Mass Meeting off all who Oppose Continued Anarchy in Colorado will be held on the State Cap- itol Grounds Tomorrow-Sunday—Afternoon at 3 o'Clock. The time for Investigations and Reso- lutions has passed. “Action”is to be the Watchword. Let’s all Stand and Strike for LIBERTY! UNITEDOFFICIAL COLORADO STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR TRADES AND LABOR ASSEMBLY PAPER LABORAND DENVER* BULLETIN VOL VIII DENVER, COLORADO, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1914 No. 38 Rockefeller’s Thug Gunmen Massacre Women and Children at Ludlow, Set Flaming Torch to Homes WANTON CARNAGE OF STATE MILITIA Known Victims of the Ludlow Carnage MONSTER MASS MEETING SUNDAY BRINGS REPRISAL BY MAD STRIKERS The following is the revised list of the dead and wounded in ON GROUNDS OF THE STATE CAPITOL the battle between the strikers and militia at the Ludlow camp: THE DEAD. ClardiUo Pedrifon, 4, daughter of Mrs. private Marcel.no Pedrigon. After Slaughter at Ludlow, Troop Officers Refuse to Permit Albert Martin, Co. A, Denver.! Sogerio Pedrigon, 6. Colorado Must Be Redeemed and Taken From Control of Cor- Bodies; Nurses, Louis Tikas, leader of Greek strikers., Lucy Petrucci, 3. porations Removal of Red Cross Physicians James Fyler, financial secretary of the Joe Petrucci, 4. in Order That Industrial Justice May Ludlow Frank Petrucci, 6. | - Union. and Undertakers Turned Back by Fiends Frank Sebino, striker, Ludlow. Unidentified striker, body lying on Be Established and Peace Reign Premo Larsie, 18, brewery worker, mesa ne*r Ludlow. Trinidad. Bin Vigil, striker, Aguillar. i Iffo: Sumach, strike*, Aguilsr. hirty-fivc known to l>c dead, a score more probably fatally Frank Snyder, 12, son of William w«.imdcd and missing estimated at fifty, is the record up to Thurs- Snydefr, Ludlow. THE MISSING. day "h h>n of the movement inaugurated by the Rockefeller inter- Steven Donovan, Victor-American min? Fel l Gonzales, Victor-American mine guard. Delagua. Ludlow! A Call to i—t- and coal companies to exterminate the striking coal miners, guard, Dels gua. Action! mine Jo< Chavez, Victor-American guard, their families and sympathizers in Las county, or the Trini- Carl Johnson, Victor-American Animas guard, Dels gua Delayua. d. ‘ c*»al district in southern Colorado. Imported gunmen, few of Fred Dougherty, Victor-American mine THE INJURED A mass meeting will be held Sunday afternoon on the State them «»f the hut enlisted the soldier, citizens state into Colorado national guard, Delague. Frank Purcelle, private Colo- House grounds at 3 o’clock to take action upon the Ludlow guard, and 11111“ clothed with authority to commit crimes in the Charles Costa, 31, union organiser at rado Springs; shot in left shoulder. Aguilar. Harry McCauley, private Co. H. La massacre. All those to whom patriotism means name of law . a* it is construed by Governor Ammons and his mili- more than Mrs. Elalino Costa, 27. Hunts; shot in foot. profits, and in whom humanity iary officers, were the direct agents who have written the blackest in- still burns, are urged to attend Lucy Costa, 4. Tv strikers, identity withheld; and chapter recorded in all industrial history. Onafno Costa, 6. jured :n battle at Delagua. breathe their passion into the dead body of murdered jus- \\ Harvey Phillips, engineer at Tobasco; itH machine guns provided by the coal operators these thugs, Mrs. Chaves. tice. Betrayed by those elected to protect, and Two daughters of Mrs. Chavez, 4 and 6. shot through shoulder and lungs. butchered by from the slums of large cities, mowed down mercenaries, recruited Eastern de- Baby Chavez, 6 months old. Ed Johnson, striker; shot through the brutal the only hope of the toiling class men, and children, and Hpm-ahng for outside aid. now lies JetisrleM women | idiom- Nephew of Mrs. Chaves, 9. groin in hospital at Pueblo. in common counsel and linn t< add to the carnage and massacre “Hell Hound*’ Linderfelt. who wa* concerted action. Desperate is the applied to tent* which j brought guns The money the torch the | to Colorado with machine need! masters, realizing that we will not surren- li.i'r I•een the home* of I.ZUO citizen* from West Virginia and commissioned er as as Mince the strike inaugurated on Sep- by General Chase as a lieutenant in the '°”ff life lasts, are resolved upon a campaign of utter 1013. and often that he Ready tember Z3, Women babe*. • J state troops, had asserted Be to Defend Your Homes annihilation. Of all those who labor, whether in mine. mill, komr the women alout to become would "get” Louie Tikas, who was “too of ¦ shop or store, not one mother*, were watonly »la ughtriad until i { influential*’ with the strikers—and he is safe from capitalism's savage menace. tin* Ludlow camp became a horrible I 1 did. Denver. Colo.. April 22. 