TE PANUI RUNAKA A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF KA–I TaHU NEWS, VIEWS AND EVENTS KAIKO–URA RU–NANGA | TE RU–NANGA O NGA–TI WAEWAE | TE RU–NANGA O MAKAAWHIO | TE NGA–I TU–A–HURIRI RU–NANGA TE HAPU– O NGA–TI WHEKE | TE TAUMUTU RU–NANGA | TE RU–NANGA O KOUKOURA–RATA | WAIREWA RU–NANGA O–NUKU RU–NANGA | TE RU–NANGA O AROWHENUA | TE RU–NANGA O WAIHAO | TE RU–NANGA O MOERAKI | KA–TI HUIRapa RU–NAKA KI PUKETERAKI TE RU–NANGA O O–TA–KOU | HOKONUI RU–NANGA | WAIHO–paI RU–NAKA | O–RAKA apaRIMA RU–NAKA | AWARUA RU–NANGA KAHURU KAI PAEKA | MARCH 2013 I tukuna mai tēnei whakaahua e Debbi Thyne nō Ngāti Irakehu. Tēnei marama • Whānau celebrate Waitangi Day at Rāpaki and • Governor General opens sawmill with Waihao Tāmaki Makaurau pg 8, 24 whānau pg 15 and 16 • Tuna heke starts at Wairewa pg 10 • Bear Grylls visits Moeraki pg 19 • Whānau success at Waka Ama Nationals pg 13 • See inside for information on Ngāi Tahu education and development programmes pg 30-33 and 36 1 Nā te Kaiwhakahaere Nāia te uruhau, for Te Matatini 2015; so watch this for water, however there are some nāia te mihi space whānau, we will keep you aspects within the proposal that kau atu ki a posted on the plans for 2015. On the need more work. To view and koutou i runga Sunday immediately after the prize- read the document, please visit i ngā tini giving, Te Arawa officially handed http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/ āhuatanga o te the mauri of Te Matatini over to water/freshwater/freshwater- wā. Ngāi Tahu. It is currently at Tuahiwi reform-2013/ Marae. I would like to take this opportunity I have recently been invited to to congratulate the three We also commemorated the accompany the Prime Minister Christchurch-based kapa haka rōpū, second year anniversary of the to China in April. This visit will Te Ahikōmau a Hamoterangi, Ngā February earthquakes. It has been celebrate forty years of diplomatic Manu a Tāne and Te Kotahitanga, a time for reflection and a time to relations between China and New who represented Waitaha and remember those who passed away. Zealand in conjunction with the fifth performed at the national kapa This anniversary is also a time for anniversary of the New Zealand- haka competition, Te Matatini, each of us as individuals, whānau China Free Trade Agreement. It will held in Rotorua on 21-24 February. and communities to acknowledge provide a launching platform for the After many months of practice, the responsibility and unique New Zealand China Council, and commitment and hard work, the opportunity we share to rebuild our the opportunity to host business three groups gave it all they had lives, our communities and our city. support events. Also this will be a on the stage. Each performer great opportunity to showcase our should be very proud of the way In other updates, the government Ngāi Tahu businesses. they represented their community, has released the “Freshwater reform whānau, hapū, and iwi. 2013 and beyond” document. And finally, if you haven’t already This document contains the spotted it, the link in the last I had the privilege of attending government’s proposals for reform issue of Te Pānui Rūnaka to the Te Matatini with the Ngāi Tahu of freshwater in Aotearoa. Reforms constitutional review was not quite contingent, Waitaha Cultural in this area are looking to address right – www.ourconstitution.org.nz Council and the Christchurch City some of the current challenges with is the correct link. Council. We were given a tour the existing freshwater management behind the scenes for insight on how system. I have welcomed the Ngā mihi, the operations of Te Matatini work. government’s recognition that We walked away with a lot of ideas iwi must have a direct role in that will contribute to our planning governance and decision-making Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae Ngā mate He pēpi Bernice Irene Tainui (née Morgan). Tāua and Pōua Maata (née Hutana) and Rueben It’s with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing Sargeant are proud and delighted to announce the of Bernice Tainui. birth of beautiful Milly Anne Sargeant. Another lovely addition to the whānau. Very special congratulations to Bernice had a very strong connection with Ngāti parents Courtney and Chelsea Sargeant and big brother Waewae whānau, and will be sadly missed. Our sincere Flynn, (aged 3). thoughts and aroha to the whānau. Rā whānau Alan Russell Gary Lange Aaron Tainui Hamiria Hutana Annabelle Lee-Harris Rititia Read Nora McQuarrie Mahana Coulston Tyson Hutana Milly Anne Sargeant Born, Wednesday 13 February Nadia Tainui Weighing, 10lb12oz and 56cm long. Jackie Curtain. 