The NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL ' MAGAZINE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL Soc::nnT OcrOBER,I944 The American Horticultural Society PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS April, 1944 OFFICERS President, Major David V. Lumsden, U. S. Army First Vice-President, Mr. Wilbur H. Youngman, Washington, D. C. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss, Washington, D. C. Secretary, Dr. V. T. Stoutemyer, Washington, D. C. -Treasurer, Mr. J. Marion Shull, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS Terms Expiring 1945 Terms Expiring 1946 Mr. Robert E. Allen, San Gabriel, Calif. Mrs. Walter Douglas, Chauncey, N. Y. Mrs. Robert Fife, New York, N. Y. Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Gladwyne, Pa. Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Mrs. Clement S. Houghton, Chestnut Hill, Mr. B. Y. Morrbon, .Washington, D. C. Mass. Dr. Donald Wyman, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Dr. E. J. Kraus, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pa. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Mr. Clarence A. Hall, Pres., Mr. Arthur Hunt Osmum, Pres., American Begonia Society, American Rock Garden Society, 2131 El Jardin, Tarrytown, Ventura, Calif. New York. Mr. Harry L. Erdman, Pres., Mr. Thomas J. Newbill, Pres., American Rose Society, American Delphinium Society, Hershey, Pennsylvania 234 S. Brainard Ave., Mr. Wm. T. Marshall, Pres. Emeritus, La Grange, Illinois Cactus & Succulent Society of America, 3Z7 North Ave., 61 Mr. C. A. Weatherby, Pres., Los Angeles, Calif. American Fern Society, Z7 Raymond St., Mr. James H. Porter, Pres., Camellia Society of America Cambridge, Mass. Macon, Ga. Mr. Jesse E. Wills, Pres., Mrs. John H. Cunningham, Pres., American Iris Society, HeI1b Society of America, National Bldg., 53 Seaver St. Nashville, Tenn. Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Beatrice Harms, Pres., Mr. John A. Bongers, Pres., Midwest Horticultural Society, American Peony Society, 4155 West 14th St., Ottumwa, Iowa Chicago 23, III. SOCIETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1944 Akron Garden Center, American Amaryllis Society, 226 South Main St., Mr. L. S. Hannibal, Secy., . Akron, Ohio Concord, Calif. Alexandria Garden Club, Mrs. J as. Sherrier, Pres., 72S Kingstreet Road, Alexandria, Va. Publication Office, 32nd St. and Elm Ave., Baltimore, Md. Entered as second-cIa.. matter J"aDual'J 27, 1932, at the Post Office at Baltimore, Md., under the Act of August 24, 1912. American Fuchsia Society, Garden Center Institute of Buffalo, Headquarters: Cal;f. Acad. of Sciences, Delaware Park Casino, Golden Gate Park, Buffalo, N. Y. San J.rancisco, Calif. Garden Centre, Arlington County Garden Club, % Carolina Garden Stores. Miss Eleanor Swain, Secy., 23 North Lexington Sf. 4524 N . Carline Spring Rd., Asheville, N. C. Arlington, Va. Garden Center, Bristow Garden Club, Youngstown Public Library, Mrs. J. L. Kohler, Pres., Youngstown, Ohio Bristow, Okla. Garden Club of Ohio, California Garden Clubs. Inc., The M. O'Neil Co., Mrs. ]. A. Simmington, Akron, Ohio. 870 Chida Vista Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Garden Club of Virginia, Mrs. Louis N . Dibrell, Pres., California Horticultural Society, 124 Broad St., Miss Cora R. Brandt. Secretary, Danville, Va. 300 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Calif. Garden Club, Woman's Dept. Club, Chestnut