Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15598-5 — The River, the Plain, and the State Ling Zhang Index More Information Index Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to footnotes. Page numbers in italic followed by ‘illus’ refer to illustrations. Page numbers in italic followed by ‘t’ refer to tables. Amano, Motonosuke, 226n31 Chaffee, John W., 10n13, 11n17, 11n18, An Lushan, 47, 48 46n34, 54n1, 56n4, 60n11, 62n14, An Zhongrong, 49–50, 51, 91, 245 63n17, 65n20, 88n11, 89n12, anthropogenic notion of environmental 120–121n22, 190n1, 231n42, entanglement, 14–15n24, 17n27 244n79 Chao Shuozhi, 198, 246–247, 257 Bao Zheng, 98, 246 Chen Cisheng, 211–212 baojia (Guards and Tithings system), Chen, Feng, 62n14 196–197, 203, 204 Cheng Fang, 151, 164, 166, 174, 175 Beijing Cheng Hao, 174 and economic prosperity north of Hebei, Cheng, Long, 58n7, 60n9, 60n11, 43 69–70n29 Khitan Liao control of, 39, 50, 56 Cheng, Minsheng, 221n18, 221, 222 sandstorms in, 264–265, 265n58 Chetham, Deirdre, 289n14 Bol, Peter, 89n13 Chhoe Pu, 264–265 Bray, Francesca, 226, 229, 258 Chia, Lucille, 88n11 Chi, Chao-Ting, 10n14 Cangzhou Commandery Chikusa, Masaaki, 62n14 desolation of, 200 climatic conditions flooding of, 151 coldness, 41, 100, 156, 198, 225 rice cultivation, 234 dryness, 28–29, 41, 76–77, 79–80, water as a breeding ground for insects 100–101, 103–104, 131, 146, 206, and bacteria in, 168 218, 225, 256 See also He Chengju extreme weather, 41–42, 256 capitalism overview of, 41–42 buds of capitalism in the Yangzi delta, red snow, 100, 103, 108 283 sunspots, 146 proto-capitalist economy starting in the three thousand years ago on the Loess Song, 10, 10n13, 86–88 Plateau, 30 309 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15598-5 — The River, the Plain, and the State Ling Zhang Index More Information 310 Index commanderies and frontier pond maintenance, and the three-tiered strategic system, 169–170, 214 58–60, 62 Golden Dyke, 210–212 See also Cangzhou Commandery; instability of, 36–37, 144, 156n28, 253 Jingrong Commander; Liyang military destruction of, 134n51, 201n42, Commandery; Qianning 280–281, 281n2 Commandery; Shun’an negative consequences of, 34–35, 253 Commandery; Tongli Commandery; competing interests of districts, Yongjing Commandery 208–209, 215 core-periphery relations and Song-period empirical observations, inversion of Song state relations with 109 Hebei, 6, 8, 13–14, 53, 81–82, 186–187, 217, 244–246 earthquakes and Song state mode of production of in the 1040s, 100, 102illus9, 101–102, natural space and environmental 103, 108, 146 relations, 135–136, 287 in 1099 and 1100 in north China, 156 state formation and building by the in Hebei, 131, 195, 197, 214, 218 Northern Song, 135, 137 in Shaanxi, 101–102 Cosgrove, Denis E., 205 ecological thinking, 14–15n24 Economy, Elizabeth, 288n13 Daming prefecture Edgerton-Tarpley, Kathryn, 120–121n22, 1048 flooding in, 4, 199 202n45, 280–281 dyke building controversies, 144, Edmonds, Richard L., 265n58 145–146 Egypt, 25, 257–258, 258n30 refugees from central Hebei flooding in, Elvin, Mark, 10n13, 30n10, 54n2, 86, 104, 193 185–186, 215, 284n7 sandification, 267 notion of “technological lock-in”, Song-period prosperity of, 88 13n21 struggle for the Yellow River shore in, Emperor Gaozong, 280 211illus12, 214 Emperor Huizong, 156–159, 160, 280 Tang Jie’s dyke building efforts, 214 Emperor Qinzong, 160, 280 Deng, Xiaonan, 65n20 Emperor Renzong, 99–100 1048 flooding during reign of, 1, de Weerdt, Hilde Godelieve Dominque, 107–110 11n18, 88n11 edict of 1055 proclaiming “Hebei is the Dingzhou prefecture root of All-Under-Heaven”, 246 central Hebei flooding in, 193, 217 Qingli (Festive Era) reign, 84 famine, 218 Qingli reforms, 98–100, 104–105 military expenditure, 241 and the unsustainable growth of Hebei’s paddy rice production promoted by Xue military and the state’s corrupt Xiang, 236, 243 financial system, 98, 99–100 Song-period prosperity of, 88 Emperor Shenzong, 146–150, 152, 154 watery landscape of, 165, 168, 236 flooding during reign of, 149–153 Dizhou (Di prefecture), 37, 77n53 governance. See Wang Anshi Dodgen, Randall A., 27n5 Emperor Shizong, 112 Du Chun, 175–176 Emperor Taizong, 56 Du Mu, 47–48, 50, 245, 246–247 Emperor Taizu Dudbridge, Glen, 49n43 972 edict, 120n22, 118–121, 124, 126, dykes, 5 128, 158 “Code on illegally breaching dykes”, 70 attempt to conquer the Northern Han, cultivation of silted shores within, 260 117 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15598-5 — The River, the Plain, and the State Ling Zhang Index More Information Index 311 and the demilitarization of the Song, 64, and defensive tunnels, 65n20, 68, 117 68n25, 92, 256 as hydraulic leader, 114, 115, 123–124, economic impact of, 168–172 133 environmental impact of, 67–73, northward-flowing Yellow River 167–168 advocated by, 125, 133, 143, map of, 