2 Whānau picnic day An awesome day of games, neat prizes, yummy kai and A big mihi to all those who made this a memorable day. whānau catching up with each other. Kapa haka performance by our rangatahi. A baby dress-up game for grown-ups. Kanikani competition for kaumātua. The Arahura Pā picnic. Left to right: Matariki Tumahai, Ranui Ngarimu and Hilda Tainui. The traditional photo at the Arahura Pā. Rūnanga business Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae general hui for the year: 14 April, 12 May, 9 June, 14 July, 11 August, 8 September, 27 October (annual general meeting), 10 November and 8 December. 3 Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio Kāi Tahu whānau, tēnā koutou. We continue to experience a dry and very long raumati (summer) here on Te Tai o Poutini, with some areas Nei rā te whakamiha o Kāti Māhaki ki Makaawhio ki a experiencing the lowest rainfall for more than 66 years. koutou. We have water restrictions here in Hokitika and whānau on tank water have reported paying for refills. The lush Nei rā hoki kā roimata takiwai o te hapū nei mō rātou greens you’d expect on this side of the motu are being kua hika mai, kua hika atu. E auē! Haere atu rā koutou. interspersed with dry and brown patches. Haere ki te taha o kā mātua tīpuna e tātari ana ki tua o te ārai. Moe mai koutou i waekanui i a rātou, moe mai i te Already three months into 2013 and the pace does not rakimārie. Haere, haere, haere atu rā. seem to be slowing down. Rātou ki a ratou, tātou anō ki a tātou. Tēnā anō tātou katoa! Cultural mapping The actual mapping component of the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Mapping Project, which is being carried out with Poutini Kāi Tahu rūnaka started in earnest last month. It started with a hīkoi into our rohe to visit and GPS some of our oldest and most important sites. Upoko rūnanga, Richard Wallace, kaumātua Mata Holliday, Maia Mahuika and Kara Edwards gathered around the rusting hulk of the old Bruce Bay Mill Locomotive. Relay for Life Makaawhio again entered a team to tautoko the very to ensure someone was continuously on the track. worthwhile Cancer Society annual fundraiser, Relay for Our fundraising efforts fell a little short, compared to Life. Held in Māwhera (Greymouth) on 16-17 February, last year, but we were still able to make a very good a team of 19 volunteers participated. We sold hot food contribution to the Cancer Society. Ka mau te wehi as part of the fundraising effort and scheduled walkers koutou. Kai anyone? Jordyn Houia-McLaren and Karera Wallace-Jones Makaawhio whānau at the Relay for Life finishing line! take a break after a rush of customers. 4 Makaawhio sports day On 2 March we awoke to cloud and the threat of rain. egg and spoon, wheelbarrow and 50m races. The nail However, the very light drizzle that followed was not drive is a particular crowd pleaser, especially when the even enough to wet the ground and fortunately did not competitor misses the nail more often than hitting. derail our picnic and sports day at Woodstock Domain. Laughter, good kai, competition and the lolly scramble Always fun, the day encourages everyone to participate. all made for an excellent Saturday on sunny Tai o We had bouncy castles for the kids, face painting and for Poutini. Our thanks to everyone who contributed to the competitors, a line up of races and events. The sack make the day a successful one. Tēnā rawa atu koutou! race is always a crowd favourite, as are the three-legged, Upoko rūnanga, Richard Wallace leads in karakia mō te kai before lunch. Makaawhio whānau at Picnic and Sports Day. Kids Day – 3 March Communication A small group of volunteers supported the annual Kids’ In addition to our quarterly newsletter, there are now Day event held at Cass Square in Hokitika. Each year a few ways you can keep in touch, catch up on news there are more and more organisations and groups or keep abreast of what’s happening. Try our website: volunteering on the day and this was no exception. I www.makaawhio.maori.nz, “friend”our Facebook page, heard one of our whānau members remark, “there were read our blog: makaawhio.blogspot.co.nz or catch us on so many activities we didn’t even get around them all.” twitter: @makaawhio. With lots of things to do, all aimed at tamariki and We welcome contributions from whānau, so please send all free, no one left empty-handed. The Makaawhio any news and photos to [email protected] or post a team are one of a group of organisations that look hard copy to PO Box 225, Hokitika 7842. after the carnival events. Our thanks to the small team who represented the rūnanga, in support of this very Membership database worthwhile community event.
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