglie, Bishop Maurice de 310 Bossuet, Bishop 169, 246 Brosses, pr´esident des 101 Boswell, James 146–7, 149 Brudenell, Lord 20 Boucher, Revd Jonathan 177, 198n. Bruges Bougainville 127 Holy Blood 244 Boughton 45 brumaire, coup of (November 1799) 253, Boulanger, Nicolas-Antoine 101 265 Bourbons, see France; Naples; Spain Brunswick 58, 170 Bourg-des-Comptes 192 Brunswick Clubs 314 Bourges 103 Brussels 71, 75, 178, 179, 181 Bourignon, Antoinette 62 Buckingham, 1st marquess of 224 Bourne, Hugh 273 Budapest 110 Bovara, Giovanni 282 Budweis 136 Bowdler, John 112 Bulgaria 17 Boyce, William47 Bulow, Heinrich von 303 Boyle Lectures 114, 115, 116 Bunting, Revd Jabez 272, 304–5, 313 Boyle, Robert 115 Burgess, Bishop George 326–7 Brabant, see Austrain Netherlands Burgos 288 Bradley, James 115 Burke, Edmund 105, 150, 193, 194, 198, Brady, see Tate and Brady 202, 204, 209, 221, 223, 225, 227, Braga, archbishop of 32 228, 245 Branda 219 Bury St Edmunds 88 Braschi, Giovanni Angelo, see Pius VI Busca, Cardinal 227, 252 Breidbach zu B¨urresheim, Archbishop Butler, Archbishop John 178 Emmerich Joseph von 39, 163–4 Butler, Bishop John 121 Brentford, Old 59 Butler, Bishop Joseph 22, 113, 119 Brescia 162 Byzantium17 Brienne family 33 Brienne, Archbishop Lom´enie de 22, 39, Caballero, Jos´e Antonio 241 40, 138, 144, 160, 169, 184, 185 Cacault 223n.
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