71illus8 149 and rice cultivation, 69, 234 and Tian Gao, 123–124 size of, 72 Emperor Wu, 31, 35, 128 state management of, 80–81, 161–167, Emperor Zhenzong, 58, 126, 227n32, 169–170 232–233 as a defensive system, 68–73, Emperor Zhezong, 153, 155–156, 219, 162–163, 167 276 and public access, 169–171 Empress Dowager Gao, 154 vegetation surrounding, 275–276, 278 environmental entities Fu Bi (prefect of Qingzhou), 3, 3n2, 98, 99, as actors, 6, 14, 15–16, 17–19, 205, 104, 193, 246 248–249 Yellow River as, 37–38, 107–110, Gates, Hill, 10n13 132, 145–146 Golas, Peter J., 10n15, 96n33, 182n82–83, Song state as an environmental force, 8, 183n86, 220n20, 186 14, 67–73, 114 Gong Dingchen, 198 See also climatic conditions; locust Guantao County (southern Hebei), 267 infestation; salt/salinization; sand; guojia, 90, 120–121n22 silt; trialectics among a river, a guwen movement, 90 plain, and a state; Yellow River; Yellow River-Hebei environmental Han, Peng, 259–260n34 complex Han Qi, 98, 99, 104 environmental world Hartman, Charles, 55n3, 62n14, 65n20, 82 as a concept, 16n26 Hartwell, Robert M., 10–11, 18n28, 54n2, and the role of non-human 62n14, 190n1 environmental entities, 17–19, 205, He, Chengju, 69–70, 165, 168, 234 248–249 He Tonghui and Wang Naiang, 32n14 and the Yellow River–Hebei He Zhu, 201 environmental complex, 6, 9, Hebei 14–15n24, 16n26, 19, 40–41, annual quota of vegetative materials 284–290 demanded of, 274 Europe climate. See climatic conditions Song fiscal administration compared demographics, 189–190, 190t3, 204 with later European historical dependence on wood produced on the periods, 182 Loess Plateau, 185 Song’s progress contrasted with economic prosperity Eurocentric notions of lineal before 1048 flooding, 2, 10 history, 10, 54–55 and the empire’s core-periphery power Evans, Peter B., 19n31, 120–121n22 structure, 6, 13–14 Evans, Peter, et al., 19n31, 120–121n22 Song period proto-capitalist economy starting in the Song, 10, 86–88 Fan Chunren, 154, 174, 175 ethnic hybridity and mixed social and Fan Zhen, 95 cultural practices of, 43, 48–49, Fan Zhongyan, 91, 99, 104 49n43 Frank, Andre Gunder, 16n26, 18 frontier ponds. See frontier ponds frontier ponds in Hebei geography, 38–39, 40n27, 42 1048 flooding of, 142–143 as a land “north of the river”, 36 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-15598-5 — The River, the Plain, and the State Ling Zhang Index More Information 312 Index Hebei (cont.) Zhili region, 39, 263 early Song administrative districts, See also Daming prefecture; Dingzhou 59illus7 prefecture; Juma River; Yuhe geopolitics in the mid-eighth century, Canal 46–47 Hebei–demographics, refugees displaced by geopolitics in the tenth century, 1048 flooding, 2–3, 9 39illus5 Helian Bobo iron mining and smelting, 63, 63n15, deforestation of Tongwan City 268, 275 established by, 32 as a “land of famine”, 43, 94–95, Tongwan City established in the Ordos, 202n45, 205n54, 218–219, 283 31–32 contrasted with the Tang-Song Henan transition theory of economic as a land “south of the river”, 36, 113, theory, 11, 282–283 115–117 martial characteristic of the early Hebei flooding in the summer of 1077 of, people, 44–46, 205n54 151–152 militarization and the Song dynasty, 55–56 baojia (Guards and Tithings system), winter wheat cultivation, 85–86 196–197, 203, 204 “wood-grass fee” (shaocao qian) and the demilitarization of Hebei’s demanded of, 185 civil society, 62, 65–67, 204 Hong Mai, 171–172 Dingzhou’s military expenditure, 241 Ho, Ping-ti, 30n10 and its agricultural production, 62–63, Hou, Renzhi and Deng Hui, 30n9 94n26, 93–94, 95 Huang Mao, 234 and state control, 12–13, 58–61, 65 Huang Tingjian, 197 Strong Valiants and Righteous and Huang-Yun (Yellow River-Grand Canal), Brave militia, 93, 93n22, 93n23, 136, 286, 287 94n24, 94, 95, 192, 203–204 hydraulic cycle scholarship, 178–179n79 of the swampy landscape created by hydraulic mode of consumption frontier ponds, 68–69 concept of, 6 modern Hebei Province distinguished and deforestation, 6, 9, 268, 275–279, from, 39 284, 287 state management of, 64n18, 67–73, and developmental strategies in 134n51 contemporary China, 288–290 and militarization, 12–13, 45, 58–61, and Elvin’s notion of “technological 65 lock-in”, 13n21 and the restoration of a stable and the inversion of core-periphery agricultural society and economy, relations in Hebei, 6, 8, 9, 13–14, 73–79, 81 186–187, 244–246, 287 taxes and state management of frontier ponds, quotas of Summer-Autumn taxes in 166–167 1077, 231t5 Wittfogel’s productive mode contrasted quotas of Summer-Autumn taxes in with, 12n20, 12, 13, 177, 1080, 231–232, 232t6 186–187 as the “the root of All-Under-Heaven”, and the Yellow River–Hebei 6, 217, 246 environmental complex, 5–8, 9, water system, 250illus13 12–13, 141–143, 177–187, Yellow River courses in.
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