..... ---------'a------~------ 1 c PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT IN THE SOVI,ET UNION by Victor Zllberman t • 1 1 f .. A thesi/ submltted to the Faculty of Graduate Stud.es and Research, McGlll University, ln partial fu~fl11ment of the requirements for the degree of Kaster of Arts ln Comparative Ed~catlon. J Department of Social Foundatlons \ . KcGlll University Hon t rea 1. Quebec , J '\ 1979 [ , 41 J lUI, te -- -~ .. --...-,- ( ABSTAACT This stu~y descrlbes and analyzes salient features of t sport movement. Special attention Is glven to the articulation of the physlcal educatIon programs ~nd the preparation ~f Sfflclallsts wlth the sport ratlng systems ~sed to generate m.ss partlclpltlon and enhance mastery ln sport. The Sov~t Unlon's success ln lhternatlonal sport 15 attributed to Its system of planning and control of the sport mOvement' and especla'lly to the hlgh standards of training for phys4 cal education speclallsts. Sport 15 considered Important not only for the International rec~gnltlon It brlngs but also for Instllling the collectivlstlc and moral values centra' to~iovl.t Ideology. \ .. " , -. 5 • -1 , 'Mû 7 - ... .. -- -- - , , ..,- --"' - -,----------- J 1J c RESUME Cette é'tude décr'it et analyse lu ,caracteristiques du mouvement sportif sovl/tlque. Une attentl~n ~écl.le fut'apportle a Il Interrelation el'l,tre les progranrnes d I{ducatlon phys ique menant a la pré'parat Ion de 1 • sp:clallstes et les systèmes de classification sportifs utlll':. ,pour stimuler la participation. de 1. m.sse ~t 'encourager la maltrlse dans le sport. Le succ~s de llUnlon Sovl'tlque dans le domaine du sport Internatiqnal est attribue, a\ son systeme\ de planification et de controle \ du mouvement sportif et specialement1 aux hauts standards dlentralnement " , 1 pour les sp~cl.llstes en education physique. Le sport est conslder~ Important non seulement pour la reconnaissance Internationale qu'II apporte, mals 'gaiement pour Inculquer les valeurs de collectivite' et moral Inhererentel '"a 1 Iideologie sovietique., • 1 "" .." 0 ,4 ~ , ~. ai '. " -" Ji .... • .. ft - 9 ./ \..'j. "fo-Oft'''''''~~ - ~-~ .,~~ .. .1 1 <> III ,. - f .. C', J t t , ~ t, ACKNOWlEDGEHENT /, ~ 1 t ! This thesl5 15 prlmarlly the re5ult of the author' s experlence J~ living ln the U. S. S • R. for 26 yeus ~ hls persona 1 Involvement ln the j .J Soviet educatlonal system u • student throu~h general school, technlcum (college) of phYIIC~1 educatlon'and the university (faculty of physlcal ed­ l ~Cltlon). Also "~ontrtbutlng to thls study was the .uthor's Involvement ln the Soviet sport movement as an athlete from the Junior lev~to a 1 _ • 1t ! (, member of the Soviet National team ln the sport of wrestl Ing. My appreclatlon 1s dlrected to h,y"advlser Dr. Thomas Elsemon, i Professor of McGIII University for hls dominant Influence behlnd this­ ! study a~d for hls extensive generosity wlth hls tlme, advlce and us 1stance. Flnallv, 1 would llke to use thls opportunlty to express mv " gratitude to my dear wlfe Chris who encouraged and helped me ln the ~I course of my "work on the thesls and wlthout who's Invaluable assistance 1, thls pre~ert work couldn't be completed. i. " o , 'lf!l • 1 1 1 _ ••.......:- ......--'~~p~.------------~--------~~ .. \ •• Il Iv TABLE OF CONTENTS- " INTRODUCTION ... li ......................................... ! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... v r CHAPTER 1 .( 1nt roduc t Ion' .................................................................................. Oescr Ipt Ion of the/Soviet Education System ........... ,' .... .. The All~round Developed Personallty 7 The Artl'culatlon of Progr.ms of pJyslcal Educ.tlon wlth the ..Soviet Sport System ••••••••.••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• 10 CHAPTER 2 tntroduct ion~ ..................................... .. , ........................... ,\ ................ 16 AlI-Union Sp.ott Classlflc.tlon .............................. 16 t>" !Fe GTO Camp 1ex .................................................................... <II • • ...... 19 CHAPTER 3 Introduction ....................... 41 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 ~hyslcal Education ln Soviet General Schools •••••••••••••••• 25 Physlc.l Educ.tlon ln Post Second.ry InstitutIons ln the ~vlet Union .................... 0 o. o. 0,' 0000 .. 0.0.0 .. 0 33 CHAPTER 4 Introdu~tion ....... Il ••• Il ......... 1 ............................... , .......... , .. 41 Tral n09 1n Technlcums ~nd School s ................. 41 --;-.... ~ Prep.r.tlon''It the-- Univers ......................... 48 CHAPTER 5 SUrMllry .nd Conclusion ........................... o ......... 55 elBLIOGRAPHY ................ , •••• III •• , • • • • • • • • • •• 62 ~---... --" - - ----;-- -:----------~-----...IiII.t ..,.I.j ,-'.7ililllilt."'1IiI51îilirno ..