1914 It is the turn of the miners today. Oh. brothers in other call- ahaiuble that caused strong men to reel ; Torch Applied to the Tents. Organize the men in vour community in companies of volun- j ings. it may be yours tomorrow! It is a and faint with the sickening eight. In many of the tenia underground cel- not handful of coal wen* ¦ leers to protect the people of Colorad* against the murder and cre- diggers •Sunday afternoon baaeball game* [ | Isrs had been dug, into which the that have been marked dawn for slaughter: it is the played and happy crowd* looked on. j children, to mation of men. women and children by armed assassins in the em-j j women and unable escape, J right of the worker to better his that thev «h«*«-nng the participant* A group of retreated to be out of range of the mer- ploy of coal corporations serving un er the guise of state condition mean to with militia-1 destroy. If militiamen appeared fear* and ciless fire of the machine guns. All day men. Ludlow shall go unanswered it will be the death taunt*, the miner* to be in* ; but refuaed they lay huddled, frightened almost out Gather all and knell of human hope and human tended into a broil. of tbeir senses, together for defensive purposes arm- ammuni- aspiration. Let the blood of without food or water, and Lame Tikaa the Pirut Mu Shot. knowing not what fate had befallen tion legally available. Semi name of leader of your company those martyred men. women and babes wash awav all lines of number of wire, Kail) Monday morning a company of their fathers, brothers and husband*. actual men enlisted at once by phone or mail, to I difference and division, permitting brotherhood h Maj. Patrick J. llamrock. in supreme to\stand forth ’ troop* under Captain Linderfelt ap- \V. T. Hickey, secretary of State Federation of Labor. free ‘ militia, on again and whole. Come! jm .urd iu front of the tent colony. Louie command of the appeared the Hold companies subject to order. Greek,” in Men* early m the day and directed the all iika*. known a* “Louie the People having arms to spare for these defensive measure are charge of the striker** camp, went out massacre. He conduct* a saloon in Den- WORKERS DEFENSE LEAGUE. was in and where com- to a certain the occasion for the early ier and an active participant the requested to furnish same to local companies, no The captain, who on a pre- Cripple Creek war. It is asserted upon pany exists send them to State federation of Labor. intiu*ion. he the the \\ vious occasion had proclaimed himself reliable authority that gave or- j state is furnishing us .no protection and we must protect orking people of Denver and throughout Colorado have been torch to be applied to The a* • .le*us llirist,** told Ixmic to “Get i der for the the 1 aroused to the fighting pitch by the massacre at 1 tents, the “We will extermi- ourselves, our wives and children from these murderous assassins. Ludlow. In order to lie!) out of here.** A* he turned to re- with cry: to give public expression to their enter nate every man, woman and child of the . We seek no quarrel with the state and we expect to break no law. sentiments and protest against hi* tent a fusilade of bullets of law luought him to the ground. When his damned red necks!” We intend to exercise our lawful right as citizens to defend our non-enforcement by Governor Ammons a mass meeting of to in body «»* finally recovered Wednesday Word# fail describe the awful homes and our constitutional rights. all who believe justice and human rights has been called for the iiUirnoon there were 51 bullet holes in scenes that followed. Trapped human R. LAWSON, M T. HICKEY, State Capitol grounds Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. No permis- it and the striker had literally been being* were suffocated and burned, their JOHN was asked any charred .remains being exposed to view M’LENNAN, 1 R. HOAGE, sion of state'authority for the use of the people’s shot to pieces. James Kyler and Charles TOHN ground, as supplication Ajosta. two other miner* who came out Tuesday morning. It was a scene to E. L. DOYLE. T W. TAYLOR. the time for is’considered as passed. Should to ascertain the trouble, met a similar startle’the entire civilised world. Pas- an effort be made to prevent the meeting the State grounds on trains see and even TOHN RAMSEY, CLARENCE MOORHOUSE. House late. From that moment all was con* senger* could ERNEST MILLS. w ill he taken bv force. However, no opposition of this character is fusion. The machine guns stationed in count the bodies.
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