Hill Garden Club, 8 - 2 Margaret Place, Mrs. Bryan S. Permar., Treas., Shreveport, La. 41 Crafts Rd., Chestnut Hills, Mass. Georgetown Garden Club, Mrs. John Blake Gordon, Pres., Chevy Chase (D. C.) Garden Club. 3241 R St., N. W., Mrs. Perley G. Nutting, Pres., Washington, D. C. 3216 Oliver St., Chevy Chase, D. C. Greeley Garden Cluh, Mrs. Asa T. Jones, J r., Chevy Chase (Md.) Garden Cluh. 1703-11th Ave., Mrs. Frederick W. Connolly, Pres., Greeley, Colo. 4437 Res€rvoir Rd., Washington, D. C. Home Garden Club of Denver .. Community Garden Club of Bethesda, Mrs. William P. Mellen, Pres., Mrs. Arnold Buu, 4864 Tennyson St., Bell's Mill Road, Denver, Colo. Rockville, Md. indian Head Garden Club, Dallas Garden Club (Founders' Group), Mrs. Frank A. Bolton, Pres., Mrs. Sam B. Dickinson, POI1lonkey, Md. 1218 N. Clinton, Dallas 8, Texas. Kanawha Garden Club, Eagle Garden Club, Mrs. Ruffner R. Payne, Pres., Mrs. ]. D. Allen, Pres., 1507 A Virginia St., Eagle, Colo. Charleston, W. Va. Fauquier and Loudoun Garden Club, Longmont Garden Cub. Mrs. N. H. Morison, Pres., Callahan House, Terry St., Middleburg, Va. Longmont, Colo. Federated Garden Clubs of Cincinnati and Men's Garden Club of Phoenix, Vicinity, Mr. Maurice J. Bradford, Pres., Mrs. Charles Bosworth, Pres., Rt. 1. Box 826. 2425 Ingleside Place. Phoenix, Ariz. East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Michigan Horticultural Society, Garden Center of Greater Cleveland, Mr. Paul R. Krone, Secy., East Boulevard at Euclid Ave., Horticultural Building. Cleveland 6, Ohio East Lansing, Mich. [i] Midwest Horticultural Society, The Valley Garden Center, Mrs. Be,atrice Harms, Pres., 2700 N. 15th Ave., 4155 West 14th St., Phoenix, Ariz. Chicago 23, Ill. The Trowel Club, Norwich Garden Club, Mrs. Robert M. Hinckley, Ruth T. Kroeger, Treas., 4655 Garfield St., N. W., 40 Hayes St., Washington, D. C. Norwich, N. Y. Tulsa Garden Club, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Mrs. Thos. G. Leslie, Librarian, Mr. Victor Ries, 1439 S. Carolina Ave., Ohio State University, Tulsa 5, Okla. Columbus, Ohio. Twin Falls Garden Club, Rock Garden Society of Ohio, Twin Falls, Mrs. Frank Garry, Librarian, Idaho Montgomery Station Post Office, Montgomery, Ohio Wayside Garden Club, Mrs. W. J. McCuiston, Pres., Salida Garden Club, 454 S. Harvard St., Mrs. John C. Burgener, Secy., Tulsa, Okla. 802 D St., Salida, Colo. Woodlawn Garden Club, Mrs. Allen W. Burkholder, Takoma Horticultural Club, 1419 N. Glebe Rd., Seey., Mr. Frank L. Pahanka, Pres., Arlington, Va. Silver Spring, Md. Woodridge Garden Club, The Pittsburgh Garden Center, Mr. A. H . Hester, Pres., Schenley Park, 1824 R. 1. Ave., N. E., Pittsburgh, Pa. Washington, D. C. The San Francisco Garden Club, Worcester County Horticultural Society, Room 133, Fairmont Hotel, 30 Elm Street, San Francisco 6, Calif. Worcester, Mass. [ ii] The National Horticultural Magazine Vol. 23 Copyright, 1944, by THE A"ERICAN HORll'IOULTURAL SOCIETY No.4 OCTOBER, 1944 CONTENTS PAGE A Review of Louisiana Irises. IRA S. NELSON ____________ __ __ ______ ______ _________ ______ -- 183 The Coastal Region of Northwestern Florida. ROBERT M. SENIOR _____ ________ 193 Minor Species of European Lilies. GEORGE L. SLATE _______ ______ ________________ ___ _ 195 Shrubs That Herald the Coming of Spring. HELEN M . Fox ___ ___ __ _____ ______ ~ __ _ 198 Disease-Resistant and Hardy Varieties of Vegetables, Part III. VICTOR R. Bos WELL ___________________________ ______________________________ _____ J_________ __ __ 203 The Illusive Ivy, Part IX. ALFRED BATES _________ __________ __ __ ___________ ____ ______ _____ ___ 208 The N uT sery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. PERCY L. RICKER, MAGDALENE R. NEWMAN ____ __ ~ --- 220 :r~ The Gardener's Pocketbook ~' h-is H oogian and Friend. MARY M. SELDEN 232 Daylilies or H e111,e?'ocallis. MATTIE MAE BARNES _____________________ ___ __ ______ 232 Home Made. RUTH ADT STEPHENSON __ __ ________________ "________ __ _______________ 233 Daffodils in West Virginia. MRS. H. A. BARBEE ____ __________________ ____ ____ __ __ 234 Hypoxis hirsuta. CLAUDE A . BARR _____ ___ __ __ ________________ ___________ ____ _____ ___ ___ 235 Hardiness in Plants. F. L. SKINNER ____ ___ __ __ _____ __ _____ _______ _____ ____ ________ _____ 236 Some M entzelias of Colorado _____________ __ ____ ____ __ __ ________ ___ ___ _____ ____ __ _____ ___ _____ _____ 236 From the Midwest Horticultural -Society : Qu,e?' C7,£S ?'obw'_ ELDRED E. GREEN ________ ___ ______ _____________ ______ _________ ___ ______ 238 Ace?' ginnala. ELDRED E. GREEN _______ ____ ___ ___ ___ _____ __ _________ ____ __ __ ______ ___ ____ ____ 238 Pin~~s '11'I:.£go. ELDRED E. GREE N _______ _______ _________ ______ _______ ______ ____ ___ ________ __ ___ 239 I p01'11,oea pandurata_ ELDRED E . GREEN _________ ____ ____ ___ ~-------------------------- 239 _ d. Index to Volume 23 __________ ____ ___ ________ ___ _________________________________________________________ _____ __ 240 , .. ( " P1,ibli~hed quarterly by The American Horticultur al . Society. Publication office,. 3~nd St. an.d Elm Ave., Baltlmore, Md_ Ed,tonal offi ce, Room -- S21, Washmgton Loan and Trust BUlldmg, Washmgton. D. C. Contributions from all members are :cordially invited- and should be sent to the Editorial office. A subscription to the magazine .is included in the annual dues to all members; to non-members the price is seventy-five cents a copy, three dollars a year. (iii] K. N. MalTiage [See page 236 ] NI cntzelia 1~udifio1'U11~ A Review of Louisiana Irises IRA S. NELSON There was no doubt in the minds of Sunburst is a seedling grown by the judges that Sunburst was the best W. B. MacMillan of Abbeville, Louisi­ Iris of the show, and should be offi­ ana, from seeds given to him by the cially crowned the "Iris of the year." late Mary DeBaillon of Lafayette, for The judges were some two hundred whom the society was named. It is of the most afd~nt native Louisiana probable that Mrs. DeBaillon was Iris enthusiasts to be found in the breediLlg to achieve this type of crest country. The shbw was a part of the since Mr. MacMillan has produced program of the annual meeting of the several other Irises with outstanding Mary Swords DeBaillon Louisiana crests from the seed Mrs. DeBaillon Iris Society which was held on the gave him during her last illness. It is Southwestern Louisiana Institute unfortunate that records of the par­ campus, in the 'city of Lafayette, last entage of her seeds have been lost. sprmg. Without doubt, the foundation collec­ This society has felt that, since na­ tion, from which Mrs. DeBaillon did tive Louisiana Irises are still in a her breeding, is one of the finest ever formative stage of development as to assembled. Most of the collection was type, recognition should be ,given to assembled after Dr.
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