• .. - - - \ '. .a 1 v ,, c 1 / APPENDtX A: O.rganlZltlon of Sport ln the U.S.S.R .............. 65 ASEMDIX 8: GTO Stage 3 for Boys and Girls Aged 16-1,8 ......... 66 TABLE .. \' 3~ 1 Percentage of Tlme Devoted to Phys Ical Education r/ .. Actlvltles ln the General Schoots ..................... 28 1 ,1 1, o J)l;.. ~.$ . 1 • $")~,11 ... ~ Ir vi ( 1NTRODUC TI ON -- "CItrus, altlus, fortlus" (faster, higher, stronger) characte.rlsed sport ln the .nelent tl;es. Today th!s lsn't enoug~ to descrlbe sport or to explain Its importance ln the 20th century. ,Modern sport interacts wlth science and arts. Sport helps people to learn about themselves and the surrounding world, and brings people of dlffer!nt countrtes closer together. Yet, to mill ions of people sport has become a means of Ideolog- Ical and pollt!cal struggle. In a speech !n 1963, J. ~. ~nnedy po,inted ,1 out tbat at~the present trme. the strength of a;nattQn ls d~dged by the number of rockets tnat are sent into space and the number of gold medals won at the Olympie Games. Physlcal culture and sport are considered very important to the Soviet government. espec!ally '.the !nternatronal success of the Soviet athletes. Soviet spor. authorltIes very seldom miss an opportunity to (- use theIr suceess ln sport to propagate certa!n Ideologlea! and polltlcal values. Because of the SovIet Unlon's ach!evements in international sportlng competitions, people ail around the wor1d are familiar with the fact that ~t the present ttme the U.S.S.R. holds a leading position ln the International sport movement. In the Socialist countries, especlally the U.S.S.R. an" East Germany, Tt Is belleved that mass partfcfpatlon in sBort and e!lte athletics are co~patlble and complementary in developlng the sport movement - one needs the other (Botterhill, 1979). The purpose of th!s thesis is to describe the Soviet sport move- ment 9 ivr,!~ spec lai tem used to develop Ci athletlc, competence in the context educat ion programs I~, 1 1 ! 1- • t> , , L.;;"·, l , ). vii 1 sc.hools and hlgher educatlonal Institutions. In a more general sense, " the thesis will dei ine;te> the role edocatlon and sport·pla'y in the sov.\et , ( society. The Soviet government places much Importance on education and sport as two means of developlng loyalty to tbe State and Party and the > qualities of discipline and collectivlsm. In sum, aIl that is Implled by ,4 the phrase "all-round developed Indlviduills." " Western scholars' I,nterest in the Soviet sport movement Is very recent and prompted by Soviet domina~ce at international athletlc tourna- , ments durlng the past decade. Two major studles of the ISovtet sport movement have appeared ,in the last few year~t one of which was carried out by Riordan and described the measùfable achievements of the Soviet sport movement without critlcal analysls (Rlordan, 1975). The other work, by Shneidman, Is also descriptive ln nature and, as !ts tltle The Soviet r. Road to Olympus suggests, it ls concerned mainly with thos~ parts of the movement whicn contribute to international sport dominance (Shneidman, 1978), ln contrast to these accounts, this thesis will present the Soviet sport movement as a system and will analyze Its most ImportOint elements: the All-Union Sport ClassiflcOitlon systemj the "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) Complex; physical education ln the schools and in i~stltutions of higher education; and, the preparation of physlcal education special ists. là· Horeover, the thesis will illu;;trate the Interaction among elements ot' 1 the sport movement as weIl as point out the strengths and weaknesses of 1 i the Soviet sport system. \ .....:::i1:s:::::>::.:~::::-:: .. ~~~ .. ~ • .,~~.. __ .:______ ~-:::.. :-::'~:M~:':_:_:_: __:::_:_:.:: ______ '~_~_._~-,.---,~~-,,---~~,~_,._~_~_.~ ._--- ---------- vllt ( Information contaT'~ecd ln the thesls has been obulned from' Russlan langwage sport publications collected over 'the pa~four years, as wel~, as the author's experlence ilS an athlete ln the Soviet,.sport movement. The task of descrlblng the Soviet sport movement Is not a simple one. ln assessing thelr sport system Soviet commentators use criteria .~ / P Important tà the Soviet state such as the number. of medals won at inter- national tournaments, participation of the population in the GTO and ellte programs, the number of athletlc·facillties constructed, etc. Assess[ng the efficacy of the So~iet sport movement is not so straight forward, however. The sport movement must also be assessed in te~s - ,,~, -~ of the fitness of the population and the role sport plays in Soviet 1 society." The scant scholarly llterature on the Soviet sport movement that t 1..I~S Ippeared "ni t Il e western countrles#. ten d s to re fi ect S'oVlet pre- occupation wlth International
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